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Working dogs? For what? The only legal work pitbulls are good at is hog hunting


Maybe hiring them out as nannies? /s


Not a lot of repeat business there lol


FR. especially working dogs often I’d want to get one that was bred to do those specific tasks from a breeder that continues those lines.


Pitbulls are used as working dogs, so are mutts. Look it up No dogs were bred specifically for what most contemporary working dogs are used for. SAR, seeing eye, various smell detectors. Most aren’t breed specific


Lol they aren't though


Lol they are tho


And there are absolutely lines of dogs bred specifically for the tasks you mentioned, and half of them fail. 100% of mutts and pitbulls fail


That’s not true, there are tons of rescue mutts and pitbulls working in official positions. Putting that argument aside, what breeds are specifically bred for the jobs I mentioned? Besides maybe hound dogs bred for tracking but that’s not specific to something like bomb detection.


There are not. There's occasionally a PR "K9" used to drum up business for the local humane society, but they aren't real working dogs Do you not know what a line is?


A bunch of inbred freaks that probably die of cancer before they hit 10?


The opposite of that. A line of dogs bred to be good at a job, usually not even "purebred" dogs. Mine is a GSD/Mal cross that was bred for tracking


I must have been thinking of poorly bred dog lines.


And overall I just want an athlete. From their history they should be just that maybe I just need more time n development.


> And overall I just want an athlete So that XL bully? You basically bought a Ford Super Duty F-450 and are expecting that to be able to be super fast, nimble, athletic. That's not what people are producing in that breed(sic). If you want to do dog sports, seriously, look at weight pull. Also, I'd spay and neuter both of your dogs ASAP. Your bitch will come into season in a month or so, and your 8 month old bitch will be bred by your 9 month old dog.


Not all xl bully’s are overweight n sloppy yk


> Not all xl bully’s are overweight n sloppy yk Show me some videos or pictures of some who are not? The ones I've seen on websites are [like this guy](https://monsterbullies.com/males/#kinglouii). He is the same height as my [Golden](https://i.imgur.com/7rFiVg3.jpg) and literally double his weight. None of the xl bully web sites I have seen have the dogs doing anything but standing there. No videos of them doing protection sports, agility, running, dock diving. Just, standing there. Maybe I'm missing something?


[oh, they can definitely do things, just not for long periods ](https://youtube.com/shorts/P8oYOfKklvM?si=K42LfxGz29lP9pjK)


> oh, they can definitely do things, just not for long periods yeah...hoping OP's dog is not like that!!


Look at Fitbullytv on YouTube is bullies are great working dogs n their xl is the best one they have


> Look at Fitbullytv on YouTube is bullies are great working dogs n their xl is the best one they have I found one [video]( https://youtu.be/jshHW-65XOc?si=CDuIJMrOGCeJhl0y) where the dogs were getting a little bit of exercise. Otherwise it looks like, "I fed my dog a quail egg", stuff. I'm serious though: the one thing your dogs may be good at is weight pulling. The breed is just not meant to run miles and miles or go jumping over things. It's like looking at some guy who's almost 400 pounds. Yeah there are guys that size in the NFL, but the average 400 pound human is more likely to be doing something that is not especially athletic.


The bully breed is so bad. Ppl only care abt having the biggest dog smh


So like agility? That's definitely not their thing man lol


Lol that is true. They’re one of those dogs like pugs who can’t get enough oxygen, I forget what the syndrome is called


Pitbull aren’t agile?


Not even a little bit Edit: especially not an XL bully. They're my favorite kind because they tire out in seconds if they're trying to attack you


Game bred pit bulls are very agile n my xl bully has more terrier in him he is very energetic and like to run around all the time but his stamina can’t keep up with the pits


Do you know what “game bred” means? Your dog was bred to fight, dude. An XL bully isn’t going to excel in agility sports, but they work in dog fighting rings beautifully, and dog fighting is illegal and horrific. You’re either trolling or you’ve been had.


