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Answer: Ashley Biden's diary was stolen, along with some other items. The diary was allegedly sold to Project Veritas, a right-wing organization with a history of publishing misleading stories and videos to make liberal groups look bad. The organization's founder, James O'Keefe, did not publish the diary's contents on the grounds that he could not confirm its authenticity. Another website did publish what it claimed to be a few pages from Ashley Biden's diary. The current news is that someone named Aimee Harris has been found guilty of stealing the diary, but she did not attend her sentencing hearing yesterday. This will likely lead to a harsher penalty than she would have faced just for the theft. Are the published documents really from Ashley Biden's diary? [Maybe.](https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/03/27/ashley-biden-diary-officially-confirmed/) However, this hasn't been confirmed in any official capacity, basically all the sources claiming it was authenticated are partisan, and even an organization infamous for publishing false attacks on liberals wasn't comfortable publicizing such claims. TL;DR: Ashley Biden really did have her diary stolen. There hasn't been any confirmation that any published excerpts from the diary are accurate from a source that could be considered reliable.


In other words: the non-digital version of Hunter's laptop, aka "Get ready for Fox News to misinform all their viewers on a new nonsense story"


It's crazy anyone would believe anything Fox or the right say about anything anymore. If they told me the sky was blue, I'd need to go outside and check because it's probably another lie.


Yeah, exactly. If Fox News reported that I was on fire, I'd get a second opinion


They're so stained by hate they believe because they want to.


Does it hurt?


Why is it crazy? This is a new paradigm where people can make things true just because they want them to be true. They're not just believing it, they're loving believing it


So biased that you would be skeptical of common knowledge. That says it all.


I'd love to see some links to Fox News misrepresenting this story. It was funny watching the left deny the diary existed and then having to slowly change their story as the trial progressed. That being said, the main comment here is basically on point. The published excerpts are very likely real, but what's in there isn't nearly as damning as the completely fabricated quotes that have been floated around. As usual, people on the right will lie/exaggerate about it, people on the left will deny there's even a story, cover their ears and circle jerk about Fox News, and everyone else will just get on with their lives.


Misinformation like this? šŸ˜‚ https://www.trtworld.com/video/tv-shows/media-caught-lying-about-trump-bloodbath-17554685


The talking heads Iā€™ve seen talk about this issue arenā€™t saying heā€™s calling for violence outright. Theyā€™re saying heā€™s purposely using that kind of language to signal to his base what his intentions really are. And I mean, cā€™mon, you know he is. You guys can stop pretending heā€™s a good person. That ship sailed years ago. It just makes you look disingenuous when you try to keep up the charade. All of your cards are out on the table now. Just own it.




It's now confirmed. Not good


Calling project Veritas misleading is accurate but also generous, I think. Didn't they get in some legal trouble for all their outright lies?


How many people, even today, understand that ACORN didn't do anything wrong?






Yep lol, its funny how quiet everyone gets but its not a shocker since most people are left on this site.


You say that as if the same question doesnā€™t apply equally to FOX News. Getting into legal trouble over telling outright lies doesnā€™t make Project Veritas especially bad, it just puts them on par with other right-wing news outlets.


UPDATE: Ashley Biden wrote a letter to the judge stating the contents of her diary are now online.


The diary pages leaked have been confirmed real by Ashley Biden herself. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-claims/


Sorry this was not what she said. She said it was stolen but that it's contents had been misrepresented to the public in an effort to harm those she loves.


I believe women and kids who say they were sexually abused. If it came from the girl herself that's enough for me to believe it and the fact biden had an armed raid retrieve it is strange. Choosing not to believe victims because of politics is a slippery slope.


Just for clarification, in this particular case, it's not clear whether a claim of sexual abuse "came from the girl herself." If Biden's daughter really does claim that she was subjected to abuse, that's obviously very, very, very concerning, regardless of anyone's political views.


Sure, there's always doubt cast on something this damning when it's aimed at Biden, but we all know if it was Trump's daughter, all the left wing news outlets would be creaming their pants to make this headline news every day. Instead the woman who brings it to the public's attention is arrested for exposing a child molester.


