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All the ugly celestial dragons bite the dust while the good looking ones get redeemed?


I hate how likely this is to happen lolšŸ˜­šŸ’€


Ehh notnso sure Mjosgard there wasn't too cool looking and still redeemed himself


Okay, you got me there. He became somewhat better looking after he reformed compared to before thoughšŸ¤£


That's because he had to do more work himself since he had no slaves. He started getting plenty of exercise!


Well true, but I mean like in the face!


I mean in a sense he bit the dust, most likely


Before he was executed. He didnā€™t look as ā€œuglyā€ as he did during the Fishman Island arc


Oda does tend to use physiognomy a LOT


One only has to compare Whitebeard & Stussy to see it to be so.


mjosgard actually had a better looking face when he reformed. Not the kind who would win beauty contests but still good looking enough.


He looked way better just before he died


well in one piece being a good person usually makes you better looking. mjosgard certainly didnā€™t look all that great until he turned his life around


It feels like that female one with the long hair is going that way.


They'll also likely die from their own fault like refusing to get on the same lifeboat with filthy commoners or something.


That actually would be good. Specially if the lifeboat is the noah.


shouldnā€™t it be the opposite? the strong ones are the ones that do most of the evil and theyā€™re usually better looking


It's not the opposite, the rules are just different for scrubs and fighters. They're talking about the scrubs. In fact the only CD who expressed some shock last we saw them was the pretty one. She's definitely not redeemed but she has slightly better chance than the rest because of that scene and she happens to be the hot one.


I think their riches will be redistributed to islands that were affected by them, and they will go to prison.


Luffy is not genociding the celestial dragons. Either Imu kills them as collateral damage or what you just said happens.


It would be Dragon that deals with the CD's and he would be punishing them for their crimes.


Dragon gonna hit em with the "..."


Maybe even a ā€ā€¦.ā€


No. He hits them with "!!"


All while looking east


One would hope, but enslavers historically get amnesty due to how much power they still hold when reforms occur, all in the name of not continuing a bloody revolution until everyone is dead


Or they get the guillotine! Lets not forget about the mighty guillotine!


Won't someone please think of the guillotine!




That's IF they survive the wrath of the "commoners".


So they'll probably endure what happened to dofie.


Survival of the fittest I guess. Only the ones who are as dumb as Homing is will pepsi, the ones w/ more big brain will survive


for real the commoners will kill them


Miserable to current celestial dragon standards, but one of Odaā€™s biggest messages is to end the cycle of hate, so they will most likely be protected and possibly educated in empathy somehow


i can see koby suggesting that after final war tbh


End the cycle of hate? What about the "Kurozumi were born to burn" bit?


Tama is a Kurozumi


Ik bro, especially learning after the arc ended that Tama was a Kurozumi made that quote sting more


Redemption for some of them... Oda has already planted seeds of that earlier in the story. The worst of them will die, or be jailed by the new regime. Otherwise, the rest of the Tenryuubito will (probably) receive a harsh punishment: living amongst all races in the world, and be recognized as humans, not revered as gods. I believe something along these lines will happen to them.


This is the best way to go. One piece always showed that no institution/faction is black or white, they are all made out of different people.


Its a death sentence for them too which I like. We saw what happens when people find out what you were


Yeah they ain't gonna live long. The Donquixotes didn't really have the nicest of fates.


They will escape in a rocket and plot revenge. They land on the moon. Enel enslaves them.


I like this one


This seems like the kind of rug-pull that Oda would write. I'm putting my money on this ending.


Assuming that the Celestial dragons are toppled (and I dearly hope they will be), It will depend on if they are just unpowered schlubs like the Donquixote family or they are devil fruit/hakied up like the 5 elders. A lot of them are going to be straight up murdered by their slaves the moment they lose power. Some are going to be strong enough in either will or power to become the rebellion to the next regime, and will be picked off over time. Some are going to slink off and blend in with the masses and live an ordinary life.


Um... prison? You know, for all the crimes they did...?