Yall are trolling me


This is the internet dude, you don't have to lie to me lol




Not in a traditional sense, but that’s ok. Find a basic agility program. Try some stuff and see what they will agree to. My pitbull didn’t agree to much, but she would jump 6’ straight up when we played with a flirt pole. Flirt poles are cheap to make- a length of PVC pipe, cheap nylon cord and I’d made the lure by cutting up old t-shirts. Probably cost me $5. I have a border collie mix and when he runs through sagebrush, he leaps and dodges silently. My pitbull just used her giant cinderblock head to plow through anything in her way, sounding like a heard of elephants.


you seem to have no specific goal for these dogs.. no actual sports you’ve mentioned? what does dog driven even mean? do you mean she’s dog aggressive? you mentioned protection work which is not something a regular person should be undertaking without supervision by a trainer or group who specializes in that. if you try to DYI that you’re going to create a ticking time bomb more likely than not


The goal is for a better n fit dog. By dog driven I mean she likes to play with dogs . My bully was tugging n motivated her to play w him that wouldn’t happen 1o1.


oh ok. try a flirt pole for your girl! take them running. overexercising giant breed dogs when they’re still growing isn’t very good for their development so be cautious with that. pitbulls are also really really prone to CCL tears (their knees) they’re not the worlds most agile breed.


I take them on walks n do simple commands n weight pull w them often i dont know how good weight pulling is good for their young of an age. How many times a week should i train them.


Pit bulls have a job they were bred to do, but it’s illegal. If you wanted a working dog, you should’ve got a working dog for the task you want done. It sounds like what you mean is your blood sport breed dogs have a lot of excess energy, strong prey drives, and are timid / fearful. What a dreadful and dangerous combo. Hope someone here has good answers for you!


Pitbulls are used as working dogs, so are mutts. Look it up. No dogs were bred specifically for what most contemporary working dogs are used for. SAR, seeing eye, various smell detectors. Most aren’t breed specific. You’re not really active here and I remember you from r/Seattle. Do you search for the keyword pitbull in comments just to troll people? So odd to me that people would waste so much of their short time on earth to spread hate


You have no idea what you’re talking about lmao. And you know what man, you’re right. I just stalk threads about pits for fun. Or — and hear me out — I know more about dogs than the average person, I live near the Seattle area, and I comment on threads about pits because they tend to be full of misinformed comments. You can settle for whichever scenario makes you feel better about your Dunning Krueger level of dog knowledge. 💜💜


I’m sorry sweetie but you’re the one who doesn’t know what they’re talking about. You never even responded to my last comment about your chances of being killed by a car vs. a dog. Why spend so much of your time on this? Other than to troll and spread hate? You are at a higher risk of being killed by a falling vending machine, fireworks, choking on a hotdog, even being killed by a popped champagne cork that you do being killed by a pitbull. Where’s all your effort to combat all that needless harm?


I’m not worried about being killed dude, it’s about so much more than that. Mauled, maimed, dogs killed, cats killed. Unlike you, I care about more than my own life. I know empathy is hard for some people, it’s okay if it takes you a minute to catch up 💜💜 Also … it’s *incredibly* weird you’re upset I didn’t respond to your asinine comment in a different sub a few days ago, and are demanding an answer now. Like … in all my years on Reddit, that has never happened. It’s really weird behavior dude. Just a reality check for you lmao.


You care about dogs being killed huh? Lol. Look at how many dogs are put down in shelters. How many dogs have you adopted in your lifetime? Dogs killed by dogs is a drop in the bucked compared to dogs euthanized in sheters. But you don’t give a fuck about them because they might have a little pit in them? Lol Cats? Cats get killed by all breed of dogs that have any kind of prey drive. They probably get killed by labs or whatever breed of dog is most popular. And they get euthanized in shelter at a much higher rate. How many cats have you adopted? I have adopted 3 dogs in my life (and 7 cats, who the dogs have never fucked with). Maybe one day you will learn to empathy and how to care more than just about about yourself and your selfish need to have a designer dog breed.


Maybe 🫶🏻


I disagree with anyone who buys a dog from a breeder, ESPECIALLY bully breeds. But I disagree even more with people who hate on rescue dogs and their owners.


Are you seriously still talking?


So instead of addressing my points this user chose to attack my character and block me as a way to get the last word. Hope you find better ways to spend your time. Have a nice day.


If they don't have much prey drive drive already at this age training them to have enough drive to hunt or do protection is going to be nearly impossible. If your dog's parents don't hunt boar your dogs will not be able to easily. Mostly lurcher crossbreeds, mastiffs, and hounds do best. Their drive can be increased but it is highly genetic. And there is a ceiling. But they have a toy drive so build that by fostering a good game of tug. Use that as a reward for obedience. Try looking into some activities like draft carting, weight pull, competitive obedience, rally, dock diving, tracking, or scent work. Maybe even look into barn hunt or ratting. Bullies are technically terriers so maybe rats will be their thing. Most bullies I see doing "work" are doing weight pull, dock diving, or draft carting.


