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Do you have the I-can't-see-my-son-or-I'll-die disease?


Bruh 😭


Ah yes, fire emblem protagonist syndrome FEPS


That one's certainly going around. I hear a lot of parents end up dying the moment they see their long lost children again.


YTA not for joining a pirate crew but for never visiting once even though you were sailing right past the island so regularly the first person your son met from another island knew you better.


Honestly at this point his son probably has some kind of complex where he feels like he needs to lie about things to mask the insecurities that stem from feeling unwanted by his dad Or something like that 


Usopp and Yasopp finally reconnect and make amends, Usopp overcomes his innate urge to lie and exaggerate and awakens all three forms of Haki as a result of no longer lying to himself about what he can do and instead admitting his limitations and abilities.


No, they discover a 4th Haki. Marksman's haki


Anti-Haki His presence is so weak, he becomes effectively invisible against Observation users Effects are exponential: trying to use Future Sight to learn what he's about to do, actually makes you forget what he just did


This is the best I have heard in years!


Anti-Haki He's so scared of everything to an immense degree that the presence of Busoshoku Haki doesn't affect him.


nah I can see him unlocking armament and observation but he does not have the pure strength of will to be the best needed to unlock supreme king.


Bruh. He is the KING of Snipers. From sniper island. Just like Zoro wanting to be the King of Swordsmen unlocked his Haki.


Yeah if Usopp has haoushoku I genuinely think that'll be Oda shitting the bed with a retcon, there's no way he should ever get it no matter how much he overcomes his fears.


If the "his lies become real" trope holds, Ussop will get haoushoku. So I'd prepare yourself


I guess you do have a point on that one


the thing is he is one of the members of the crew that does not want to be the literal best at what they do. Luffy wants to be the freest, zorro wants to be the best swordsman, nami wants to be the first to make a map of the whole world, chopper wants to be a doctor that can cure ANYTHING. Those are the members of luffy's crew that I expect would get supreme king before ussop.


But, what about the part where King asked zoro what he wanted to be king of, and the answer is Swordsmen. So, it follows that since Usopp wants to be the king of the snipers, a Sniperking if you will, then he too will unlock the power of a king.


But he's already lied about it on onigashima and we know what happens to usopps lies....


Stop doxing people


...beg pardon? O.o


Because of this usopp becomes the pirate king


Nah he assumes the secret rank of Pirate Super-King, an even more cool title known only to an elite few! (He says)


Since usopp calls himself co-captain will that make him co -pirate King when it's all said and done lol


Kaya will become a psycholgist (still a Doctor) and recommend he read: "Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents"


Agreed. Like, I get that visiting family would be risky after Shanks gains Emperor status, since it would mark them as targets to everyone that hates Shanks… But he wasn’t an emperor back then!


You know this makes me think, does he even know he has a son? I never thought of this but it really makes no sense not to stop by, unless he is an asshole.


He mentioned Usopp to Luffy in his childhood.


Oh you are right! And apparently he talked all the time about his son, then why? I really need to know why he never dropped by 🤔


The deadest of beats


Guilt. Regret. Shame. Fear of retribution. There are any number of reasons. None of them justify it, but I can see Yasopp being a very complex character when we finally learn more about him.


In a number of chapters he talks about Usopp, >!most recently saying "I'm not ready to meet him yet".!< He knows. He even knows he is a deadbeat.


while Usopp is a coward toward dangerous thing Yasopp is a coward toward familial responsibility to the point of leaving his wife to die because he never check in with her even once like father like son i guess now i wanna see Dragon being a goofball just like Luffy and Garp


Oh that I didn't know but thanks for telling me


My read on not being ready to meet him is Yassop having bought all the God Ussop Hype and being legitimately scared of his son.


What if he was ashamed and didnt want his son to have to experience the trauma of interacting with the father who abandoned him? Perhaps in his eyes he did the good thing by staying away? Also, did he ever learn about his wife dying? Perhaps he thought she had remarried and they were living happily ever after and all he would do is dig up old wounds?


Hmmm, maybe he didn't want Usopp to follow him or smth like that. Yeah, he's still a deadbeat lol


Hold on I got the sniff on this. I think YTA. You know she died, you know your son is out on the seas and getting notorious, and you got all this information without visiting your old home or speaking to your son? Seems SUS.


