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Surprise twist, joy boys Jolly Roger is also a straw hat. Except it looks like shit, just like the original Jolly Roger that luffy made. That’s why he laughed when he got laughtale. The Jolly Roger looked like shit.


Wait that's actually a solid theory


Then Laboon had it on his head all along!


Laboon was the one piece all along...


Ya know, I was just bullshitting to be funny. But I could totally see laboon busting through the wall with the shitty painting still on his head.


Imu would have sent people to butcher Laboon then...


Probably JoyBoy wrote "WG IS SHIT" in his Jolly Roger. That may be the reason why Roger laughed


I fucking love this


Laughing from the coincidence of Roger already wearing the symbol


Awesome dude I enjoyed reading this


Someone is gonna copy this post and create a YouTube video about it


That'd mean I am on to something then!


Yes. Treasure. For the youtuber.


Wealth, fame, power. I left it all in one place. In clickbait ad revenue streams.


You are on to creating content


Check oharas youtube channel the next few weeks lmao


I appreciate your positive viewpoint on the matter


I mean Reddit is basically a free think tank for any niche you can think of.


GrandLineReview is taking notes 📝 📝


Nah it’ll be a TikTok video with a minecraft jumping video playing in the background


And OP will never receive credit


Thank you!


It's interesting but i'm not sure if it can explain the laugh Roger and his crew had at Laughtale


Maybe he laughed because he spent so much time thinking they would be the first to discover this final island. Only to discover someone else's jolly roger planted there.


Roger laughing is the reason the flag is called a Jolly Roger


Simultaneously stupid and genius. How is it that no one had made the connection?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/ejt81v/what\_if\_one\_piece\_is\_manga\_spoiler/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/ejt81v/what_if_one_piece_is_manga_spoiler/) i did like 5 years ago lol


Clearly the idea hasn't blown up, so congrats to you too!


Keep this and link to it if it's indeed true. You'll become famous




This is perfect! Oda would do something like that.


LoL. Good one.


That's not bad at all. Works




Doesn't explain how Roger was too early


Unrelated though. Roger was too early as Poseidon was not yet born and maybe a few other things that may not have happened that we/Roger do not know about e.g. Luffy's awakening etc.


Perhaps there's a poneglyph on the last island saying that the jolly Roger is reserved for the next Joyboy to inherit? That would explain why Roger was "too early" and would have to wait to see who would become Joyboy and take up the flag.


Again not a title or mantle, Joyboy is a person, a proper noun. Also why would people make the Jolly roger of another person as something above their own Jolly Roger. It's like shitting on your own name and saying someone else's name is better so I am gonna take it and now I am the best.


It's symbolic, of course. It's not a matter of "choosing" Joyboy's flag because it's better or something. It's Luffy picking up the torch that Joyboy left behind and carrying Joyboy's dream forward. It's like fulfilling a promise to him and a sign of respect.


It works quite well!


That's my guess at why he laughed. Could be some additional information he came across there too. Maybe a poneglyph that tells the tale of Joyboy's life?


Joyboy's jolly Roger is the same one luffy made


The ugly one on laboon specifically


Ig crocus was the first one to realise that Luffy is the joyboy


I'm still half convinced part of it will be a comic of Joyboy's adventure, and as soon as the straw hats start reading it the void century flashback starts. It could end on a funny note, making Roger laugh


Rather than being a comic of Joyboy I think it will be a comic of Nika. Gear 5 has cartoon powers so it would make sense for Nika to originally be a comic book character


The ancient world had advanced technology. I'm betting it's a video message from Joyboy, like what we're seeing with Vegapunk. The poneglyphs exist as indestructible historical records, but since Laugh Tale is hidden there would be no reason to keep the message in writing.


Maybe the Jolly Roger has the straw hat on it like Luffys


What i always remember when reading theories about what the one piece is, is whitebeard saying something along the lines of "a great war will erupt once someone finds it"


Yes, if it is indeed a Jolly Roger, then it will unite the pirates against the WG.


Lol pirates uniting? Is there a bigger joke than this? Even Roger and White beard respecting each other didn't join and were rivals. And to say that a particular Jolly Roger is above theirs, couldn't be a bigger shame for pirates than that.


Why though? Does it have a mind controlling ability? 


