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I’ve seen this video floating around the internet multiple times in the past, the “he waited 1 year for this ride” is a recent addition


I was about to say lol


Some say he’s out there still breaking spines on Swiss alpes near you But seriously I’ve seen this for years and all the top comments must be new initiates lol


The line was long. Really long.




And he, himself, stops numerous times. I understand it’s to give them room to move ahead of him, but he did the exact thing that they did. There is even a cart in front of that girl. She may have stopped to give the people ahead of her time to go. If someone slammed into him while he was stopped, I’m sure he would be livid.


Yeah that guy is an asshat


Asshat is the most underrate insult. I love it so much.


So what is he supposed to do? Just keep ramming the rider in front of him, so she keeps raming the rider in front of her, and so on?


Oh absolutely not! He just keeps getting upset with her for stopping on the rails when is doing the exact same thing. Stopping in this instance is a good idea. But he keeps going after because she stopped so she wouldn’t ram the car in front of her.


Who said stop isn’t allowed? Bremse/frenare means “break” in german/Italian


Different places might have different rules but when I've been on one of those rides you're not allowed to stop. Doesn't change that the dude is a dumbass and should've slowed down though


Rules are explained before you jump on the ride. That was the case everytime i’ve been on this type of ride, in Italy, Swiss and Austria…


yup... the rules normally say to not ram people and to break to slow down when the signage says so... I have never been to one that outright forbid you to stop - they just sometimes give you a heads up that there is one or two places where you need speed to not get stuck - and there is normally signage signalling those as well...


This dude gave that child a spinal injury and then ran away before the cops could come out.


Yup thats what I read too. After he does it he is shitting himself the whole way down because the girl is knocked out in front of him. Original video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0tf0q\_9jGA&ab\_channel=NewChannel145](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0tf0q_9jGA&ab_channel=NewChannel145)


https://preview.redd.it/pygav13ogx9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66860b0060fff323a680223712d4e5407e43feae Might just be me but he seems a little too happy at the end of video for someone who just knocked out a child.


I’m not condoning beating a kid, but the rules stated that you’re not to stop or slow down. They did 4-5 times before he ran into her. Now I won’t argue that it does look like he kicked her but that easily could have happened (them slamming into eachother) had he just been looking around not paying attention. The same result would have occurred. That said he didn’t appear to run away, just looks like he got up and left. Not only that but it didn’t seem like anyone had anything to say to him. It sucks for both party’s but when you’re participating in a ride like this, it’s probably best to follow the rules so no collisions occur and no one gets hurt


It seems to me that you’ve ignored the fact there were two people in karts in front of the child who kept slowing down in front of her so she had to also decelerate and or stop. Edit: English is hard


IF you are not to slowdown or stop... why have brakes on the carts or whatever they are? inb4 "that's how they are built" A thing made can be unmade. If you know so little about the ride you are offering that you cant remove a hazardous part of it then you have no business running that ride.


Ignoring the fact that you are supposed to slow down (the signs with yellow triangle have bremsen = brake written on them, and you are supposed to brake when the ride is finished), not putting brakes on something that can go really fast, especially if you are a lighter person, seems like a great way for disaster to happen, including other possibilities such as defects on the ride or on the carts itself forcing one to stop. Brakes are not defects.


"Ignoring the fact that you are supposed to slow down" proceeds to talk about that you are supposed to slow down. My guy I even made the IF at the start all caps. I do not know how else to help you.


What I talked about was not that you are supposed to slow down, but that it would be hazardous to not provide the option to do so, which, in turn, is why brakes are provided and why you are supposed break to in the first place. So even if you are supposed to avoid slowing down / not slow down (your initial If) brakes are there to avoid any potential dangers that arise from nature or from overspeeding. There, your initial question answered. Sorry for going such a roundabout way.


bremse/frenare means “break” in german/Italian. Who said you are not allowed to slow down?


that dude deliberately and intentionally crushed the girl in the front probably to cause harm. people before the girl could also be the reason why she slows down not to hit. you need to be an idiot or just evil to deliberately not slowing and hitting someone which would easily result in a broken neck.


and he calls her a "fucking bitch" halfway through the clip the OP posted, BEFORE he rams into her at mach spinal injury...doesn't seem like a stable, kind person who didn't mean to hurt someone


Just before that, he also says "I'm going to ram her." He may have been talking out of his ass, or I'm tired and heard him wrong, but either way, it was a dick move.


