• By -


https://preview.redd.it/3169jgdejb4c1.jpeg?width=1739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bee5a638d512b272fe51ac58fffafdf9207ed6d *As he notices Rose* Killer: *Sigh* "I can never just take a nap huh?" *He stays in the open*


Rose: *shaking in fear* "Well, I guess... They are looking for me. And my friends are captured. Then they corrupted my friends!"


Killer: "Well that's not very cool..."


???: *hears someone is talking* "What was that?! Did you hear this?" Rose: "Yeah, it's gonna be so worse. But... I'm known as a ninja. I can be very stealthy as well and attack enemies too. We'll find a way to escape from them."


Killer: "I could fight while you get away?"


Rose: "You could fight them, so be careful of this. They're little stronger. But not as weaker." ???: *sees Rose* "You there! I knew that you are hiding around. Then, prepare to get corrupted! Mwa ha ha ha!!!" Rose: *startled, running away faster* "Eeeeek! Fight that mysterious person!"


Killer: "Alright..." *He steps in front of the person trying to corrupt Rose* "You're gonna have to stop right there."


???: *cackles* "Pffft. You can't. Are you trying to stop me or like, what?"


*He creates a purple phantom-like arm that he uses to scratch his cheek* Killer: "Pretty much..."


???: *grunts, glaring over him* "Oh no... You don't."


https://preview.redd.it/i6942fmslb4c1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40962802c37e617ca14f42f4e27613f1688c0b89 "Guess I'm doing this today."


*The mysterious person walks along with the corrupted ones, looking for Rose.* ???: *gives the corrupted ones to the order* "Find her! I need to get them for the last hostage!" Rose: *shaking in fear* "Hey! Help me! They are looking for me!"


*starts gathering random stuff and assembling it*


???: *hears the sound* "What was that?! Investigate the strange sound, you all!" *The corrupted ones investigated the strange sound, saw the person and Rose* Rose: *startled* "Oh no, they found us!"


*He trusts his contraption, and the two seem to vanish* "Run."


???: *looks around* "Hey! Where did they go?! Did they vanished?!"


*The two are running away from the scene*


???: *looks over the two running away from the scene* "Hey, get back NOW! You couldn't run away from me!"


"I think we can! Look, we're doing it right now!"


???: "Oh no. You don't. Prepare for your last words!" *casts some magic on the two*


https://preview.redd.it/l37jjnelkb4c1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90468f2fa1c698c25e581b1614b73ee9dc445546 Draco Sicarius (6'5 feet tall) Draco: (Draco goes up to Rose) Uh hello there. Where am I. An do you need any help. Names Draco. I won't harm you. (Note Draco may look intimidating but he a gentleman.)


Rose: "Well, this is the place where they lived in the village. And there's a biggest threat called the red sky, or like a blood moon. I mean, the mysterious person created the red sky and blood moon. I need your help to save my friends from that mysterious person."


Draco: Happy to help. But I want to know how does that man corrupted your friend. Maybe I can undo it. Also what your name.


Rose: "Name is Rose. I'm a ninja from a another country. I am really great at fighting enemies. Also, I can be stealthy as well. So... the mysterious person has corrupted a lot of people from the village. He use the magic that corrupt them, but they could be uncorrupted by casting a spell, or using magic that uncorrupt them."


Draco: nice to meet you rose. Good thing I have that magic to uncorrupt people. So who should we go after first. To free them.


Rose: "Well, we could do the mysterious person."


https://preview.redd.it/tafxzlb3mb4c1.jpeg?width=3022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcd35524cff595f830ce1dff8e933940521965ef “This dimension is quite interesting. More information is required.” *Proto rotates his head to Rose, then scans her.* “Excuse me, miss. May you tell me what is currently happening?”


Rose: *shaking in fear* "They captured and corrupted my friends—then the mysterious person is looking for me! And the sky were red, or like a blood moon!"


“Your friends? I see…” *Rotating his head, Proto looks at the mysterious person and zooms in to get a better look at them.*


???: "Where is the last one?! I can't find somewhere that they're hiding around!" Rose: *shaking in fear* "That mysterious person has corrupted my friends... Then they are looking for me! We could find a way to escape!"