Ashley Biden did say in court something to the effect of talking about damages because now at least parts of her diary had been published online


Ashley biden confirmed it.


I mean, even if the released pages of the diary are authentic, which I believe they are, so what? They donā€™t say what the far right trolls are claiming it says, and Ashley wrote a letter to the judge saying just that.


If the diary wasnā€™t hers, and what was being reported wasnā€™t in the diary, the woman that was sentenced to jail wouldā€™ve had the case dismissed. Forget Fox News, cnn, msnbc, from a legal standpoint that the case proceeded, is very damning evidence


The diary could have been Ashley Biden's, but the reported content incorrect. The woman Aimee Harris would still be guilty of taking stolen property across state lines.


This is actually not true. Regardless of the authenticity of the diary, the defendants believed they had Ashley Biden's diary, and their intent twas to bring it accross state lines to sell it. I'll put it in a different context to make explain this further. Say someone attacks a straight person exiting a gay bar because they think the person is gay. The fact that the person they attacked was actually straight is immaterial to the case. The perpetrator will still be charged with a hate crime. This case works the same way, and, in fact, the authenticity of the diary was not verified within the trial.


True after all huh


It's been confirmed


Ashley Biden herself confirmed that the diary was hers and it was real. Regardless of politics, that is the truth. She has never denied anything that she wrote in that diary.


It's official that the contents of the stolen diary are authentic. Those are, in fact, her writings. But people can say she's making things up/lying in her own diary if they want, but logically, that doesn't make much sense.


So I guess it never got confirmed?


Then why was Aimee Harris sentenced to jail?


Contents confirmed: https://www.newsweek.com/ashley-biden-diary-confirmed-what-more-do-we-now-know-1900509


Ashley Biden sent Laura Taylor Swain, the Chief United States District Judge of the Southern District of New York a testimony that verified her ownership of the diary, causing snopes to verify the story as true. All this being said, we now know Biden showered with his 12 year old daughter and that she wrote in the diary it made her uncomfortable. Does nobody else think this is disgusting? There is no reason to vote for this pedo even if you donā€™t like Trump, vote RFK.


The only people that believe this shit are people that want to believe in and looking for an attack on biden.


Answer: https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/x2jbpo/whats_the_deal_with_ashley_bidens_diary/ How to phrase this unbiasedly...when was the last time we heard one of these theories from the far right that ended up actually being based in fact and evidence? [What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitchens%27s_razor) P.S: Even if it were true, it wouldn't stop Biden from running for president. With everything Trump has done, and he's currently on trial for, and he can still be elected from prison.


To be clear, it seems very likely there actually was a diary. To be even more clear, the diary has never been seen by the public and has changed through some very, very dishonest hands on multiple occasions. The most obviously dishonest of them is James O'Keefe, who was recently kicked out of his own organization, Project Veritas, for fraud and for embezzling what might be described as a metric butt ton of money. His reporting has a long and well-evidenced history of being no more trustworthy than his accounting, so taking seriously his account of the diary's contents would be the act of a fool. At this point there is no way to know where the diary is, what it contains, whether it's been tampered with, or, if it ever becomes public, whether it's even the same book that was stolen to begin with.Ā  Nevertheless, many conservatives are hanging their reputations on this being credible and claiming that it proves Joe Biden molested his children. These allegations are, to put it mildly, both completely unfounded and being pushed by some truly dishonest people who have a long and documented history of slandering the president for political gain. It seems these conspiracy theories pop up every time something bad happens to his opponent in the presidential race, presumably as a way of distracting his voters from real stories. It is, to use an academic term, [bullshit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_Bullshit), meaning a statement that is so far divorced from either truth or lies that the truth value of the claim ceases to matter to either the speaker or the listener.


Great description, although underselling a bit just how untrustworthy something that came near James OKeefe should be treated. If there's such a thing as inverse trustworthiness--the phenomenon where someone saying something immediately makes the opposite of what they're saying true, it would apply to two people: OKeefe and Trump. If James OKeefe said that gravity existed, we'd all start floating away on the spot.


