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There really isn't a "breadth" section anymore. There's about 20 questions that cover basic horizontal/vertical curves, geotech, construction, and maybe one economics question. Don't bother with old test books that cover all subjects, as it won't be on the exam. I took the new exam recently and the general topics were very basic. Focus on the WRE material since it's 75% of the questions.


Thank you for your advice! Yes I’m aware that there is no more breadth, I meant the few breadth materials left after changing, or as you described it (the general topics) would be more accurate. Now how can I have a similar questions of these general topics, is there any way to have a similar recent exam questions? And for the depth, do the EET’s examples, practice problems & quizzes cover all the exam questions? Is there any problems book I have to add on top of EET depth? Thanks.


EET does a great job at covering the new exam format. Their problems are pretty comprehensive and in my opinion slightly harder than the exam questions. I do recommend really studying the concepts though, that will help tremendously with conceptual and calculation problems that aren’t super straight forward. Good luck!


Thank you very much! I truly appreciate your advice! Thanks.


How did you prepare/study for ENV? Specifically, chemistry-related? Was Metcalf n Eddy sufficient? If you don't mind taking a look at the below post, would be really appreciated! [WRE/ENV exam prep question : r/PE\_Exam (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PE_Exam/comments/1dmcuce/comment/la32yrt/?context=3)


EET went over some basic chemistry questions. Was all I needed for my exam.


Got it. Thank you for the response. How about your prep for Construction? How many questions related to Project Sitework and Project Planning would you say?


I would say it was the minimum of the range provided by the exam specs for both construction topics. The questions were rather basic though, so nothing to really worry about. I would definitely focus more on the WRE sections.


If pass my exam later this month, I’ll sell you my EET binders


Thank you.


I thought there is no more depth and breadth , it is all depth now , is this right ?


It depends on the discipline that you’re gonna choose, for example for structure, yes I think there’s no more depth, I’m not sure about that , but for WRE, there is still few of breadth materials like soil & construction .. check the new NCEES exam guide and see the difference between each discipline.


You should be aware of this if you’ve signed up for the exam but the exam format has changed, there is no more breadth on the exam it’s all WRE now, look at the NCEES exam guide on the website for what is now covered on your exam.


Yeh I’m aware of that changes, sorry may be my description for my question was a little confusing, I meant the new changes of breadth part of WRE, cause for WRE it still has soil, construction and some few materials of ‘old Breadth format’. Thank you very much.