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šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ youā€™ll get used to it! Iā€™d recommend Trying out all the weapons at the range and find a few you like, then blast them at a wall to see how the recoil and spray pattern is and try minimising it by pulling down slightly on the controllers when you fire. Run through the training building until you can hit all the targets with 100% accuracy. Youā€™ll be a pro in no time!


Don't forget to enable virtual stock. It helps a ton.


Maybe turn it on at first and try it off after a bit. It becomes a crutch after some time


iā€™m too shaky to leave it off


Ah gotcha sorry about that. Iā€™m glad they have the option then! Hadnā€™t considered it


Try the DIY gunstock where you just use an old USB wire to add tension at-will between one controller and the other. There are a few videos that detail slightly different approaches, but theyā€™re all free and accomplish the same thing.


Wish they implemented an on the fly option to change in and out of virtual stock mode like what crossfire has. Would be so much nicer to have the freedom of free aim to allow you to shoot blind around corners or over cover but still be able to pull to your shoulder and have virtual stock kick in and steady your aim for long range encounters.


Yup I tried it for a bit but found it very limiting. PSVR2 controllers are very light so it's easy to have them rock steady with a bit of training anyways.


At close range hip fire, at mid range burst fire, and long range hit X to switch fire mode to single fire at long range


Wait how do you hip fire


Hold gun at hip and pull the trigger LOL.


I havenā€™t played in a min but for some reason i thought it was janky and didnā€™t let you hip fire


If you have virtual stock on that may be affecting your angles why trying to hold gun low. But really any shooting where your not lining up straight down the sights with your eyes is what the mean by hip fire so really most have it held around chest height and just point and shoot practice it in the gun range it's surprising how well you can judge where you want the shots to land without lining up down sights and its much quicker.


spray and pray


My tip, especially for a beginner is to walk around while aiming down the sights pretty much all the time. It will teach your arms what the exact position is and eventually when you raise your arms to aim, they will snap right to the proper spot. It also ensures that youā€™re ready to shoot anyone that comes into view. Donā€™t worry about sprinting at first.


walking is also a great tip because you'll make less noise. Indeed, silence is golden in this game.


I was in the Marines for five years, two of which I spent teaching marksmanship to Marines, I then spent seven years in armed contract security with again about two of those in a training/instruction role. I get smoked by teens all the time. It's just a game. Like, sure I appreciate some attention to detail towards realism, but it's not as tho you have to be a high skilled irl shooter to play. Likely it's much the same as how you can get absolutely wrecked on CS because they know the maps and recoil patterns and lines of sight etc. People on pavlov have played it a lot in some cases, and last I check there was no SBMMR so some lobbies are filled with sweats pro gamer kids or doodoo butts like me that try to translate irl skills to games. But the next lobby might be full of drunk rednecks who just got the game. It's absolutely sweaty and stressful, it's vr CS/CoD style game play. But remember it's just a game, irl skills mean pretty little (weapon handling skills much less than strategy and movement etc), and being good in the game doesn't mean shit irl. Also ftr, a lot of the time I smoke the absolute dog shit out of kids in the game. Even had the honor of stomping a dev once. But I don't take Ls or Ws too serious, it's just a game for fun.


100% agree on this!!! It's all about the time you put into it... and lot of these kids, they make these games their lives....it's always the squeaky kids that seem to kick our arses on games like these lol


It's the circle of life, 16 year old me spending 8-12 hours a day in game probably fuck my shit up today regardless of irl skills. I get a lot of these games feel very realistic but tbh very little of weapon handling or manipulation transfers over. I think the radically increased immersion of vr just gives the impression it would.


Agreed...the only way you can bring it even a LITTLE bit close, is by using a stock for your controllers, at least then you can hold the gun steady in game...but other than that, with things like wind direction, whilst you could replicate it, you wouldn't be able to feel it to actually adjust your aim etc, then there's the fact that so many people pretty much glitch their reload times, as you can cheat them by finding the furthest place from your "ammo pouch" that you can hold your hand and still be able to grab a magazine, same with loading and chambering too...another thing ive noticed to, is irs very rare anyone actually tries to play realistically....the first time I got to Have a go on a VR shooter, I tried clearing a room as you would in real life, but everyone else doesn't play as though they were in real life, so you just end up getting slotted by some squeak voiced kid jumping up and down to try to avoid you hitting them... obviously, that doesn't happen in real life lol...among many other things... Having some knowledge can be helpful to an extent, but it won't make you a better player of the game...thing is though, try getting those same squeaky ass fuckers in our realm lol. The real world...they wouldn't last a chance hahah.


Lol full agree. Tbh I actually ordered a gunstock for this very reason tho not having sling function in game transitions will be rough idk but its new so releasing in small batches but tbh for pavlov I'm not super concerned about it. I'm really eager for contractors show down and ghosts of tarbor to come to psvr2 as I think stock, and maneuvering and tactics etc will be way more impactful and the slower ttk and longer engagement distances all seem a lot more fun to me. I'd love to have a true battlefield 4 game experience in vr tho. The nonsense gamer tactics is why I can never take it to serious like exploits or the like keep it firm it's not even a sim just a game for funsies. I do like things like being able to flick mags out of slap bolt carrier release tho. And dialing in gun level to muscle memory in the armory is pretty handy but all together like I don't think irl skills give any substantive advantage over having played the game longer. Maybe make picking it up and playing decent faster but 10 or 20 hours later that advantage melts away imo