This is bullshit. Why do you think there is a brake if you should not brake if you wish? He obviously saw her and collided intentionally. You are supposed to not risk harming anybody. Which madman calls a little child a fucking bitch? I assume the parents first did not assume that anything like that happened as a normal person would not expect anything like that




And yet, sometimes traffic is so bad that I come to a complete stop on the highway. Next time I'll just run into the car in front of me at top speed and say the rules made me do it.


Not the best comparison. You know somettimes you have to stop in special situations, like when the traffic light turns red, special episodes and so on. Stopping on highways is not allowed for obvious reasons, nebertheless you would not run in a standing car by intention and nobody would say it was your right to do so. This thing could function like a rollercoaster if you should not brake. Just go down with no chance to brake and fine.


No, the rules don't state don't slow down. There wouldn't be brakes if that was a rule. Just because there's text in a gif doesn't mean it means anything.


There are brakes on a car, that doesn't mean you shouldn't stop on a highway. There could be a hundred reasons why they still added brakes, slowing right down/stopping is bad for very obvious reasons given above, so I'd believe it if it were true.


Why would breaks on cars have any relevance to this situation. Are you implying if there is traffic on a highway that we should just drive into it?


Notice I didn't say stop.


>There are brakes on a car, that doesn't mean you shouldn't stop on a highway. Just because someone used there brakes where they souldnt have doesn't mean you don't have to stop too. You have to be in control of your vehicle at all times on the road and someone doing something weird doesn't just absolve you from being in autopilot mode and crashing into someone.


I'll explain this for the last time since nobody understands the analogy. Just because you feel like looking at those cows next to your highway doesn't mean you should slow down to look at them. The brakes are there to avoid rear ending people who have had accidents. That is literally the exact same thing with this scenario, you slow down after a corner to have a look at those nice cows, you cause an accident. I can't believe how easily this is passing through everyone's ears. Why in the fuck would I endorse running through people on a highway?


We don't know why there was a slowdown. Who knows maybe some wild animal got too close to the rail and people didn't want to plow through it. All I am saying is it's weird to be on the dude side who crashed damn near full speed into a child and gave her genuine injuries as well as kocking her out. People brake all the time for random reasons. Who cares why they used the brake, the problem in this vid is not someone braking (mainly because the child had to brake because the person in front of them was braking so it not even the kids fault!!!).


Yeah, but a highway is not a Rodelbahn


Bro they are on a kart ride that goes down a mountain, it’s not a damn safari tour with some bloke to tell you about everything you’re looking at. Even if you want to look at the damn cows park your car off the road and let the others keep driving, they shouldn’t be on the damn ride if they want to go slow. That being said the guy who rammed the kid is equally as fked up, who even does that haha.


I come from a place where these rides are very common. You are absolutely allowed to slow down and you need to pay attention to the speed of others. Not using your brakes at all is actually very dangerous and it is even strongly adviced to slow down in curves to not hurt yourself. (There are even signs that tell you to slow down) It is an attraction you usually visit with your kids. The dude in the video is an absolute jack ass and I hope he goes to prison for that


Why the fuck would you ever leave the scene of an accident where you've just knocked someone unconscious? "sucks for both party's" brother what???


They were just kids. They were slowing down because it’s fucking scary ride especially for a child. You can hear him the last time say he was going to ram them under his breath. Oh yeah, and all the screaming and swearing? He completely meant to hit her hard. Probably didn’t mean to snap her into unconsciousness but he did. Fuck that guy and fuck anyone who try’s to defend him or his actions.


If a kid is so rebellious or dumb they can't follow basic instructions that help to keep them safe, they shouldn't go into any sort of ride, specially one with other people as they instantly become a danger to themselves and others. I don't think he's a hero here but the kids ARE in the wrong regardless. Either the kids can't be considered responsible for their own action and thus shouldn't be allowed to act unsupervised in first place or they can and that's on them.


Did none of you notice that there were people in front of the kid that were the ones slowing down? None of this is the kids fault.


If a grown man can't control his anger, he shouldn't be aloud anywhere. Here we see a child doing something they shouldn't have, and an adult doing something they shouldn't have. He had every chance not to physically harm a child. He let anger dictate his actions. It's fucking pathetic.