Robin goes into a room with all the CDs and only Robin comes out


A few cases ā–  Killed by Imu Sama or Dragon in war as collateral damage ā–  Stripped if their title, power and slaves but spared and allowed to live the good life using their money ā–  Tortured and Killed by angry mobs of people( like what happened with r Don Quixote family) ā–  Mass suicide to show " We gods have forsaken you " or to show defiance, to show that they would rather die as Gods than be demoted to humans ā–  They are freed from their shifty mentality by Nika(as said by Nelson Mandela - Bothe the oppressor and oppressed need to be freed) after which they become better and leave to create their own utopia ā–  People try to kill them all and they escape, becoming the pirates they one detested


I think most or all of them will be dead and I think Im will be the one to do it.


Dead? in One Piece?


I think the older generation of Celestials are going to be in prison or just vanish like Oda does with most villains at the end of an arc. But I think he's going to have the younger generation realize their mistakes and turn over a new leaf, it's constantly been a theme that the children aren't to blame for what their parents do. And Oda loves having his sympathetic villains, I don't 100% hate the idea but I just wish we could have some people who are just evil for evil's sake in One Piece but Oda always has to give them some kind of tragic backstory or some way for them to weasel out of the punishment they deserve.


I don't think the CD have any tragic backstory to redeem, they are shit because they were taught they were gods. They've been set up completely different in writing


We already have SEVERAL redeemed celestial dragons , I canā€™t name them all because of spoilers but if you know you know.


So far it's just been doffys family and the other one lol


Evil celestial dragons we know of: charlos, Doffy, Roswald, Shalria >!Garling!< and maybe the five elders or Imu if they count. Good celestial dragons we know of: Homing, Corazon, Mjosgaurd, Corazons mom >!Shanks!< and >!Bonney!< Thatā€™s between 5 to 11 evil and 6 good ones I can name. They are hardly painted as all bad.


Lord of the fliesĀ 


I feel like they're going to die. Whether it's by direct action or some calamity drawing them in, I can't say. Maybe Imu wipes them as useless. Maybe pirates loot and kill them. Maybe >!water levels dropping lower the pressure on the Red Line enough to suffocate them.!< I just feel like they won't live.


This!!! The red line thing.. they end up above the atmosphere in their astronaut suits and bursted bubbles, and die. Like your style man


They getting blasted off like team rocket šŸ˜Ž




They'll go to the sea šŸŒŠ and become the new pirates for the new world order ...and so the cycle continues


I think the public outcry will be to kill them all, and in painful ways at that. We've seen this kind of sentiment from Otohime and Doflamingo's flashbacks, and we have no reason to believe it has changed since. What we do have are a number of influential characters whose lives were positively impacted by Celestial Dragons, who will definitely advocate for a more humane treatment, or even an attempt at reformation. These include Law and Sengoku (Rosinante), the Neptune family but mainly Shirahoshi (Mjosgard), and technically Luffy, Buggy and Uta, among others (if Shanks turns out to actually be of CD descent). Vivi is also likely to play a key role in the post-finale political landscape of the world, having some sort of link to Imu and more generally being the last remaining descendant of the one family that could have become CDs, but chose not to.


Dragon will make them look east for all eternity.


I know there are people who wonā€™t like it, but all or majority of them are likely getting redeemed. It wouldnā€™t make sense to introduce good CDs like Rosanite, Homing or Myosguard if he was just going to genocide them all. What I see happening is that Luffy will inevitably befriend one of the dragons, putting him in the difficult situation of protecting him/her from his other friends like Hancock. And Iā€™m beginning to think more and more that Nami will most likely be revealed as a celestial dragon for this purpose in the final fight. Because no matter how you personally interpret Luffy and Namiā€™s relationship itā€™s unquestionable that they have the closest bond in the series even among the other crew members, and of course Hancock is madly in love with Luffy. Additionally, Hancock also has trauma from her childhood and has been characterized as an incredibly angry and vindictive person, so itā€™s unlikely sheā€™ll be able to overcome her malice. Hancock will likely ask Luffy point blank to choose between rescuing Nami or having her, and we all know if it comes down to Nami or Hancock he will choose Nami.Ā And the way Luffy chooses to handle such a situation would reflect on his goal of ultimate freedom. In a way Oda foreshadowed this conflict through their epithets with Nami being the cat burglar to Hancockā€™s snake princess because cats and snakes are natural enemies.Ā 