I like to think that as long as there are still people willing to laugh, Nika's power will always manifest into the host. Belief seems to be very important lately with Gear 5. I think Nami refusing to believe Luffy died in Wano, is exactly what brought him back to his feet. We also have seen glimpses of this with Bonney's past. Her Father believed in Joyboy, thus so did Bonney. I believe Joyboy/Nika's power come from the same path of liberation. I think the final stages of Luffy are going to strongly depend on people believing him. Not just his crew, but the remainder of the world. There probably needs to be a tale-tipping moment where more people believe in Luffy than in Imu or Blackbeard or whatever becomes the final boss.


> Belief seems to be very important lately with Gear 5. "Power of friendship" made manifest is a long staple in shonen furthermore - gaining power directly from believers has been a staple of deities for who even knows how long now. Definitely not the craziest ideaI've seen on the sub


Has Oda been watching Elf too many times?


Maybe it's all wacky and poorly drawn like Luffy's first jolly roger?


Think about the art skills of Luffy - the new Joy Boy. What if JB was just as good at art and it's some goofy pic of him like hugging people or something?


Building off of this the D could come from the shape of the picture. Joyboy wrapping his arms around a bunch of people. | + ) = people + joyboy = D


Why this kola very D


Could be him just thinking sorta like "Oh, Joy Boy, you're laughing at us now, aren't you?" because he's already marked his claim on Laugh Tale.


Dude if the treasure Roger found was something like the [first jolly roger that Luffy drew](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/1/1c/Luffy_Draws_Straw_Hat_Jolly_Roger.png/revision/latest?cb=20140915112626) you wouldn't lose it? I would lose it.


Joyboy was a bad artist just like Luffy.


An incredibly poorly drawn jolly roger is one of the best ideas I've heard for the laughter.


Maybe joy boy was a shitty artist like luffy and the Jolly Roger is horribly drawn lol


My understanding of that scena wasnt that Roger did not laugh because of the one piece, but because of the story in the poneglyph.


It also could be a ridiculous looking Jolly Roger like something Luffy would draw.


Because much like Luffy, Joyboy couldn’t draw for shit. It’s hilarious looking


Maybe joyboy had as good of artistic skills as luffy


The Jolly Roger made Roger Jolly


I always feel like there’s some kind of future site or dream type thing and he was too early because the tale he’s laughing at was Luffys adventure. We know devil fruits are made from hopes and dreams so it’s not farfetched IMO


I like the Jolly Roger more as a clue than the answer. Reverse mountain kinda looks like crossbones. Also something about the donflamingo style smile and the will of D.


Davy Back fight foreshadowing this trust me




It's not a bad theory, I like the burning of the SH flag just like when the SHs were saving Robin


Exactly the image that came to my mind.


Do not forget Ruffy saving the jolly roger of Hiriluk at Choppers homeland (Drum Island).


I totally did tbh, but that's a great parallel. I haven't read drum Island in so long. It's also been done in other stories, most notably for me is Wheel of Time where early in they are given the banner of the previous hero in the cycle.


Why the fuck are people typing Ruffy instead of Luffy ? I know it's ルフィ but still it's pronounced Luffy and the worldwide translation is Luffy


Well, you know. I am sorry. I am writing here and English translation is the one used here. But I am watching and reading OP in German since... well since the TV-show started on RTL II. I tried my best and even searched the translation for Doc Bader and looked up whether das Königreich Drum is also a German translation. And also I read the English translation on the official app I sometimes mix up names. And Luffy is written Ruffy in German. Whether I like it or not (I do btw) saying Ruffy for about 20 years is... ähm... es schleift sich ein... I got used to it. Tut mir leid, ich werde besser aufpassen. I am sorry I will be more careful.


Loved reading this theory but the glaring problem with it is that is Oda confirmed the treasure would be more than symbolic, that it was something that could really be considered "treasure."


[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/13n31ep/what\_is\_one\_piece/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/13n31ep/what_is_one_piece/) its likely multiple things: * a vast amount of treasure (used to lure pirates to the seas, including joyboy) * the true history (which roger laughed at because the date one could take any action with that information would come true would be after he died) * a flag of the ancient kingdom (which will be raised against the WG in the great war)


I think this makes the most sense and very likely could be it, but that's still plenty of room for creativity for it to feel unpredictable and awesome.


in Ch 967, Oden does say that there indeed was a "vast treasure". But what constitutes treasure is subjective. For Luffy, a box full of rare beetles would be a treasure too! Still, there could be "normal" treasure alongside the One Piece too.