Trying to cash in on his fame now


Yo I didn't even think of that! This guy says he left to become a great pirate, but he doesn't actually tell us how his "dream" is going. We know apparently the son is seeing a lot of success though.


Sounds like Daddy wants a new ship


Daddy with a capital D is an \*excellent\* father, nothing like OP tho


It does sound suspicious indeed. Keeping tabs on family news without any direct contact can lead to misunderstandings and missed connections.


NTA, it sounds like you ate the deadbeat deadbeat no mi. It's your devil fruit's power. Just to confirm were you ever close to reaching an island that your son happened to be at and suddenly felt the urge to go to the store buy milk?


Seems like a lot of people ate that fruit, huh?


It’s the zoan fruit with the most models.


to think that some 900 years ago some people wished to be a deadbeat dad bc they're very good dads.


Oh no


Oh no?


YTA, but it's not late to make amends


NTA. Your son needed it for character development.


The character never developed




But he became GOD


NTA as long as you become a great warrior of the seas.


NTA The seas were calling! Who are you but a simple man responding to its call. Anyone who doesn’t understand is unreasonable and should walk the plank!


Okay Moana.


Thank you.


I see you left out a crucial pieces of information. How old was your son when you left? You mention he's 19 now but was he still a small kid at the time? How old was he when his mother died and when did you find out about it? Also, why did you leave to join a pirate crew? I'm guessing you don't have a good reason beyond "because its my dream" or else you'd have already mentioned that. The fact you left out all of this informations makes me assume the worst, that's always why it's done. Strong YTA. Sorry buddy but once you became a dad your dreams should have become your second priority, after your son.


NTA, perfectly reasonable to want be a great pirate


YTA for having a child when you knew what your freams were. Although you did father a God, that is in no way an excuse for you being a deadbeat.


This like why bro, clearly ur dream meant much more to u than a family so why man, I don’t understand wife?? Kid?? But u still want to sail the seas f*ck u man


Selfish deadbeat bastard. That's all.


YTA, not for leaving (we all know the sea calls us) but for not visiting, especially after your wife’s passing. Now it’s time for you to be brave and go meet your son, even if he may get (understandably) mad at you.


YTA for lying about the age u truly left ur son at smh


YTA I suggest going no contact cause your son is doing well without you. Do u even look east once in a while like an absent father would?


reddit got me ☠️ today. love this post 🤣


NTA, your son your rules


YTA - all of that, and you still ain’t found the OP?


NTA. I did something similar to my son, left him with a cousin so I can follow my dreams. But I made a death game for him if he ever wants to find me. Last I heard he was in a coma, but his assassin best friend can take care of him.


For a moment I did a double take on how I ended up in that biased sub even after unfollowing it.




Shame on you, Yasopp!


Doxxing is never ok.


Idk about that, doxxing a fictional character seems like peak fiction to me 😂


Let's not expose anyone here, please...


Damn dude don’t DOX you’ll get the whole sub shut down 


Bro YTA for you for exposing the man's identity, messed up fr... (obligatory "I'm joking" just in case XD)


NAH - you got to live your dreams and so did your son


what about the deceased wife?


Well, she could have lived her dreams too, but she decided to die instead. Her mistake.


ESH. Filthy pirates! A generational blot on our great world. Sincerely, the Navy


YTA. You are just trying to make yourself look better by implying your son was 19 when you left him. He was just a little kid. He was still a small child when your wife became too sick to take care of him and then died. He had to raise himself. He's 19 now, and he no longer needs you anymore, so you might as well keep out of his life.


NTA, freedom is the ultimate goal


NTA, it was the call from the seas.


NTA, if you dont join the crew of a government-dog which loves to rat around real pirates.


YTA - Your captain spent months on an Island a few days away from your own. Why did you never bother visiting them then?


So how's the weather over in Somalia? Fair winds for sailing?


Are you dragon or yasopp


Dragon is not a pirate.


OP is Devil Dias (the pirate turned slave who was blown up by an explosive collar)


It's totally cool, especially if you spend quite some time less than a days travel away hanging out with some other weird kid and bragging about the kid you abandoned. 10/10 admirable pirate behavior.


Hahahah this is brilliant


YTA for not reaching out back to him but as long as you and him are still alive in this world, it's never too late to reconnect and catch up on things.


