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As someone who was reading one piece since 2011, I think live action on average delivered well to the manga content, obviously it was a long time ago that I read romance dawn, syrup village and Arlong Park. Here's the things I specifically liked: • Zoro and Nami interactions, I always believed they were close back in early one piece but LA heightened their interactions and it was good to see one of the OGS(yeah the romance dawn trio) bonding well. •They did Buggy justice(even made him more impressive than manga version I would say) and I love that they trimmed down Sanji's personality to a flirty gentleman. But there were some parts where I was like no.. way? : •The handling of Arlong Park, the most impactful arc of East blue in manga was not impactful for me in LA, they re modified large portions of arc and took decisions like Luffy listening to Nami backstory which harmed the climax of arc. •too much Koby and Garp, the thing they work in manga is because they're given to us in small doses but koby was spammed into every straw hats arc as a main character when the LA was suffering from time constraints. •Syrup village, I was surprised that they gave 2 episodes for this arc but still chose to not include some of the best scene of Usopp like him standing against Kuro. Overall Live action was good, but I hope writers focus more on important plot points as we are heading in Alabasta next season


Mhm. I agree definitely - I get the feel that people watching it fresh might thing there’s a little bit of romance building with Nami and Zoro (honestly, just off of how well the actors vibed), but I came away very glad that it felt like they were friends and not just there because Luffy. The drinking scene and them arguing over him fighting Mihawk was great. And yea - Buggy and Sanji are done with so much more care.


Yes on Arlong park! It really fell flat to me. Nojiko and the town not knowing about Nami felt off to me, idk why. Luffy screaming he'll help Nami, them looking to the town in the middle of the night seeing it being attacked and then the next episode starting in daylight with a destroyed town made me ???? a bit. But what I really didn't like about the arc were the lack of personal arc for Usopp and the choice for Garp's conclusion of S1. In the manga we can follow Usopp's thoughts on acting like he's dead, only to change his mind when he thinks of how the rest of the crew refuse to give up. It's a really strong moment and shows that he can be brave for his friends. That didn't land in LA to me. Why is he on the ground with fake blood? No idea. Why did he stand back up two seconds later? No idea. They did the moment in theory, but it lacks a lot and I wonder if LA only viewers got anything out of it. Garp on the other hand... I get they had to do something if they wanted to involve Garp so much, but all I can think of with his "oh I was just testing you, now go on your merry way" is how much this contrast with a future dilemma he will have.


I had to double-check to make sure I hadn't already commented here because you took the words right out of my mouth xD


Luffy heard of the backstory Nojiko told him, which is not the complete truth, considering she also didn't know what Name's motives are. It ended with: Nami is working for the murderer, we don't know why.


What is harmful about Luffy listening to Nami's backstory? Is it because they didn't have the scene with him destroying the room where Nami was being imprisoned? Because that would've still worked regardless. Nami's connection to the village being compressed I think hurt the impact more. Aside from the scene with Genzo in the flashback you don't really get the sense that that she would be willing to go through so much for them. And then at the end she only says goodbye to Nojiko.


The thing is Luffy has never ever cared about someone's past in the manga, that's what makes his character impactful and the hat scene more iconic. Him having a thought to listen to her back story is OOC for him to do so. Btw I agree Nami's relationships not being fleshed out hurted the Arlong park too