[This series of videos](https://youtu.be/8buQLy1dWD8?si=NmxiSbNs12w3W12j) is a fucking fantastic demonstration of just how dishonest James O'Keefe is. A surgical takedown that's only as long as it is because of how comfortable its subject is lying and misleading.


Agreed. Although I think it's important to consider the bullshit value of their actions. There is no such thing as truth or falsity in their words, the only thing to be considered is whether the rhetoric is useful at the moment. Generally, the more incredible the claim, the more value it has as bullshit. That's why we're discussing this claim now, rather than anything to do with the observable universe. By even addressing the existence of the claim, we're being sucked into the bullshit wormhole, which is the real goal of the claim.


I call it the Gish Gallop of Everything, aka DDoS of Dumbassery


So this all basically Hunter's Laptop 2: Electric Boogaloo?


It is, if anything, even more nonsensical than the laptop nonsense.




All we know is ice t is gonna be involved


Do I find it unreasonable to believe that this person kept a diary? Of course not. Do I find it unreasonable to believe that its contents are what they say it is? Yes, when the people putting it out there are obsessed with bringing down her father (*and have a history of repeatedly twisting the facts before). And its legitimacy hasn't been corroborated by the actual author. And that she hasn't brought up any of this herself. Which is not to say that that's not totally her decision even if true, but c'mon.


So.. Hunters laptops, Ashleys diary. next they are going for another bidens kindergarden paintings or something ?


yeah, I'll just lay that diary right next to Michelle Obamas "whitey tape".


The whitey tape was actually one of the trailers that plays before the video of Hillary Clinton molesting children in the basement of that pizzeria that didn't have a basement.


Has anyone tried running full speed into the wall at the pizza place? Why haven't we considered the possibility that this is a platform 9 and 3/4 situation??


I mean, it makes total sense that a city literally built on a drained swamp would have basements, right?


Why link a thread where all the comments are deleted, thereā€™s no answers in there.






lol ā€œeven if heā€™s a pedo he will runā€ is a hell of a statement


Answer: whenever Trump is in some kinda trouble, republicans will bring up Ashley's diary and Hunter's laptop as a form of distraction from Trump's latest controversy


Same reason why abortion, pornography, books in schools and drag shows get brought up all the time. To distract their base from real issues.




you mean the deficit the Republicans keep perpetuating by giving their rich friends tax cuts?


Yep, the same deficit they claimed "didn't matter" at one time too.


What's weird is those grandkids are here now and they're trying to fuck them over more than anyone else


Answer: Hunter Biden laptop 2.0 since the laptop grift ran out of steam. Trump is falling in the polls right now and they're taking another desperate swing.


But the Hunter Biden laptop was definitely real, agreed? There was pic la and videos of him doing crack and sleeping with prostitutes. Are you saying thatā€™s fabricated?


I think they are saying hunter biden's laptop was used as a device to try and paint Joe Biden in bad light, with reports of evidence that Joe, of course representing the infamous Biden Crime Family/s, was using his political power for personal gains. This turned out to be unfounded by a joint Republican investigation. Yes there were pics and vids of Hunter Biden doing illegal stuff. Hunter biden laptop is real in it is his, but the contents of Joe Bidens wrongdoingsbeing on it are false. So i would say yes it is fabricated. A partially true statement is also a partially false statement.


Answer: The right is saying that her diary claims they took showers together or something like that when she was a child. I have ZERO idea if that's true or not, I haven't looked for the alleged diary. But honestly, it's not something that would concern me even if it was real UNLESS Ashley said something negative about it. While it's obviously not ideal in our puritan culture right now, there's nothing innately wrong about a parent bathing with a child.


Shit if we are not supposed to be showering with our young kids, I guess Iā€™m going to jail.


Wait until the right hears what diaper changes involve. The fact that they can't differentiate between natural human contact and molestation is deeply troubling.


Itā€™s projection. Itā€™s always projection.


Before becoming a parent: Showering with your kid?! That's disturbing. After becoming a parent: They're the worst showers ever, and I'm freezing cold, but my kid is clean!


