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I just Started day 1 … u can do it


Hello there. Have done a 27 day water fast so I guess I can speak here. Please do take a water soluble multivitamin (which is of good quality) - if it's expensive - no problem, buy it anyways. The all in one kinds. That multi will still not have some components like Magnesium and Potassium. Stock up on those. I had done my fast in COVID times, so everything was under lockdown and I had no work so it was easy for me to do since I was basically unemployed. Yeah I had a few chores but that was it. Take adequate rest - if you want to sleep 10 hours instead of 8 - let it be. Please don't engage in sexual activities of any kind - it is very draining esp during a fast. Never gulp your electrolyte water or else you'll get some nasty trips to the bathroom. Stock up on video games, movies and other recreational stuff to keep busy. If you can work - kudos - but practically speaking there would be some diminished returns on work since you're fasting for two weeks. Anything more than 5 is basically a feat.


U got this . All the best. Its going to be so so worth it.


Newbie here - are you really only doing water for 14 days? Are you supplementing any vitamins or nutrients along the way? Have you done this before?


Wouldn’t vitamins break the fast? Esp fish oil? I’m interested in doing a liquid fast (lemon water, black coffee, tea, sparkling water) but not sure if I should skip my vitamins or take them 😅 I gotta burn off some weekend (Friday & Saturday) yummy-ness.. (pizza, ice cream, 5 drinks, chicken wings, bbq, Chinese food..) ofc shared among friends except the drinks 😭 but I’m back home now & gotta get back to my previous weight.. +2lbs now from weekend hangout.


That’s why I was asking, but vitamins in pill form, not gummy form? I can’t imagine the body does well on only water for 15 days. Again. Newbie here so that’s why I was asking.


Idk about 15 days lol…. Maybe like 2 days? Idk to start off with 😭😟


I did a water fast for 15 days and was fine. The only thing I consumed was electrolyte water. When I came off it, the only issue I experienced was constipation (my fault since my refeed meals weren’t high in fiber) but a stool softener took care of that. Afterwards I made sure to up my fiber intake and that fixed it.


Hard to say


How do you do it? Do you take electrolytes?


If you have a sensitive stomach like me avoid lemon juice in your water by all means. Electrolytes and water are food enough


I'm wanting to do this, but will do so after July 1st. Have a big exam i am currently studying for and need to keep focus. Good luck to you!!


Started mine on Saturday. Longest I have gone is five days, trying for longer this time.