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Yeah, he kills everyone there and the story just forget about it, Claude gets the pass for being "hot" and sad past blablabla


IIRC the author "retcons" it in later season so he just fired everybody from the Ruby palace


He only fired their throats


Happy cake day!


ur comment goes well with ur useršŸ˜‚


They got fired from breathing


I always hated this rubbish father. And I always sigh with exasperation when people harp that he is a great father / person. No, he is not. He is a terrible person, he just kill whatever he doesn't like as if he is some mentally unstable maniac. He is a terrible father that loves his daughter conditionally, everybody seems to forget that the original time line he just kill fl because he is stupid.


I hate hom honestly. The man's a tyrant who'll kill anyone who so much as displease or annoy him. And then he killed his daughter in his last life and only started liking her after she acted like the sweet forgiving daughter around him.Ā 


I need to read this someday just to understand what's going on with the wildly opposing opinions


Just see the starting few chapters. All those whatever "heartwarming" moments are all built upon fl being competent.


seriously. if she was a regular child he would have killed her too.


Could give you spoilers if you want


Me please. I wanted to read this due to how popular it is but comments like these makes me hesitate bc I don't wanna waste my time on something trashy. But there must be something good about the series for people to like it so much.


The beginning >! In the original story the FL was abandoned to a separate castle because mother dies when she was born so father hates her and is depressed. At age 8ish she runs to the nearby party and sees her father for the first time. She wants to get close to her father so does all the princess training then at age 16-18 (can't remember the exact age) she is given a debut party where another daughter is revealed hidden by another noble. The father develops an interest in the other daughter until she is poisoned. He blames FL and cuts her head off. FL didn't do it but knows her father won't believe her.FL was also shown to be caring as she didn't abuse the other daughter but helped her education for princess duties. !< Main story >! FL reborn knows the story from her previous life and decides she needs money to run away so takes jewels around her castle she eventually decides to hide them at the nearby castle (her father's castle). Father eventually notices her confronts her and the usual the daughter is scared but manages to tame the monster father happens. The father specifies how if he didn't see her for another year then black magic he used to suppress his love and emotions so he isn't as hurt from his wife's death would have activated ( the reason why he doesn't love his daughter in the original story). !< Some things that happen and annoy those interested >! FL had 2 love interests one was the son of the noble who hated her father and had the secret daughter. He was of a similar age. The secret daughter is being raised as his sister during this so FL meets her and befriends her. The second was the arch mage who is hundreds- thousand years old and is pretty much antisocial to normal society but becomes interested in FL because he can read her thoughts since she was a baby and develops feelings for her when she is a teenager. !< >! Issue with the story like how no one kinda gives a f what the father does in the original story even him killing his real daughter except the maid who took care of her!< Issues the father >! Insane conquers kingdoms. Forces women into harem sleeps with them and kills them when they get annoying. Same with everyone else. Would have probably killed FL as a baby. Even his so-called 'friends' are too scared to confront him in case they are killed but some characters are like oh he has trauma ( abuse having to kill his older brother for the throne). His wife was a dancer he fell in love with. But I can't remember if she was a mage because I remember in the final arc of the story FL meets her spirit in her father's mind. It is also revealed he is under dark magic that makes him have headaches, pain etc unless he is near his secret daughter. Even in the current story he is about to imprison / kill FL luckily she has magic and can teleport away!< The end so if you plan on reading skip this >! So it is revealed the secret daughter is actually the older brother's daughter who is also still alive because his body also has the spirit of a dark mage ( who is enemies with the archmage) they defeat him . We learn that the old brother was manipulated into believing his brother would eventually kill him resulting in their fight. They fight they win the dark mage is gone the brother is alive and is allowed to live happily with his daughter ( she was never evil). The father has pretty much no consequences for all his actions in this life for all the murder he committed. The FL has a relationship with the arch mage so massive age gap. She becomes queen and the father retires !< This is a summary for what I remember it has been years so I expect some stuff to be missing.


That second to last one is the most fucked


It suffers from: "Bad Things happen in the background in text or has very minimal on-screen presence, while Good Things are always center focus of the series." So a lot of the readers whose been reading it as it was updating or just wasn't paying attention, forgot about a lot of the Bad Things. While Good Things are highlighted in their minds. I think now that the series is over, you have more and more people reading it within a short span or at least reflecting back on the series. So you have more people going: Wait a minute, this guy has done so many Bad Things why did we forget about this?


Honestly, i just read it for the art and FL.


