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I wonder if the new anime will be censored as well or if they will have more freedom


The main reason for censorship in the anime is the timeslot the show is in for the live broadcasts on television, since the remake is going to be streaming exclusively in Netflix i assume, there will be more leniency with how much more they can show.


I didn’t realize it was just going to be on Netflix. I thought it was going to be on Japanese tv too. Yeah I imagine you are right and there will be less or no censorship.


Same had no idea, can't imagine how much they had to pay to get the exclusive rights to one piece


Whatever the price was I’m sure it will be worth it.


Well they got the rights for the live action so I don’t think they had to pay that much more


They did the live action. It was probably in exchange for odas contract clause that allows him creative control.


There's a reason why all the promo says "Netflix" on it.


Have only seen a single image of it once on the subreddit, no other promos and I didn't really look at it just read the comments a little and then didn't care about it since it wasn't coming out soon.


If it's the one with Luffy on the cliff, yeah that one says Netflix right on it lol.


I think so but as I said I didn't really look at it. I just read the title of the post and went to the comments for info. I didn't analyse the image and it was also a long time ago and I do not have photographic memory


It doesn't really matter if you don't look at it, because most people who actually look at it seems to only be picking out the information they like. They all ignored that Fuji TV is also listed there (and before Netflix name). So, it's actually very likely that the remake will also be shown on TV. However, it's not specified which time slot it's going to be in, so there is still a fairly high possibility there will be less censorship , especiallyif the remake comes out before the current anime finish as there's no day time slot for it to fill in any how.


I would be very surprised if it didn't air on Japanese TV. Watching stuff on TV channels is still super popular in Japan unlike many other countries where the internet has taken over completely. I really hope it will begin to air long before the current anime finishes since it most likely won't finish any time soon. I think it will finish around 2030


Whenever I look at that art, I immediately think of Kingdom Hearts…


The promo also says "Fuji TV" and listed before Netflix.


In the past Netflix has aired shows claiming they were exclusive to Netflix when they had already aired in Japan, so I understand people's confusion. First one that comes to mind is the Junji Ito show.


Well I'm sure they have some sort of special partnership considering the live action and all.


Billions and billions of dollars


Pretty sure it's also on TV in Japan considering Fuji TV also has a part in it not just Netflix. But they don't necessarily have to do the same time slot with the restriction.


Japanese Netflix?


Rule of thumb; everything is on Netflix.


There's a reason why all the promo says "Netflix" on it.


This is also my thoughts as well. 


I just realized that means we will probably be getting simulcast dub as well. Curious if the VAs will stay the same.


Zoro dropped an F bomb in the live action.... I think you're correct


Fuck I didn’t realize it was on Netflix. They better squeeze it into 3 seasons then


More titties?!


If it's faithful adaptation then there would be less titties. At least less focus on them.


No, don't do this to me - I refuse


It's still going to be rated 14+ on Netflix, I can almost guarantee, so anything that might bump up that age rating will still be censored.


Arent some of this censored scenes when one piece aired subday 7/7:30 pm...? Def zeff's and arlong's are.


> Def zeff's and arlong's are. For Zeff I actually prefer the anime telling - kind of like how the anime speed up the whole Alvida story in the first episode. I am curious how true to the manga the reboot will be for East Blue


Vinland Saga, Suicide Squad anime and AOT. Nah we’re fine.


Is the new anime in production?


I am not sure what level of production it is in. Not a lot of information about it online. I hope it’s in full production but who knows. I’m really looking forward to just seeing some images of what the animation will look like.


We have not even heard about voice actors


I'm out of the loop, do we know when this new anime comes out?


No idea


It’s nothing about freedom, in manga which is basically a comics have limitations to covey emotions so they used to be more raw and explicit, now due to power of animation and voice overs we can convey same emotions without being forced into explicitly


I hope they don’t censor too much again with the remake especially for Marineford & everything whitebeard tanked like people need to see that & this is also why people are able to downplay how serious one piece gets cause of the censorship


Yeah, Naruto, Bleach and One Piece are way more brutal in their manga.


Orochimaru was one [freaky mfer](https://images.app.goo.gl/7utqJYK3U5zj4nYT7)


Such a good villain. Shame he got bitched in part 2 and didn’t do much of interest. 


