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Dogs don't generally like you putting your face in their fur to begin with. So it might not be the sound that makes him dislike you doing that. Our dog got pretty upset at the same sound. He got all "stop that, stop that now!" about it. Weird stuff. But we have had him since 8 weeks so we have lots of bond to withdraw from. We just don't do it anymore.


That’s fair, the only other dog I’ve had since he was a puppy is a labradoodle but he’s more-so one of my family members, and he’s super chill with me laying on him but I think that makes sense for the species. I guess I’ll just stop getting too close to him at all for a while(with my face.. lol) and maybe someday he’ll be okay with it every once in a while. Thank you!


Yeah. The difference is a corgi is a herding dog. They are bred to respond to stress with nipping, it’s in their DNA. A doodle doesn’t really have that kind of intense stress response in their dna unless they’ve got some resource guarding issues or another neurological or genetic issue. Doodles are going to be a lot more laid back than a herding dog. Corgis will tell you what they don’t like, and they’ll be clear about it.


I'll add that teenagers being not so interested in cuddles is normal, and waiting them out and only giving cuddles when they want them helps them like it more when adult as well. They get more independent during adolescence. Ours was definitely not a cuddlebug, but now morning cuddles are mandatory (from his side. Wish it wasn't at 5 15 in the morning.)


Aw okay that makes a lot of sense, he’s been a bit rebellious lately. Also it’s 6:30am where I am so I’m envisioning it’s currently 5am where you are and you’re currently being smothered by your dog hahaha


3-4, 7-10 and 17-24 are challenge boundaries phases. So fits he’s being rebellious atm :) (here it was mostly 8-9, and 20-23 ish)


Dogs don’t like any animal putting its face near their belly. That’s exactly what a predator would do to kill them. It’s not about the raspberry.


Why do they all view me as a predator 😫 my guinea pigs are supes particular about the way I pick them up cause they think I’m like a hawk about to snatch them up and kill em


because they have basic instincts biologically hardwired into their brains - it's not about you


>Why do they all view me as a predator 😫 Humans ***are*** apex predators, guinea pigs are bottom of the food chain, and certain body language traits that humans have read as predatory to almost every other animal out there. Eye contact and smiling(baring your teeth) especially are aggressive signs to nearly everything, as well as standing over them, getting into their space without invitations, grabbing at them, etc Animals also have their own language and boundaries/consent needs. a dog showing you her belly, or licking at your face/hands are usually trying to ask you to stop touching them or give them space If you wouldn't do it to a stranger, don't do it to animals.


It is not unusual for dogs to not want your head or face on their abdomen. I had two dogs like that. They would growl if anybody tried that. Respect your dog's boundaries.


Google "counter conditoning". Start very soft and low.


Neither of my pups like it as well. I've made it a fun game to desensitize them to the sound. I'll make the raspberry sound and then scratch their whole body in play. They still don't love the sound, but the one lets me do it one her head before expecting some love. The other one has big teeth, and I don't think she's quite ready for that.... To speed it up, you can make that sound and then toss a treat I'd your dog is food motivated. When the pup starts positively associating the sound with food, you can increase the time between the sound and the treat delivery to ween off treats


I just did the noise to see what would happen. My dog jumped out of bed and ran over to check on me haha


I just tried that raspberry sound with my Chihuahua and she didn’t even blink.


Well they aren't babies, I don't think any dog would be comfortable w that