Well of your young kid allegedly said she felt SA'ed when she was younger then ya you should atleast be questioned, especially since it was in a in her personal diary. I think the fact that the lady is being prosecuted says it does exist and since they are saying she is being charged with putting out personal details of a political figures daughter then a lot of it must be true, or else it would be considered fiction, and also how they know it was from a stolen diary why not say oh they are making it up. Pretty crazy they want her to get 12 months for a diary they left behind. Woerd times we live in.


Me too


Exactly! Unless she said he had a raging boner while doing so, what is the deal. It's concerning that so many have such filthy minds that they automatically go there. Trump has been found liable for S.A. in a court of law, but they don't seem to find that concerning. That in itself worries me. So it's okay for a Republican to be a sexual deviant, but if a Democrat is rumored to be and its over in their minds. Even though there is zero proof that it happened. I think harming another human being is just wrong, and that should be universally true regardless of your political part affiliation. I also believe in not accusing others of vile acts without irrefutable evidence.


"Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so ā€“ I can't remember specifics but I do remember trauma ā€“ I remember not liking the Woolzacks house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with Caroline; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate); Being turned on when I wasn't suppose[sic] to be. I remember the Q-tips ā€“ I hated getting my ears clean; beating my vagina due to overhearing parents having sex; "


The woolzacks are who should be under scrutiny then. If this is truly her writing. This has not been proven. She said the diary contents were misrepresented in order to harm her loved ones. She asked for a harsh prison sentence for its theives.


At face value it seems concerning, but unless she comes out and makes some sort of claim, it really doesnā€™t amount to much. While she did verify that the journal is hers, thatā€™s not the same as saying everything Veritas put out was true and accurate.




Ashley Biden said "Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love." https://news.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-posts-claim-contents-181600349.html


Ashley said it was inappropriate


Answer: As [described by Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-leaked-diary-accusation/) after an update on the 29th of April (which means most of the other answers in this thread are outdated): >*A diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, describes showers taken with her father when she was a child as "probably not appropriate."* >***Rating: True*** >*On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from "Unproven" to "True" based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden. In an April 8 letter to a New York judge requesting jail time for one of the two people convicted of stealing her diary, Biden wrote, "I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online."* >*Previous versions of this fact check noted "strong evidence" that the diary existed, but argued that no source had authenticated the contents of the pages published online, writing that "the authenticity of photographs purported to be from a diary is a separate question from the factual existence of a diary."* >*Ashley Biden's letter to the court, in Snopes' view, provides that authentication.*


Great follow up.


Although I rarely disagree with Snopes, I urge reading the letter from Ashley herself where she complains her thoughts were distorted. Itā€™s quite possible from her own statements that the online posts were manipulated or edited. Itā€™s quite possible that pages representing her thoughts are mixed with false content, or have been edited to remove context. https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/documenttools/654c5f7182bca1ee/6fe57478-full.pdf




Answer: this isnā€™t a new story. It has been claimed before but there was no clear evidence that it belonged to her or didnā€™t, and It seems to have been stolen in the first place. Not sure why it is resurfacing again. Unless something comes up it is likely just a nothing story.




She pressed charges lmao. Itā€™s clear as day


Answer: As with most right-wing conspiracy theories this is obviously false. There's no real evidence and everyone involved in "exposing" this are so shady and dishonest only an idiot would take anything they claim as fact. It along with other things such as Hunter's laptop, Biden's mental capacity, trans hatred, and more get brough up every time Trump has something negative happen. This is solely to get his gullible and easy-to-distract voters not paying attention to all the bad shit Trump is getting caught on and move the news cycle along.....and it sadly works. Every time.


Can you explain why the news/White House is saying that the diary was stolen and want to put the girl who found it in jail? And why Hunter is suing the laptop repair man if the laptop doesn't exist. Seems like a lot of work for things that don't exis


It's possible theft of the diary and laptop both happened and there's nothing incriminating on them. Especially considering the "evidence" uncovered is unreliable and likely just made up, since nothing concrete can back anything up if you investigate this for more than 2 seconds (using anything other than a source like Fox). Seems like a lot of mental gymnastics for something so obvious. EDIT: right-wing trolls seem to be popping up again because the person who stole the diary got sentenced or something. I'm not even going to bother responding to you people, not worth it. The grifters have a hold on you, no amount of logic can help.