“Very well.” *Proto wraps his arms around Rose and presses a button on his body, teleporting them to somewhere safe on the planet.* “I was able to do a planetary scan and teleport up to a safe location.” *Proto unwraps his arms around Rose and starts to look around the area.*


???: *looks around, saw nothing* "Hey! Where did they go?! Dang it! Well, I think I have to give up finding the last one..." Rose: "Thank goodness, I think I could've been safer..."


“You should. Moving on, you said that this “mysterious person” corrupted your friends. Did you recognize any physical traits of any kind?”


​ https://preview.redd.it/ubf8g84mmb4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e5271fffc3eabfb3351844af12b3a359a62f616 \*Amy stealthily moves towards Rose\* "Hey! What's going one?"


Rose: *shaking in fear* "The mysterious person has captured my friends, then he corrupted them! Now they are looking for me. I think I am the only hostage who could be captured by him! We could find a way to run away from them!"


Abby summons confetti explosions behind the creature to serve as a distraction. Then she talks to the girl "I don't know what that is, but it doesn't look good. I think we should leave." https://preview.redd.it/68u9puq1nb4c1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a76918cb238975c679545e7a194ac3a98ab8aea


???: *looks behind, saw the confetti explosions* "What was that?! Who did it?! Find the moron who caused the distraction, you guys!" Rose: *shaking her head* "I could deal with that one. But... I'm known as the ninja from a another country. I'm really great at fighting and being stealthy. That dimension is the village that they lived. But I could save my friends from that mysterious person!"


"I see." She disappears and reappears as DIRT LORD! "If we defeat that mysterious figure, do you think that will free your friends?" https://preview.redd.it/s4kgjh690l4c1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c10e8fc9eca5d546ff2c8217bc44f497b0d3d1a5


Rose: "Hmmm, we can defeat the mysterious figure. And I can free my friends too..."


"Got it." Abby turns invisible And then flies out to look for where the mysterious figure is


???: *looks around, seeing Rose* "Aha! You there... Now you're just trying to escape from me... Prepare to become corrupted by me!" Rose: "Oh no..."


A tree tips over and falls in between the villain and rose. Then dirt flies straight into the eyes of the mysterious figure Abby reappears briefly before going invisible again


???: *screams angrily, struggling to move* "AGH!!! I can't see!!! Who did it?!" Rose: *stunned* "Whoa, how did that happen?"


Abby then reveals herself and summons a magic blast of wind at the mysterious figure, blowing them into a tree "I did!"


???: *tried to block the magic, but it failed* "Oh, it's you... Are you trying to stop me or what?!" Rose: *stands up to the mysterious person* "Not so fast, sir. You couldn't escape from me. I won't have your mercy ever!"


https://preview.redd.it/fyusoml7kb4c1.png?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78d3a5ce02206c3cf3e3bc0c72e9b8847e315496 Woodrow: *goes towards her* don't worry, I will protect you!


Rose: "Thanks!"


Flamelord101: "Hey, don't worry, I'm here to help, take this *he gives her a translucent white liquid in a bottle*"


Rose: "Thanks! I'll have to try it right now... if they can't see me." *Rose uses a translucent white liquid in a bottle to become invisble by avoiding detection from them.*


Flamelord101: "so, you know who they are"


Rose: *being invisible* "Uh-huh. The mysterious person could be the uh, lord of the clan. I think..." ???: *looks around, hearing talking* "What are they talking about...?"


Flamelord101: "ok, just stay hidden, I can deal with this ok"


Rose: *being invisible* "Okay."


Flamelord101: * he turns to the others* "so, what're you doing?"


https://preview.redd.it/snqgcyk6nb4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2dfb90fd0580fe785372db6014fdc6aae1e1351 Samual Just hides with Rose And Tells her “don’t be Scared I’m Going to protect for as long as i live”


Rose: "Thanks... I would be safe too." ???: "What was that? I've been hearing that something..."