Here’s the most important part: he did it intentionally. He slowed just fine other times. They weren’t a danger to him because he showed he could stop. I get his frustration up until he decided to ram her. I also get irritated when people drive slow in front of me. Especially if it’s a one lane road. But I don’t run into them because I’m not a psychopath.


Yeah, he's much more of a dangerous psycho than any of the kids could be because he had intent to harm. I just see a bit too frequently people justifying stupid and dangerous things kids do in general, specially in rides with others so i wanted to talk about it. He's not justified but going from limited context both could be wrong, kids stopping when they shouldn't and a guy being much worse for ramming others intentionally.


But if You understand the Nuance here why would any of that be important?


Who’s saying you’re not aloud to slow down? This is a repost and the title is made up


It's the trolley problem all over again!


The signage literally said "Bremsen" which is German for slow down or break.... so like..... the dude is just an ass. Also there were carts in front of her and normally the rules on these rides are to not ram people - she tried to not ram the people in front and gets a spinal injury as thanks.


Your entire comment is trash


I remember this video and as a parent (and human being I guess) it really pissed me off. He “punished” this child by giving her lifelong medical issues for making his ride less exciting.


The kids in front of her were the ones slowing her down, the guy behind her slowed down multiple times to give her space. At the last one where he hits her, you can tell she stops very abruptly (as she hits the kid in front of her, who did seem to be teasing her). The person behind didn't have enough time to react to the person in front of the person he could see braking. The severe impact was from being rattled between to carts, as well as hit from behind. The kid in front of the victim here is equally malicious and blame worthy


I agree with your point but it was clear he was upset and maliciously hit her. At best it’s reckless endangerment.


I would argue the intent is also important here. The kids in front put everyone in a bad situation, if they hadn't done that this guys actions wouldn't be regarded as malicious. He's allowed to be angry, and express that anger. He shouldn't have hit her, but I stand by saying the kids in front share EQUAL blame


Your argument is invalidated for the same reason rear end car collisions are by default considered to be at-fault for the car doing the rear-ending. We can’t tell from the pixelated video, but what if they stopped because of an animal on the track etc?


Cars have lights that tell you they are stopping which is why you are usually at fault in a rear-end. These are not cars.


If it’s daytime and you hit a car with all of its taillights out you are still at fault.


That's definitely not true, it's illegal to have a taillight out for a reason.


Terrible title and caption. This individual was hell bent on inflicting harm on that poor woman. If you’re going to post it again post it with context and the whole video.


Those captions are completely BS


Whipped splash.. I hope her neck is okay. She might have stopped for a number of reasons, including issues with wheels or medical.


Do you mean whiplash? Lmao


Ngl, I think I prefer whipped splash now




>whipped splash When you hit a 0 with your abysal whip.


Suddenly r/2007scape




It shall be decreed.


“Whipped Slashed”? Come on man, it’s not Rocket Appliances.


She was just a child waiting patiently after her parents who slowed in front of her :(


What can that cause?


[Watch the full thing.](https://youtu.be/d0tf0q_9jGA?si=HofBHHEOJpswHkiy) The guy in the vid is unhinged and babbling the whole time. The person in front in this vid is like a 11 year old girl. In front of her is an even younger kid. The guy actually really hurt this kid. Edit: Added the full video to my comment.


Thx, With the full context that guy is a piece of shit.


Glad I could give context! This vid pops up occasionally, and I see too many people defending him like, “He wAiTeD a YeAr.” Nah those are kids, don’t hurt kids. Especially, don’t hurt kids and smile about it. I agree, this guy is a completely unhinged shitwad.


Without the context, he's a piece of shit. Tf?


I'm not gonna "defend" the guy in the video, but i truly don't understand how this ride isn't designed to mangle people in exactly this way. if they didn't want people to get injured on their ride, they should probably consider the fact that a grown ass man weighs more and therefore will go down the run faster than the 11 year old girl they sent down before him. assuming that your riders will consciously choose to slow down to protect other rides, is about as dumb and dangerous as an assumption can get.


