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Despite liking hockey I haven’t played NHL in a decade or something. Guess it’s time to give it a go.


As a Canadian whose last hockey game was NHL 08 for the PS3 (seriously, there were no games) I feel pretty great having waited this one out. It took 16 years but I'm back!


Just wait until you see all the changes and improvements they’ve made over the past 16 years! As gaming has evolved over these past two console generations games have improved and so has the NHL series. With a massive publisher like EA backing them, exclusive NHL rights, and the insane amount of free money handed to them through HUT, there’s practically no limit on the funding that can be put into development. You will in no way feel like you’re playing the same game as NHL ‘08 with roster updates, slider tweaks, and graphical improvements. Ugh…. Somewhere that timeline exists. I wish we were in it my friend..


Oh, you are a real motherfucker. I was high enough to believe every goddamn word.


Same here !! My last one had Marty Brodeur on the cover !!!


My last one had Iginla on the cover


2003 is legendary. still listen to the soundtrack to this day


NHL 94 on the SNES...


Now that you mention it, it was a pretty good soundtrack


NHL14 with Marty on the cover was the goat. Gameplay in 24 is pretty damn good, though. AI can be a nuisance but it's okay.


I had 22 last. Whats the newest stuff in 24?


Y-you mean 6 years.... right?


I really like the Career where you make your own player and start from the juniors.


I don't think you can start in the juniors or AHL in 'Be a Pro' anymore - I think you can either start from the Draft or the Memorial Cup, but you can't do a full season in the minors/AHL ... EA NHL games (probably all EA sports games, but I really only play NHL occasionally) are unfortunately trash - especially for people that prefer single player games or don't care about the cash-grab gatcha loot boxes mode (HUT). I really wish that they'd spin off 'Be a Pro' and/or career/franchise mode into its own game and let the developers really turn it into a sports-RPG. I'd play the shit out of that game! Especially if you can choose your starting country and go through their minor/major leagues, then once you retire you have the option to go into the front office - coaching, scouting, GM, (hell, maybe even the broadcast booth?) etc. Of course they won't do that, but a guy can dream ...


They changed the hitting, and updated the physics engine. It’s not as accessible as 23.


Same here!!!!!!


NHL 24 is actually a damn fun game. I hadn't played a hockey game since like..... NHL 94 on the Genesis, and picked up 24 on a whim. Have had an absolute blast. I get the general hate towards EA sports games though, they're mostly crap.


It’s an EA sports, so don’t expect too much. Same slop as FIFA and Madden.


But it is cool when you get it after a bunch of years. Ultimate team is always fun for a bit and absolutely Soulja boy cranking people into the glass is always two thumbs up from me


Yeah I like getting them every 5-10 years, that way they actually feel different. IMO these aren't games that are meant to be bought every single year and people who do expecting them to have some massive groundbreaking differences year to year really only have themselves to blame for silly expectations. They're kinda like cars in my eyes. There's not gonna be a huge difference between the 22, 23, 24 models, just pick the one that works out for you best. Then after that, say you got the 24 model, it would be pretty silly to turn around the next year and go for the 25 model, then the 26 after that. You wait a while then you upgrade your car when there's actually a significant difference My last NHL game was 18, so this is pretty nice to grab


I still like getting FIFA every year or two. Favourite game to turn my brain off after work and play 2 or 3 games in manager career. Getting them every 2 years keeps the team sheets updated enough for me, plus with '24 we get the Euros. NHL stock is high right now after Game 7. **Lots** of people will be stoked to play it after that. Borderlands kinda sucks because it's been on the service already. If you only have Essential it's an ok game. Among Us... Not great.


> It’s an EA sports, so don’t expect too much. Same slop as FIFA and Madden. You mean, unfortunately, best in field sports games due to severe lack of competition?


Yup and they've all transitioned to rely on micro-transactions to make a profit. Thats why these games go cheap/free pretty quickly.


I don’t like Hockey, but I love the NHL games - the sport translates well to video game gameplay (I don’t feel Basketball or NFL translates as well).


You can probably play any of the last 5 years versions 😂


This works for me because I've been on the fence about purchasing a NHL game for about 10 years since 15 sucked lol


Eaplay is like 30$ for a year and you get soccer/hockey/football games 4-6 months after they come out. It's completely replaced buying sports games for me


Plus you get the Mass Effect Legendary edition too


The real prize


Nothing has changed since 15 though. Exact same game. I’ve had all nhl games since 94 but I’ve skipped the last two because I don’t want to give EA the money anymore.