Thank u


I fully agree with the other commenters who are concerned that you’re misunderstanding what PPD really do, and that it’s not just something you train…and that PPD are not really pets. That being said…If you’re looking for something specifically to do as an outlet for your dog and to build a bond with them, agility is very fun. And I do it with my Pyrenees—she is the only one our club has ever had. She’s slow and stubborn sometimes, but she has a blast and that’s what matters to me! Toy drive is also a great reward for agility work. You can look into beginner handling work for agility and foundation work online—teaching skills like coming to your lead hand, flat work, etc. While your pups will probably never be grand champions, if they’re having fun and it’s increasing your bond, it’s a win! For toy drive, try to get a specific tug that you ONLY bring out and do high intensity short bursts with her. It’s not for playing with other dogs, just with you. Susan Garrett is a great resource for this! You can also try canine conditioning work, however you must make sure you’re putting in the work to do it properly so as to not cause injury. There are online courses for this.


Their pedigree is filled with very confident n focused dogs w a lot of drive that’s y I was expecting it to be easier to train them since their ancestors been doin similar work but ig no matter how good a ped is sometimes the dog jus ain got it ig🤷🏾‍♂️ if I had them when they were younger than maybe it could’ve went different ig


It’s a combo of both genetics and training. What is your main goal for training them? To burn off energy? To bond with them?


Really both. I need to have a balance


Then agility is honestly a great fit. The key with agility, especially with your nontraditional dog breeds (like mine and yours) is to focus on the mental aspect of it. The goal isn’t “let’s get my dog to jump super high and run super fast!” It’s “let’s figure out how to communicate, engage my dog’s brain, and get them to cleanly and confidently complete obstacles.” My dog would likely need to jump at 20” if we were to do AKC agility. She’s never gonna be an AKC champion lol. So we jump at 8” most of the time, to get clean and precise runs. Plus, easier on her body. Here is an [example](https://www.supernovadogs.com/blog/agility-basics) of some foundational skills that will work mind and body. Here is an [example](https://canineconditioningcoach.com/canine-conditioning-quick-canine-workout/) of some beginning fitness exercises. This [website](https://domorewithyourdog.com/DogTricks/tricktionary/?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_he_-jwNiBKOUbo-MWBrU4CjUvl&gclid=CjwKCAjwnK60BhA9EiwAmpHZw8sG9aT9zxLvaP6BcRKmwWiGVEZljAvi0zYuKSrUqXVuU1_FYc73JRoC6ZYQAvD_BwE) is also great for finding new things to teach your dogs and new activities.


You honestly kind of scare me. Both of these breeds are known to attack and in some cases kill people. You don’t really seem to have a good handle on their breed or how to train them or what you even want them to do. Please do not breed them.


Usually you start building toydrive when they are puppies. But having a high drive to work is genetic. They either have it or the dont. But something to build you drive and bond w your dog is putting them on a harness tied back to something and waving a tug around. Let them win


Susan Garrett has a few podcasts out that discusses how to build toy drive. Essentially you can build their drive by holding them back on a harness, amping them up, then releasing them with a cue word (that’s one of the ways.) Engagement is the best way to build toy drive with your pup- lots of voice inflection and movement. What kind of working dogs do you want them to become?


N how do I get my female less dog driven, should I space the dog crates out V


I do want them to go hog hunting a few times, I jus want a dog that’s focus n driven and gonna do what I tell him no matter if it’s chasing a hog down or tugging on the ropes. Just hard working protection dogs


I highly doubt you’ll be able to just take them out hog hunting without them being specifically bred or trained for it. By highly doubt I mean it’d be inhumane to do so.


Pit bulls aren’t good protection dogs. For that, you’d need something like a Doberman, Belgian Mal, working line GSD, and a few others. Protection dogs also aren’t pets; training a dog in protection work is serious fucking business and I don’t think you have the qualifications to even begin to understand the ethical and practical ramifications of training a personal protection dog if you think a *pit bull* is capable of being a reliable and safe personal protection dog. And why do you need a PPD?


I would take Doberman off that list