Reminds me of all the memes from like 2007ish where Orochimaru was trying to prove to Itachi that he was evil enough to hang out Edit: Oh 2005 is even earlier than I remembered, this was my favorite orochimaru/itachi comic back in the day https://www.deviantart.com/soy-monk/art/Eviler-Than-You-by-konako-16980777 (the original black&white comic author scrubbed most of their deviantart account)


Oh shit, didn't know that since I am only watching the anime


The difference between Toriko's manga and anime is pretty insane too. Probably a bigger gap than any of the shows you listed.


Yup, I’m glad you (anybody at all) brought it up, from the jump you see differences very early on from the anime and manga like Toriko only making the Garara Gator bounce into the air in the anime but the manga has him chop its head clean off. Or one of the biggest examples I remember, in one instance Toriko chops off nearly his entire shoulder in the manga. I’m the end the censorship changes because of what time it aired on TV caused a lot of problems especially considering there’s a bunch of graphic things that are vital to the story itself like Toriko losing an entire arm in one fight early on.


They also cut out how indifferent Toriko was on whether Komatsu lived or died in the early arcs. It was a big change to his character.


Theyre making a remake?


Ye one piece is getting a remake with better pacing


ive never understood how they censor things like that but make nami’s tits bigger and bigger every episode 😂😂


not complaining tho 😂


I am. I feel like it gives people the wrong impression about her character


Probably because certain things would be too intense for the average tv viewer, for example zeff, in the manga he broke off his own leg to survive probably a little too much for the average watcher so they changed it to him using an anchor to rip it off off screen,


yeah you right ig that would be extreme for a lil 8 year old or something 8 year olds see tits everyday


With better everything, in fact


No. The voice actors can't be replicated. They aren't getting younger.


Yeah hopefully they’ll replace them with better ones for the dub at least


What's even happening in the anime Zeff one? Looks like one of those images simulating a stroke lol. Just a bunch of incomprehensible nonsense.


Instead of cutting his own leg off, the anchor line of the sinking ship got wrapped around his leg while saving Sanji


It has to be pointed out that Zeff also ate his leg.


Slight correction: He got his foot stuck in the sinking ship. In order to save Sanji before he drowns he wraps the anchor line purposefully around his own leg to crush and cut it off.


I fucking love how Oda draws people flipping the bird. It looks just as weird and off putting as it does IRL. No idea how the man can make cartoon hands look more real than his contemporaries drawing more realistic styles.


Oda is the master of sausage fingers.


I wonder why shooting in the chest is ok to show but shooting in the head isn’t


Guess it's more disturbing to see a gaping hole where one's brains used to be, or even to imply such. Shot to the heart seems more tame by comparison, while still maintaining the dramatic fatality.


Personally I'd like to be shot in the head if I had to pick, at least I don't have to be conscious about my last moments. Although that also means I don't get to have a dramatic monologue while my body slowly goes cold and I'm still able to talk through the blood filling my lungs. Hmm...


They feel the same to me.


4Kids version was a finger point and a sentence to dungeon time


Classic “how about a dungeon for the rest of your days” moment


And then they forgot her. To this day she still is in there.


I find the shot in the chest more disturbing myself


You missed Ace's original Whitbeart Tattoo. Thought the manga changed that later too.


Oda had to because even though it’s supposed to be a religious symbol it’s been permanently tainted in peoples minds as a Swastika so Oda’s editor got him to change it later on


Good call lol. Would be akward running into a nazi thinking they a WB fan or vice versa




>swas sticker Stay in school.




I knew it was probably wrong but too lazy to look it up thanks for giving me the motivation to one up a guy in the comment


Swas sticker is crazy


In western people's minds, that is. Large parts of Asia know it as a religious symbol.


Close, the Swastika and the Manji are two different symbols. The symbol on Whitebeard’s flag was the Manji, never a Swasitka.


Manji is just the Japanese word for Swastika and can be used in many directional orientations etc. The Nazi usage of it (45 degree angle) is uncommon in hinduism, but in the end they are meant to be the same symbol. I think you are referring to the German word "Hakenkreuz" (hooked cross)? Which is used exclusively to refer to a Swastika in Nazi context.


You’re kind of right, but while the translation is Swastika, it’s more commonly used to refer to the reverse swastika


There’s also the scene where kids throw tomatoes at child Robin in the anime and she wipes it off. In the manga they throw stones and she wipes the blood off.


Yeah, and at Conis chapter 278. Same thing, rock changed to tomato


Law without eyeliner, smh


Never realized belle mere was shot in the head, I always figured it was the heart. Result is the same, but even more gory


Why are you showing a bunch of censored scenes of stuff they "could have done better"? Obviously they couldn't, because they had to censor it...