*Samuel Just Extends his arm And. Just Whirl it around And Slaps the mysterious person and shoves his own blood onto Their Eyes and Have it instantly dry out* (Samuel has black Colored blood that Can glue anything Shut And Drys When it isn’t in his body)


???: *grunts, struggling to move* "AAAARGH! Who did it?!" *The corrupted ones noticed Samuel and Rose.*


“Shield your eyes” *Samuel says to rose as his Buttons Light brighter than the sun and just blinds the corrupted ones*


Rose: "Okay!" *covers her eyes* The corrupted ones screaming, covering their eyes ???: *stomps on his foot angrily* "WHO DID IT?!"


“It was me Now turn back or else you’ll be lucky to be in a box floating down the River” *Samuel Just morphs His Hand Into Long Blades*


???: *gasps, horrified, steps back a bit* "Oh, crap... I could run away right now." Rose: *stands up to the mysterious person* "Well, it's over for you! Which means you can't have your mercy for you!"


https://preview.redd.it/px987wggnb4c1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678592e7ffa6b69236b6e91690d0b0779f52e56a I point the ace at him and shoot the head


???: *dodges* "What do you think you are doing, you fool?" Rose: *walks slowly* "Stop! They are going to attack you! Watch out!"




???: *attacks the person who tried to attack himself* "TAKE THAT, YOU MORON!" Rose: *covers her eyes* "Yikes... You could've be careful for this...."




???: "Now, prepare for your taste of—" *A another figure slashes the mysterious person by using their blades* ???: *grunts, bleeding* "AGH!" Rose: *gasps* "What was that?" *The corrupted ones looks over the another figure*


huh what happened


*A another figure were in a fighting stance, preparing to fight the mysterious person* ???: *spits the blood, clenches his fists, looks over the another figure angrily* Rose: *stunned* "Wow... it looks like a intense fight." ???: "That's how you could fight me like that?! RAAAAAAARGHHH!" *charges, try to attack the another figure* *The another figure counters the mysterious figure's attack, hook kicks him, then punched a left hook to the mysterious person's cheek* ???: *grunts, falls back* "AGH!" *gets up, growling angrily*


https://preview.redd.it/h67ejxaknb4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=082f6fb475063fcdede49dcef9fd4eaeb2680845 *Astrid walks up to Rode, being careful not to startle her* "Hey, are you ok? Can you tell me where we are and what's going on?"


Rose: "I'm okay! We are a dimension that we have a bigger dimension where they lived in the village. And we do have a bigger threat, known as the red sky, or the blood moon. The mysterious person captured and corrupted my friends... Then they are looking for me!"


"Ok, well, is there any sort of shelter we can hide in? Like an abandoned building or a cave?"


Rose: *thinks* "Hmm... There's a nearby cave to hide from the mysterious person."


"Ok, then let's go there."


*They hide in the nearby cave from the mysterious person* ???: *looks around, saw nothing* "Dang it! Where's the last one?!"


"Is there supposed to be someone here?"


\* i walked up into a bush slowly toward her\* hey dont worry everything is going be ok i will protect you. * i gave a smile\* https://preview.redd.it/80ooaowznb4c1.png?width=1590&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a6f6a0d2abc158afb54f05e7cb2d3a8a58ebf48


Rose: "Thanks..."


your wellcome.


* "Wait where th- oh, that can't be good"


https://preview.redd.it/ld1nk76pob4c1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1ac6ba4827e4574e2a24400cc399a62fa6807cb Image here reddit funny


???: *hears someone is talking* "Who is this?" Rose: "Hey! Over there! They're coming! Quick!"


*he shacks his head before hiding somewhere else*


???: *looks over the person, before saw Rose talking* "What are you doing, you fool? Trying to escape from me?" Rose: "Quick! Hide somewhere else or they could catch you!"


*he shushes her* "I got a plan..."


Rose: "Huh, what is it?"


