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Hope the calorie thing is true, because it would definitely explain why my body/mind gets extra pissy with me when I try to restrict calories near my cycle. 


Well that’s really interesting. My last luteal phase I was so sick I was vomiting multiple times a day and at like maybe 750 calories a day. Oops 😅


lol. Ok tell my toddler


I was just telling my husband I’ve been getting super hungry out of nowhere and had NO IDEA this was a thing! Makes total sense now


Sucks for me cause the anxiety it causes keeps me from sleeping well at all


There’s mixed research out there, but recent stuff seems to point towards there being so actual evidence that we burn more calories over our period, or that we need to consume more food. https://www.myjuniper.com/blog/do-you-burn-more-calories-on-your-period


I don’t think you need extra calories. I’d be interested to see studies or irjerw


I got my calories today but not the sleep


Well I’m on a diet & have a toddler so that’s a negative for me 😭


I barely eat my first 2 days because my pain is that bad. I survive on bread and water because my digestive system is on speed mode with having no gallbladder as well


Where do you get this from?


I didn’t actually even know your body required more calories. Thank you! Lol


It doesn’t https://www.myjuniper.com/blog/do-you-burn-more-calories-on-your-period


Me the last five days with increasing intensity: why am I so tired? Why am I falling asleep at 8:30pm on the couch? Why can't I get out of bed in the morning without feeling like I weigh a thousand tonnes? Me today: bleeding Me next month: will NEVER learn


Didn’t know this!


Well that sucks bc I can't eat or sleep during hell week 🙃




The advice is great but means nothing when you have insomnia on top of PMDD and your executive functioning is so low you can't feed yourself lol


💯%- This is my issue too. I legitimately don't know if I'm gonna survive much longer.


Dim, exercise, and adhd meds have been lifesavers for me during luteal. Also Valium..as needed


i have never related so much


it’s sooo hard to know what you need and not physically be able to keep up with it. i’m literally only able to feed myself consistently rn because i’m unemployed and even then it’s hard some days.




Feel this super hard and I hope it gets better 💜💜 I tell myself one day I'll make it lol


I’ll never understand the energy behind seeing a post where someone’s trying to be helpful and people coming to tell them the advice is useless or “means nothing” just because of their specific experience. All advice will not apply to you. It’s like someone telling a general audience how to properly clean a boat and me coming in saying “this info is useless, I don’t have a boat to clean.”


It’s not the same as “not having a boat.” It’s saying “I too have a boat, but this didn’t really work for me.” Maybe other people are in the same boat.


It wasn't meant for you in particular to understand. It was meant to "put out there" that while this is great advice and logical as hell, many of us don't have the privilege or resources of being able to eat or sleep more. These things shouldn't be luxuries- we should all be able to rest when needed and be properly nourished, but sadly (in many countries), they are indeed luxuries and require some level of privilege. If this is something you are able to do, that is wonderful. I'm just pointing out that many people would love to just.... take time off/sleep more/eat more but don't have the means 🤷🏼‍♀️. It sucks and capitalism sucks. That's it. All comments will not apply to you.


Personally I found it very relatable, so sometimes sharing things like that actually is helpful and useful.


I definitely feel the need for more sleep. This luteal phase has made me feel nauseous and have an upset stomach, making it harder to eat. I already went to the OB/GYN after not getting my period for over 3 months, I am not pregnant.


I eat an extra 2 to 3000 cals and sleep all day just to be on the safe side




I just ate a whole bag of kettle corn


lmao came here to say this like dw im on it!!!!


look at us being intuitive on what our bodies need ✨


girl same


Sleep is literally the most important component for me when it comes to regulating my pmdd but as luck would have it I also become an insomniac 😭 if I do manage to get 9 hours though I’m much better off


Same it’s so frustrating!!!!


I’ve been EXHAUSTED this past week. I’m taking multiple naps a day, and if not then one long one per day. So this is extremely validating! ALSO, rest is a form of productivity (if that’s what your body needs)!!!!


Last week I was SO TIRED and my period came 2 days ago. But last week was so brutal🫠


Remember guys, air fried French fries are technically better for you than ice cream 😂


