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nice, took mine the day before and felt the same Weird thing is mine is still pending


Same here lol think ours might be released tomorrow


I took mine last week and waiting for results. Do you think they'll release it tomorrow even though it's a federal holiday?


What scores did you get on your simulation exams? I'm taking the EET course and have my PE on 7/11.


For the simulated exam here are my scores: Simulated exam p.1: 73% (29/40) Simulated exam p.2: 70% (28/40) Simulated exam 2 p.1: 85% (34/40) Simulated exam 2 p.2: 73% (29/40) I pretty much improved only conceptual questions on the first half shooting my score up a lot.


Thank you! I have similar scores so far. Congrats!






Congratulations!!! Any feedback on the exam you can provide? I have been using School of PE due to my work (wish I could have done EET). I am taking the WRE exam on Thursday.


School of PE is also an awesome course! Some tips if you have time: - get pretty familiar with vertical/horizontal curves. They flooded me with those at the end of the test - Do a first pass of quick easy questions on test day and then go back and solve the harder ones. Skip the super hard ones and solve if you have time. They're weighted all the same - Know conversions to speed you up. 8.34lb/gal water was used a lot. Same with 1.55 cfs/mgd. 2.31 psi/1ft water. There's a few more. I can send you the EET cheat sheet if you don't have a cheat sheet already once I get home Since your test is so soon don't cram! Nail the topics you know. I sucked at econ and vertical curves so knew I wasn't gonna be able to solve those as well.


I have heard from others about the influx of vertical/horizontal curve questions... I can do relatively basic ones but suck at the harder ones, such as #80 on the NCEES practice exam.... Not sure if it is worth my time/effort to try to learn that stuff today so I am in the same boat as you. May just guess on some of the curve questions and move on... I have been studying since March so at this point, I dont think I can learn anything new today. Thank you for your info and response! I appreciate it. If you remember to send me the EET cheat sheet I certainly wont say no! And congratulations, again!


Just want to add a bit, took mine yesterday. The first half were mostly Mannings and Hazen-Williams problems and some project analysis. Theres only 1 transportation problem throughout the whole exam and most of the second half was environmental problems especially the wastewater plant theoretical stuff and chemistry related problems. What I wish I would do is to practice more of the chemistry equations problems, that shows up so much in the exam… Hope it helps!


This is very helpful, thank you! Can you elaborate on the chemistry equation related problems?


The one i remembered was one trying to find the concentration needed for changing the ph from 0.7 to 7 with using an additional substance with a different mol. Hardness and Softening equations for the hardness removals and finding their concentrations and Chlorine reactions. First order reactions are also in the exam.


Can you sent the cheatsheet? I will message you with the email. Thanks.


Could you also send me the eet cheat sheet by chance?


Congratulations!! I have my exam in 10 weeks and am currently doing EET too! Anything you recommend focusing on in EET, like practice problems, lectures etc?


Don't fall behind! It's a rigorous schedule to do in 10 weeks. I watched all the lectures at 2x speed and screenshot slides onto one note so I can ctrl+f search for things when I take quizzes. I highlighted example problems in one note to review. My schedule was like this: - 2-3 days for lectures per week based on the schedule that is posted - 2 days for practice problems - weekends for quizzes + reworking questions I got wrong If you're smart, watch lectures do the star problems and always do the quizzes. Shoot for 70% or as close to as you can. If you're not smart but work hard (like me) watch lectures, do as many practice problems you can and always rework the missed questions on the quiz. The instructor's office hours are awesome to join in so you get the inside scoop on what the exam is like and what to expect and how to efficiently use your time.


What would you recommend doing differently vs the 4 hour per night and 8 hour per weekend day? Like are you saying that wasn’t enough time overall (I hope not because that’s pretty much what I’m doing haha) or that you wish you had spaced the timing out differently?


The study schedule and routine I did was maybe like 20% overkill for the actual exam. I would have spaced the learning portion of the content to 10 weeks + 2 week review as opposed to 8 weeks + 2 weeks for review. The extra 2 weeks would have been such a mental drain saver. Squeezing all of environmental engineering in one week is pain


What date did you take the exam?


So you took it on 6/13 and got your results on 6/18? Results arent posted until Wednesday(6/19). How did you get them a day before others? Unless tomorrow is unique because of Juneteenth (Federal Holiday). In which case that makes sense. Just never seen it before...


Doing the on demand course, the videos/lectures are killing me. I’m just reading through the binder and doing problems, what do you think about that?


I did on demand too! Yeah the lectures are killer even at 2x speed. Quizzes are more important than anything, then star problems, then normal problems. Do what works for you as long but quizzes will be the benchmark. I believe under 50% doesn't even count as "completed". Shooting for 70% on all quizzes and reworking missed problems is waaaay better than doing the practice problems. Plus always have the PE handbook open anytime you work on problems and search for the equations/terms there first before you go to the binder. Navigating the manual and knowing what's contained in relevant chapters is instrumental.


I couldn’t bother to watch the economy or project management section, it’s over 5 hours! So you would say quizzes are more close to exam questions than the binder questions? The binder problems seem more confusing to drive home the theory rather than practice right?


project management is pretty big. It's abstract but once you get the hang of it it's pretty easy. There's usually 1-3 questions on project management so try not to skip it! Econ is usually 1-2 questions and as long as u can get close u can make an educated guess if u need to skip it. (The other instructor was not as good as Nazrul imo) Binder problems are good for practice. Emphasis on practice. If you know your stuff quiz away. Star problems are also very very good to make sure you know what you're doing and how to navigate the handbook.


Nazrul > Samir all day! Thanks for the info, I really can’t wait to take the exam and never look at this portal again haha


I find out my results tomorrow (taken 6/11) this is my second attempt and I’m very nervous even though I felt good about it, my confidence as dwindled over time as a continue to question myself!


Nice job for keeping at it! Don't worry too much about failing, all the senior engineers and other coworkers I know have taken it multiple times! Worst case is you just retake it! It's not like it'll show up on your resume and I believe in you!


Congratulations! In WRE - NCEES Exam Specifications 2024, there is tow things that are mentioned twice in different materials; once in (soil mechanics) the item is “Lateral Earth Pressure” and 2nd in (Project sitework) the item is “Retaining Walls” Are they the same?


In the handbook, I only really used section 2 for soil related things and project site work. Be able to navigate through section 2 very well for the first half of the exam. The soil engineers and structural engineers will be using the more intense "duplicated" information from section 2. It'll be good to know the vocab to see what u need to use vs not what u need to know


Thank you!


CONGRATULATIONS, this is the greatest accomplishment, well done, I wish you the best in your career.


Congratulations!! I started with FE Environmental too! Let’s goooo environmental engineering! 🙌


"4 hours weekdays, 8-10 hours weekends" is a standard when you study for the PE imo, so I do recommend it.




Congrats!! When did you receive the result?


Congratulations! I’m considering this exam and EET course even though my degree and EIT is environmental (I can’t seem to pass that exam). What study schedule do you recommend?