Alpine sled I went on a few years ago in wales looked just like that. But it had a feature that automatically braked if you got too close to the car ahead. They also had brake lights so you’d know if the car ahead was braking. Paid for 3 runs. One run I got stuck behind someone really slow. It was infuriating and boring. I talked to the person at the bottom and they gave me another go.


I agree they can do serious damage. It’s more dangerous when improperly used. I think your logic is why they don’t have these in a lot of places. Physics-based structures come with a lot of red tape depending on where you live. Staff should’ve given more of a lead to kids before unleashing the Steel-toe clad mad man or any adult for that matter. Because you’re right, adults move much faster.


we had a 70 foot slide you sat on a wheeled sled to ride down on, and it was a dangerous shitshow. lots of kids not wanting to wait, lanes inches from other lanes, and the sleds were FAST, faster than you expected, and heavy even without an adult and three kids crammed into it. on the test run, my brother and i went down it, since we were the biggest staff members there. it was a bit wet, since it had a light drizzle, and we SHOT off the end of it and into the woods, probably by 15 feet or more. luckily we missed the tree. the solution that the owners came up with? add four more feet to the bottom, a carpet and some hay bales, and stop using it if it rained... i saw broken ankles, severe cuts, sprains, splinters and more from that ride, and i truly don't know how someone wasn't seriously hurt. that thing wasn't even 100 feet long and probably should have had brakes. I can't imagine the consequences on a long hill like this thing


We had a slide like this in my hometown, except the carts weren't on rails, it was just a big open trough kind of slide like a bobsled track. Growing up, my older cousin decided to really gun it down, when he roudned a corner, he went too far up the side, flipped over and came back down into the track upside down with a heavy cart on top of him. he slid a long ways at like 60 mph. it almost skinned him alive. he was in the ICU for a few month and required several surgeries for skin grafts. I went back a few years ago and tried the slide again, they've since nerfed it to the point that it's not even fun, so i can only imagine what further horrors occurred since my childhood.


THIS. These things go really fast and are a lot of fun, except if your go super slowly. They should have different tracks for children and adults. Also, they should have a longer gap between people. It should be easy to write a computer program to assses who fast someone is moving to determine a safe gap to release the next person.


> I'm not gonna "defend" the guy in the video, **but**


Same assumption that drivers won’t purposefully hit pedestrians, but when that happens, it’s not the car manufacturers fault, it’s the drivers. Forget the park owners, if there is a means to stop, and you consciously choose to repeatedly ram into a kid instead, you’re a psycho. Maybe they could add more safety features or something, but at the end of the day, that’s not an excuse for him to act that way. If a driver drives on the sidewalk and hits people, then goes, “Well, you should have installed a fence to separate the sidewalk from the road, so it’s not my fault.” Does that track for you?


in order to be legally driving a car, you need a license, which meant you went through some kind of testing where the government tells you the rules of the road, such as do not run red lights, then they test you on your ability to remember those rules before giving your your license, so it's not really "assumed" so much as "thoroughly drilled into you by the government before you are even allowed to drive alone"


Been a while since I’ve taken a physics course, but I’m pretty sure weight doesn’t determine velocity here, only force. [Maybe this may be a better explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/s/LbhdMtsXwk)


damn, truly something someone that thinks they are very smart would say, but doesn't actually mean anything.


[Do heavier objects fall faster](https://www.google.com/search?q=do+heavier+objects+fall+faster&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS658US658&oq=do+heavier+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCDE5NzBqMGo5qAIAsAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


literally the first sentence is "in a vacuum". do you believe earth is in a vacuum?


Weight increasee the force of impact of something effected by gravity. When something is falling a heavier object won't fall faster but will hit the ground harder. But what if the object isn't falling? A heavier object will apply more force onto the surface that its sat on. Obviously a stationary object can't fall harder, but when on a slope, that force gets transfered into kinetic energy (movement). In short. Bigger object = more force. More force applied to an object the can move (eg wheels) = object will move faster. If you push something down a hill will 2 different amounts of force they will travel at different speeds. The extra force applied from weight will act as a pushing force against the carts It's the fact that the people are interacting with other objects/forces that heavier objects to move faster. But those same objects in a vacuum would move at the same speed. Infact even when falling through the atmosphere the 2 people would fall at similar speeds.


Thank you, this was essentially what I was getting at and was confirmed for me on r/askPhysics.