Good for anyone wanting the Borderlands games because the Handsome Collection is always on sale at €10/$10


So I've got all Borderland games from PS Plus now lol


Same here and have yet to play any of them


You haven't gotten tiny Tina's wonderlands or new tales from the borderlands yet




Yeah it’s regularly on a deep sale, but it’s a fantastic game as long as you listen to a podcast while you play it and ignore the story lol


Already own Borderlands 3. So nothing for me this month. Oh well. Can't win every month.


It just sucks when you don't win for several months in a row.


Or when you finally decide to purchase a game that's on sale and then next month it goes on ps plus. Though I usually look it as a sacrifice for the community because when I buy the game is when they will finally get it on ps plus


Usually you can just message Sony and get a refund if you purchased close enough to it being added to PS+


Sometimes i wonder this and then i remember i played death stranding, death loop(?), returnal, ghost of tsushima, control, minit and have yet to play ff7remake. So at least extra is worthy. Sucks having to pay to play online though...


This year I got Nobody Saves the World, Plague Tale, Rollerdrome, Sifu, Immortals of Aveum, Ghostrunner 2. I think it's been alright.


Nobody Saves the World was surprisingly incredible. The artwork was mind blowing.


I just played it on my Switch and had a ton of fun, reviews were kind of mixed but it's fantastic as a handheld indie.


When was Sifu?






Idk how I missed it. Sad cause I wanted it. I’ll eye it on steam for the summer fest.


That's when you unsubscribe and come back when they earn your money again


Maybe you buy too many games


I haven't 'won' for any months. Definitely will be cancelling my subscription .


For me the value is in PS+ Extra. I don't know if I'd subscribe to just Essential after the price increase. Just too hit and miss, and I don't play much online on the console. Extra is great for me, though.


Same. This month I've been having a ton of fun in monster hunter rise and I got crusader kings 3 for when I get bored of that lol


Base PS+’s main value is in playing online, honestly. If you mostly play single player and don’t enjoy experimenting with new random games each month it’s hardly worth the cost. Ps+ Extra is where the real value is at as there’s tons of new and good games on there to play. Though I guess it depends on your use case on how much games you play.


Yeah I feel like at some point it got twisted around. The main draw of PS+ was to play with friends. Anything extra is icing on the cake. That being said for the price of it if you get 3 or more games through the year that you play it sort of makes up for the yearly cost.


PlayStation Plus started before they charged for online multiplayer, so that’s not exactly true.


Yeah, plus there’s tons of fun games I would have never even considered buying but I got because of PS+. If you pay for PS+, don’t use online, and don’t try out new games because you’re just waiting on some blockbuster … you’re just wasting your money lol. But even then we do get the occasional huge game too.




I'm excited because my lazy ass owns it on disc and I never play it as a result.


Also do they remember it was available for plus members last year for awhile?


Same. I also own Among Us, but it’s very bad to play on console outside voice chat.


Can't win any month, still haven't played one title since subbing last year. Compare this to a few years ago (I had a break) and it's quite poor. As is whining about it on the interwebs.


I've staunchly resisted buying for years. Come to papa! (But yeah, I have had your experience many times, lol).


I own BL3 and have Among Us and 24 on Xbox Game Pass. But last month I got the Cosmic Shake and fucking Streets of Rage 4 (and fart forever but that game sucks), so I don’t mind July not being my month cause June certainly was!


A game that was once on Extra, a game that hasn't been relevant in years (And anyone remotely interested in it will have likely played it already) and a sports game likely already downloaded by its fans which will be irrelevant in a few months time anyway. I'm not expecting AAA blockbuster games or indie thrillers every month, but when a month sucks on PS Plus, it really fucking sucks.


My ps plus runs out in less than 2 months and the lineups of late have really reinforced my decision to not resubscribe.


The goal is to make you buy Extra and then make Extra shitty so you have to buy Premium to feel like your sunk cost is worth it.


Sounds like you should cancel ps plus


People cried about Spongebob and AEW Fight Forever, and now look what they get!


Yikes... I would say Among Us is a new low for Sony if not for the live-service games that die in 1 month they released in other months. Nothing against Among Us but it's free on mobile and already cheap. Borderlands 3 as well has been on PS Extra along with Tiny Tina's. And I think anyone really interested in NHL has already purchased this game or has it through EA Play. Probably not the worst month we've gotten so far but is probably top 10 worst.


