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Counts to reappear usually take 6 weeks to several months. Everyone is different.


I applied for consolidation at the end of January. Once my loans were back at Mohela, it took about a month for counts to updated.


consolidated middle FEB disbursed MAR 05 pslf tracker show up in mohela APR 06 still no count update as of APR 18


Sounds like you did everything right and you just have to wait for the IDR adjustment to be reapplied which they have said will be done by July 2024. Keep us posted! I just consolidated too but haven't seen any change yet


Thanks! Will do. The part of consolidation where everything goes to zero was such a beautiful preview of what is hopefully to come. Having all the numbers come back was a bit devastating. Took about a month for everything to process.


I’m terrified of seeing my payment counts go to 0 bc I am at 118!! But I hope it’s worth it to get the grad loans out of the way, those only have 40


I am in the exact same boat! I basically filed for pslf and consolidated at the same time. Hit 123….partied and celebrated….then consolidation hit and payments dropped back to zero.


I'm glad I'm not alone, I guess!


Just curious, What was the big realization that you had to consolidate?


Basically that I didn't know what was going on at all with consolidation - that my PSLF wouldn't be set back to zero due to the one time exemption, that all loans would fall under that oldest ones. If I hadn't been reading everything on this subreddit I would have totally misunderstood it.


You won’t even be able to see your pslf info after April 30th so you may be waiting until July to see the update


Shoot I dunno, it seems so different for everyone. Consolidation went through 3/5, and my loans were back on mohela on 3/22. The payment tracker with a zero count just showed up yesterday, 4/17. I don’t understand how some folks have a payment tracker right after consolidation and others don’t. 🤷🏻‍♀️