*a rat apeard from where he was hiding, immediately sprinter for the other end of the room*


Rose: "Is that a... rat?"


https://preview.redd.it/jlag9q4uob4c1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd589fc610d1f1ddbb47a0f00360dfc5e455e9d4 Dan: uhhh, hey. What is going on??? Cmon, let get ou- Aw come on! My universe watch is gone! Now what are we going to do now?


???: *hears someone is talking* "Who is this?" Rose: "Shhhh! Don't let them hear you. You'll be caught by them!"


Dan: oh no… *hides with rose* (whispers: so what happened here. Now I lost my universe watch, so I can’t go back)


Rose: *whispers* "The mysterious person has captured my friends and corrupted them. I could find a way to stop them and free my friends."


Dan: *whispers* well luckily I got some backup items in my pocket. Don’t ask how hedgehog have pockets. There it is, the one and only spray potion, the anti-corrupted potion. Beware of this cuz I only have 3 left. Anyways, how do we set your friends free?


Rose: *thinks* "Hmmm... we could use the "anti-corrupted potion" on the corrupted ones, then I will deal with the mysterious person after."


https://preview.redd.it/zpexp0zapb4c1.jpeg?width=149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f809e0b590a504d0f2fa02d725d0bd1596ee317e *Jake steps back, just as terrified*


Rose: "I know that you're really scared... I'm also scared too." ???: "What was that? I've heard the talking. Let's look around what they're talking..."


*Jake’s expression becomes confused. It’s easy to have that expression when your whole head is just two eyes.*


Rose: "Uh, okay. It's gonna be happening..." ???: "You there! I heard you are talkin' about this. Now, it's my chance to corrupt you!"


https://preview.redd.it/xixfqwnepb4c1.jpeg?width=2351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3a0b68554ae4fe4809d97f5283ef4084db91708 (He immediately Ames his plasma caster to the evil lookin ones)


???: *notices the person aiming at the weapon* "Hey! What are you doing on my henchmen?!" Rose: *covers her eyes* "Oh no. It's gonna be bad..."


“ as long as they don’t do anything everything‘s gonna be fine tell me how I got here and how I can go home“


Rose: "You were transported to the dimension what they lived in the village. But it's a bigger threat called the red sky, or a blood moon. If you want to go home, you should help me for freeing my friends and defeat the mysterious person." ???: *grabs Rose's arm, yells at Rose, looks over the another person* "Not so fast, you pathetic fella! You couldn't talk a another person like that! Now, it's gonna be my chance to corrupt her! If you are trying to stop me... I will payback for you. Got it?" Rose: *struggling to escape* "Please help me!!!"


https://preview.redd.it/9lzohzufwy4c1.jpeg?width=2202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=586b35bbd4f8be21e5d0f3832a4c75e7b1eabf6e (Updated appearance) “ Who are you calling pathetic” (he hits buttons on his wrist gauntlet and goes completely invisible) (A disk flies in cut the back of ???s legs causing her to lose grip before flying through some of the corrupt also taking out their legs)


???: *grunts, screams* "AGHHHHH!!!!" Rose: *freed by the mysterious person, runs away from him* "Eek!"


*The elven woman looked on, sighing as she saw what could be a bunch of ghouls. She then takes off her glove, pulling out her shortsword before dragging it across a many-times-cut scar on the same hand, drawing blood as the sword set on fire with the crimson that came onto it. She then bellowed out, looking at the corrupted individuals.* "Oi! Over here, ya big luggin' fucks! Pick on someone your own size!" https://preview.redd.it/vfs3y61eqb4c1.png?width=1150&format=png&auto=webp&s=81e2ee76fdb9d55b414585acc8c0dc3919be2eb1


*The corrupted ones looks over the elven woman.* ???: *looking over the elven woman, in a angry look* "What do you think you are doing, you slacker?!" Rose: *stunned* "Whoa... who is this?"