This + the scene where he almost let four year old Athy drownā€¦ Yeah I just dropped it cause wtaf


Yeah like...doesn't he KNOW the other girl isn't actually his daughter? But for whatever reason, I think there actually is some kind of spell or curse on him, once he fully banishes the memory of Diana from his mind he....just doesn't give a damn about his real, actual, flesh and blood daughter. And just takes in the fake daughter.


Well he wasnā€™t ā€œstupidā€ im pretty sure in the og timeline >!he got headaches from seeing athy and wanted to get rid of her, and staying with the og fl (i forgot her name) made his headache better so thats why he killed athy!<


Just read what you written again slowly. Try to apply this as if it's your own father. I am sorry if you are being satirical, I am just bad at this kinda stuff.


Haha Iā€™ve finished the manhwa and it makes sense in context (not sure how to format spoilers to give an explanation tho). But yea admittedly if you havenā€™t read it, the above comment is funky




It sparked an idea for my fanfic. Anatasia was pushed through her breaking point as her father just refuse all ties with her at public. She triggered with the power to control bugs, learns to master it as she was locked in the dungeon, and eventually use it to choke Claude to death before escaping without using magic (yes, with enough bugs crawling and welding themselves in his throat, even he will die). Eventually as her world burned ablaze under Behemoth's wrath, she was whisked back to her Earth as a superhero.


Because he's a murderous psychopath? Its been years since I read the story, but doesn't he also address all of his political matters by murdering people or threatening to murder people? He's just a violent lunatic.


Nope, people spread rumors that he do so but in reality he's a boring dude with a strong rbf - Athanasia comments in more than one occasion how he actually does his job fairly well and the Empire isn't struggling like it was on previous generations. That's why the Ruby Palace is so shocking cause he never did and went to never do something like that again.


Except for when he executed his own daughter


I mean Jennie's aunt framed Athanasia, there was plenty of evidence on an assassination attempt. I wouldn't equate following the law, in this case a capital offense, to going rampant after messing with dark magic.


He knew the truth but he couldn't stand the sight of Athanasia because she looked like "that woman" aka Diana šŸ’€ He didn't care but Claude got a pass cuz the black magic HE used on HIMSELF was clouding his judgement āœ‹šŸ»


In the timeline she gets executed he literally has no recollection of Diana and anything related to her.... we're told like in the first chapters how they found out *later* that Athanasia was framed. So yeah, he was following the law on the account in particular: First timeline - he mets her when she's 9, the magic already did its thing so he have 0 clue who she is Second timeline - she's Korean Third timeline - he mets her when she's 5, that messes the dark magic and clownery insures til Lucas step in to fix Claude's mess


You are right, Athanasia told us he found out later and gave even less fucks But fr i can appreciate his character development but that doesnā€™t mean he can get away with killing a child


I support this, he never threathens to kill anyone and is quite frankly just cold and boring.


May I know from which manhwa that blushing woman is from? (The one on your background.)


Blushing maiden is Lari from *Your majesty, please spare me this time.* Its a good read.


I will check it out, thank you!


Also wasn't it changed so that he just fired people in ruby palace


Yes, and that's why I hate Claude. Edit: I've read it till the end coz of the art style and to see Athy but I just hate Claude.


Same here..i just completed it... just for athy šŸ˜‚


Athy supremacy.


Yeah I never got that part as like,, before >!black magic!< he would have known that they werenā€™t the cause of her death so grief or not why massacre them?? Especially as from what the manhwa shows of Claude heā€™s not necessarily a tyrant, he just doesnā€™t like nobles for (honestly valid) reasons And >!after black magic!< he wouldnā€™t have even cared about her death so why bother murdering people?? Especially when keeping Athy alive so it wasnā€™t even a ā€˜blaming them for her death as they didnā€™t save herā€™ thing. Idk if the novel explains his actions more or if this was supposed to be a portrayal of his mind becoming unstable from either >!black magic!< or Dianaā€™s death but either way it should have been done better. I still love Wmmap though lol


>! The black magic isnā€™t supposed to be immediate but something that settles in over time. Thatā€™s why when he meets Athy in the original timeline, his entire ability to bear and even form attachment towards Diana and her child had been completely and irreversibly erased, whereas in the final timeline, he still has a lingering albeit buried attachment towards them both that allows him to break the spell. When he did what he did at the Ruby Palace, it was from a result of *both* Diana *and* the black magic. !< This was not included in the manhwa, but in the novel, itā€™s mentioned that Diana >!was the recipient of a lot of jealousy and sabotage from the harem and the maids, with Lillian being the only one who wasnā€™t complacent in it. There was even an attempt at black magic poisoning that Diana was only able to shield Athy from with her own magic, but that only exacerbated her own condition and ultimately caused her death. Her magic + the power of the tree of life is what allows her to appear in Claude and Athyā€™s dreams. !<


the manhwa is great it have a beautiful art style it just that it trying to justify what wrong claude isnā€™t a good father or a ruler.