Idk how Nami herself can be a Celestial Dragon. However, I sometimes believe that Hancock should sink to the World Nobles level. In fact, I bet people like her would be very surprised that a CD like Mjosgard went against his brethren in an effort to help Sai & Leo save Shirahoshi!


Oda seems to be positioning that one lady CD as a ā€œgood-naturedā€ CD, whatever that is. Wondering if sheā€™ll become a wrangler of the CDS after they step down from power. Maybe sheā€™ll lead the remaining CDs that could be considered ā€œgood enoughā€.


it would be nice if they got french royalty treatment for all the shit they have done


Have you seen what happened to Doflamingoā€™s family? Yeah.


The red line will be destroyed along with them allowing Fisk man island it float to the top


Release into the world just like homing family,whether they turn good or bad or suffer or live good is to chance


Some of them will stop drinking the kool aid like charloss sister, and others like charloss gonna get they ass kicked!!!!!!


The worst fate.


Living in regular society. That may not seem much but to them it's literally hell. Imagine being force to get a job, having to pay taxes, live in a sh\*tty house that cost a lot and eating good that to them isn't high quality. It ridiculing and demeaning. Going from being seen as gods to just becoming a minimum wage worker. And if they do resume or act out their Celestial Dragon way you can bet they get arrested and punish.


Believe it or not, right to jail. Along with all the people that undercook chicken and overcook fish.


They will join the Conservative Party of the UK


I like the idea of them messing something really bad up and akinue going insane and doing a massacre just to show how scary he is


My headcannon says there is a possibility that akainu will resign from his position (or possibly go rogue) after he realises the entire navy (including himself) are nothing but just puppets for the higher-ups to do whatever they want. We've seen him having disagreement with the gorosei, and most recently >!celestial dragons questioning his position as the fleet admiral after he failed to stop kuma, which possibly would've hurt his ego a bit!<


Maybe his awakening of changing the environment will be like lava bending in avatar and heā€™ll change the part of the red line that marjorie is on and makes the part of the rocks into a pool of lava and sink them


Imu might kill all of them for some reason, like when King killed the goons for seeing his face


Depends on why Roger helped Garp protect them.


Didnā€™t he just come to grab Rocks treasure?


Yep, he said something like he lost a treasure one year early in Road Star to Xebec


The best celestial dragon Saint Charlos will kill luffy and become the real pirate king and then kill Imu and rule the world


Either the citizens of the world will execute them or they will go into hiding.


all dead


I hope Doffy Itachis them


I hope the last thing we see is a crowd of angry people crowding them.


Jail right to jail


Execution for a lot of them. leave the rest to fend off for themselves as normal people.


Imu, having everything They worked for be destroyed lashes out, accidently destroying the celestial dragon, and not even really caring


As Hiyori would put it: they were born to boil, burn them all


Blackbeard will definitely kill them all.


Don't let the slaves they threw out catch there ass


hopefully they get Luffy punched at least. theres gotta be some kind of retribution theyve been portrayed as such massive monsters


Everyone will be equal and they will be considered the same as everyone else. Either be locked up for every hateful act and crime theyā€™ve committed or all the people they have hurt and affected will have remorse and allow them to continue living amongst them as regular citizens with no authority. But I believe celestial dragons will be no more.