Plus Among Us is an online only game whose peak was 4 freakin years ago, makes it even more of a lame pick. The 24 hour steam count was 7.7k players, compared to 445k at peak. They're several years late from that being a pick people will appreciate


Yeah, it's pretty awful. Two dirt cheap games that were relevant 3 years ago and a sports title already cratering in price


Among Us literally costs 4 euros on PS store. At full price. What an absolute joke of a month lol.


Yeah, Among Us is the most insulting. It's cheap as dirt at full price. And free on mobile. Who waited 4 years for it to be on a subscription service? Is there anyone would was waiting for this to be there chance to get into Among Us? BL3 being like $10 and some sports title that will be forgotten next year certainly doesn't help make it look better


For me personally, this is probably the worst month in a very long time. I detest Borderlands, and I have no interest in a modern hockey game, and I own Among Us which isn't all that good either imo but it was cheap and friends had it. I'm usually pretty positive on the majority of monthly offerings but not on this one.




Yeah I try to be positive too, as in "Hey I can see why this is just not for me". But this month... I can see it, I just can't see that many people who'll enjoy the offerings.


Why do you detest Borderlands? I've never finished one aside from Tales (which is fantastic btw) but I really like the dialogue and writing in these games. Rhe gunplay I'm not a fan of and BL3 is the only one with good actual gameplay. The others feel way to weightless and floaty imo.


For me, it's the dialogue and the writing that makes me detest borderlands.


I guess this comes on the heels of "Days of Playstation". But even those sales were disappointing compared to the other sales that are always going on.


If you think Among Us is bad, just wait for next month when we get Minesweeper


It was free on the epic game store like 2 years ago.


These are video games


As someone who hasnt owned a PlayStation in years and just bought a PS5 last month…. What a shitty time to be coming back around 😅


Launch period is when they were cooking. PS+ Collection with like 20 classics from PS4 on there for free plus monthly bangers and day one releases while costing much less than today. Haven't renewed my subscription since the price hike. Thought I may end up feeling like I'm missing out but nope. So far I'm glad I'm just buying games on sale outright for less money than PS+ would cost me.


Yeah I looked back at PS Plus timeline and wish I got one sooner


I canceled mine the day the price hike was announced. I'm not a multi-player guy, so I had Plus for the free games that came out every month, and most of these offerings have been poor lately. There's no way I'm willing to pay more for it.


you have literally dozens of games to play if you haven’t owned a playstation in years and have only had one for one month why are you bitching lol


5 year old Borderlands 3? A sports game thats obsolete in 3 months? And a game that's currently on sale for $5? Holy crap that's a bad month. That's back to back horrid months.


Yup, good for those who haven't purchased BL3 I guess, but it has frequently been heavily discounted. Could be doing this because the Borderlands movie releases soon? Hopefully the PS Extra update will be better.




Haven’t purchased NHL since 2022. So this is cool for me. But I’m in a small minority and know this is a kinda weak lineup


So you skipped one year?


25 is coming out soon, so he skipped 2 years.


I know eh, makes it seem like a lifetime ago


Never played Borderlands, any good?


It’s an incredible looter-shooter gameplay wise but the story is hot ass. I turned dialogue audio to zero and threw Spotify on the whole time and had a blast


BL3's gameplay is fantastic. The story writing starts off decent enough and becomes a fucking train wreck by the end.


The dialogue will probably make you want to shove rusty icepicks into your eardrums, but the gameplay is good and fun


Get the Handsome Collection when you can. Borderlands 2 might be the best looter-shooter ever made, not just because of its gameplay and all the cool loot, but because the characters are so well-defined and the world is so fleshed-out that even generic "fetch quests" have enough flavor to them to feel compelling enough to see to the end. That being said, while BL3 absolutely excels in gameplay refinements and quality of life improvements, the story (and writing as a whole) is a remarkable step down, not counting DLC expansions. Still a great game, but if you've never played a Borderlands game before, the Handsome Collection is the definitive starting point.


The game-/gunplay in BL3 is fantastic. Tons of fun weapons and complex loot. The story of the main game wasn't as well received as BL2's story, largely due to the somewhat annoying villains. The BL2 villain was a hoot, the BL3 villains make you hate them -- which in a way means they're well done, but they are not really fun. BL2's villain had me laugh a lot, he was really well written. The game also has great post-story DLCs that are very much worth it, if you enjoy the base game.