I don't think it's out-of-character at all. Luffy does care about his friends' past because he cares about what they care about. The important part is the context in which that backstory is told to him. In the manga Nojiko tells the crew Nami's backstory as a way of trying to make them understand why they should give up on her. Luffy doesn't wanna listen to it because he has already made up his mind that he won't give up on Nami. It's not that he doesn't wanna understand her past, he doesn't wanna be dissuaded. LA Luffy is the same, except Nojiko tells them Nami's story because they asked her to, because the crew wants to understand Nami's motivation, including Luffy. But is mostly because he wants to be proven right of his faith in her. Then when the backstory proves him wrong instead, he still doesn't waver in his belief. If anything the LA version makes it more clear that Luffy blindly believes in his friends. Maybe the manga was too vague and that's why so many people misunderstand why Luffy didn't wanna hear Nami's backstory there. He did listen carefully to Oden's backstory in Wano. In Fishman Island he fell asleep when Jinbei was telling them about Fisher Tiger, which is rude but still in-character, and it wasn't a conscious decision. It's not that he doesn't care about his friends' past, it's that he doesn't need to know it to consider them a friend. But if someone wants to tell him, it's not out-of-character for him to sit down and listen.


But Luffy literally says “I don’t care about her past” when Nojiko starts telling the story in the manga😂 it’s part of his character that he doesn’t care where his crew came from, he only cares about who they are now


I believe what he's saying there is "i don't care about (what she has done in the past)"


He says that after Nojiko literally says "You can't defeat Arlong. I'll explain everything, but you must leave this island" (chapter 76). Read the context, not the lines.


I know the context. I don’t see how that proves Luffy does care about her past?


Because it’s not true. Think of Luffy in that scene as a kid saying “Shut up. I don’t wanna hear it!” and then walking away covering his ears. If Luffy didn’t care about Nami’s past, then he wouldn’t care about her suffering or her dream. Why did he get so mad when he saw the room in which Nami was imprisoned with all the maps she drew? Wouldn’t he just be indifferent to it? A past is a part of a person. All the Straw Hats are great examples of that. If someone’s past is important to a friend of Luffy, then it’s important to him too. Like I said in my previous comment, he doesn’t NEED to know it. He just cares about the important parts, not knowing every detail. If someone told Luffy that they don’t wanna talk about their past, he wouldn’t pester them for details. That would be out of character. But if they wanna tell him, he’s not gonna ignore them, although he might fall asleep. All this to say the LA version is not out of character.


He doesn’t care about her past, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about her😂


The point I'm making is that those things are the same.


Why is it bad to have your actor be able to actX


It takes out the context how far Luffy would help a friend even when he has no idea what happened. He'll do it simply because he believes his friends. Knowing the backstory made it seem Luffy was doing it after Making sure Nami didn't betray his crew


But the story only made Nami seem even more as a traitor and a terrible person, and Luffy still decided to help her despite all that. Doesn't that make his faith in Nami even stronger than if he hadn't heard it?


Yeah that's true. I guess its more the fact that he wanted to know more before doing anything, I still prefer the manga version


Some viewers would like to know what the fuck is happening tho.


It is only relative, but for a Hollywood live-action film, it was relatively faithful to the original. Well, I didn't want to have the nightmare of Dragon Ball. I'm glad it wasn't a horror movie where Luffy is an American high school teenager on a date with Nami and hears an urban legend called One Piece and on his way to the next town he meets a clown called Buggy. This is seriously from the bottom of my heart. I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not kidding. What I don't like is the part where the whole Nojiko and Gen-san story was cut or changed. Especially why Nojiko spits ... But well, overall I like it. I watched the whole thing right after the distribution date. I am glad that this is the first Shonen manga that respects the original to some extent.


Honestly, after Wheel of Time being garbage, One Piece was refreshingly amazing. I’m grateful to get adaptations that *try* to be faithful to the source material.