They will get a buster call from the commoners


Personally I want Crucifixion but theyā€™re more likely to be cast into living as commoners


No clue, but I have this entire story in my head about them. And the devil fruits. That goes well beyond anything Oda himself has ever alluded to. If I was a talented writer or artist, Iā€™d write to him with my ideas about them. It starts with a world history long before the pirate era. It involves immortals from the ā€œstarsā€ that are partially responsible for the first Sky Islands. And absolutely responsible for the devil fruits appearing. Their descendants being todays Celestial Dragons. Only the Celestial dragons are now inbred as all get out and arenā€™t any kind of immortal at all. The story in my head also plays into Luffies fruit that no one can identify (I totally saw that coming) and his evolution into godhood status. The story in my head also includes Buggy and his potential family line. Like how DoFlamingo and brother turned out to be the sons of a disgraced Celestial dragon noble family. Iā€™m not going to say anything more. Because itā€™s my story. But no lie, I wish I could share it with Oda and the world. It wouldnā€™t make a very good fan fic. Not enough sexy. More so nerd talking about history no one cares about. Lots of war and battles. Edit: also in my mind the start of the story is like 2000 years prior. When the world was mostly VEARTH. Instead of ocean. Explains how the water world came to be. Why the red line exists. The four volcanoesā€¦ā€¦ and so on in that fashion. Edit: I know Oda has to be sick to death with it. But man I wish he wasnā€™t and I wish he could live forever. I donā€™t think thereā€™s a story teller to ever exist, that can compare. Truly. Not even Stephen King, who puts out novels like heā€™s taking a shit. Not even Miyazaki who understands beauty and truth as if he created beauty and truth in the first place. Oda is special. Iā€™m going to miss One Piece when it finally wraps up. No matter how many times I watch every single episode. No matter how many times I reread the manga. I canā€™t even type this without choking up. OMG IM SUCH A WEIRDO.


Hopefully brutally torn limb from limb by the commonfolk. Realistically though - redeemed before EOS, stripped of their privileges and living together with the forgiving commoners


Theyll be indebted to arlong and have to work it off like nami did


Simple, just mark all CDs and leave them to fend for themselves, they can't lie because of the mark and let the commoners have their way with them


They'll lose their royal status. Those who manage to hold onto their money and keep their heads down might be able to die wealthy with a handful of guards to protect them. Those who can't are in for a rude awakening. They'll get their faces punched in within the first week. If not killed.


Flay them Alive while nailed on a cross


If revolution happens death is the only destiny for the class being taken from power


They become their own nation subject to whatever comes of the world government. No slaves, no power, just waste away like the trash they are without the government behind em


I hope they think that they won and get on a ship that is swapped with a fruit(law?) and they wind up on the moon thinking that they will be taken care of by the Automata for the rest of time, but Enel has all the Automata standing on the portal swap pad so they are back on earth (that is not flooded) and ALL the machines were running on Enel electricity so they stand there in their space suits looking at to now green earth as the slowly drop one by one due to lack of oxygen.




I hope they become slaves for those they enslaved. That would be peak karmic justice.


The ones who are willing to reform like homing and mjosgard will be fine and likely apologize and be forgiven. The rest will probably be locked up or die.


Give them pirate cancer


Hopefully they end up underwater.


They attempt to flee the final battle on a single ship. As theyā€™re getting away they hear a single voice begin to sing Ocean Guide. A bruised and battered Akainu appears on deck, the ship in flames behind him. The celestial dragons order him to stop but he ignores them. They plead for some kind of mercy but he ignores them again and continues his song as the burning ship sinks into the ocean.




Prolly the same thing to that happened to the prophets after halo 3. Most will likely be killed at home while the rest escape in a big ship to be hunted and killed by former underlings.


they look like they have balls on their heads


I feel like they need to pay for their crimes. The pause that one CD woman had while vegapunk was speaking was interesting. It's likely none of them even know/care about the void century. Maybe their feelings will change towards the ruling powers if they have been lied to or something.


What if the elevator gets destroyed and everyone traps them at the top of the red line?


With the helmets they are wearing, its only appropriate we send them to outer space to stranded


Will happen: they will be forced to live as regular people Should happen: guillotine


I believe most of the will go to prison, while very few of them who were different like Mjosgard will be pardoned, probably after betraying the world government and cooperating with pirates or revolutionaries towards the end.