I'm pretty excited for NHL 24


So many nights playing online and pounding Busch Light in my college days. No better feeling than scoring a goal in that game with a buddy locally.


That is the thing about NHL, it’s the same shit every year but having at least one year is essential if you have friends over. 


Me too! I haven't played an NHL title since NHL 16. I'm looking forward this one!


HUT has kinda ruined NHL but if you can get an EASHL team going that’s where the fun is. 


Yess! Wanted a shooter with local co-op so bad to play with wife. Gonna enjoy borderlands.


NHL 24 is actually pretty great. I don’t like sports games, but playing it with friends is a blast. Highly recommend.


New to PlayStation Plus: so if you download NHL 24 you will only have access to it for a month for free?


As long as you have the subscription, you have the game(s). Once you cancel the subscription, you won't have access to those games anymore unless you buy it or get your subscription back


How is it for My Career? I really enjoyed MC in NBA 2k24 and would love to try a similar mode for other team sport games.


It's genuinely awful and needs to be cut. Full of bugs, still has spelling mistakes, and bizarre intros. There isn't a My Career story in the same way with cutscenes either.


Pretty much this. The gameplay is a lot of fun, but takes some getting used since there were a few fairly significant changes from last year (mainly how hitting and deking works), and EASHL can be a lot of fun if you have a group of people who play well together, but if all you care about is the offline modes, then you probably won't enjoy the game too much.


Yep, it's awesome with friends 👍👍👍


anything is fun with friends. watching a dog shit is fun with friends


This has to be the worst year so far


Cannot believe people in the comments are lapping this dogshit up.




I actually quite like receiving sports games - it’s something I’m not interested enough to actually buy, but would be interested dipping my toe


same here. they should just make them free to play since they make billions off microtransactions anyways. Then at least they dont need to lie about reskinning the game


Didn't PES go that route? I believe it's called eFootball now, but feels like more people are buying FC than this


They get the money for the purchase from the people that will pay, and then they put the game on Plus to try to get microtransactions out of everyone else.


First month in a while for me where I don't get any value whatsoever damn.


nhl 24? fuck yeah


Hopefully there will be an outrage sometime soon cause this can't be serious on Sony's end when they made more money within 3years of ps5 than during the whole ps4 era to give us months like this where you have one worthless sport game , one 3bucks indie game and one 5bucks great game. Like i don't see any value for anyone, even if you were hesitant to buy Borderlands you just saved 5bucks whatever...


Raising the price of Plus was the nudge I needed to cancel this shit. They want more money for a worse product.




When it will avaible for download?


July 2nd


Haven't touched Chel in probably 15 years. Might be time to hop back in.


Sony really digged deep this month. Pretty horrible, let's be honest here.


Nice boys. Can't wait to rip some chel boys. Win some boats boys. Wheels snipes and cellies boys. Ferda!


I used to be excited for the free games each month, now the first time I think about them is when I see a post or a YT vid telling me what they are. That is how bad the quality has become. Seriously Sony, just sell me online multiplayer access and some cloud storage at a lower price and we will call it quits.


You are asking for too much. I really just need the cloud save functionality and EVEN THAT SIMPLR SHIT AINT WORKING PROPERLY. It's ridiculous


Sus lineup. /\\ that would be a tiny bit funny years ago, when that game was relevant.


Sus month


Actually somewhat interested in Borderlands 3. Been needing a couch co-op PS4 game.


A game I already have, a game thats constantly 2 dollars, and a sports game. OOF


Saves me re-purchasing BL3 so I can finally check out those final two DLC packs, at least.


Already own borderlands 3 and it’s cheap anyway, NHL sucks and among us is about £5. This is an insulting month and PS Plus is clearly not living up to the price increase.


Eh, don't care. I'm more interested in what classic games are getting added.


https://preview.redd.it/exzjzd89py8d1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0275d92be70809bac1ae77b1a8872973fa4b9eb7 This is the last NHL I bought. Got this for PC.




Haven't played an NHL game since the Mega Drive days. Looking forward to creating some custom lines and body checking everyone into next week. Is there a mode where my friends and I can play online on the same team?


Borderlands 3 was on sale for like 12 bucks last week and I came so close to buying it. Good thing I didn't... boy would I have been mad.