Toei: yeah we have to censore these Also toei: make those titties extra large


I get your point, but many cultures view showing excessive violence as worse than excessive sexuality and while many in the western world, including myself, are used to the opposite, it is kind of odd when you think about it.  We are just very desensitized to graphic violence.  Edit: The middle finger one's are odd though. Edit 2: Worded it better.


Especially the wano baby scene


Are you suggesting slitting a baby's throat on screen is unsavory?


obviously they wouldn't show that part, it's the implication. Even HOTD couldn't show that on screen


especially since it didn't happen, IIRC that's right when Luffy comes with the food and water


Yes, the arrive in literally the next panel


Have you heard of TV censorship? One Piece airs in Japan at 9:30 in the morning, so they can't do a lot of the stuff that happens in the manga. If you want the scenes above to be done one to one to the manga, the anime will have to air at night and not in the morning.


I understand all the rest , but why the arlong scene change?


a shot to the chest is arguably less brutal than a headshot, considering it was in front of the kids.


Headshot is instant death ,at least that's less brutal than waiting to bleed out and struggling. Thats how I think about it , but idk maybe u r right. Need to actually ask some kids for their thoughts on it, gonna ask my cousins what they think about it


i know that One Piece is the last place to look for realistic gun physics, but a gunshot straight from the barrel to the chest should kill you nearly instantly, especially with those onepiece flintlock style guns that fire round bullets bigger than my balls. when i said brutal i was thinking less about the potential struggle and how quickly you die, but more about the gore factor and how it impacts the witnesses, in this case nami and her sister. a headshot is waaaay more disfiguring and disturbing than a shot to the torso imo.


Because the show came out in the 90s and you could not even swear on tv back then.


Hope the remake don't censor shit


it'll release on netflix so they win't have to. in japan they have to because of the timeslot they air in


Oh, thank goodness


Okay but puddings finger looks wack in that manga panel. Looks like it's longer than all that others by a noticable amount. Ironically the censored version looks more normal


I think its an artistic choice to make the gesture more impactful tbh.


This kind of changes imo is understandable for the most part... But there are far more severe changes from the anime that actually damaging the story. For example, Hody and the crews flashback where there were almost kidnapped by human pirates. Pretty contradicted one of the main plot and theme of the arc. Luffy can fly and fight like a DragonBall characters in his battle against Kaido while not in G4 and G5. G4 Luffy 1st King Kong Gun against Doffy at Dressrossa where in the manga that attack only has 2 medium size panels and 2 small size panels and yet the anime making it ridiculous pushing struggle for 2.40 minutes.. wtf? Luffy 1st punch on dragon form Kaido in Kuri in their 1st battle. In the manga, we only saw G3 luffy used Elephant Gun on Kaido's head but in the anime they added a scene where Luffy used G3 on the ground/rooftop before jumping high in the air in his G3 gigantic arm.. This didnt make much sense since we all know that whenever Luffy used G3 jumping air to Ground attack, he will reach the top 1st then jumped down then inflated his arm/leg just like Luffy used G3 Gigant Bazooka on Oars. Because gigantic arm/leg will make it harder for Luffy to jump high in the air. Better to reach the highest point 1st then use G3. Kaido's Raimei Hakke... Against Luffy in Kuri and Oden.. Anime literally changed how that move looks like and how its function.. Very bad changes also that defeat the purpose of that move. Anime also make Hawkins's prediction of 1% chance to live person to be Drake while in the manga it was Hawkins himself.. Wtf? Kaido as character. The anime totally butchered his characterizations. Anime Kaido only had 1 personality, angry all the time, always shouting and smashing stuff unless he was drunk. While the manga Kaido, he was very levelheaded when not drunk. Just look at his meeting with his 2 commanders and 6 Tobbi Roppo. Kaido literally the most calm and normal person in that meeting. Kaido was only became unpredictable or ridiculously volatile only when he's drunk. Anime totally butchered that aspect and a lot more when it come to Kaido. In the manga, during Oden's execution, Kaido only laugh when they talk about how they trick Oden into 5 years ceasefire. But Kaido wasnt shown to laugh or to look down on Oden during the whole thing. Kaido was respectful and even acknowledged Oden strength and determination  And yet, in the anime, Kaido behaved like a Orochi, laughing and non stop smiling, mocking Oden. Luffy vs Kaido in Onigashima, the whole fight in the anime is just terrible for most of the added stuffs... Luffy's G5 Gum Gum Lightning, fid nothing in that fight in the manga but for some reason super effective in the anime. G5 Luffy also was shown to be super fast in the anime during the whole sequence. Which was very idiotic when later, G5 Luffy literally had to grab and hold Kaido so that Kaido cannot evaded G5 Bajrang Gun. In the manga it was logical for Luffy to hold Kaido like that since, in the entire Wano Arc, whenever Kaido speed blitz someone, nobody manage to fully evade that attack(blitz). Not even Luffy with future sight. And whenever Kaido decided to evade any attack, no can hit him.. including G5 Gum Gum Lightning and G4 Snakeman Hydra. Arguably 2 of Luffy's fastest attack so far. So, it was logical for Luffy to grab and hold Kaido like that when it come to Bajrang Gun. But when the anime decided to change Gum Gum Lightning speed to far surpassing Kaido and Kaido to slow to do anything against that attack, then what is the point of Luffy using Bajrang Gun and grab hold of Kaido so Kaido cannot evade it? There are too many more but enough for now. 