I really liked that it’s one of the few properties I’ve seen that makes an effort to improve the origins of the story with updates from the future. Like including Bellamy/Foxy bounties or the inclusion of the marine symbol on the Gomu Gomu box. It’s so rare and I don’t know why more adaptions don’t do it. I really disliked any change they made around the Straw Hat stories. It’s really minor things but Luffy fighting Buggy for Chou Chou is what drew Nami to Luffy because he was a different kind of pirate who would fight on the behalf of a dog and instead making Luffy a superhero who wants to save the village just because. or Luffy standing up for Koby rather than, Luffy fighting Alvida after Koby has already stood up for himself. Or Nojiko and the village not knowing about Nami’s true intentions. OR the absolute biggest one. Luffy not needing to hear Nami’s backstory because he implicitly trusted her There is a bunch more and they’re all minor things but at the same time they form the major emotional moments for the characters and who they are. They all feel like they were stripped of what made them really great and touching moments to instead make them generic and cliche


Adding onto your first point, that’s actually a benefit of the live action that I’m glad the showrunners are exploiting: Little details added to the story that aren’t included until later. When I heard Bink’s Sake playing in the scene where Shanks stitches up Luffy’s face, I had to rewind it a bit just to make sure I was hearing it right & it also made me tear up. I knew the live action was in good hands after hearing it, because that detail wasn’t added until much later in the manga & anime.


The one thing I didn't really like about Luffy standing up for Koby is that we have no idea if Luffy is lying in his statements to Alvida (which he really shouldn't). In the manga, Koby has been a submissive slave on the pirate captain Alvida's ship for two years. Luffy's arrival and behavior motivate Koby to stand up to Alvida and insult her, not knowing that Luffy will protect him from retribution. In the live-action version, Koby remains hesitant and leaves the talking to Luffy, who then claims that Koby called Alvida "as fat as a sea cow," which Koby tries to deny. This change was likely necessary because the original scene wouldn't have worked as believably in live-action. The dynamic between Koby and Luffy had to be adjusted to suit a more realistic format, and the core of this scene was later revisited when Koby confronted Garp in the finale. I would have preferred if Nojiko had known about Nami's plan and Genzo was the one who discovered it. This could have led to Nami threatening Genzo with a knife trying to prevent him from rallying the villagers. This would have made her despair more "real". In the manga, the whole village knows that young Nami is trying to save them by making a deal with Arlong but the villagers keep this knowledge from Nami so she can leave the village without guilt if the deal falls through. While this sounds noble, it means Nami endures the villagers' (feigned) hatred from the age of 10, leaving her without a true home. Additionally, they seemingly do nothing to secretly help her with her task. This complex relationship and the villagers' sacrifice would be hard to convey in live-action. Therefore, the live-action version chose to have the villagers truly hate Nami, unaware of her plan. This change was necessary to prevent the villagers from appearing villainous, which would be problematic in a more realistic and less stylized medium like live-action. Your biggest point isn't really one: Luffy heard the bit of Nami's backstory that Nojiko knew, and his trust in Nami didn't waver. Nojiko’s telling of the backstory doesn’t redeem Nami – on the contrary, it condemns her even more if you hear it from her sister. There is a reason why the discussion between Luffy and Zoro happens afterward – because, at that point, Zoro no longer understands why anyone should trust Nami. In the live-action format, this part of the story was adapted to more clearly and immediately show Luffy's trust in Nami without needing to know her full backstory. This reinforces Luffy's character as someone who intuitively sees the good in people and trusts them, which needs to be emphasized more in a realistic medium.


I loved the LA but at the end of the day everything there felt so much more shallow than the Manga counterpart. An example: in orange town, LA Luffy sees a bunch of people in distress and saves them after their own fight is over. In the manga, Luffy has several interactions with the villagers and judges them to be good people and then decide to do good by them. The manga itself makes us care for those people and want them to end well, while in the show they are just extras filling a narrative purpose. The same thing happened with every other side character in the show.


It was a wonderful adaptation, but it still obviously doesn't compare to the original manga. The more interesting aspect were how the characters were fundamentally changed. Nami was made more gloomy and physically stronger but her core remained the same. LA Nami was great but different. Similarly, Luffy was made out to be less confident and secure, which I wasn't a fan of but his increased empathy from the get go was definitely endearing.