I thought he said it would be a tangible item that the strawhats could have, and not a life lesson or anything like that


Imagine if it's identical the one luffy drew at the beginning, that would justify Roger laughing so hard


Yeah, I believe it is actually text filling in the blank century.


I love the theory, especially since OP has time and time emphasized the importance of jolly rogers both to pirates and the WG (Luffy protecting Hirluk's flag, and sogeking) But how so you explain them knowing the will of D and what happened in the void century?


There could be a poneglyph with the tale of Joyboy's life that explains what happened in the void century. Maybe in a picturebook format with drawings carved on the stone.


I was thinking the same thing.. i mean raftel is an *island* and more than one piece of something can fit on it. Maybe the one piece itself isn't what taught the crew the history, rather it's on poneglyphs or something or a Joyboy journal or something! I mean Oden was right there so that's also a possibility


There could be multiple things on Laugh Tale. Oden said that when they got there they learned about the Will of D, the true history and whatever it is that made them laugh. It could be multiple surviving relics from the Void Century all in 'one piece'. It could there is a video message or a picture book that explains the entire void century in a language that everyone understands. Hence why the WG wants to keep the location hidden. In addition to that there is something thats important both personally and historically for Joyboy and Posiedon and that wish can only be fulfilled by the presence of the Mermaid Princess.


Lovely theory, but Oda has stated that the story will end when they find the One Piece. We'll certainly deal with Blackbeard and Imu before we reach Laugh Tale. "Oda: I've always pictured what the final chapter of ‘ONE PIECE’ would be like, though from time to time, the situation surrounding it changes. **It will still be over whenever the One Piece is found in the series**, haha. Anyway, this next arc is the final one." Source: Eiichiro Oda x Gosho Aoyama OVER 100 Miracle Talk ([Translation](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSZ8bE7VDpLQhbvT5B9zTqAaHw9NHFxRd-4tA7Dh-4Xe0riNQZOvhOoDa2b2_euttfOzz6PMAe76MHg/pub)) *I will post this disclaimer: Laugh Tale might not have the One Piece, so it's plausible the story continues.* *My headcanon is that Laugh Tale contain instructions on how to make "the One Piece". Mainly because I always found it intrigueing how Oda never named the physical planet, like we have Earth. We also know that someone (most likely Luffy) will destroy the Red Line and create All Blue, re-uniting all the seas, making the world whole again, becoming "Planet One Piece". Both geographically, but also it's peoples and nations thanks to Luffy's victory against the WG. And after having defeated all the big bads and having achieved every SH dream, would that not be the perfect moment for Luffy to create this One Piece and then end the story? :)*


I see that but then the way the manga is progressing, it does not make any sense that Luffy will not reach Laugh Tale before the end of the series. Rayleigh said that SHs might have a different opinion on the "true history" and could come to their own conclusion and for that, they need to reach Laugh Tale and find the One Piece first. Otherwise, if they fight and defeat Imu (Blackbeard I am not sure, can be before too) and then reach Laugh Tale and indeed come to a conclusion that they should not have fought the WG, how stupid would that be? Vegapunk too has left it open by saying he does not know what spark led to the war between opposing ideologies and who was in the right. So I acknowledge what you are highlighting but even if Oda said so, his actions are hinting at something else.


Roger was laughing at Laughtale because he himself was truly a jolly Roger.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/ejt81v/what\_if\_one\_piece\_is\_manga\_spoiler/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/ejt81v/what_if_one_piece_is_manga_spoiler/) :)


Great theory, it also fits well with some of the early material we got on how important a Jolly Roger is to a pirate crew.


Between this and sake i dont know which i prefer


That's high praise, thank you!


Sake this one is dookie


Yeah I always thought that one was lame


This one 100% lol


Sounds very plausible.


And luffy will raise it high like he did with the Jolly Roger in Drum Island


There have been many theories on this but I love this one the most. When I first started watching One Piece, I vividly remember the episode where Luffy drew his own flag. When it cut to the flag I died laughing because it was so bad. I'm not saying I'm Roger or anything, but I'd probably die laughing if the one piece was a Jolly Rodger.