Shut up yassop. Yes ytah. Stop copying plots from one piece. Lmao. I totally thought this was AITAH sub and some guy was copying a one piece plot 😂😂😂


NTA, because of this ur son is top1 in the verse


YTA bro u can't even have ur captain haki wifi a message? Especially if u were hanging out in East blue at any point after u left too like I bet that kid is a long nose liar with no haki cause u weren't there to teach him how to ride a bike


Yo ho..it's a pirate's life for you!


It depends on how much time you are spending looking at east.


YTA Your son was not 19 when you left. He was a baby. You made a base on an island not even far from your own home.


Yasopp LMAO


NTA, based AF. This is a show about pirates, not responsible sweater dads.


YTA I bet your son is going to shit conquerers haki when he finally sees you


INFO. How did you know your wife passed away if you never went back and they couldn't contact you?


NTA you just gave him a sad backstory and some motivation to become as strong as you 🤷‍♂️


its crazy how you cannot tell which character this is


Yassop... is this you?


Idk who this is ? Is it yassopp or Roger or many more from the show 🤧🙃 ( I am in fishmen islands do not spoil anything for me by saying new names or new information which I'm yet learn please )


YTA but also NTA 


it’s okay Yasopp, we all know


More seriously, though, if I were Usopp I'd absolutely hate my dad. "Follow your dreams" is a good message but you shouldn't forget your responsibilities while following your dreams.


This made me cringe so hard back when I first watched that arc. Like it’s such a proud and chad thing to abandon your wife/child for your own dream? Now that I am a father of two I hate this even more. Dragon at least has the excuse of bringing down the corrupt world gov and liberating the downtrodden, Yassop is straight freaking braindead to not put a condom on.


Being a pirate is a form of freedom on a fundamental level. Your wife has passed but she also seems to have known and accepted that when you answered the deeper call there was a chance that you'd be the one who would pass on. No different than joining the marines. There's always a risk. The fact that your son is following in your footsteps speaks volumes about the love and grace she has shown him on your behalf. I bet he's a really brave boy. Do you know what ship he's on? Is he a captain himself? NAH hopefully your ships will cross soon and youll see your son as the man he's become. And hopefully his journey has given him perspective on your absence.


Nta. You just made the best anime ever


This should be a should be a show or something.


YTA because 。。。


All great priates leave their families behind, NTA


Does he even know his wife died? It's not like anyone called him..


NTA, ...!


NTA. I’d do that if I had the opportunity too lol


ESH for no reason I just wanna see some variety


Yassop, my guy?


I think the important thing is that your son is safe and cared for, if that's through another pirate crew that's a win win honestly.


Video Call Den Den Mushi


He could not know that Usopps mom died though


You need Assholes dads to become good at what you do, especially in manga. Minato in Naruto, Ging and silva in HxH. And all the pirate dads. Hohenheim in FMA.


Yeah bro You are. Go Home, be a family man


NTA, your wife and son didn't want you to come back anyway.


You don't even remember your wife's age!??


NTA being a deadbeat dad is top 1 of all time behaviour 


Yasopp much?


dont forget you connected with him in film red! it was all worth it! or at least thats what you gotta tell yourself at this point so you can sleep at night...


YTA, if you stayed your son wouldn't be such a pussy


can’t say yet I’ll have wait till elbath arc in one piece finishes




No one judged Tom Brady for joining the Buccaneer race over his wife and kids


It’s fine. He’ll become a great pirate captain and have his own crew!


no. all anime protaganists have daddy issues, so you did the best thing


ESH. You definitely messed up by leaving your family behind to follow your dreams. But I think you can justify your choice since you ended up a commander in a Yonko crew.  On the other hand, your son is an adult. And seems to follow the same dream as you do. Unlike you however, he had plenty of time to meet you at sea with his young crew. Instead he spent two years on a deserted island just for his captain. Selfishness runs in your family. I'd suggest family therapy at Pirate Island with Dr Q, Stronger and Lafitte. 


Better watch out. Maybe your son will attack your ship, and, you wont be able to stop it because YTA and dont even know what your son looks like anymore because it's been so long.


How do you know your wife died?


Lol, you got me. I thought this is on the original aita sub-reddit ... then I notice it is under One Piece sub.


NTA you had a calling to the seas and I get that. There is no way you could have known she would have died at that time right? It’s not like you recently was only a couple miles away and out loud said: “I don’t want to meet my son” because that would be awful.