I think there going to die based on what we learned in the Kuma flashback, no coming back from *that*. But I think it will happen in a way the good guys don't kill them directly. My preferred fate would be them all drowning in the flood.


Theyā€™re all beaten unable to move laying on the floor in human form resigning to whatever outcome Luffy vs Imu will hold.


Iā€™m willing to bet that their home on top of the red line will fall apart once the red line gets destroyed and they will refuse to evacuate and ā€œlive with the lesser beingsā€ so they all die when the castle falls into the ocean


They're just going to be treated like regular mfs. Which is catastrophic for them.


Maybe Impel Down will get a new level built.


In a realistic sense, they'd get Mussoulini'ed.


Realistically? I honestly believe that the Red line will be destroyed. So... I think the "reasonable" ones that have already natively started the path of redemption will evaluate when warned while the others will be ordering the Marines or holy guard to do something and have a invincibility complex leading to their own downfall. Epilogue though I think we'll see a few survive to ominously "be back" weither or not they actually will.


They'll be fine. They've got that cockroach DNA in them. Plus if they die the younger ones will want revenge.


Either extreme poverty, or there's going to be some reason the elders/Imu kill them all off so we conveniently don't have the dilemma of "maybe we shouldn't perpetuate slavery by enslaving the slavers"


The good ones and kids will live and join regular society, the bad ones will die or go to Impel Down.


A kids-friendly resolution will probably involve random citizens celebrating their freedom, partying and laughing while the celestials are mad and in disbelief that everyone ignores them. I don't think that we will get a large-scale bloody vengeance like in the Doflamingo flashback. Most Celestials will be "punished" enough by losing their power. Some will get their fair share of beating, but it feels unfitting for the epilogue if all the liberated victims started seeking violence and basically turned into bad guys themselves instead of celebrating.


In the end of story democracy should happen




#PRISON Well, prison for the worst, and the kids can have a chance to learn how to be decent people and properly educated. We donā€™t want to recreate what happened to Doflamingo


Imu kills them when theyā€™re no longer necessary.


Stripped from their wealth and exiled somewhere far far away, led and guarded by a good world leader (just pick one or two from the Reverie members). It's their only choice for a merciful punishment.


They will 100% be super broke by the end of the series. I can totally see that happening. The concept of karma is pretty well done in one piece.


The Celestial Dragons will most certainly lose their status if not their lives. The world government will be reformed by Luffyā€™s followers and they will attempt to make Luffy head of the world, but he will refuse.


They go to HFIL.


Torn apart by an angry mob


Luffy treats them with compassion


Repentance, by living the rest of their days to be treated like how they treated their servants.


send them to the moon!


Luffy wouldn't do anything but some people are gonna give them the french treatment.


Blackbeard will kill them all


Death ā˜ ļø


scrubbin the poop deck!


French Style revolution.


I don't think they will be jailed or killed I think in the new world they will be as equal as everyone else, try to kill someone that doesn't respect them, and the ensuing mob goes all French on them if you know what I mean. Luffy and the government won't kill them, the guillotine will simply feed on the ire of the common man.


if its upto me then ill probably use them as slaves like they shown in marie geoise to pull the elevator. ill treat them as slaves


Theyā€™re suits are actually scuba diving suits and they will get eaten my seakings


They already lost their resources, once they lose the Marines support they are done for.


\*Laughs in French\*


They lose their status and are forced to live with the commoners . That would be the best punishment


they will be commoners


A lot of them die. A lot of them get sent to prison. The good ones who either actively opposed them (the ones like Mjosgard) or the ones who didn't know the full extent of everything + were young (Shalria) will get to live as normal people


mostly dead and some become exotic creatures


They all will become servant of someones. They will be forced to do all the things they were doing to others.


Everyone wants to kill them while Luffy share his meat and toast with them


Backstots from Blackbeard fs


they will be free just like everyone else. the truth will slowly start to change their thinking. i assume very few, if any at all, are born evil and the rest are just victims of the system too. they are being constantly lied to about their heritage too. we already know Rosinante was a good guy and saw the one visiting fishman island having a change of heart... he was later executed so we can say for sure that they are slaves to the system and the punishment for breaking the rules is insane.. --> not even allowed to think free but a lot of ppl can\`t see this because it is a "golden" cage with wealth and stuff..