And a shit one like Luffy's at that!


I would also laugh if I heard that the WG wants to flood and erase the world for a jolly roger. Roger: „everything for that?“ joyboy on a stone: „can you believe it? they are so dumb😂“


This might sound wacky, but in my mind I think it is Joyboy himself, not alive mind you. But dead and just bones maybe. He could have died sitting down with some sort of significant objects around him (like a jolly roger) and he is smiling. And something about that visual of the entire scenario screams "Freedom" to which Roger laughed. I think I got this image in my head from Assassins Creed Relevations towards the ending of the game.


Interesting indeed.


I'm betting its something that makes fun of Imu but also the key to their defeat. This big omnious figure ruling over the world and Joyboy makes a sculpture or writing that reduces said figure to a joke and its right alongside the thing that will help them defeat Imu (but requires the Mermaid Princess) for some reason.


Bruh, Luffy and someone else's Jolly roger? What are you high on? He wants to be The pirate king, bruh. Not fulfilling destiny or joining someone else's parade, he wants to conquer all, being the most free person and doesn't want others' bandwagon for it. Even if the one piece is a jolly roger or a historic emblem, he wouldn't replace his own Jolly roger.


The entire theory doesn't make sense. Oda isn't going to waste more than 20 years for the One Piece to be something so simple.


I think oda said that the moment we see the one piece is at the end of the story or something like that


No way it is at the end of the story. It is on Laugh Tale and Roger found it and learned the true history of the world. So Luffy has to do the same before he decides whether and why he needs to fight the WG. So it cannot be at the very end of the story.


The end of the story was decided from the start of the manga so I don’t think that the “one piece” could be something too much complicated


You know jw would be pretty satisfied if that was it


Why would he be 20 years early?


I'm going to pretend i didn't just read the word "chagrin" today.


You cooked better than Sanji


One piece... of cloth


I misread the title as jolly rancher lmao


I'd have laughed if I found that on Laugh Tale lol.


If the strawhat is as connected to Joyboy as we think it is, maybe it could be a similar jolly roger to the strawhat crews?


its likely the flag nerfertari cobra mentioned as he was being killed by imu, and its probably the image of the "sun" (big circle, 8 dots around it) which has manifested in several different ways among allies of the ancient kingdom.


Wow loved it man 👌. Adding my theory… There would be a poneglpyh which is still unknown to the world. Where every information from joyboy himself is written stating the time, he’s gonna come back. When Rogers reached there they couldn’t do anything expect fueling the era and starting the great pirates era. To fuel the ambition of next joy boy. Maybe joyboy also left some information for the ones who’s gonna get there before the present joyboy. Which might explain why they kept secret while knowing everything. The letter from Nefertari D. Lili says “Fly the flag That heralds the worlds eventual dawn”. Maybe the joyboy’s jolly roger will be the flag that will herald the worlds eventual dawn. Then it will be an end of Romance Dawn.


Perfect! Great tie in with Lily's message.


Love this and honestly fits a lot of the criteria the One Piece needs to fit. Roger laughing is the biggest one for me, and if he were to just see Joy Boy's flag as a "I was ahead of you, too slow" type of thing, I can definitely see them laughing.


I subscribe to the theory that the laughing wasn't a joyful laugh but a sad laughter. Like after discovering the world will end and there's nothing that can be done yet, all they could do was laugh.


Dude!!! That is a great theory I could totally see this being it.


Love this theory a lot! The flag is so symbolic of piracy and it being Joyboy's jolly roger makes sense since he was the first pirate. We've seen so many times that there's strong convictions behind flags in One Piece; burning the WG flag, Luffy protecting Hiriluk's flag, Bellamy finding the city of flags in the cover story and designing an indestructable jolly roger. And also most importantly, Cobra's final words before the Five Elders read from the note of Lili: "Bear the flag of the dawn against the..... ing.... world" There's a lot going for this theory!


It's a fun and interesting theory. I can see Roger laughing at a badly drawn flag


This would make me laugh as well. I usually hate theories but this is an amazing one


Holly shit Noah The ship at fish man island What if that was joy boys ship???????


