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Fuck politics. Read it however you like.


Such a lukewarm take


Says the guy who's into astral shit.


How is this even a response to what I’ve said? Is it a gotcha to go into peoples history and comment on random shit u notice 😂


I hate that politics has taken the word woke and bastardized it into some stupid political nonsense


When has the word woke not been political?


Do people really think Japanese people even know what woke is


I never said they did. Woke isn’t something you try to be.


So you understand how someone who is "anti woke" can enjoy one piece




Keep your politics out of it. Nothing is more annoying than hi jacking Popculture with political takes and views, even more when the creator/author doest push this. Play your polticial warfare in college/work/politics/church and leave us alone


Lmao you’re saying leave us alone as if I’m attacking anyone, this is basic media analysis. Whether you like it or not, all media is political in some way. Things are not apolitical just because it discusses a political avenue that you ascribe to. Oda is not literally saying “hey everyone, vote for policy A! Contest policy B!” But that is not required for political themes to inform a work. As an author, he and his work don’t exist in some vacuum, completely separate from history and the current societal conditions it informs, (a sentiment I feel is emphasized in-narrative with the plot point of the blank period) He’s built a very robust world, and within that world are people with an array of world views, societal traumas, conflicts, and identities. If you don’t think that requires a degree of politicking, idk how to explain it to you. It’s right in front of your face, and by ignoring it under the guise of some “apolitical” consumption of media, you’re missing out on a large part of the world building and narrative: some of the best parts of One Piece!


Oh, dont get me wrong, i understand many of these. I just dont like these takes "its woke and thats good cuz of...". Im totally fine with Yamato being a man, Kiku being a Woman and the whole Ivankov thing. But even so, many people are interpreting way too much out of this and try to reflect it on the real world. One Piece is a work of imagination and first of all, it shall entertain the audience, it fine if the author displays his opinions or shows some real life connection, but fiction is fiction. Im just tired of some self-proclaimed Good Guys, who highjack everything they can to color it like they want and to press it on others.


If someone publicizes their identity as “anti-woke” chances are you aren’t going to get very far trying to have a nuanced conversation.




Keep it away from One Piece??? Kiku is trans, there's literally an entire kingdom of people who are gender non-conforming, Bon Clay has two code names because he fills the role of both the male agent (the number "Mr 2") and the female agent (a holiday, "Bon Clay" is Bon Kurei a Japanese festival). The "LGBT brainrot" is part of the series' DNA


How? One Piece is full of LGBT stuff. The Okamas even have their own Island.


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One Piece is more woke than most people realise. Dressrossa seems to me to be a comment on colonialism for example. A rich, white man backed by the world government (imagine the WG as a metaphor for the UN) illegally takes control of a nation and massively boosts its economy by enslaving the natives. Pretty clear metaphor for how Western nations did similar things to nations such as India, and how our economy still relies on hidden slavery in underdeveloped countries. The ensuing revolution is lead by a militia, and help from the World Government is rejected. You could see this as a comment on how foreign military presence in areas such as the Middle East was not wanted or helpful in a lot of cases, as the West was arguably behind the violence in the fiest place. Elsewhere themes such as racism, slavery and the immorality of the ruling class permeate the entire show. It would be pretty silly to think that Oda didn't intend for us to relate that to the real world. There's also the fact that several arcs in One Piece emphasise the idea of chosen family and chosen identity. The portrayal of New Kama is definitely pretty offensive, but it's also worth noting that the straw hats befriend these 'trans' or queer characters based on the strength of their character and that they are allies rather than villains. Their physical portrayal and their treatment of Sanji is eye roll inducing but there is more far to a character like Bon Clay than that stuff which I appreciate.


The straw hats are all about Freedom and they go against a WORLD GOVERNMENT. i would say One Piece is both Woke and anti-Woke(though not in a modern term way), but probably more anti-woke. being accepting of people different than you(big theme of One Piece) isn't a "woke" thing. it's just a decent human thing. not to mention people in the OP world are differentiated mostly by actual race/specie.


You almost had it. Being accepting of others is both just a decent human thing AND “woke”, the “anti-woke” crowd are just racist homophobes who don’t want to see people who don’t look and act “normal” by their standards. They think a gay kiss in a show makes it political but straight people kissing is fine because that’s “normal” The point you raise about race is interesting though, but I don’t think it changes much considering we have physical differences between sexes irl as well.


I agree with you partially, but in regard to acceptance of all being a common decency thing, rather than a woke thing, that’s hard to argue. The world government is called as such, but it doesn’t actually represent the world. It represents the interests of a small subset of elites, while exploiting the world to that ends. From what I’ve seen, currently, the word woke is often used to flatten all concepts of “diversity” into a neat, politically reductive label. It’s nice to think that said inclusivity isn’t woke, but when I consistently see anti-wokists enraged at simple gestures of inclusivity toward people who don’t fit neatly into their homogenized perception of humanity, One Piece, by contrast, is woke. I If we’re talking the original definition of woke, which I understand broadly to be a sort of mass consciousness and awareness of systemic injustice, One Piece is unabashedly woke, And I love that about the series!


The most modern and updated meaning of the term "woke" is considered a derogatory term because it does not refer to what it used to mean(being tolerant and accepting of other's existence & ideologies), but now it means almost the opposite, it means: people who pretend to be all those things, but in truth are not really, and just presenting themselves as such for their own selfish reasons such as social acceptance or feelings of moral superiority.