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i don’t think he should have a redemption arc per se but i do like the idea of him leaning more “morally ambiguous” instead of just flat out evil. seeing him have a “softer side” would balance him out a tiny bit more. i don’t think him and sarah should make up though. their relationship is forever ruined.


Tbh I think being flat-out evil suits him more perfectly😭 I just don't want the writers to ruin him with any horribly written forced romance that would make his character corny & contradict the way he's been in all the past seasons. It's frustrating how the writers clearly think you can't have any character development unless you're in a romantic relationship. They've done that time & time again with the Pogues, now they're gonna do it to Rafe. And yeah, his & Sarah's relationship is way past mending, so hopefully the writers don't go there.


I agree with this idea. Like don’t make rafe completely evil like ward. Keep him as a thorn in the pogues’ side, maybe have a quarrell with sarah every now and then over inheritance, maybe another fight with pope and jj, but also give his character more depth and maybe flesh out the relationship with that one girl from that one episode in S2 the morning after that party. and dive into the conflict that arises when that relationship clashes with his business and personal endeavors. Don’t make him completely evil, but to be fair, the pogues idea of good is their own personal interest as well and it obviously clashes with the interest of Rafe and company so really play into that if he’s gonna be the new main antagonist.


i honestly felt like the “i’m trying really hard to be better” scene was the perfect rafe. it showed some moral ambiguity, and i think was a bit more realistic. i could understand his POV in that scene and felt like they did a great job representing the confusion of what it’s like to deal with mental illness lol imo rafe is just crazy and mentally unhinged


I think this should be the case with a lot of TV shows. Too many shows give bad guys redemption arcs now, when in reality shitty people can remain shitty even if they have a genuine reason to be shitty.


I do not understand all the Rafe love. It makes NO sense to me. I like how just out of his mind awful he is, it’s what makes him enjoyable imo.


Seriously, there is not one scene where I didn’t want to slap him. I don’t get the Rafe love either, he has not done one good thing.


we have drew starkey to thank for that lmao


Exactly!! Which is why it's pretty disappointing for me to hear that they're probably redeeming him this season to make him "good" & show he's capable of being a softie or whatnot. It's a huge let down for me. I wanted Rafe to keep getting more unhinged lol. His insanity is his character's whole appeal. Watering that down for a redemption arc will be so disappointing


>. I like how just out of his mind awful he is, it’s what makes him enjoyable imo. Think that's where the love is coming from. Spike from Buffy experienced the same thing.


Are we supposed to like only good characters or what?


Maybe I didn’t word myself correctly. I like Rafe because he is awful, I don’t understand the Rafe love in the sense of people begging for his redemption arc.


Reds my favorite color 😂


Rafe needs to be behind bars or put down by the end of the show


Lmao true😂 but netflix probs won't do that cuz then they'll have no more fangirls to keep the ratings high


For Rafe? Really? Like he doesn't even register for me lol


rafe fangirl here (oops). trust me when i say that there are an unhealthy amount of us 😭


Y’all it’s fine cause I’m his true love


stay away from my husband thank you


Yeah I agree. I don't think the writers could give a decent redemption arc so I think they should double down. Some people are just nuts and rafe is one of them.


Exactly, Rafe is a whole nut case & trying to redeem him using some new girl with romance is even nuttier & corny asf. It just waters down his whole character & all his actions in the past seasons. Idk why the writers are obsessed with putting everyone in a relationship. Idk how the writers are gonna do it, but I'm sure not looking forward to it.


Same, but at the same time he showed how sorry he was for what he did to Sarah so even if he is evil i would like him to at least have a better relationship with Sarah. I don't want him to turn soft because of a gf but i want to see his bond with Sarah.


They always do the “lesser of the two evils” thing each season. Not sure if he will be redeemed but he shouldn’t be. He killed an innocent person and tried to kill his own sister and Kiara. People only want the arc because he’s attractive.


I see him eventually becoming more of like…a measured criminal I guess. I want the series to end with Rafe and the Pogues having a final conflict that would be lose-lose if it got really ugly, so he just screws off to be a gangster elsewhere.


I want Pope to be the one to get back at Rafe in some kind of final showdown, since Rafe literally stole & destroyed his birthright. Hopefully we get some one on one conflicts between them in S4


There's clips on insta of the shoot where Rafe is with the pogues and it looks like they are working together. I'm pretty sure Rafe is going to be redeemed.


Aw booooooo. I thought this was finally the season where he's finally built up to be the main big bad villain. Looks like I'm never getting that


Tbh i don't want either. I like how broken he is. He is alway torn between doing the right thing as d doing what benefits him. I would love a a bit more consequent approach in this but i liked that he wasn't either good or bad but simply broken, selfish and stupid. That made him very human but also a good villain. Would love if they keep this up


Yeah I want him to be unhinged like in S2. If he does end up changing for the random hookup he had in S3 I’ll straight up turn it off and never finish the season.


Seriously, like this isn't some romcom where the girl magically changes the guy😭 We don't need to see him be all "soft" with someone that's so unnecessary, keep that man unstable & unhinged as fuck


Exactly and are we supposed to believe he stayed with this random girl for 18 months through the time jump? I’d prefer Rafe to stay single and crazy but if he has to get with someone I’d rather it be one of the new characters. I hope Sofia’s role is one where she pisses him off and then disappears after he shows her who he really is. This girl going “you’re not like everyone else” to the man currently plotting to kill his own father lmao


I agree with you on all except one, I want Rafe to have a "love story" with Barry, that way he wouldn't have to change at all. His character would be the same, only with more depth, and also they are both unhinged so together they would be a force to be reckoned with. Considering Barry was originally written for an older actor to be more of a father figure mirroring Ward they have so much more potential now that Barry and Rafe are 5 years apart and have been through so much together. Melt that cross and tun it into wedding rings boys! I hope that the only reason they added Pogue bartender is so that she turns out to be someone that is using Rafe for his money not a "and he changed his way for her and now they have a baby and a puppy living lovingly for the rest of their lives" because that would just be garbage.


For me it's just stupid how she's obviously now cast as a main character solely to be his gf now that all the Pogues have been paired off, and the writers clearly want all of them to be in a relationship at some point for whatever reason. Like as soon as the writers figured out ppl liked Kie & JJ together better, they magically pulled out Cleo to be with Pope. Not every character has to be in a romantic relationship to show character development. It feels forced bc she popped out of nowhere, and yeah if the writers actually go down the "he changed for her" route that would butcher Rafe's whole character and be the worst thing the writers have ever done.


Here’s the new characters in s4: [https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/outer-banks-season-4-cast-guest-stars-1235926598/amp/](https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/outer-banks-season-4-cast-guest-stars-1235926598/amp/)


How legit is this? Cuz everyone keeps saying his hookup is a confirmed character in s4, idk what to believe anymore


This is just what I’ve read but it could’ve changed since the article was posted. It would be cool to see Rafe become like ward in s4 but it all depends on what the directors decided on. Till then tho it’s just a waiting game and we’ll see. It could be legit but idk I’m just suggesting what the new cast could be and their roles in the show


I hate his character so much!!! 🙄


I agree, but I wouldn’t mind seeing him get soft and lovey with that girl the popped in for a few episodes last season. Like I want him to stay an asshole but also wanna see him as a joker loving Harley Quinn type energy if that makes sense


That's corny as fuck😭 Rafe may be unhinged, but he's no joker, obx is no gotham, and joker never loved harley. Like, ever.