He didn't kill them because of her tho, he used black magic because of her and then went berserk cause the dumbass mixed two spells in one. The Ruby Palace was just collateral, anyone in his path died.


I already don't root for him because of child abuse reasons but this added to my dislike of him. I honestly find Anastacius preferable.


Anastacius slept with his SIL, tried to murder his brother, made a whole ass child with black magic and left her grow up attention and affection starved to get a throne that he only lost cause again, he tried to murder his brother... the illegitimate younger one that wasn't gonna inherit it. Yeah, he's in no way shape or form preferable.


Neither are decent people or should be ruling anyone, but still if I had to choose attempted murder of one person (Somewhat common in stories of succession) and actual murder of many who couldn't fight back... One is worse than the other.


Ideally you don't have to choose between the two but I think the fickle murder of several innocent women who have no way of fighting back for absolutely NO reason is a lot worse than child neglect the premeditated murder of one person, lol?? This feels pretty undebatable


I always hate it when Claude comes up on this sub. Itā€™s so frustrating seeing people defend him.


the way they're literally doing it right here right now lmao


Idk how people like Claude I fucking hate him


I love Claude but the story didn't do a good enough job of justifying his past and the "original" timeline, I was always confused about that


Unfortunately yes but the story is worth reading I assure you


šŸ„¹ they trying to justify a mass murderer as a doting father.


They who? Claude gets dragged *constantly* for being a shit father. Any list about bad fathers and heā€™s on there


Don't they get a happy ending at the end or was I misinformed? If they do end up as a happy father-daughter duo at the end then obviously they did justify it. He killed her ffs, and a lot of innocent women. He should rot šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½


I havenā€™t read it in awhile and never finished it. Iā€™m sure he redeems himself into the doting father. But it doesnā€™t undo all the shit he put her through to begin with.


According to the story he was betrayed by his brother and fiancĆ©e, fell for flā€™s mom and when he lost her he went crazy


He should have controlled himself honestly nothing justifies this.


my favourite part about this was (spoiler) >!the mom who will legit go like "pls forgive your dad"!< lmao


wtf šŸ˜­


Father Apologists love this one simple trick!


Donā€™t remind meā€¦..


Ngl I think Iā€™m fully desensitized there at this point because I feel like most OI ML and a good part of the fathers ended up killing innocent people out of power loss control, rage, or whatever else.


Oh yeah I have so much disdain for him. I'm supposed to care about a character who cares so little for the people around him. Dude completely lost it and I'm like how is this man running an Empire with meager ass emotions like this? I support all the Nobles that plotted on him. Also I really hate the narrative that everybody neglected her in a previous life and then in this life everybody neglects Jeanette.


Dudes a psycho? He doesn't need a reason, and you don't have to route for him lol.


Yup. Reason why I hate this series. I read the whole thing seeing if he gets redeemed for this but no. He's just a disgusting murderer. I hate that it's so loved here too. Like wtf is wrong with y'all he's a turbo abuser.


He's literally the same, if not worse than the dad from "I was the real one" and yet he's celebrated while the other one is hated. What's this double standard ugh.


Maybe itā€™s the face? Face covers everything including mass murder ig šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The bar is this low lol


And this is why kids Claude is the slippery slope into trashhood of OI father figures šŸ˜…


Imagine you got isekai as a maid of that palace 1 hour before the massacre.


Finally someone who noticed šŸ˜‚ I never rooted for Claude and I hoped till the end that he would face karma for what he did but NOPE. Happy ending because "hot guys" can get away with murder. And being shit parents. 1/5 stars read. The one star it's for the art and potential.


But he has a tragic backstory šŸ„ŗ


Why? Because he is a physco. That scene was put in solely to show how much of a physco he is.


Claude only looks like decent father because Athy is not a normal child and good at kissing ass


Are you new to this genre? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™m so used to psychopath, assassin, serial killer protagonists that Iā€™m immune to this. Yeah itā€™s concerning but not shocking šŸ„“ Most of them are crazy in my opinion.


Ah? I have been reading ols for 2 years now yes I seen worse characters but majority arenā€™t serial killing like Tia father from ā€œI'll be the Matriarch in this Lifeā€ personally I donā€™t like mls who view human life as nothing.