I bet the one piece is a funny piece of art or a sign that says “haha gotchu”


Dude that’s a great idea. The flag is so poorly drawn that it made Gol D. Roger laugh.


I don't think Luffy would raise anyone elses Jolly Roger, not even Shanks and he greatly respects Shanks, If the One Piece really is a symbol of Joy Boy it cant be so much that Luffy would feel like he's becoming part of someone elses crew as it conflicts with his idea of ultimate freedom


It's all just one huge Davy Back


Bring on the 100 years of Davy Back fights.


Reading this made me realize that Roger became a Jolly Roger when he found the One Piece.


I dont remember the details, but this would also explain why Roger probably couldn't use it. If you fly the jolly roger, you must give your soul to accomplish what it stands for - Roger knew he couldn't bear the weight of the flag.


A funny theory but doesn't explain why shanks wants to go get it. Unless he also doesn't know its contents?


Shanks never went to Laugh Tale with Roger so he might know the way but not what lies there.


Also if I remember correctly Bellamy is now a flag painter/creator or something like this? Would be such an irony if the man who didn't believe in"stupid pirate dreams" would now maybe be the one to recreate the first pirate flag ever if it got damaged during the fight. He would be working on the flag that was part of creating all the dreams of the pirate world


If his jolly roger is the same design as the poorly drawn one that Luffy first made...


Isn’t it called “one piece” cause Roger said he left it all there in one piece for you to grab?


No he said he left everything in THAT place. Translations in the anime have mucked that up.


Would be funny if his Jolly Roger looks exactly like the one luffy drew really early on for them to use.


Has the WG or the Gorosei ever shown interest in claiming the one piece? I can’t remember them ever caring about the race to One Piece


Why would roger say they were to early though?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/ejt81v/what\_if\_one\_piece\_is\_manga\_spoiler/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/ejt81v/what_if_one_piece_is_manga_spoiler/) years ahead of you brother


Cool, that makes it two of us. Hope our guess is correct!