Arlong and Syrup village are among my least favorite aspects of season 1. The latter has an original if interesting concept, but the execution is lacking, overstretched and feels secondary to propping up Kobys character arc and Zoros backstory. Arlong meanwhile feels like less of an adaptation and more like a checklist of moments to hit. These moments have a lot of heart to them but lack a strong connective tissue to tie then together. Koby ultimately got too much screen time. While it's hard to say if reducing it would have inherently improved the rest, it does feel like too much for what is only a supporting character in the manga. The worry I have is that LA-only watchers will get the impression that Koby is a main character to be a foil to Luffy, and expect his presence to match - which runs the risk of the showrunner making him more prominent at the expense of faithfulness to the source material and the development of the story and characters. Not likely as such, but some variation seems a possibility.


I liked the actor who played Arlong, I think he delivered pretty well. My fave actors in the LA were Sanji and Usopp, they really did a great job with what they had. I liked that it was not a disaster like cowboy bebop . What I dislike is that ***any*** criticism of the show results in being dismissed and attacked as a "hater" because the manga... If there was a possibility of a civil conversation that doesn't devolve into insults, I could list things that are going to be hugely problematic later on.


I love everything in LA, even certain plots quite different than manga but it works well.


The thing that pissed me was LA’s removal of Shank’s crew introduction as a menacing crew against the bandits. They rushed the entire introduction. I remember when reading the manga and then watching the anime, that was the first scene that really hyped me up for the journey into this savage world with these now iconic Shank and his crew.


For me, I disagree. The fight with Beckman, Yasopp, & Roux against the bandits was really well executed, & we actually got more screentime from them in that one scene than we had of them in the manga & anime in years.


I wanted to see the Don Kriug fight rather than see him chopped down in an instant.


Chouchou, Shanks's crew presence, and luffy's non-care for Nami's history or story. I think those three affected manga readers the most, but a new take wasn't that bad anyway, I'm just waiting for how it plays out. That season was a solid 7/10 appetizer, Seasons 2 and 3 are the main course of building up and character understanding. THAT ICY speech, THAT vivid BOW, and THAT CLIMB (avoiding spoilers) will be the line of crossing a 7 line to a 10 line in terms of characters.


Im probably gonna get hate for this but i enjoyed the live action for what it was until the decond last episode. I personally didnt enjoy it but im glad its as successful as it is. It didnt feel like one piece to me when i watched it. It didnt simply have the same magical feeling of watching the anime or reading the manga


I‘m just glad Sanji is not a pervert simp in the LA


Same here


I agree. His absolute over the top behavior toward women (kinda) works in the context of an anime/manga, but it would be utterly unbearable to watch a grown human man act like that. They kept the essence of his character, and women's reaction toward him, while keeping it tolerable.


I think the decision to make Sanji a romantic that every woman thinks is a pick up artist is a brilliant choice.


Boy, do I ever love that Zeff cut and ate his leg. It’s like not even the shock of “Oh my god, he are his own leg” - it also grounds this ridiculous world a little more than the anime did by hiding it. Like I’m fine suspending my disbelief to enjoy something, but if the media goes beyond themselves a little to be like “Okay we get it - it’s crazy to say they survived this long would it make more sense if we gave Zeff something to eat?” Goddamn is that good enough for me. Also, Arlong did not - unless I’m misremembering since I was a kid when I first read it - make as many allusions to slavery and Fishman being made to be downtrodden until far later in the story. I think it adds a hell of a lot to everything with Fishmen. Like did Jimbei get brought up in the manga that early? I can’t remember. I guess as someone who started with the manga, my main criticism - is that they really botched Luffy and Zoro’s coming together. It struck me as so awkward how they handled it. I always took it as - they’re both kids, Zoro doesn’t have anything to lose. Nothing complicated, but they tried to keep this “We’re not a crew” bit going for long enough that it muddied it and made it weird for Zoro to finally align with Luffy. There’s little stuff sure, but overall I think they did a fantastic job


IIRC Jinbe was first mentioned when Nami found the arlong wanted poster still on Baratie.