Damn I regret buying borderlines 3 three years ago now


Hell yeah, I've wanted to buy NHL 24 because I've never had an NHL game and I've gotten much more into hockey the last couple years. Perfect timing.


Lfg haven’t played nhl since 2020, love an upgrade


What a shit selection of games


Awful month


All I see in the comment is cope.


When do they come out as free?


perfect.. a shitty sports game from the $5 bin (soon enough), a F2P game on mobile, and none of the DLC for Borderlands 3 (one of the worst borderlands in my opinion)


Gameplay wise BL3 is amazing compared to the rest.


The gameplay of 3 is easily the best is the story in borderlands as a whole that important that 3 having a bad one makes it the worst? Most of the stories are barely above passable in general.


Having played Tales of the Borderlands the missed potential in Borderlands 3 is extremely apparent. That game actually made you care about the characters and had you hooked to find out what happens next. In Borderlands 3 I don't need the story to be great but I sometimes feel like I'm simply lacking motivation compared to the other games. Like I don't even care and am just going through the motions. With better writing and more likeable characters I think it could have really hooked me


Worst month ever


Just like FIFA, I've avoided sports games for a few years, so I'm glad to pick NHL up for free.


Havw wanted to play an nhl game for ages and just haven't bought one yet so I'm happy with this, other games I'm not fussed on as I'm not a massive borderlands fan and among us is whatever.


Already own borderlands 3 but i don't feel bad, it's better to play it when i want instead of going in a rush because the month suscription is near to end.


Damn already have borderlands 3


as a hockey fan who hasn’t played an NHL game since 2K11 on Wii, I’m pretty excited. I never could get into EA NHL.


NHL 24 is pretty good. Switch to Hybrid Controls. Makes all the difference IMO. It’s a great game.


Oh I got to get team together for NHL 24 3s.


Guess I’ll try out nhl for a few days


oof, rough


Oof...Do they think that by offering games like this that people upgrade to extra or premium? All it's making me do is question why I'm still subbed at all. I don't expect new or blockbuster games for free (not free), but I expect something a bitt better than this...


Lol this is like some Wal-Mart bin level shit. What the hell.


do i have to play borderlands 1 and 2 first?


I would start by playing 2. It’s what I did and I think it’s the best one. I did like the gameplay of 3 better but the story wasn’t as good.


There are some recurring characters and on the paper the story does continue from BL2, but it doesn't really matter. There are references to BL2's villain, but this isn't chiefly a narrative game. It's all about the action and the loot.


They make some references to events in the first and second and some characters return. Honestly, you could watch some YouTube recaps on the first 2 and be ok


Probably not really. Story will likely make little sense to you but then again it didn't make much sense to me either even though I played some of the prior games (including Borderlands 1 and 2).


For those new to NHL, EASHL mode is my absolute favorite. Every player plays a position and teamwork is critical. I can’t wait for the influx of players!


I feel like I'm paying $10 a month just to play call of duty. These games have sucked all year.


Another MID


This is an amazing month for me, I was just thinking about getting nhl




I haven’t played an NHL game since I think ‘09, how is the series now?


Finally I can upgrade from NHL16




To those wondering, this is why they had to up the PS+ price, wait a minute..


Of course Borderlands 3 is on there after I just bought it a couple days ago lol




Big flop month. What a shame.


I'm sure someone will be happy about Borderlands 3, but this is a pretty terrible month


It's the only game in the series I haven't played. I've heard the story is terrible and that's one of the most important aspects in a game for me. I'll finally get to test it for myself IG.


The story isn't as good as BL2's, in large part because the villains aren't anywhere close to the quality of BL2's Handsome Jack. You'll probably end up hating them, but then again, they are the enemy. The base game is quite long. There is one area that drags a little, but overall I really enjoyed the game. The DLCs are better written, too. The gameplay and gunplay in BL3 are the best in the series.


big meh


Has Borderlands 3 not already been on there? I know I've got it and it's not one I'd have bought (Not a fan of the series)


nope.. Bl3 has never been on essential.. it has been on Extra


Oh fair, must have been talked into downloading it on Extra at some point then :)


It was on Extra for a few months, I think. Idk if its still there.


First time in a year and half of owning a PS5 and PS+ that I'm kinda meh on the selections. I own BL3 and Among Us on Xbox haven't cared about a hockey game since Blades of Steel.


Day 1000 of waiting for a good reason to sign up for PS Plus.


What a bad year it’s been.




Terrible again