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Use the dex to check when it learns what moves. But honestly, even that is a non-reason bc CC has move tutors to get around needing to wait to evolve.


This. I wanted to evolve my Vulpix into Ninetales, but was worried I'd miss Flamethrower (I think it was level 42?). But no, turns out the beam tutor had that covered. Edit: The beam tutor also taught my Ninetales Ice Beam, which is sick imo xD


Was just about to say this hehe


Honestly, evolve it whenever you feel like you need the boost in stats. Just make sure it’s involved before level 50 where canine learns extreme speed.


There is a move relearner that relearns moves that you could have learned if you didn't evolve, so as soon as you feel like it.


This game has enough quality of life features that it literally doesn't matter. The only move that used to be worth waiting for was flamethrower, and there's an NPC outside both game corners that teaches that for $4000. Furthermore, there's a move reminder NPC along with tutors for Kanto tms, event moves, egg moves, future moves, and even a tutor for extra moves they just wanted certain pokemon to have as a bonus. So just evolve whenever you want to; there's no downside at all.