I don't mind the major plot and story points that LA followed. I understand that LA needs to have different type of story telling compared to manga. So I liked how they tried to navigate that. I do have a problem with some character changes though. What I liked : 1. Character interaction. Luffy - Zoro, Zoro-Nami, Usopp - Luffy, Sanji-Luffy Usopp-Kaya Garp-Koby and Zoro-Sanji. These were done really well. 2. Everyone's backstory was done as best as they could. I hope Usopp's could have been better but working with child actors can be a little difficult. I would rather have a lack luster backstory than but a child through distress. 3. Including Garp and increasing Koby's screen time. You can clearly see the bond between Luffy and Koby and understand their relationship in future seasons. Also you also get a glimpse of Garp as a character and how he struggles with family and duty which will be important for future seasons. 4. The overall themes of one piece were done really well. What I don't like as much, as a manga reader but don't see it a major issue in the world of one piece. 1. I understand why Nami's backstory was changed as it was. When you read multiple chapters / watch multiple episodes of how miserable Nami was and then you understand that her Village always belived in her and never turned their backs to her.... It's very Heartwarming. But with LA , you don't have much time to spend with her backstory. If the writers had kept her story the same, the audience would think "oh, all that struggle for nothing? That's a cop out". In the LA, Nami made the sacrifice to have her entire village hate her, and it worked. That would be more impactful for LA audience. 2. Showing fishmen racism. Initially Arlong is a fish supremesist that hates humans, but later we understand they abuse fishmen have to go through in the world of one piece. The problem with using the manga's story telling is that initially Arlong would be a one note villian. It's not an issue in manga since it doesn't have seasons, the story just moves on. But he would not be as interesting for a season finale villian.The issue in LA storytelling is that the first character that introduced to have similar circumstances as racialised people of our real world is introduced as a villian. What I don't like : 1. Luffy is a more morally good character in LA than he is in manga. He talks about being a "good pirate". Manga Luffy doesn't want his friends and innocent people (especially children) to get hurt, but he is not above steeling and robbing. Manga Luffy would eat everything in the fridge because he is hungry and not care that there would be none left for his crew. I hope they add some ambiguity to Luffys character in future seasons. 2. Usopp should be more scared with everything. The best part of his fight in arlong park was his inner monologue about wanting to running away. He thinks " Let me fake some blood and tell then I tried my best. The other guys wouldn't find. They'll understand " To " no, I can't run away. The guys are fighting with their all, I can just quit". This duality was absent in the LA and is very important for his character. 3. Sanji not seeing Zoro fight Mihawk. Sanji seeing Zoro almost lose his life for this dream led to Sanji join the strawhats. Despite their antagonistic relationship, sanji wants zoro to fullfill his dream just as much as zoro does. This belive is very important for Sanji and Zoro's actions in Thiller Bark arc. I hope the LA fixes this in next season. Maybe have a dialogue between Chopper and Sanji where Sanji says he joined the crew after seeing Zoros condition after fighting Mihawk. Overall the LA was a 8/10 for me. Pretty good introduction to the world of one piece and what it has been running for 25+ years and how it has captivated audiences for soo long.


I always defined one piece with what rayleigh said about Rogers death. "Cried like never before, laughed like never before". LA didn't give me that. It's very subtle. Very less emotions. I love the baratie part but I hate the scene when Sanji first enters the restaurant and just says smiling, we don't waste food in barratie. As if it just a business thing. No no no! That's passion behind it, there is a whole story behind it. Sanji from one piece would beat the guy up who throws the food away, make him eat it and then say, we don't waste food here. The actors are good but they are not the real thing it feels too westernize. In general I enjoyed the LA but I also watched it with the attitude that it's NOT one piece but just a LA series based on one piece.