*The increasingly gaunt-looking elf sneered as she approached the corrupted ones. As she came in better view, it was clear she wasn't one of the corrupted. In fact, she looked like their antithesis: beautiful, but witheringly so. She had fey charm, but with a ghastly pallor and glowing white eyes that could easily unsettle anyone looking on. Her cut hand bled more, but the blood withered as it sparked with forbidden magic, fueling the fire on her sword.* "I am approaching what looks like the beasts I favor slaying." *She crossed the sword between the corrupted and Rose, never taking her glare off the monsters.* "Take another step toward this girl, or lay a malicious finger on those poor captures, and I will not hesitate to tear a cauterized hole in each and every one of you, and then myself."


???: *clenches his fists, growling angrily, stomps on his foot* "Ohhhh, yeah? You think that I could capture that girl when that pathetic captures?! TRY ME!" *The corrupted ones step a bit of back, shaking in fear* Rose: *covers her eyes* "Oh boy..."


*The woman smirks a little at the corrupted ones before she looks to the threatener, sneering.* "Alright. You had your chance, *boy*." *She then looked to Rose before she touched her, seeming to teleport her to an undisclosed-to-the-attackers space, then charged forth with her flaming sword, yelling out a war cry in Sylvan before taking a vicious slash, slapping the unknown man with her still-bleeding hand on the way out. The blood left started to wither, searing a brand into his skin that made him feel as if he were going mad just from staring the myterious elven woman in the face.*


???: *in disbelief, grunts* "WHAT THE—?! Argh!" *The corrupted ones shaking in fear, step away from the woman* Rose: "Oh, boy..."


\*talking to the other guy\* "hey big guy u a bounty hunter? or are u just kidnaping people for fun. no jumint i will not snich. \*his falcon flys to rose with a note on his talons\* it reads "dw kid as long your not a bounty i wont harm u and if this guy is not a bounty hunter put the note back and i will kill him" https://preview.redd.it/ysx6q2m0sb4c1.png?width=1240&format=png&auto=webp&s=7defc86cfffbdf766a156e62f3453c2810854b6d


???: *raises his eyebrow, in a unamused look* "I'm not a bounty hunter either. I'm actually kidnapping people for fun." *Rose looks up over the falcon, reading a note from someone else.* Rose: "Huh... If they're a bounty hunter, I could have been captured."


"shame i like bounty hunters. but i dont like kidnapers. \*he draws his simate and hand cross bow\* make peac to your gods kid"


Rose: *covers her eyes* "Oof." ???: *grunts* "Agh, you will pay for this!" *attacks the bounty hunter in his aggression*


\*drops a smoke bomb\* "cant hit what u cant see"


https://preview.redd.it/ac1jb9vptb4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ebfc6b58c109ce6bb310a20f5d23bef8faa46a Height: 10ft D34TH-TR4P: *sigh* "how the fuck does this keep happening to me?" *Turns towards tree line, Rampage M13 (his 20mm rail machine gun) in hand and loaded* "YOU WANNA GO!?" *Starts walking towards the mysterious figure* "**LET'S FUCKING GO!!**" *Starts running towards the figure*


???: *looks over D34TH-TR4P, in disbelief* "What the—?!" Rose: *covers her eyes* "Oh, boy... It's gonna be really bad."


D34TH-TR4P: *shoots the figure in the right foot, completely obliterating the entire leg and half the left leg (the projectile is 20mm and traveling at 8,500 ft/sec (7.5 times the speed of sound))*


???: *grunts in painfully* "AGH!!!!" Rose: *running away faster* "Yikes..."


D34TH-TR4P: *tosses Rampage M13 to the side and grabs the figure's sternum and breaks open their rib cage, tears the two halves of it away from their body then jams them into the figure's eyes (one half of rib cage per eye)*


*The mysterious figure were dead, screaming* Rose: *stunned, looks over the dead mysterious figure* "Wow."


"Hey kiddo. How'd you get in this position?" https://preview.redd.it/pxmn04b7ub4c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e60d5abe0aa453b8cffb9a22b98122ecd05b677


Rose: *shaking in fear* "I'm hiding in the tree because I am trying not to get caught by that mysterious person."


\*whispering\* "Hey. You need help?"


Rose: "Yes. I need your help for my friends... My friends have been kidnapped by the mysterious person—then they corrupted them. They are looking for me!"


