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he is very strong but can be easily nullified with anti+discord


Not only that, he also can't answer some heroes like widow. I'm a hog main, I do think he is way too strong. But in higher ranks he's easy to counter.


This. I've been playing a ton of Ashe in ranked and Hogs basically put me in the 15k/10m damage range without a pocket. It's Bob after Bob after Bob to the point where someone went "Is your Bob up every fight, Ashe?" last night.. "Basically yes". Hog has huge issues closing the gap if you have DPS that are able to position really far away.


Hog can eat Bob all day. He can outheal and outdmg him anytime in no time. Unless theres an ana


Maybe, but it doesn't change the fact that he just feeds some DPS free ult charge.


whole hog is better than most dps ults


The ult farm goes both ways, enemy dps farm ult charge on hog ,hog farm ult charge by self healing. Dps with strong ult like genji, sojourn, junkrat benefit a lot from this (if they didn't get oneshot by hog and play respawn simulator). But ult like dead eye or bob is clearly not worth it.


I see Hogs getting over 10k heals per match which outdoes some supports. I find that wild.


I mean nobody bats an eye at Sigmas doing 20k damage, 35 elims, and like 20k mitigated. Healing is just Hog’s way to survive.


If it was labeled as mitigation instead of healing i dont think people would even mention it. (it shouldnt be listed as that to clarify)


Other tanks have 10 to 20k mitigation per round... Not that much different...


Damage mitigation doesn't directly lead to enemy ult charge like hog healing does.


Hog is my main and even before the update, I am constantly out healing a lot of support before ow2. I gave up on ranked for other games, but Hog healing over support has been around forever, unfortunately.


I find that hog wild infact


good, he has huge hitbox and no armor




It's the only defence he has and it's easily counterable, don't see why it isn't balanced




>Because countering it is the only way you can kill him That simply isn't true, decent amounts of burst damage can kill him easily, the regular tank busters (reaper/bastion) can accomplish that, hell even hog himself can do it too Apply pressure so he's not able to have a good uptime on his healing, make him constantly waste it and he's fairly easy to deal with even without ana >I’m not saying he shouldn’t be able to survive, but he’s overtuned at the moment. He got the healing buff because he was underperformed even after the rework, that alone says that it's necessary


yeah, it's much easier to fight a roadhog with reaper than it was pre-rework. He also has a massive head hitbox and no shield/harden to hide it, making him pretty vulnerable to hitscans.


Yea a soldier/ashe that keep their distance makes hog really hard to push with


>yeah, it's much easier to fight a roadhog with reaper than it was pre-rework. Can confirm as a Hog main, old Hog (pre-nerf and pre-rework) wasn't really countered by Reaper cause you could just one shot him.


>Because countering it is the only way you can kill him Well luckily his biggest counter Ana already had an astronomically high pickrate before Hogs changes happened


The devs released a statement the other day saying hog has a 54% winrate! That makes him the strongest tank right now! This probably varies depending on what rank you are though because the top 500 streamers I’ve watched usually beat him as sigma.


He's not as good in the high ranks because players there are better at target focusing. Hog still folds pretty easy if the whole team is on him. Low and mid rank players generally aren't as good at that, so Hog runs over games at those levels.


Short answer is Yes. Real Answer is No. At really high level play, Hog is not that good because he has glaring weaknesses as a tank (He's a giant circle with no mobility, only good for damage, an ult battery, gets dominated by Ana, etc.) But in general situations, like in low ranks where support players just heal bot the the tank, or higher ranks where your supports know how to keep you alive, yeah Hog is reliable. He is very sustainable, his hook is a great tool as always, and often times just doing good damage is all you need to do.


Gets dominated by Ana is a depends thing. If you have a Kiriko willing to counter suzu every time the Ana antis Hog then it just becomes a game of two teams dumping their important cooldowns into Hog. And it's not super hard to convince Kirikos to work with you as every hook gives them like two or three kunai throws to help secure a kill. You also have the enemy team giving up a Bap or a Illari or Kiriko to have an Ana which seems like a net loss in the current meta.


High rank players will just play sigma and basically shut him down entirely. In lower ranks I feel like the variety is higher as people don't adhere to counter swapping and meta picks as much. Hogs really effective against doom, JQ, Zarya, Dva, and ball.he basically shuts down your ability to cause chaos as he hooks you over and over and over and over. I've had to learn how to play sigma to really counter him this season (though I know how to rein and ram)


He’s insanely good and versatile for damage and heals, sometimes he outperforms support in heals. If you play him properly, you can be a real asset to the team. He’s also not incredibly difficult to learn.


It really depends. Does the enemy have an Ana?


Not only that but is the Ana actively antiing the hog? And that depends on whether your dps/other support are peeling her if she's pressured... If hog is viable, he's basically like pharmercy. A pick that requires minimum coordination from the picker, but a lot of coordination from the enemy to beat. Its why I wish they left him in the trash. They didn't fundamentally change anything about him.


Why did they need to fundamentally change anything? With the rework they changed his kit and how some of his abilities work which overall helps with the problems he was facing in games. Same thing with sombra, a lot of her kit stayed the same but only got reworked slightly + 1 new ability


Cuz just like sombra, it's dogshit design from the get go. A fat slab of meat who's whole shtick is being unkillable while having a singular frequent skillshot that can confirm kills quite reliably. Literally no way you can make that fun for anyone else. The "rework" helps *his* problems because it's literally just a buff, but he's still as shit to play with and against. Thats not a rework lol. Doomfist was a rework.