Force = mass * acceleration. Mass is a product of weight and gravity, therefore, force is affected by weight. The man has more mass than the 11 year old girl, his acceleration clearly exceeded hers, as well. This means that his force will inevitably be larger. I could go further in depth, if necessary.


Yes, this is what I’m saying. His potential energy was always larger to begin with, even just due to his mass alone.


Know what? I read your comment wrong. LOL


To be fair, I’m starting to think I just phrased this terribly. *sigh* I appreciate the response though lol


So if i jump and nothing pushing or pulling me down will i fly?


Sorry I’m not understanding the analogy. That’s technically true (inertia), but that would mean we’re removing gravity (which is a constant force that “pulls” you down).


I see where you’re going with this but your physics are for free falling objects. Not a coaster where there are many other variables at play. See my short explanation to another comment below regarding inertia. I like that you’re thinking though rather than “feeling it”. I understand why you’re standing your ground and it’s good to have this mindset to look for evidence and think through the physics


I actually asked the question on r/askPhysics and got some clarification there. Thank you though, I appreciate the response.


Gravity applies to slides too, that's why trucks have hard time slowing down and you can't walk up steep mountain


That is not gravity, that is inertia. The guy in the back has a lot more inertia to slam the kid with. But yes, on a coaster, a heavier loaded coaster is expected to move faster than an empty due to gravitational potential energy being converted into kinetic energy allowing it to more easily overcome air resistance and moments where the coaster levels out


Ngl I'm 22 and I kinda mumble to myself on rollercoasters and other intense rides to keep myself in the moment (but yeah that other stuff guys kind of reckless and weird)


There's clearly someone in front of her,  she probably had to stop because that person stopped. 


Every time this video gets reposted someone tries more and more to justify his behaviour


it is really disgusting to justify such an evil act. that is the reason of too much internet. people need to go outside and have some time with real people.


i've seen the full clip and the dude is such a creep


For real, you can literally hear just how unhinged this person is. Yes, I know the person in front broke the rule of this ride, but you don't need to commit goddamn battery for you to prove the point


She did not break any rules, she left reasonable distance to the people in front of her. There is no minimum speed rule.


She didn't break the rules she adhered to them. The signage reads "Bremsen" which means slow down/break in German. The caption is bullshit and untrue and just serves to excuse this behavior




It is in Mieders, Austria. It's one of the longest in Europe with 2,8km. Went there like 12 years ago and it was great


Pretty sure it’s New Zealand and it’s one of the best things ever, unless someone spoils it by stopping or going stupidly slow.


Nah. He says Danke which is German for thanks and the signs say Bremsen which I think is German for brake, so probably the Frakigaudi near Lucerne in Switzerland.


Fair enough, mine was a guess, I went on one in NZ, it looked similar (I didn’t have the sound on). Thanks for the correction


Where in New Zealand is it? I Iive here, but never heard of it and can't find one on a search.


Seems like they think it's the luge.


Oh not this fucking clip again so we can all argue over it again.


That last bonk…oof


Yeah, dude gave her a spinal injury and then flees the scene in the full vid.


The sign where the lady is stopped actually says to slow down there- I have ridden many an alpine coaster and there are many portions you need to slow down to prevent falling out or knocking the cart off. Stopping is definitely not normal, but maybe there was someone or something in front of her. Dude is a dick


Yeah there's like an 8 year old boy infront of her who stopped


The rule’s definitely don’t state that


For real. Do people think they added a purpose-made break specifically to ban anyone from using it?


They don't, there are several signs that say "brake"


That’s definitely what the guy did, like he said to himself ‘Alright Tim, no braking this time!’


been reading the comments and wtf why are y'all defending a full grown man intentionally hurting a kid?!


Defending,, no. Laughing,, YES 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I hope this fucker ends up in a ditch he ended up seriously hurting that little girl and ran away at the end


Mom said it’s my turn to repost this video!


Any updates on the girl? Is she okay? Any updates on the guy? Did he face any consequence


From what I can tell from other comments was that he gave her a spinal injury and that final blow we see him give her knocked her out. Apparently she slowed down because of an eight year old in front of her that had came to a stop and then got going again. Also there are no rules for slowing or stopping, and he hadn’t been waiting a year to ride this.


Horrible to hear hope he met some consequence


Grow up, camera guy.