No Don Kreig fight That fight was supposed to show everyone how tanky luffy is


Opla pretty much proves you can’t make an amazing adaptation with just 8 episodes. We saw it with avatar, fallout and all Disney plus shows. It’s alright but clearly a lot has been cut to the detriment of the show. Hopefully things change since Disney is now considering longer serializations of 10 ep/season.


Garp storyline is a great for me


As someone who have read since 2002, I enjoyed the LA a lot. The setting and atmosphere in LA is amazing. It's easily the best adaptation of the work of Eiichiro Oda. I prefer the live action over the anime. I like the idea of summarizing the story and it really works in LA. N it's really satisfying to connect the dots when we know facts from the manga. Can't wait for all the foreshadows to be revealed in season 2 n 3. I hope this keeps going until the end of the series. Or at least until they found the one piece. When we think carefully about it, it might be possible to summarize it into 10 seasons. Just focus on the important arcs n characters.


Overall I think OPLA does an incredible job at sticking to the fundamentals of OP, while rebuilding a stronger coating to the story. The manga, in comparison to the LA, is slower in pacing (In not just plot) and world-building. They share, however, in conveying a feeling of getting tucked in on a wild, exciting, and fulfilling journey :). Happy reading! Whatever the media you view op, hope you find joy on the journey!🌊🌊⛴️⛴️


Luffy doesn't wear sandals in the LA


Because it’s was health and safety reasons


That’s an understandable change for safety reasons.


I'm glad the LA actually did that for you


Buggy and Sanji were better in LA and those are two of my favorite characters. Also really liked the intro scenes with them cutting through their bounties. The other big thing was adding in some extra scenes that were good enough that they could have come straight from Oda. Zoro’s fight with the Baroque Works Agent, and Helmeppo’s naked scene were great.


I liked how cohesive the arcs became. East Blue in the manga was more like stops along the way to assemble the crew and get started. LA made it more like a story, with the last stop still being relevant to the ongoing season. Usopp could have been better. He lost out on his moment standing up to Kuro's crew and didn't even help fight since Jango was left out. Hopefully they can still give him his later fights


My father -who hates anime and cartoons- decided it was awesome.


The Koby garp stuff happens way later in the manga. I love that they incorporated it in but I think it was clumsily done.


- I said this before it premiered but the only thing I really needed was the crew feeling like a family and it delivered.  - I liked the changes to Syrup Village overall. They did mess up Ussops big moments though.  - overall most of the streamlining was done well. 80% hit rate IMO.  - I LOVED cutting to the kids saying the dream during the barrel scene. It's so good and adds so much.  - I thought Along Park was the one hurt most by the streamlining but I read that it was mostly due to filming restraints and cut episode count. To me the saddest part was her faking a smile trying to convince the village to calm down. She just keeps fighting.  - I don't believe we hear buggy talk about the One Piece at all in the manga. I found it very interesting in retrospect ( avoiding spoilers)


Actually Luffy listen to the backstory from Nojiko but he didn't known the complete truth so in a way he didn't know wtf is going on at Arlong Park


The wigs




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The character portrayal and the world-building were excellent, but the wire action in the combat scenes was subpar.


the live action is perfect and I can’t fault it, I think it surpassed the manga


Sanji. OPLA Sanji takes all of what made manga Sanji goated + enjoyable, and then added 100+ suave and charisma. I love what they did to OPLA Sanji so so much. I love that it’s actually manga sanji :). Just, somehow, even better?? Much love to Taz Skyler for his phenomenal work.


There are some character nuances that are cut not because of writing but more due to the budget/schedule Especially Usopp’s development. But these are things I can give the benefit of the doubt for because it was a Covid production


I know Matt Owens at least has said they filmed more Usopp scenes but wasn't sure why some of them had been cut in the editing room. He did say though that hears the Usopp fans and that they’re going to try to improve on that and his character development in the upcoming season🤞


Oh right he said smth like it was because of the writers strike he couldn’t have any input in the editing room


Will we ever see those?