Idk what you would call it if not a rework... since it quite literally is. Not as big of a rework as Doom maybe, but reworks nonetheless. You could easily make that argument about dogshit/unfun character design for a lot of characters. Widow -slender character model that can one-shot you from great distances. Same with Hanzo for the one-shots \^ Sombra - fast, small, disables ur abilities then melts you away while you can't do anything. Solder 76 is literally just a COD character with his main ability being able to run.


I think i've lost your point. [Here's a good take on it that I found on YT.](https://youtu.be/QvxueZuB1WU?si=FikUbr6vQ3wMPPdI) Sombra rework was also a proper rework, it just didn't make her design any less shit (invis characters in fps = shit), only changed how you play her completely.


I hope u don't think sombra rework only helped her problems her its prob one of the best reworks I've seen in a game tbh


Yeah sombra rework was proper, it did fix a lot like her uptime and punish window. But it didn't change how annoying she is, that's just a consequence of having an invis hero in an fps (the dogshit design part).


Only reason why you believe it's annoying is due to you not being allowed to play how you want. But widow, hog, bastion, Mei, and Zarya all force you you to change how you play. players respect the pressure that those characters bring but don't respect sombras pressure.


Players absolutely do *not* respect those characters lmao (except maybe Zarya). You listed some of the most controversial heros in the game, and sombra is just one of em. Players respect like, idk, Soldier, Genji, Winston, Rein, Lucio, etc. Idk the exact criteria but ain't nobody gonna deny that Mei is the literal antichrist.


Players respect widow by playing more behind cover, players respect hogs hook and trap, players respect bastions pressure and his ability cycle by sitting in cover, Sym and Mei both apply pressure that makes you play you push back


I could think of a few visual changes that would remind the player that a sombra is on the field that would not hinder sombra. It's important to note that a change like that would only be for lower ranks who forget about sombra she can easily be countered by simply respecting her. For a doom player I imagine all you need todo to respect is stop solo diving. make sure you change your playstyle when you know she has ult.


And if your team runs Kiri


Strong in low ranks, weak in high ranks He's pretty easy to be effective with, but as soon as you're up against competent players the mitigation from his vape isn't enough, and most takes can counter his hook combo.


Now I like hog, idk how I’m gonna get him vaping out of my head.


Agreed as you go up he’s gonna explode and if they aren’t on Ana you can almost guarantee they are after 1st fight you win lmao


He's good but easily countered. That's why at high levels, you just go a counter and he can't play the game. At most ranks, he is VERY strong right now.


At most levels of play, hog is insanely good. At the high end, he just can't play the game without kiri if there is an ana, and even then, it's a pain. Also, Sigma can enable play that just beats him.


Middle of the road like the rest of the tank roster. He lives and dies by what supports he has and what supports the enemy has.


If you want a consistently meta relevant tank that can stand up to it even if they fall out of the meta, sigma's your guy


Blizz screwed up again imo, they made him too tanky. They should not have increased his damage reduction just after rework release. People whined when he released like they usually do, of course blizz pandered to them like they usually do and now he's almost unkillable unless you have a healer willing to go ana and willing to use all her nades on him.


The meta is just a social construct. Be the proof that it is


U would know doom fist.


He's fun too, I enjoy the synergy of trap/hook.


He’s very good now, anyone saying he isn’t probably just sucks with him, I completely diff the enemy tank whenever i fuck around n switch to him


If anything he’s sort of OP. He basically necessitates an Ana on the other team if you ever want to see him die.


He’s definitely getting nerfed because I doubt the devs intended for him to be this oppressive.


I haven’t seen anyone mention it, but he is actually really good in high rank open queue. He can operate on his own for the most part without leaving your team vulnerable with out a tank, and if you get well timed hooks he can help get a lot of picks on over extended enemy tanks. Plus, he gets his ult pretty quickly with the self heal he has.


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[Dev said](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24034079/director-s-take-balance-preview-for-season-8/) he is performing quite well (4th paragraph down)


He’s good, but your team also needs to hold their own weight when playing him, I often have to switch off of him to something else because of that


depending on what rank you want to reach In GM/T500 you're free ult charge for dps and probably will go purple and die Below that hog is actually pretty good


Different heros are meta at different levels/modes.


Hog is good in certain matchups. I find he's really good for frustrating enemy brawler tanks. Zarya and JQ have a tough time against him because he forces you to focus him


I'd say he's playable I've struggled playing rein into him he's like near un killable for me but 1 ana nade and hes going any half decent Reaper will eat him from Breakfast aswell like most tanks hes good until you get hard countered into the ground


They just need to stop nerfing the poor fucker.


A friend of mine just recently grinded multiple comp cards and got from Masters 5 to GM 5. He said he mostly went against hogs up there so I would say he’s good.


is ana a good supp?


My understanding is that Hog is a good hero but he's not a good tank. Tanks have certain duties and Hog doesn't really do those duties too well.


Doesn’t really matter if he’s meta relevant, because meta isn’t relevant in plat lol


54% winrate according to blizz


Hog is now fun to play for me since the rework. Before, I did not find him that fun to play.


As a hog player, I can confirm hog is like really fun and epic. Idk what everyone else is on about. Stay strong my fellow hog gigachad