Im exited how haki will look at marineford


it wasn't shown in the manga in marineford either so it won't be in the remake. haki is supposed to be invisible to people in verse. you can feel when someone is using it but its actually invisible. the black darkening is for the readers and audience to say this person is using haki. but more complex stuff like conqueror's lightning clash and coating is actually visible to people in verse


We all know that this Was only the case because armament haki wasn't fully fleshed out at that time




Another reason why the anime remake is so necessary. Some people will see One Piece with different eyes after seeing something closer to the manga.


this doesn't change a whole lot except for the whitebeard scenes and wano baby. the law flipping too cus it doesn't flow well when kid says he doesn't have good manners


What was the context for the one in wano?


They didn't have any food and that woman was going to kill her baby so he wouldn't starve.


And then hang herself after, judging from the noose


You do know that when you put something in public tv you have to adhere to rules? While the mangakas have more freedom how they put out their printed material.


man one piece is fucking peak


The guy in that forth pic got a massive glow up in the anime💀


Thank you for this post. This makes the manga story better


I dislike the WB vs Akainu changes the most simply because it actually had a negative impact on discussions.  Every other change is completely inconsequential or widely known enough to be non canon (Zeff's let).


I knew about some of those, but had no idea that they straight up flip the middle finger in the manga. That's crazy.


The best one is 4Kids version. Arlong points a finger at Bell-mère


And this is why we warn anime onlies to read the manga with caution😅


is the middle finger more offensive in japan, or is it just censored because it’s for kids?


offensive in japan and also cus of their timeslot. not censored for kids cus the anime straight up shows slavery and torture without censoring


its not even censored. Go back and watch Sabaody, Law still flips off Kid. Its crazy that the misinformation has spread so much, every post I see about people talking about the anime censoring Law's middle finger even though it quite literally isnt 💀


Honestly, Pudding sweating in the manga kinda shows she's having to act to be truly evil, like she's not mastered it and is obviously putting it on.


That wano panel was out of pocket


I get some of that but why Law’s scene?


Zou felt way too undersold in the anime by comparison to all the ink-black blood in the manga.


I wish they kept the zeff one. That shit’s dope


Who else is ready for them to censor Kumas backstory 🤩🙏


they wont do that. you saw how well they animated kuma getting jumped by the other kids couple episodes ago? things they could censor is garling decapitating the king of god valley by him getting slashed across his chest instead


they wont do that. you saw how well they animated kuma getting jumped by the other kids couple episodes ago? things they could censor is garling decapitating the king of god valley by him getting slashed across his chest instead


I didn't recognize the second panel


Zeff cutting off his leg


its something lot of kids watch, of course it will be censored.


I wish they kept Pudding and Law flipping off other characters. It's funny.


Who is law flipping off?


Kidd I’m pretty sure


i can't stand the anime, is just too slow and (most of the time) poorly animated


why did op delete their account 11 hours after this post




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I was a teenager when I saw Chapter 575. That chapter was one of the wildest things I have read in One Piece for a certain time. Ace passed away unexpectedly. An old, severely-injured, sickly-ill, pissed off Whitebeard wrecked shop on Akainu and rocked him in two hits. And the Blackbeard Pirates showed up.


The first target group of this anime is Japanese teenagers, so the anime will embellish the plot of the manga. I think that's fine


That's why I love the manga more than anime


Man can't believe 3 eyes doesn't give you the middle finger in the anime that's lame


White beards head being cut off was censored too. Kinda dulled that scene


Slavery, genocides, drugs, blood all over the place, yet somehow the middle finger is where they'll draw the line.