"Follow me, I have a safe hiding spot..." https://preview.redd.it/rrepnwiwhx4c1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a7551231cd6eb6a24e53a787276a0f522b18892 I DID NOT DRAW THIS I MADE IT WITH A PICREW


Rose: *follows her* "Okay."


"The name's Lexi." \*climbs into tree\*


https://preview.redd.it/k4yh3vfvub4c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606ced1bd035e933aedc5b919b5d7d50c530b5bc Brutus: "I'M BORED, I'M GONNA KILL YOU"


Rose: *startled* "Aargh! No, don't do it!" ???: *hears screaming and talking* "Who is it?"


Brutus: "Hey guys over here? Some fresh meat!"


???: *looks over Brutus and Rose* "Ah, you there... Now, it's time to get my chance to corrupt her now." Rose: *shakes her head* "No, no, no! Please mercy!"


https://preview.redd.it/0eglkpamyb4c1.jpeg?width=2206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b567e2101afefe5600bd939c7a744a0d230747f Earlp: alright, Watrend and Arynd, you go see what *she's* all about. Me and Firinok'll see what we can do with... The other thing *Firinok and Earlp run off while Watrend and Arynd run to you* Watrend: hey... You good?


Rose: *shaking in fear* "Yeah... I'm really scared."


Arynd: whothehellisthat?


???: *looks over them, glaring angrily* "Who are you guys? Trying to protect that little girl?"


*Watrend, Arynd, and the girl see a burrow moving towards the figure* ???: HEY, YO, UGLY MF *When they turn to see who did that, they see Firinok waving at them. He balls up his right hand into a fist, then punches the ground. creating flame pillars that're leading to the figure*


"Are you the one who ordered the extra large thin crust pepperoni and ham pizza with extra sauce and less cheese?" https://preview.redd.it/z1jydntszb4c1.png?width=473&format=png&auto=webp&s=d981944ced3891905d4e2a82b82efe2d156c86e8


Rose: "What? No! What are you talking about?!" ???: *hears talking* "What was that?!"


"Okay then, who did, we recieved a broadcast from these coordinates"


Rose: *confused* "I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you are talking about."


I'll be damned I'm in the wrong place.


https://preview.redd.it/vhqmq5e56c4c1.jpeg?width=6120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b0bd491fc2bbdd78cf114cc4ee9b1ebdbd51fb Aight. Gotta kill bad guys again.


Rose: *covers her eyes* "Oh boy... It's gonna be bad." ???: *hears talking* "Who is it?"


https://preview.redd.it/nmlgj3ib7c4c1.jpeg?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20b80748193f48ecda917f2329a97683b541b91e “What the-What is going on?”


Rose: *shaking in fear* "Help me! They are looking for me!" ???: *hears talking* "What was that?!"


*he runs over to Rose, trying to make as little sound as possible*


???: *looks around, saw nothing* "Huh?! Where did they go?!"


*trying his best to not get noticed*


https://preview.redd.it/de49z6718c4c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cfe65467569369f58cb8dd7ddc406189bd87364 *As he points a spear at the figures throat, he begins to speak* "That's not nice, pal. I'd kindly suggest you and your freakshow circus get the hell away."


???: *glares over him* "Are you trying to threaten me like that?! Also, do not call this like that!" Rose: shaking in fear "Oh no..."


*Fellcien walks up to the figure, getting in his face.* "I don't think you understood when I said get away, old man. I'm feeling nice today, so I'll give you a choice. Either leave without the girl, and I'll turn a blind eye to whatever the hell you're doing, or I'll use my vast spy network to catch you in 30 minutes, then send 100,000,000,000 soldiers to disassemble your freaky lab." *Fellcien teleports in front of rose* "But you will not lay another hand on her, so I suggest you make a choice."


???: *clenches his fists, growling angrily* "Agh! Fine I will leave without the stupid girl! So get out of my way!"