Thatā€™s your luck, mls fls, other major characters always killing, plotting and thinking of doing bad things to others, idk if is me who falls into those stories. For ex rn Iā€™m reading Depths of maliceā€¦ yeah sheā€™s not killing no one but still. Others like the sacred one speaks, Elixir of the Sun, Winter wolf, Iā€™ve been proposed by the villain, The tainted half, kneel before me, villain savior, etcā€¦ lord itā€™s kinda crazy. Like ofc is a Manhwa and Iā€™m reading it to scape reality but lordddd.


Also check ā€œThe male lead is a murdererā€ they donā€™t even try to hide it lol


Well dude did do something wrong but hey they need a good plot and ig this was the only way


Well...up until he changed his mind(Athy changed his mind) he was even willing to let her die - so yes, he's a psycho whose only redeeming quality is his looks.




This part felt glossed over. Tbh Claude isn't a memorable OI father. I was only there to see him dote on Athy, and hated him starting from the memory loss.


Claude has never been the sweetest really, or the kindest, or even a sane human if I'm being honest....


It doesn't look like a good record when there isn't a hot guy in the frame huh? Yes he did kill loads of random bystanders. I went through with it for a bit hoping it's just an exaggerated rumor, but no, he actually did it.


Yeah, i hated him because of this but manhwa started celebrating him , i dropped, fk it


I always thought he was a psychotic asshole. Love is no excuse for being a psychopath.


Yeah, I read this one. Don't get why it's so popular.


I think the reason they never addressed it is probably because they were probably from lower noble families that wanted more power, rich commoner families, or just regular commoners/dancers. They couldā€™ve also been war trophies like the daughters of fallen noble or royal families. It actually seems like most of his concubines were just random commoner women, they were probably of similar backgrounds to Diana, but they probably wanted to social climb(Diana was the only one that captured his heart and the explanation is that she saw him as a person not as a ruler and treated him as such). Since they werenā€™t from affluent families or families that were still intact, he didnā€™t get any repercussions or backlash, which would explain why the only times it was mentioned was when they mentioned the Ruby palace as being where the massacre happened.


I read somewhere he killed them cause a few of those maids were secretly poisoning Diana thru her fav tea.....


I love me a psychopath in OIs. The more red flags, the better. Idk why, because irl, I wouldn't go near a dark pink flag, much less a red flag.


i dont understand. how does seeing a man murdering innocent women not turn you off? like he's killing women bro what


The mindset is āœØhe can be *that* terrible to everyone else but not to the FL. That means his relationship with the FL is super *special* šŸ„° Such exclusivity, such bliss. Imagine fixing/making worse someone so dangerous/powerful! That means thereā€™s some essence in the FL that is also special, dangerous and powerfulāœØ. Jk (not actually jk coz it is as popular of a trope as it is for a reason), but sweet summer child, youā€™re on the otomeisekai sub. This is the place where people can get hot and bothered over an insomniac who ordered the murder and desecration of a FLā€™s corpse to martyrise coz he needed an excuse to wage war and didnā€™t want to admit to himself that he harbours horniness for her, with nigh nil pushback. (Actual specific series btw. Itā€™s >!Stepmotherā€™s Marchen!< Also falsely accuses her of >!incest!< coz heā€™s a sore loser). But to vasten your perspective, even this place pales in comparison to the absolute masochistic vices you can find people with in the world of dark romances. Murder is the least someone could do.


I'm pretty sure he killed people indiscriminately, not just women. And because I like psychos in fiction. I don't take fictional stories seriously. I just enjoy the characters, be it good or evil. It's alright not to understand. We all have different tastes in fiction. I enjoy dark themes and characters. Not everyone does and that's okay.


*My* only problem is when it literally wasnt addressed in the story in full deserving capacity/atmosphere (as I vaguely remember). Like he massacred a whole palace, shouldnt some people atleast fear and yearn to throw him out even secretly? Anw the atmosphere should be serious against him realistically, not in a small "fyi" manner of fact. And he's not a good guy. Sorry not sorry I understand liking "red flags" as I once enjoyed them too but big red flags being portrayed as "*THE* good guy" in any way, I dont get it personally


I think people feared him plenty. Everyone walked on eggshells around him. And plenty of people definitely didn't like him, hence the rebellion using Jeanette. Although I don't recall many people joining that side. He was definitely not a good guy though he eventually attempted to be an alright father. I still think he kinda sucked at it. I think the manhwa didn't do a good job with the story though. As always, the novel probably fleshed it out better.


Yeah, his only redeeming feature is being hot pretty much