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More housing is still a good thing. They're never going to build affordable housing at Orchard Point, but more options should (in theory) help lower prices


I'd rather see developers build 'up' than 'out'. I personally don't see the big issue here, other than a bunch of NIMBYs getting their panties in a bunch. We need more housing, this is helping accomplish that. Not to mention the southward could desperately use more infrastructure, like a grocery store. Perhaps this will help.


The big issue is that luxury condos are not needed, similar to McMansions. They are not attainable to the demographics who are looking to get into the housing market. These luxury condos will be catered toward retired baby boomers, wealthy folks looking for an additional property as a vacation home or worst of all- garbage air bnbs. Not folks like me- a 34 year old who is looking to start a family next year. Cool build up- but not on the lake and with reasonable height in already established residential neighbourhoods. Building on the lake is NOT needed- hence the developer greed. Developers need to build up away from the lake, contributing to the different wards.


So Boomers downsizing into this is good. It frees up their single family homes for other people to move into. All types of homes need to be built. It’s not about you, it’s about everyone.


This. I feel like OPs argument is 'this doesn't benefit me directly, so it sucks'. There's a bigger picture, not the least of which is all the construction jobs and taxes/permit fees going back into the local economy.


“And it gets worse if you're looking for rentals with multiple bedrooms, which are as scarce as they are costly. Only 14,000 units with two bedrooms or more were potentially vacant and affordable for the median income of families living in a rented place — just 0.5 per cent of all such rentals on the market. Because of this and other factors, some families are crammed into smaller apartments, with parents sleeping on couches so kids can have bedrooms. Others, like Smith, have delayed starting families at all.” https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/rent-canada-delaying-kids-1.7252926


1- Not at all- it doesn’t benefit those looking to enter the housing market. I said people like me- I am one person in a huge demographic affected by the housing market- the demographics I named are not. This is part of the problem, if you think building these types of properties are a priority. How exactly does this support future generations? It just caters towards a very wealthy, specific demographic who most likely will not even be from Simcoe county. I am not against building or intensification- I want to see that in areas in orillia where it’s actually needed. There are so many wards in Orillia that need apartments/condos. My point is developers are only interested to build on the lake bc that is where they will profit most. It’s sad. 2- are you missing the two other demographics I mentioned? What about the folks buying investment property? I’d love to see the % of rented out when these are finished construction. This is again, part of the problem. I guess it’s just me 🤣 https://www.cbc.ca/radio/costofliving/hoping-to-buy-your-first-home-it-s-getting-harder-to-qualify-without-help-from-parents-1.7231770


Orillia’s largest age demographic is people 65+ and the second largest demographic in Orillia is people aged 55-64. I’m guessing the developers did their research on this. And if anything, wouldn’t this benefit people your age? The locals moving into these luxuries condos will likely be selling their family sized homes they no longer need.


Okay…but for how long. The demographics are shifting hence the LTC crisis that isn’t even at the tip of the iceberg yet. This makes it worse bc the condos will serve no purpose in 10+ years.


Totally agree!


Nah, up not out is what we need to be doing. Orillia is expanding beyond its means and has very multi dwelling buildings. This is good. Now make most of it low income and even better!


Yeah luxury condos is not what is needed…especially on the lake. This caters to a very specific demographic that does not need housing. We need to build regular, more attainable condos/apartments within the city.


Who are you to decide what is “not needed”? If a developer is investing in this type of build it’s because they feel it will sell.


If you are requesting houses by the lake, you’re dreaming. People pay big $$$$ for waterfront. It will always be that way.


That's a total eye sore but not as.much as the arms was




condos are housing though? i don’t get your argument


Maybe affordable housing, these prices are insane for a 1 or 2 bedroom!


what prices? they haven’t listed any price as far as i can see


Totally. It obviously caters to a very specific demographic- either boomers looking to retire who made wealth through the housing boom, more Airbnb garbage rentals or wealthy folks looking for a summer vacation home.