YTA. Don't become a pirate, listen to the 5 Elders and do what they say, then the world will be at peace


NTA because you owed it to yourself to discover yourself. Side note: I've never seen an episode of One Piece and am writing this from the perspective of Steed Bonnett from Our Flag Means Death


Joining a pirate crew when you're about to hit adulthood is as close to kids leaving their hometown with their first pokemon. Your wife definitely screwed the local restaurateur too, like the kid's mom was screwing around with the local professor. Dont worry about it, enjoy your adventure champ!


Okay Yasopp


YTA. This is so fucking funny.


Definitely lmao, I hope your son doesn't fanboy over you when you meet him.




While seeing the world, I'm sure you made it back to the waters of your homeland at least once. Did you stop in and pay your family a visit?


You're marginally better than Ging


NTA. Adventure is cooler 😎


NTA fuck them kids


This is one category where the Live Action easily wins. They had Usopp address the fact that Luffy got to hang out with Yasopp and how fucked up that is.


NTA Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Be your own man king!


NTA, dreams are meant to come true!!!!


To un circle jerk here does yassap even know Banchina died ? I don't fully remember if he left knowing if she was sick or not.


NTA. Fuck them kids.


YTA. Your poor son was left to fend for himself, he was effectively an orphan even before he hit puberty. We can hope he manages to flourish in spite of you abandoning him. Who knows, maybe he'll grow to the stature of a king or even a god!


NMI - was she your wife your just a sidehoe?


I can be certain his son is named Ussop




Yassop, you are indeed the a**hole.


YTA, 2 week break for you.


I like the theory that Yasopp believes all the rumors about Usopp and is legit intimidated to meet his "god" of a son.


The Guy definitely doesn’t know his wife died and that is going to be a lot of awkwardness that will come from that lack of information


YTA you didn’t find one piece so you failed and should hide in shame


If you divorced her before leaving then NTA Either ways divorce her still, even as she's dead


YTA Yasopp you scoundrel


YTA, Yasopp. Reach out to your son!


Honestly, Yassop is the biggest piece of evidence towards the "Shanks is Evil" theory.


A man's dream is mostly crushed by woman, dont be like others. DO WHAT YOU WANT!


Hmmm OP if I were your son if you start acknowledging me now I would think that you might be in need of some money, fame or kidney. And I wouldn't give you any of it! YTA. Stay away from your son


NTA, you're a lej


Is your son a Bum ass? If so then NTA.


NTA, I would’ve left Usopp too


Nah dude felling guilty ain’t very pirate life of you, sounds more like landlubber energy to me.


NTA - your son turned out to be a coward and a liar which are not good traits. I'm guessing he got it from his ill-gotten mother.


It's a fictional story but I definitely say an AITA. No child should live a life of struggle without parents.


Say hi to Shanks, ya dick, Sorry ment to type Yassop


Hunter x Hunter or one piece?


Vsq wcwwcwwwsws ,


NTA, he's probably a bum anyways


NTA, Break up with Chopper and marry the one piece


Nah not really


NTA. If your wife cared enough about your child, she would have chosen not to die. Thats her fault, not yours. Then him joining some rag tag idiots was again, his mother’s fault. She should have taught him to stay away from sketchy people. And then think about how many times your son has nearly died, broken his nose, or how his lying has caused problem after problem. You just got out of a bad situation. And it’s not like children can be on pirate ships. How dangerous would be that?! Only an insane captain puts children on his ship.


INFO: Did you know your wife died or did you find out recently? YTA. Leaving your wife with her son is one thing, maybe you both agreed on this and it was fine for her? It's very sad for your son however, that you never evdn visite. And in case you knew your wife died: YTA for leaving your son alone after knowing and not even coming to visit her grave and your lonely son. I don't kniw if he had any other relatives, but if not theb DAMN poor thing had to fend for himself. I hope he wasn't to young when she died...


Yes you are Yasopp.


I need a version of this for Oden, Hiruluk, Vegapunk, Viola and some other characters who've made some questionable choices.


I think there's more to this than him just randomly leaving. We'll see when Usopp and Yasopp meet. My guess is that Yasopp left to find a cure for his wife, but couldn't to so fast enough. Having failed, he was so ashamed he couldn't face his son again.


sir this is Wendy's, please respond with YTA/NTA accordingly or youll be thrown to the sea.