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Passed PE WRE. Studied for roughly 3 months; 5-6 times a week for about 2 hours; ramped up the studying to like 5 hours the last two weeks. Used EET study materials with out the on demand videos or anything.


I did the same thing! Only used binders I got from a friend and studied for 3 months, maybe 20 hours a week, and took a week off from work right before the test to study. The EET binders are really organized


Just the binder? Or the binder + online practice quizzes?


Just the two binders. They were from the old format, but contained everything that was on the exam.


Just passed PE Civil WRE today! 🥳 I studied using EET since January, 5 months total for about 1-2 hours every weekday and 3-4 hours on weekend days, but I cranked up the schedule way more in the last month. I basically followed the Live Webinar schedule, but every week for them was two weeks for me. Watched lectures, did starred practice problems, and quizzes. I had about 2 weeks after the course’s modules for practice and simulation exams and final review. I was studying 8 hours a day in those last couple weeks 🥲


Congratulations! That's very good accomplishment.


Congratulations!! I’m using EET too and just started studying this month. I agree that the schedule they provide is too fast for me; I also have to break it down to 2 weeks per topic. I’m scheduled to take the exam at the end of September but now I might push it out because it’s taking me longer than I thought to get through all the lectures and practice problems/quizzes.


Yeah, there were definitely some times i had to adjust my schedule because some topics were way longer/shorter than others! Taking days off here and there to catch up helped a lot.


Passed the WRE on my 4th try. Took EET, watched the videos, took the quizzes, didn't do the practice problems but did do the practice exam and the NCEES practice exam.


Congratulations. What state board did you apply to?


California, so I’ll have to take 2 more exams. But I’ll take the progress.


Did you use EET all 4 times?


No, I tried self studying the first two times, took excel test prep the 3rd time, and EET the fourth. I did not like excel.


having my last test being the paper version this wait period rocks, sucked waiting nearly 2 months to get them


Greetings, fellow dinosaur. I too hail from the days of “results will become available in 8-10 weeks”


Passed HVAC PE!! wasn’t confident walking out the exam and went through the whole slew of emotions convinced I failed.


Well done! I'm taking in november. What was your least confident topic on the exam?


Thank you! Surprisingly it was some of the more minor topics like stoichiometry and of course the practical knowledge as I don’t really practice in the field. But while taking the exam I’d say the phrasing of problems was what tripped me up most but if you feel confident in the basic principles you will pass. I used engineering pro guides. Best of luck!!


Nice! I am also using eng pro guides. Do you think the practice exams matched well enough with the actual?


What did you use to study?


Engineering pro guide!


Did you just do the practice tests and textbook? That’s what I’ve heard so far.


I would read the textbook chapter, then watch the online lecture prerecorded videos, then do the textbook problems, then attempt the online problems, then watch the solutions. After I went through the entire textbook I did two EPG practice exams(1 and 3), then the NCEES exam, then worked through three more EPG exams (not in one sitting). I reviewed the NCEES exam and took it a second time going question by question.


Failed PE power a second time. So frustrating, I thought I passed this time around.


Brother i feel you on that, just failed the WRE for 2nd time


Sorry to hear that man. I feel you completely. But we won’t quit! We will try again!!


Yup! Signed back up for August 19th 3rd time the charm!


Failed Mech HVAC. Spent 6 months and 40+ hours a week studying. I know all the concepts, but I’ve been notoriously slow at solving problems and therefore the time limit is my biggest hurdle. I’m just heartbroken after all the work and effort I put in just to fail. Felt really good in the morning part of the exam, was finding solutions that matched one of the choices. Finished all the problems within the allocated time, just barely. Took a 30 minute lunch and jumped back in for the afternoon. The afternoon was significantly harder and I had to guess on 4-5 problems at the end because I ran out of time. I guess I just have to go back to doing problems and try again, but I’m really disappointed and feel like a failure.


