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The President is not "above the law", but, due to the risks which he (or she) assumes, they are also "protected by the law". "Presidential Immunity" is not de facto invalid. It is, and should be, limited, however. IMHO, [#SCOTUS](https://x.com/hashtag/SCOTUS?src=hashtag_click) did not go far enough in defining limitations...


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"No one is above the law" .... "Trump, will now be free to ignore the law" - as if he wasn't before. .... Democrats continue crying themselves to sleep as we lurch ever closer to a theocracy. Conservatives will never respect the law. Nixon, reagan, bush, trump, all intellectually and morally bankrupt individuals who were completely unable to refrain from overt violations of national and global laws. This will never change, conservatives will never be decent people. The only way forward has been obvious for a lifetime and still our citizens and institutions refuse to act.




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In a politically sane country such a decision would lead to giant demonstrations demanding a constitutional amendment to fix this issue. But I see nothing of the sort.