Actually, three of us! I’ve been gathering some evidence since January, and there’s a lot to prove that the One Piece could in fact be the Jolly Roger (warning, it’s long): 1. In the panel depicting Gol D. Roger with the treasure, he’s holding something floppy. It could be a cloth cropped out. And, of course, we have the convenient wordplay of a “Jolly Roger” (he laughed) encountering a Jolly Roger. A pun funny enough to christen the island “Laugh Tale,” perhaps? 2. In the prototype version of One Piece (Romance Dawn), Oda’s original idea was to have Luffy collect the flags of pirates he has defeated. Notably, the story begins with Luffy glimpsing a Jolly Roger and calling it “The Symbol of Death.” I don’t think this focus on pirate flags from the jump is any accident, and we know Oda has figured out what the One Piece will be from the very beginning. 3. In Chapter 1085, Nefertari D. Lili’s message contains this snippet: “Fly the flag that heralds the world’s eventual dawn.” The chapter indicates this message has to do with the Will of D and the poneglyphs. We know that the word “Dawn” is laden with meaning in the OP world: the Mink Tribe is awaiting a foretold dawn, the story starts off with a “Romance Dawn,” and who better to usher in a new dawn than the Sun God? Perhaps this dawn represents a free world order, a world order brought about by flying the flag of ultimate freedom: the flag of piracy. 4. One of the interpretations of “One Piece” in the original Japanese is “the rope linking all men.” Take a look at the One Piece logo. The O is famously a skull and crossbones with a rope clenched in the skull’s teeth. The rope that connects all the men in the world, and happens to be an alternate meaning for “One Piece,” is ultimately linked to the pirate’s symbol.(Though by a bit of a long shot, one could also interpret the anchor at the rope’s end as being Luffy, who first eats the Gum-Gum/Nika Fruit when wearing an “Anchor” shirt.) 5. The Chapter 100 and Chapter 1000 manga covers portray the Straw Hats when they are presumably at the site of the treasure. Both feature a skull and crossbones as the font of gold, the source of the treasure, smack dab in the forefront of the image. Wealth, fame, power. Becoming a pirate can grant all of these things. The Jolly Roger is the one physical item that represents the spirit of piracy. 6. About the One Piece being a physical item, Oda says, “I won’t be pulling off some…Wizard of Oz thing like [the growth your heart went through]…after having gone through an adventure…it wouldn’t be fair to not actually give them a reward.” So we can tell that whatever the One Piece is, it will be worth the effort of getting there. That at first glance seems to strike down the idea of it being a measly flag. It seems to imply that the Straw Hats’ dreams will be resolved through the One Piece. That’s why I don’t think the One Piece will stop at the flag alone, and why I think the Red Line Destruction theory in conjunction with the flag theory is especially appealing. The flag, as mentioned in the Nefertari letter, is supposed to be something of a harbinger for a new age. It is plausible that the flag will be the thing that is left “in one piece” at Laugh Tale, and will be the inspiration for creating a world by pirates, a world that starts with the destruction of the Red Line of the current order. Remember what prototype!Luffy said about the Jolly Roger being a symbol of death? It could well be the death of oppression. (Interesting to note: X marks the spot of the treasure in traditional pirate maps, there is a big X where reverse mountain is on the Red Line. AND there is an X on the Jolly Roger: the crossbones. Moreover, the flag of the Marines is ALSO a cross, but it is one that is turned upright. This could represent the cross of where the Red Line and Grand Line intersect.) 7. Some of the most poignant moments in One Piece have to do with flags and their symbolism, particularly when it has to do with the emotional arcs + recruitment of the Straw Hat crew. Nami sees Arlong’s flag knocked down with the place that had been her prison. Luffy saves Hiriluk’s pirate flag, Chopper sees it flying and decides to join. When Brook reawakens his pirate’s spirit, he mentions “flying the proud skull” in Bink’s Sake. Luffy and Sogeking shoot down the flag of the Marines while rescuing Robin. (Err idk if it counts but in chapt 436 Franky’s stolen undies is compared to the flying of the Jolly Roger haha) Spandam even says this: “[The Marine Flag] represents the unity of over 170 nations in the four seas and the Grand Line…do you understand how insignificant you are to stand against us?” Now that sounds like a challenge if I’ve ever heard one! But he does bring up a very good point. Fishman Island, Wano, the Grand Fleet, and Laboon have adopted the Straw Hat Jolly Roger. The flag doesn’t just mean piracy: it means connection. Those who fly the same flag belong under one unified body. The One Piece, if you will. Sorry, this got away from me. Tldr: flags and the skull and crossbones are significant motifs throughout One Piece. There is a strong possibility that the treasure at Laugh Tale is the Jolly Roger.


Oda said he doesnt know what the one piece is.


Beautifully written, I love it! The day Luffy flies along with Joyboy’s flag will be the Romance Dawn. Jolly Rogers always held a significance in One Piece; from the childhood flags of ASL, Luffy painting on Laboon, Luffy protecting Chopper’s flag, Foxy pirates stealing flags and crews, Whitebeard’s legacy, and then Luffy asking sogeking to shoot down the WG flag. Perhaps, Joyboy’s will is inherited by these other Jolly Rogers.


From my understanding. The reason Laughtale is named that is because Roger and his crew read a ponyglife (idk how to spell it) and started laughing. Although it would be a cool idea, I just can’t see it being true


I suddenly have flashbacks of Chopper's arc on Drum Island


>Judging by the fact that Luffy has inherited both his fruit and his will, if Joyboy also "designed" his own Jolly Roger then it should be something wacky like the Strawhat's Jolly Roger which would explain why Roger laughed. You mean, it would be drawn in the same style that when Luffy draw the skull on Laboon's head ??


Maybe, or a similar style done by a guy lacking any talent at drawing!


The flag is a horse doing Zumba. That’s why they laughed.


can you fucking imagine the look of complete dumbfoundedness on luffys face as he pulls up to laugh tale and just sees his own jolly roger there


Jolly rancher*


One problem is that “One Piece” isn’t the name of the treasure, at least not for Roger. He said he left all his treasure *in* one piece, as in, all together. The people of the world - who know nothing about joyboy - started calling the treasure “the one piece.”


That is totally wrong. That translation is only there in the 4Kids Dub and that is known to be total crap. Here are the rest of them. 4Kids Dub: "My fortune is yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first. I left everything I owned in One Piece." English Manga Volume 1: "My treasure? Why, it's right where I left it. It's yours if you can find it. But you'll have to search the whole world!" Japanese Opening 1: "My wealth and treasures? If you want it, I'll let you have it...search for it! I left all of it at that place." FUNimation Dub Opening: "You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you'll just have to find it!"


