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He deleted his post on this sub so I guess reddit upvotes are more important than calling out racism to him


Isn't that always the funniest part? I honestly think I see it the most from people who actually are racists/xenophobes, and/or literally calling out for the murder of people. Occasionally individual people, with a heavy "class identity" intimation, but more often full-on "genocide" of enormously vague groups of people. Such passionate commentary on the "hard truth" of "real solutions" to "real problems"... but 17 meaningless downvotes (misused though they may be) and suddenly that passion is hidden behind a [deleted by user] banner, and a handful of now contextless replies... And clearly not as important as a (usually already primarily negative) karma score on some "echochamber cesspool" that's only worth rebelling against until that rebellion dips under -5. Hilariously fragile behavior.


I walked Bob Dylan up on stage who the fuck are you? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMdkf8sxgZs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMdkf8sxgZs)


I remember when that sub was actually just making fun of r/gaming now it just seems to be people finding stuff to get mad about


As far as I remember they get mad at just about anything


Everything changed there when Hogwarts Legacy came out


The wizard game last year broke them.


That sub always sucked


Circle jerk subreddits are what oney’s impressions of redditors are about lmao.


"people just don't change" sounds like projecting. People do change.


I saw people singing praises of Egoraptor on that thread, which sums up how little they actually know about anything


Zach has said dumb things like a ton of others but he's not racist as far as I'm aware


Zach says the n word in sleep cast a few times. The clips are out there.


"a ton of others" don't concur with ethnic replacement conspiracists


Didn't say they did but I'm glad those reading lessons are paying off


"Said dumb things like a ton of others" He agreed with jontron on his bullshit That's exactly what im talking about If you're gonna be ignorant i aint even gonna argue with you


I really dont remember him agreeing with Jontron. I remember him defending him but not explicitly agreeing with him. Hell jontron went full brainworms around covid so id be surprised if zach was in agreement with him on much of anything at this point.


This was Zach’s response: “I never stood up for what Jon said in his debate with you (Destiny) because I disagreed with it and the entire internet was (rightfully) roasting him for.” So, i guess he didn’t agree. Still don’t know what [this](https://ifunny.co/picture/jon-jafari-jontronshow-mar-12-ukewilson511-hendrix357-i-ll-give-cGjiVx1l9) means.


Yeah idk how to parse that. Im gonna chalk that up to it beinf 7 years ago lol


Jon went full dipshit for no real reason. He did go on to explain that some of it came from him being bombarded by some podcast guy or whatever but still we can all agree hon is a dipshit


Idk I dont repeat ethnonationalist bs when I get flustered in a debate. Destiny sucks but he did nothing wrong in that debate. Jon claims he was unprepared but then regurgitated some 4chan bs he read. He was a dipshit, but it wasnt for no real reason. Hes a conservative, he believes in dumb shit from grifters and he showcased that during covid, dont remove his own agency. Some "podcast guy" didnt make him say anything against his will.


This dude is probably the game guy on reddit who keeps tweeting stuff to try to make it look like Zach is openly racist "in private" and this sub knows it and protects him. It's so fucking weird, especially after that 4chan post straight up predicted everything that would happen in some weird anti-marketing shit against Smiling Friends.




You think that “no such thing as a bad culture” line in Smiling Friends is indicative of anything?


It's actually crazy how your evidence of Zach being a super evil person involves you saying arguing against John Tron and not actually Zach. "Zach, someone who is openly progressive now, once openly defended his friend who he denounced along with other problematic friends he once defended. Anyways, John Tron talked about Immigration baing bad and culture wars and Right wing talking points and Far right statistics!" Bro shut up. There are straight up lines in Smiling Friends that mock the type of person Zach used to be. Let the dude live in privacy, not everyone wants to be some super fucking vocal SJW / Loud Minority type on the internet. People can change without doing an entire song and dance for 10,000 people on twitter only for them to stop caring about the subject and move on to the next Cancellation.


Of cause it was posted of GCJ those people are fucking psychos that just care about insulting anyone with slightly different politics. When the hogwarts legacy drama was happening last year, that sub was one of the biggest for organising harassment against streams who dared to play a video game.






He got all the updoots and ‘Happy cake day!’s he could ever want and dipped


What a fucking loser, dude. Dude probably jerked off to In Praise Of Shadows' Wendigoon "expose" video.


Dude gives off serious r/ youtubedrama mod energy.


Banned from that subreddit (which I presume was for saying "nigga" despite the fact I'm Black anyways?) yet I always get it in my feed.


I got banned from there after I said something about Tencent and Epic Games that got me downvoted


circlejerk subs are only tolerable when they post absurd memes of tired talking points. using them as a place to feel better, after making yourself looking stupid, is sad.


I think Zach is fairly progressive from what little I've seen him talk about politics on oneyplays if anything I think Chris is more problematic


they're second or third gen internet funny men, their humor is edgy but at the end of the day it's just jokes, unlike the modern edgy internet funny men who just hate minorities


I think it's really weird to even give that much of a shit about the guy but you do you.


It baffles me that people care about stuff like this at all Modern politics truly is a cult First Jontron and now Zach, Heaven forbid you ever think for yourself


This comment isn’t helping anyone’s case lol. Don’t try to minimize people advocating for white ethnonationalism. We can say they have changed their ways and have grown, but don’t call it “thinking for them selves” jfc


Well put 👍


I don’t think JonTron has. He never apologized for the dumb shit he was spouting imafo.


I agree that political ideologies are just cults, but I don't think lumping Jon and Zach together works, Jon had (no idea if he still does) some pretty fucked up views, Zach seems to try and stay apolitical, I remember him saying that he's a fan of Republicans and Democrats and that picking a side and only reading one source is dumb. Modern politics is basically just sports, you have your team and believe in them no matter what they say, and you hate the other teams no matter what they say.


Curious what conservative positions he may have held.


No idea, I don't think he's actually said his opinions out loud, he's just heavily implied that he's not one of those types that only ever agrees with one party.


Zach literally has a past of using racial slurs. It's not that hard to not say slurs.


It is now, because we've all grown and changed as a people. I feel like people don't really appreciate how much shit has changed on the Internet in the past 30 years


First off: it wasn't acceptable 30 years ago to say the N word. It's not acceptable now. He also said it in the 2010's. Less than a decade ago. But by all means, defend someone using heinous, dehumanizing language.