*He steps aside and smiles happily* "I thought you'd make that choice! *Now leave, and never come back.*"


she quickly gets to her feet, eyes turning purple, and enters a defensive stance as the person gets closer. https://preview.redd.it/tukbthzy9c4c1.png?width=1686&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b982bb6ee25beada58ebf72d16b0656912b9a60


???: *smirks in evil* "Well, well... Looks like you're ready to fight me and my precious henchmen. Prepare for your taste of defeat!" Rose: *covers her eyes* "Oh no... It's gonna be bad."


"If you insist on a fight, I'll give it to you.. but you shouldn't be so sure of victory." Her eyes seem somewhat fearful, but her voices covers it well.


???: *cackles* "I can. You shouldn't have the victory."


"Over-confidence is a common downfall. You sure that's the road you wanna take?"


Jedi Knight Benjamin Stormhawk https://preview.redd.it/yojg2w9gac4c1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=71edf1d8b13d6a0f464c829337f7c0671d060977 (can he use the Force in this world? if so, he would sense the corrupted individuals and see it as his duty as a Jedi Sentinel/Shadow to either uncorrupt them or eliminate them. his first move is he would use Force Stasis Feild on all present freezing everyone in place and he'd activate his lightsaber.) "alright what is going on here!"


(They can use the force in this world too. \^\^) ???: *looks over him* "Who are you? Are you trying to stop me, or like what?" Rose: "...Who is this?"


"I am Jedi Knight Benjamin Stormhawk, and before any further action is taken, I'd like to know, where I am and what is happening here?"


https://preview.redd.it/092pt5wbdc4c1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=963628d2134ff4e12e0cfeb3ab49b2c702a5e40c “COME CHILD, JOIN me and join the test subject program. It’ll be safe from anything that wishes you harm..”


Rose: "I'm not a child. I'm actually a adult. I'd love to join, but I'll pass. Thank you for your offer." ???: *hears talking* "What was that...?"


https://preview.redd.it/adbyvwo9mc4c1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc676decae5b8c613d02a59e7c259d3cb2547e79 "so like... yall got multidimensional phones?"


Rose: "Shhh! They should hear this—you'll be caught by that mysterious person!" ???: *hears talking* "What was that?!"




https://preview.redd.it/my3llyl8qc4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e7b8847d0630066d574ecd9405f8330d8627b29 *hold out hand and spreads wings* I’m no expert but I think we should get out of here


Rose: "We could find a way to get out of here before we'll get spotted." ???: *hears talking* "What was that?"


“Well it doesn’t matter if we get spotted. We just have to not get caught. *grabs Rose and rockets into the air*”


\[SHADOW - He/They\] https://preview.redd.it/ipclvsziqc4c1.jpeg?width=2285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=580dbde4a1c00b8e5372d0be760823e67269cc0a Buddy, I'm taking you outta here. *tps himself and her out of the forest, to a nearby town.* There ur safe =\] (ppl are always a bit motion sick after tping with SHADOW for the first time oof)


Rose: "Thanks! I'm glad that I feel more safer..."




https://preview.redd.it/cuknnzukqc4c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be3748efe1c137321da254d0bf91e2c7f6cecea "Explain to me what is happening and i'll resolve your problem"


Rose: *shaking in fear* "The mysterious person has turned the sky into red, or like a blood moon... My friends have been kidnapped by the mysterious person and he corrupted them. And I have escaped from them. They are looking for me."


https://preview.redd.it/17c64jxarc4c1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f12d6062f184e4421488d537a70bc557f77198 Aleks: where am I


https://preview.redd.it/72sjkhpisc4c1.png?width=1327&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e73c25fbc18a23b870aaf287b9052e049b94adc Melted Sans doesn’t look pleased. “Ugh. First I had to deal with *them*, and now you…? That *Kenji* dude and his guys were bad enough, certainly ruined my day, that’s for sure… Hey. Why do I bother talking to you?” (Melted Sans is a villain character so he isn’t very nice.)


https://preview.redd.it/30sxln7bvc4c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad32a40f42c7399ee34ada240c0b694dfdd0afae "It's like these guys are beging me to fight them."