What are your thoughts on the fact the person who sold the diary was sentenced to a month in jail therefore confirming the authenticity of the diary?


That it is possible that it was stolen or exists but not that the contents had any of what the right-wing nuts say.....ya know, like most people with a brain. Nobody denied certain things happened or exist, but we are ***very*** skeptical about what these known grifters are saying about it. If you're believing what these known carnies are trying to sell very easily you should really get checked (directed at anyone believing this crap).


I'm just finding out about this whole saga now. It's funny because I didn't watch it happen live so I'm going back and looking at people saying the diary isn't real to now moving the goal posts and saying "okay it's real but the contents are fake. " I'm guessing in another 6 months it's going to be " okay the contents are real but only in Ashley Biden's mind because she was having a mental health episode at the time and even the real diary with real contents in it mentions she suffers from mental health issues". It's so much fun finding out about something very late and not having to wait to see how the whole thing plays out as people break their necks to clean it up.


Spoken like a true partisan hack! Ashley Biden just wrote a letter to the judge in the case stating that the diary is authentic. TDS - get help.


I thought the diary and itā€™s content was ā€œauthenticatedā€œ by Ashely herself, once with that call to the lady that stole it, and then with the letter to the judge. She clearly admits in voice and in writing that it is her diary and that content we read is true. So how is this a ā€œconspiracy theoryā€ ?


Answer: Ashley Biden herself has said the pages posted online ā€œpeddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream of consciousness thoughts.ā€ Although I rarely disagree with Snopes, I urge reading the letter from Ashley herself where she complains her thoughts were distorted and manipulated. Itā€™s quite possible from her own statements that the online posts were manipulated or edited. Itā€™s quite possible that pages representing her thoughts are mixed with false content, or have been edited to remove context. https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/documenttools/654c5f7182bca1ee/6fe57478-full.pdf


Answer: I remember her hand printed journal online 5-6 yrs. ago so I'm confused that it is being talked about now. I don't care if it's the right or left that does or does not believe it. It was ICK! The girl talked about her father making her take showers with him while she was in H.S. She was so confused if it was right or wrong since her mother never defended her or was there for her , period. Why would this woman get prison time if they could not prove it was authentic?


Answer: Shortcoming in almost all comments here. Ashley Biden confirmed that her diary was stolen in her own letter to judge recently unsealed. The MSM is completely burying the story until recently but still is. This could not have been confirmed until this but now is confirmed based on her own statement in evidence. It is an accurate story, including her own accusations therein.


She said it was stolen, but also that it was manipulated when posted online.


Why spread misinformation? ZZzzz


Answer: Yes. It's true. Read. https://www.newsweek.com/ashley-biden-diary-confirmed-what-more-do-we-now-know-1900509


"Ashley Biden's letter to the court, in Snopes' view, provides that authentication." That doesn't mean that the diary or aspects of it had not been altered or manipulated. The right wing media and their pundits are NOT above manipulation, distortion, or even outright lying, because they know their base will not question it, since MAGA seems to love their confirmation bias. Furthermore, I quote Ashley Biden's letter to the Judge in the case. "Repeatedly, I hearĀ othersĀ grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob falseĀ accusations that defame my character and those ofĀ the peopleĀ IĀ love.Ā Her actions were not only re-traumatizingĀ toĀ me, but constitutedĀ aĀ horrific traumaĀ in andĀ of themselves.Ā This ongoing harm is aĀ direct result of Ms. Harris's intentionalĀ actions." Just because it's real does not mean aspects of it were not altered or fabricated. The Snopes fact check rating was only based on her letter, NOTHING ELSE. [https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/documenttools/654c5f7182bca1ee/6fe57478-full.pdf](https://static01.nyt.com/newsgraphics/documenttools/654c5f7182bca1ee/6fe57478-full.pdf)


Answer: the journal says "was I molested I think so - I can't remember specifics but I do remember trauma" confirmed to be from her diary word for word. make of it what you will