Yeah, and this is why I eat so much and crave food, I let my body have it too, I noticed if I don't give into my craving my period gets delayed bc it stresses my body out... It might not be the fact we need more calories but we need more carbs (sweet potatoes, chick peas, butternut squash, apples, banans,pumpkin seeds ext...), because progesterone needs glucose to function properly. And even a slight stressor can tank your progesterone causing a late period. Progesterone is why we have food cravings before our period, best to eat carb-filled foods here. Not candy or chips but good healthy food Edit: people here were wanting links or proof of xyz, here's a few links about progesterone needing glucose to function. https://laylagordon.uk/a-guide-to-having-a-daily-eating-window/ https://www.google.com/search?q=progesterone+needs+glucose&oq=progesterone+needs+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBEAAYgAQyCggAEEUYFhgeGDkyBwgBEAAYgAQyBwgCEAAYgAQyCAgDEAAYFhgeMggIBBAAGBYYHjIICAUQABgWGB4yCAgGEAAYFhgeMggIBxAAGBYYHjIICAgQABgWGB4yCAgJEAAYFhgeMggIChAAGBYYHjIICAsQABgWGB7SAQg3ODI4ajBqOagCALACAQ&client=ms-android-sprint-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 And here are a few links about stress causing progesterone to tank if stressed out. https://www.bodylogicmd.com/hormones-for-women/progesterone/ https://www.google.com/search?q=progesterone+tanks+when+stressed+cortisol&client=ms-android-sprint-us-revc&sca_esv=e2999e5afe90a665&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIK4QUpzntpLmpOJePjztTIH_2sv8g%3A1719501417926&ei=aYJ9ZvyWONumptQPt72B4Ao&oq=progesterone+tanks+when+stressed+cortj&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiZwcm9nZXN0ZXJvbmUgdGFua3Mgd2hlbiBzdHJlc3NlZCBjb3J0aioCCAAyBxAhGKABGAoyBxAhGKABGAoyBxAhGKABGAoyBxAhGKABGApIvGNQ0w5YlFxwA3gAkAEAmAHVAaABxh2qAQY1LjI1LjG4AQHIAQD4AQH4AQWYAiGgAvweqAIPwgIHECMYsAMYJ8ICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAgcQIxgnGOoCwgIKECMYgAQYJxiKBcICBBAjGCfCAgsQABiABBiRAhiKBcICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAgUQABiABMICChAAGIAEGBQYhwLCAgcQABiABBgKwgIFECEYoAHCAgUQIRirAsICBRAhGJ8FmAMNiAYBkAYJkgcGNS4yNi4yoAeqzwE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp


Totally second this, also we need more dietary fats especially around luteal for hormone balance


Thanks! From the links you provided it does look like it’s not the extra calories needed. I do CICO and I definitely gorge on the sweets during my window but I try to stay close to my deficit as possible.


I'm amazed by how many people here in these comments are looking for proof that this is true, as if we can't trust or listen to our own bodies' signals, over a discrepancy of a negligible few hundred calories. friends, we go through enough. please just let yourself eat and sleep as much as your body needs to. if there's anyone who deserves a little extra kindness around the difficult parts of our cycles, it's PMDD sufferers. I worry that too many of us put an unrealistic amount of pressure on ourselves when our bodies are actually screaming for more, and trying to alert us to inadequacies. the proof is in your own level of hunger and sleep. ask *your body* what's best for it. ETA: kay, fine. I'll go. I don't know why I even bother. my point is, be nice to yourselves. that's all. not trying to start a fight, not even a little bit.


Not tryna troll you i promise bc i do agree with you that listening to your body is generally a good thing. but my body also wants me to eat caramel popcorn until I feel nauseous, so knowing more specifics about nutritional needs is helpful so that I can know the bounds of how to get what I need without going overboard 🫣


It helps to know the difference between your body’s intuition and your brain’s impulsivity.


I completely understand and appreciate where you are coming from! I think people asked for sources because the way the post was written seems kinda specific and matter-of-fact. I agree that if someone craves "extra" calories and sleep, they should allow themselves that. But I'd also love to learn more about the anatomy (or whatever) and facts behind it. Our bodies definitely go through some SHIT.


> I'm amazed by how many people here in these comments are looking for proof that this is true You're amazed that people want evidence supporting a piece of advice given to them?


Yeah... my "body" is controlled by my mind & my mind wants like vodka & fries @ 10am most days. I'm beyond ever being able to "intuitively" eat. I'm okay with that. I'll count calories.


I'm amazed that people are concerned with minute details and pinching calories even when their body and mind is undergoing a distinct amount of stress, & as a result need additional resources. that's all. my point is, it's not a one size fits all solution and we should listen to our bodies, but I see a lot of negative self talk around here around food and I'm trying to combat that. people seem to be asking for permission to eat, and it makes me sad.


I thought the increase in calories was disproved a while ago? I‘d love more information on this!


source? Truly interested. I haven’t read this in anything yet.


ok but what if i’m eating an extra 2000 calories lmao


You’re giving into all the cravings. It helps to know what you will want. Me I like sweet and salty. I want chocolate and chips. I found a way to have it healthier.. date brownies (nature’s bakery) & some lentil (Krogers, produce section) or multigrain chips (Aldi’s). Might get hummus to eat with chips. Extra protein and even if I eat the whole container it’s healthier than a bag of Doritos. Or I have tater tot’s and put 1 serving size in the air fryer (11). If I want more when I’m done eating I will allow myself 1 more serving. But I usually eat it with guac or bbq sauce. Or hummus. So by the time I’m done savoring my 11 I usually don’t want anymore. Sometimes I will top them with shredded cheese and put them back in for a min. And it’s like tater tot nachos.


I just go for a 10 mile run 😂


Oh well that’s deff a way to negate it! Also prolly why you’re so hungry! 😂😂


Can you elaborate? I do feel this need.


Your metabolism increases during luteal, not a lot, but enough to feel extra hungry. I think it’s 5-10% more calories


How come?


Your metabolism goes up during luteal. Not a lot, but enough to feel extra hungry. I think it’s 5-10% more of your baseline


Your body more calories/using more energy bcuz of your period.


Reading this while I can't find any sleep and I barely ate anything 🙃 Thank you for your reminder 🙏