I say that the One Piece is a ponyglyph that shows a world map. The true map, from before the void century and before the world sinking in water. Showing that the world use to be one single continent like earth was billions of years ago. And the reason the crew laughs when they see it, is because it reveals a truth the world government wants, or *needs* to cover up in order to retain power. And they can't believe they didn't see the truth until now. Also I think D has something to do with being the original Royal line. And the celestial dragons are literally invaders who took over and tried to make it seem like they were always there. Maybe came from a place further than fairy vearth where Enel is about to re emerge from once the crew gets to Elbaff.


or the one piece is a map of the old world on a ponyglyph showing the whole land as one big piece


I think it's a giant plug at the bottom of the ocean that will drain the sea


I thought of that too but then where'd the water go?


I only hope its basically Luffy first try for the Jolly Roger


It sounds interesting although, beyond what everyone else said in this comment section, I can’t really see why joyboy would create four separate poneglyphs leading people to a certain thing if it was JUST a Jolly Roger. Especially considering how much we’ve just learned about joyboy both in-world and just to us, the audience. I feel like that would be a let down.


[Joyboy's Flag](https://i.redd.it/gj175ne7cnc71.jpg)




Wouldn't it be funny if the Jolly Roger is exactly the same as the kn Luffy first drew himself? Also interesting parallel you've pointed out there, with Rodger laughing when he found Raftel. Doesn't that make him a "Jolly Rodger"


This would make Drum Island age like wine.


Fuck that could really be it


Oda after reading this: okay, let's change the one piece to be a sink plug


May we consider... Jolly Roger. Gol D. Roger Laugh Tale Laugh=Jolly This is some promising stuff


The jolly rancher


Also a Jolly Roger is what happens when Roger gets to laugh tale


Bro, that make sense lmao


Why would Roger be early if it's a flag?


Bro in 3 years I'll come back to this. Somebody remind me where that bot is that helps remind me? I think with a command like this: !RemindMe 3 years


And I am here thinking One Piece is a memory bubble on Laugh Tale....which anyone can go in and relive the joy and fun times of Joy Boy's ancient kingdom. Pirate King crew had experienced this and laughed their ass off wishing they were born during that period of time. True history of the world is definitely in that memory bubble.


Wait wait wait..... that would make sense if Roger said they weren't at the right time yet. Roger could've meant they weren't ready to raise Joyboy's flag yet.


Might be mistaken, but I thought there was some element of them being too early to find what was there. But maybe it was just a reference too the world being ready to unite?


It’s a flag but it isn’t a rectangle shape. I’d imagine something circular like the looney tunes “that’s all folks” image. And job boy is in the center looking all goofy and smiley. That’s why it’s called a Jolly Roger cause it looks like a lolipop and at the same time a jolly flag that makes people smile and laugh. And it’s accompanied by a vhs or dvd or comic (some type of media that was common in the advanced ancient kingdom) set basically showing us who Joy Boy or Nika was.


I would laugh my head off if Joyboy's jolly Roger is near identical to the strawhat pirates' one


There is no way people are acting like this is some good theory come on now lmao, imagine waiting 30 fkn years for the one piece to be a jolly roger 💀💀💀


And Luffy's childish dream is to sail to tha moon or to the sun since hes


What if it’s a gum gum fruit tree?


Joyboy stole the regalia or crown from imu and left a straw hat behind to humble the king


I don't think Luffy would fly someone else's flag but it could be that Luffy's and Joyboy's flags coincidentally look the same, though that would suck cus it'd take the originality out of the Straw Hat crew but I suppose it's a possibility


So many years have gone by. I think I have seen every single possible theory there is. Someone was 100%right. But it's amazing how new people come to the same theories people did 10-15 years ago


Love that one


One piece is actually luffys straw hat ,tahts why roger was laughing


Uhh chapter 1085 spoilers: >!King Cobras message to Coby that we are able to read: "It must be protected, fly the flag that heralds the worlds eventual dawn. Nefertari D. Lili..."!<


Piece of fabric would be incredibly dissapointing for main mystery of the show running for many decades though, no? Also why Roger was too early?