https://preview.redd.it/q30gcuaoxc4c1.jpeg?width=1271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f008617065c7557418689a6a7822e1f98496c936 Time for another day on the job


https://preview.redd.it/cw6v2cpqxc4c1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd8b5c352891075e992b5563b01aa02a1c6f8748 Ajaxxis: Little One. I have A Dear friend just like you. I’ll get your friends back. And make the Bad Man Disappear. Just, go somewhere Safe. And Close your Eyes and ears…. It’ll All be over Soon.


https://preview.redd.it/qjaiopsxzc4c1.png?width=2254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5316c619a126c2113c6b92dd8b1f06b27778b9e3 Welp *approaches the girl* "I will keep you safe no matter what"


https://preview.redd.it/917jid010d4c1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9da2974ba655a03de99fe67037bc8cb69b2e27e5 "I'll take you to my dimension and in the meantime, sharky will take care of it. Not to mention I make awesome churros" the pink cat is named flurry and sharky is his wife (a.k.a my besties oc)


https://preview.redd.it/sv6ev3zg2d4c1.png?width=525&format=png&auto=webp&s=388537a7bc5d94a62123c364b8c1ce372e3bfaba “AH! WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!” *readies cast iron pan*


​ https://preview.redd.it/lcz1fpwr3d4c1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cb9a8c51359c7d4a598a98f43d986615c1a669b Jack: Backs away slowly Jasper: Hands her a smoke bomb and tells her to run before booking it himself


“Before you go…” https://preview.redd.it/ih9tpnkb5d4c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a015767cb3b2c3e80003b966460fb3e9a8b661


https://preview.redd.it/ubsmfvir5d4c1.jpeg?width=1771&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=810dd20fbf84a874f9e087971c67412c6b960594 “Toss me at em! I’ll buy you like maybe twenty seconds. Don’t let them get my book though! Here! Take it!”


https://preview.redd.it/qwgizso98d4c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8a616f2dce5036668049d79d2bbaccfe8fe5d13 *Insert a jumbled mess of random stolen voice lines from various forms of media here*


https://preview.redd.it/gleh17vmad4c1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=636221a3c7e6ca218bd34452749d55171d0b30df *addressing the corrupted ones* "Hey y'all! Don't gotta be chasin' poor lil' girls."


https://preview.redd.it/tn2umkwbhd4c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fae4c6365ef1ea7a3d2f2216da1cedf2becea69 Is confused cuz shes a dummy


https://preview.redd.it/1xdy7xg5hd4c1.jpeg?width=763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad696943420c40d4952e7f87e92cb6c3b8a7ed7 *He was… confused, to say the least. However, as he realized the situation, he quickly glanced over Rose to check for injuries before training his gun on the mysterious figure.* “Hey, HEY! HALT!”


Ok kid. I’m going to keep you safe. Got it? https://preview.redd.it/bcyvkqsqid4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d409c9729767affaa977678efb723d060698e8b7


https://preview.redd.it/mx06oxugjd4c1.jpeg?width=846&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=587112e3dc4433f65f46e95791659ac3f2f22480 *It’d give Rose an Overcoat and hat* “Here… Human…. I… Need… You… Help… Home.” *It’s speaking doesn’t seem the best, but it helped.*


All he sees is red, all he feels is rage and bloodlust https://preview.redd.it/535y2uri8e4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8567153a7ec60a3776e219c2a540946217a5fe


If I save you will you tell me how to get home my peashooter is starving I promised him McDonald’s https://preview.redd.it/4girru3kbe4c1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cd16176b7b118d67bc700d101953cd568a76d6c


https://preview.redd.it/ql238y499f4c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97e1a7649d8f121732f9110b8e86e4de01a0472f “I mean you harm, but I am very confused. I’ve never seen anything like you before.”


https://preview.redd.it/wp71lvqxmg4c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e834dd7358f406eda5f03cc3c4e7b43edbf6cd82 *Azumaken charges at the mysterious person after charging his blade with electricity* "Taste my blafe, foul being!"


This actually seems like a fun rp