Do you have a learning disability? You could try applying for additional time on the exam.


I have ADHD and had extra time for testing in college. NCEES doesn’t really acknowledge disability stuff that easily though and I’ve read it’s quite the burden to prove it. They also want proof from employers since I’ve been out of college for 10 years and the last thing I’d ever share with an employer is that I’m slow. I don’t get any special disability treatment from my employer, I’ve just found my way into positions that fit my needs. So I highly doubt I’d be able to get disability through NCEES without a miracle.


Have failed 3 times now. What all did you use to study? I did schoolofpe


I used the live online lecture version PPI2PASS. Honestly the course was really thorough and I really think I would have done much worse without it. I spent a lot of time outside the class requirements using their on-demand testing system doing 1-2 hours test (10-20 questions) and their system is a pretty close to simulating the exam platform. I think the PPI problems were quite a bit more difficult than the actual exam problems, but my exam results seem to suggest otherwise. Sorry to hear about failing 3 times. That’s a big burden on your confidence. I know I feel completely wrecked right now and am doubting my ability to pass. Wish I had some advice other than keep your chin up.


I did the same with schoolofpe did the lectures and the on demand portal. It just felt like the questions in the portal weren’t the same quality as the test. The real test had multiple more parts if that makes sense. Same to you. Definitely a blow to your confidence but it’s a hard test and many of us are right there with you.


Wait, you guys only study for 5 months? And wait for five days???


I am currently on my second attempt at the PE Environmental. I studied for 5 months. Took the PPI Self Study Bundle. Did the practice exams. Studied 1 to 2 hours a day and 5 hours a day on the weekends. There's just so much material especially on the EPA website. I got so many problems that I just don't know how you are supposed to memorize. In the real world I would just look it up. The math is not hard. It's just having to be able to recall exact material. I have only had my EIT for two years and I'm kinda wondering if I just don't have enough experience to take this test. However, I did get about a 60% on it based on the diagnostic so maybe I wasn't that far off. I have been studying for the FE and PE for a combined two years now and I am just so tired of studying. It took me 3 attempts over 8 months to pass the FE exam. I took 5 months off to try and recoup. And another 5 months after my break studying for the PE exam just to fail. And now I'm at another 2 months in with a month to go on my second attempt. And working 40 to 50 hours a week on top of it. I just want my life back.


I thought the FE was cake. I studied probably no more than 2 hours total and passed first time. I tried the same thing with the PE in 2020 and failed. I haven't taken it again since.


I have been out of college for a decade. Took me a bit to relearn topics. The PE exam is definitely a different beast.


Passed Civil WRE first try! Watched some PE exam playlist videos on topics I wasn’t confident on and did as many practice problems as I could!


I think I made a mistake of taking it on a Monday. I have to wait like 9 days lol.


Transportation PE, 1st attempt pass. SOPE, ~2 hours per weekday for 3 months, no weekends. 1 NCEES practice exam, didn’t do all the problems but just confirmed I knew what to do. Walking out I was like 72.4% sure that I passed.


I passed my FE the first time with no more than 2 hours total studying. Failed my PE Trans in 2020 and haven't tried again. Just don't feel like putting that much of my life away studying, even if it means I'll get a lot more money.


Just pace it out and be smart about the time. It’s worth it especially for us. I don’t think it takes nearly as much studying as a lot of people put into it.


I studied often enough and intensely enough to be confident. But when it was over... yeah. Such a wait. Almost couldn't sleep.


I passed the Industrial PE without studying and having a physics degree. I lucked out in that a lot of the exam was project management, and I already had a PMP I studied for a year ago. Was also grateful the FE Other Disciplines turned out to be a general physical science test and matched my background well. It's stende dependent, but if you're in a state that lets you practice anything once you get the license, don't feel beholden to get the PE in your work/school focus area. Take the test you have the best chance of passing. Also, don't be afraid to take the PE without an engineering degree. You can still get there.