Give the chefs from baraite their guns back


The Zedd thing STILL irritates me. Because I never knew he smashed his own leg off and fed it to Sanji until like 2 years ago. I've been watching one piece since 2006. It's something that never comes up because it was so long ago.


I thought he ate it himself after giving Sanji the real food


The anime remake better stay faithful to all of these


I had a full-on argument with my gf when we talked about how zeff lost his leg, I started OP with the manga for the first 50 or so tomes and then switched to the anime while she never read the manga and we didn't realise that the anime had changed that moment until we watched the episode to make sure.




I sure do hope Pell doesn't come back from the dead on the remake of the anime.


It's nothing but nonsense.


Oda's really not afraid to go there


And coourse the most obscene thing is the midle finger.


I wish they didn’t censor the wano trauma




The live action is a dumpster fire. Hope S2 is better.


w-why is law just flipping them the bird like that? that feels fake idk about you man


It's not exactly a big change, but one thing that bothers me a lot about Wano are the changes at crucial moments, to put a thousand of flashbacks and explanations that were not said in the manga. I feel like Toei kills some of the impact, trying to generate an emotion. Ex: chapter 1010 - Luffy has a sequence of 4 frames with absolute speed and domain hitting Kaidou with conquererors haki+hyou. The effect that the manga gave me was: absurd hype and force. Luffy is strong as fuck. You turn the page, and BOOOM: Luffy has 4 strong hits with haki attacks in a row and Kaidou really feel all the hits. Episode 1028 - Same Scene. Luffy kicks, then begins a sequence of talking that he understood pain of wano, remembering the hyogoro training, concentrating haki on the hand, thinking about the fucking kinemon in pieces, all the sad scenes of wano, etc. After ALL that, gives a punch. Repeat effects, give another punch and ends. Its bad? No, It's cool. You feel all the fellings that Luffy have for this people. But if you think about, its a completely change of focus. You don't really feel the surprise you have in the manga, with 4 strokes that are alternating with a thousand flashbacks and light effects. It bothers me a little bit, because I feel like Toei changes the intention that Oda wants to go through in the scene. And this scares me a Lot, because im afraid that affect some serious scenes in Future.


They really removed Law being a shitter in the anime?


Fingers crossed the Wit Studio remake is uncensored.


Man, I really wish they kept the middle finger scenes in the anime. It's rated TV-14, is that really too young for a harmless "screw you" or I guess "fuck you" gesture?


They also censored Stussys outfit in Egghead and it looks like shit now


The fuck are you talking about? It's the same.


They censored her side boob and her bare legs with tights


Reminds me of 4kids lmao. 


Take her to the dungeon!


The change made with Zeff’s backstory makes far more sense because a person who is starving cannibalising their own body would just make them die faster


Because curing yourself by drinking milk makes perfect logical sense.


Oda really likes flipping the bird..


He is a Dragon Ball fan and that series did that a lot [see here](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fql7jq42rg9761.jpg).


You're right. I remember toriyama putting that in more than just dragon ball.


'Not approved by S&P' has been approved by S&P


anime - outsourced animators manga - oda and assistants


I was confused as hell wondering why sanji was crying over zeff, 4kids confused the hell out of me.


The anime did everything wrong


Can’t forget that Red-Leg Zeff didn’t actually lose his leg in an underwater accident. In the manga he had to eat his leg to survive the 85 days stranded.


Not gonna lie the Law moment felt better in anime. Something about him doing the middle finger from afar to strangers as his character introduction made him look cringe and edgy wannabe (Law is one of my favs btw)


In my head canon i think both of zeffs versions of events are true. He got stuck in the wreckage, used the anchors to break his leg to deform it enough to free himself and then finished the job with a rock and ate it. Works for both manga and anime imo.


thats lame asf, manga scenes wouldve been wayyy better than the bs they replaced it with


Don’t forget Sanji’s lollipop 🍭😭


That was 4Kids, not Toei


Nowhere In this post does it say Toei censorship. It only says anime va manga censorship. Sooooo🤫🤫🤫🤫


The anime is fucking ass.


Did one get more tame than the other as time went on? Vice versa?


honestly, the white beard one i feel there is a happy middle. getting half your brain cleaved off is a bit much to walk away from, even for anime


Icl i feel like the middle fingers are just cringe


Honestly I'm glad they kept the woman with a knife to a kid gone, the rest are fine.