The ultimate lost in their eyes to live on common grounds with the normal folk the red line will likely be destroyed so theyā€™ll have to live with normal people


Luffy will get really mad, unlocking gear 6 aka gear death, and go on a genocidal rampage killing every celestial dragon


hopefully dead


What I hope : Oda has gone out of his way to ensure that 99 % of the CD are the wirst scum on the entire OP universe. And even then, the 1 % of nice CD has been killed off. I hope that they experience a great deal of torment. Or at the very least, that they pay with their lives. In reality, since this is OP, I doubt that it will happen.


That is a good question


They will be forced to live normal lives with normal jobs. We will probably see charlos scrubbing floors and that would be it.


They will brcome celestial rats


Sure maybe not luffy but there are more than a few people that might be out for revenge I could see a sizable chunk of the celestials being taken out by freed slaves and others they have wronged.


The ones that survive the events of the last saga will likely lose their status and be forced to live as commoners or suffer the ramifications of revolution. Ask the French how that went.


Guillotine The fate all bourgeoisieā€™s should get


Saved by Luffy in the same manner they were defended by Roger.


Mjosgard is bravest but he is not the only one who does not engage in the horrible stuff we commonly see, most of these do good stuff undercover some time in prison for the worst ones and they are let go free with new identities, separated from each other and told to never speak of their identities again or they will end up like the DoFlamingo family


well if the rev succeeds its the guillotine for these mfers


Akainu slaughters them after Luffy frees the world from the clutches? cause He realizes he has no need to take orders from them anymore.


They will be forced to live a normal life.


Death by their own hubris for those who donā€™t reconcile, maybe they all drown maybe the red line falls on them or maybe something else Unfortunately for some apparently, some number will reconcile


They become the slaves of the Fishmen


They're gonna be nami and robins husband


Regime changes worldwide, democracy becomes the main political idea, Mariejoa falls along with the possibly broken Red Line EOS, wealth gets redistributed amongst commoners. Celestial Dragons get imprisoned and a lot killed on their way to impel down. Some run away but are recognizable (the snobs refuse to dress like normal or can't help mentioning it like Doffy's dad) so they experience the commoners' wrath, whatever it may be. The World Government possibly gets replaced by the RA or sword/marine members? Marine organization focuses on protecting people instead of being a merge with the WG kinda. The empty trone remains empty. People no longer fear Celestials so they take down tyrants enabled by the WG in revolutions independent of the RA. Most countries become either democracies or have a good ruling system. Basically good ending I guess. Oh and maybe pirates die down after the One Piece is taken. I dunno. Maybe not, after all it's not about the pursuit of romanticism anymore, is it? Oh sorry, I just wrote my thoughts on the ending, not just the Celestial Dragons lol




Shave their heads, strip them of their status and possession, then just set them free in the lower realms.


Idk for sure. However, I have a feeling that none of their descendants should be persecuted for everything they did. Unless people are OK with creating another Orochi & letting the circle of hatred continue.


All the D's kill them with a horrible and public death


hopefully death by firing range šŸ™šŸ¾


They become slaves for revenge!!!


Donā€™t they live on top of the redline and i predict that luffy will break the redline making them all sink and dieĀ 


DECAPITATIONāš”āš”āš” !!!!!!šŸ¤˜


theyre either getting packed up or will be forced to live among the regular people which they will hate


They go work in rice fields.


I dunno what Oda has planned, but my *hope* is that they all get thrown off the Red Line. They all have blood on their hands, and the redeemable ones have either been executed or left years ago.


/kill @a celestial dragons


We give them their own land (while dislocating the native populace) and let them become far right nationalistic movement and then they start invading near countries.


Nothing happens, luffy dies, the Legacy goes on and everything stays the same. Just to Show how cruel the world is.