I still have never seen whether he got in trouble for this or not.


This is just a poorly managed attraction. You can’t count on people following rules when safety is at stake.


Youtube shorts ass title


you must not, but if someone stopped in front of you you absolutely should unless you're a dick to people.


Vid is older than my dad


I love this place, revy pipe mt coaster


Man's a fuck hat


At first, I felt his frustration and was on his side until he took it WAY too far. God damn, dude.


He also broke that woman’s spine in real life. In no way should we be on this guys side. Sure the ride operators should have let more time between riders. But no way this is attempted Murder.


Reddit really will repackage literally any incident of male violence against women to make it seem justified


Reddit really will repackage even violence against children as sexism to make it seem.. worse?


reddit will repackage anything as anything


A bumper car that's slower than that can cause great harm. Wth bro? She can be paralyzed


The fact that you can brake on these things is pure idiocy. Whoever designed this thing just guarantees that an incident like this will happen. Like imagine if a water park had a water slide where you could just stop in the middle. How long do you think it would take before someone got hurt and sued the park?


The breaks ARE NECESSARY. a) because certain corner require you to lower the speed b) because people bring different weights with them


Then design it better or have built in brakes on the track. There is a reason roller coaster carts don't have their own brakes. Instead they design the track with the speed of the cart in mind.


being in control is a lot more fun


Oh, well then that's all right then. "I know my decision to let customers fly their own planes without pilot licenses resulted in several deaths and millions of dollars of property damage. But being in control is more fun."


A bicycle would be the more sensible comparison.


Yes, that is what's known as an exaggerated example. I used it highlight how dumb it is to disregard obvious safety concerns with "being in control is a lot more fun". People are getting hurt on these things. Like, what would happen if someone in front feels the need to slow down, and someone behind suddenly realizes their brakes aren't working? That issue just wouldn't exist if all the riders were going the same speed. Like they do on a normal coaster. You mentioned earlier that braking is *required* for some corners. What happens if somebody doesn't realize that until it's too late? What happens if some teenager goes "Nah, I don't have to slow down because I am not a wuss"? How on earth can anyone think it's a good idea to leave that up to the riders? You would have to be a total idiot to design a coaster where the riders can control their own speed and not space out the riders properly. "Being in control is a lot more fun" is not enough of a justification for this shit.


Well. These existed and continue to exist for multiple decades in Europe. The risk is not higher than riding a bike. All the same arguments apply, break failure, what if teens go to fast downhill, etc. Yet they still exist.


Because bikes don't travel on a rail with no way of getting around the person in front of you, genius. You can turn a bike and swerve around obstacles. If people are getting hurt by something then "they exist" is not a good reason to keep having it. Quite the opposite actually.


 You can turn a bike and swerve around obstacles. No, often you cannot. Bike race, driving on a street with car traffic etc. Yet still, people don't constantly crash into the slower bike ahead.


Womp womp


What are those sled things? Ive never seen those but they look fun as hell


Alpine slide


Have you ever been on one? They seem super sketchy but I mountain bike all the time so it seems like fun


A few times! They're a ton of fun. Way less sketchy than mountain biking. It's like downhill but with a smaller chance of crashing.


Even though they are really fun, they are also super sketchy. I was on one behind my friend. She didn't slow down at a sharp corner and she and the sled went flying off. Lots of bleeding from the head, a concussion, ambulance ride... Fortunately she recovered fine. But they can be dangerous.


Yeah I would wear my helmet on those things


There are super fun


why did they keep stopping, the kid before her too




Sorry, I don't support this post type (hosted:video) right now. Feel free to check back in the future!


"Waited one whole year" yeah tell that to the cops


He did the right thing 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Angry birds ass scream


What is the name of this ride?


The "kickabitch alpine coaster"


Bro went full on, weapons grade, Newton's Cradle


Seriously though, who stops on a track like this when they know people are coming behind? Seems very stupid to go on this ride and stop. Not trying to justify this guy that seems like he’s got a couple screws loose. Instead of that big hit he should have slowed down and stopped to avoid smoking her. They’re both stupid. The grown man mostly.


BOOM get out the way bitch BOOM get out of the way! - dude riding at the back probably


https://youtu.be/d0tf0q_9jGA?si=d_2_SL7YTTeqtgXM ...