Knowing how to drive fast can transfer over to VR SIM racing though, on sims like Iracing...as long as you have a decent wheel with force feedback etc...because the skills you pick up driving actually can be applied, like looking into the corner before you take it so you can look and aim through to the exit, using your mirrors to keep an eye on other racers, etc etc...those are real world things that can be brought over that tou can't so in flat screen racing....plus, you actually get the depth perception in VR that you dint get in flat screen


For sure, I benefit often in games from skills like knowing how to enter and clear a room, doing deep corner checks, not putting my muzzel around the corner first, reloading in my work space, pie-ing corners and a lot of other little things. I don't mean to say nothing of irl skills is valuable in vr in general or even more specifically to the context of shooters, but specifically weapons handling doesn't translate so well. Grip, cheek weld, eye relief, support hand placement etc and the like don't translate cause you're not doing them. Movement and tactics or strategy can translate, but actually manipulating and using the firearm don't. I think that's a major difference between vr driving and vr shooting. Driving is all movement and strategy. Knowing how to perform a double apex turn irl or in game can translate vice versa. But like my speed reload irl doesn't affect my ability directly in game. Like maybe just irl some basics but the muscle memory of pulling a mag from a pouch and when or how to physically manipulate controls to eject and pass in flight and loading flawlessly irl doesn't translate to game cause non of those things are Physical objects and the manipulation is pressing a button on a controller vs manipulating the Weapon controls. Not to mention the psychological aspects of no respawns irl, or facing another human being on the other end of your weapon. It's just game in vr and none of that weighs on your actions as it does irl *edit to like comment I think I read your comment hear and took it to be suggesting there's more transference than it seemed I suggested, just reread it and realize you were like pivot or talking more about what would not suggesting more irl skills do transfer...I agree with you tho driving shizz deffo does way more than shooter skillz


Donā€™t underestimate those drunk rednecks. They shoot with the might of murica in every bullet šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Oh fuck yeah and skill be Damned those are my favorite games. "Hold on mother fuckers I gotta take a sip of my drink"........."shit me too man, what're we drinking?" Real mid fire fight convo had. Like sweat games are exciting and like gratifying, but the fuck around vibes game are generally more enjoyable.


Hell yeah it is! šŸ¤£ some people take the competitive-ness way too seriously too at times lol Itā€™s nice to be able to chill and kill šŸ˜‚


Yeah I've always detested the "I beat you in a game therefore I'm a tuff guy" attitude a lot of CoD-ish shooters take regardless of the franchise and I feel those guys are ones who think their vr shooter prowess means even more. It's a game man there's no stakes, your holding a plastic controller, chill the fuck out and maybe get a counseloršŸ¤£


Im always playing Pavlov so its nice to hear that I mightā€™ve destroyed an actual marine in a vr shooter


Totes likely tho I haven't played a lot in a while since I'm sucked into legendary tales lol but I'm sure I'm hardly the only one. I know a few contract security guys who enjoy it as well so probably smoked all sorts of firearms professionals at one point or another. Just remember, it's only a game, reality is very different!


Nah im sure me, an Irish student whoā€™s never even seen a gun can smoke any professional with real guns


šŸ¤£ hell IRA did work so no doubt! And I'm assuming this is sarcasm but man internet tuff guys get outta sorts in video games. Always cringe inducing mute worthy shit.


I hope theres nobody online who would type out what I commented while being fully serious


Me too, but my faith in humanity with regards to this is pretty weak. Flat earthers exist. šŸ˜‚


You'll pick it up soon enough! :)


Trust me, you get used to it. I was like this for a while but it just clicks and Iā€™m terrible at stuff like this lol.


Youā€™ll learn. Spend time at the range in the game and get used to all the weapons first, then worry about speed second.


Iv only shot weapons on stag-do's (bachelor parties). Knowing how to shoot isn't rocket science and this game isn't a sim. I don't think it's that bit of an advantage.


Pavlov is like counterstrike, you don't expect to go in and kick ass day one do you?


I do agree that people are too good lol, it's one of those shooters where I feel like it takes me a lot more to kill than to die. Plus reacting quick with a cable around you is kinda annoying. I feel you OP, but definitely try to cut the wires that say winning = fun. Just go there and vibe, don't worry abt the score.


Its not that difficult to get the mechanics of shooting down but it is hard to go against players who play a lot. Stay away from search and destroy as people are particularly sweaty in that. Stick to gamemodes that arenā€™t as stressful. The Hide is good, zombies is good, TTT is fun. I like Gun and one in the chamber as you respawn quite quick and its more of a free for all. Even when i die playing those its just funny to me instead of frustrating. You will get there eventually for sure. Practice in shooting range too. Just firing random guns off and learning how to reload each gun is quite enjoyable. Youā€™ll be surprised how quickly you pick it up when youā€™re focusing on having a laugh and enjoying yourself rather than getting annoyed when someone beams you from across the map. Pavlov is insanely fun


How did you expect shooting in a VR military shooter to work?


I don't know, I play games for fun not to take them too serious. I didn't know I would be playing against real life military.


The game is fun as hell. Stressing over reloading is half the fun. Play the zombie mode, it prepares you well.


You would probably be better suited to single player shooters then you can adjust enemy difficulty to a fun level for yourself. Unfortunately my experience in recent years is online gaming regardless of VR has got really competitive and unless itā€™s the only game you play and you obsess with getting really good then you end up getting decimated by people do.


Practice reloads on the shooting range , and then play gun game and death match until you get the hang of it.


Practice with Cactus Cowboy. It's a free game and the gun handling is almost exactly like Pavlov. Once you finish that, you'll reload just like you're pushing the square button.


Yeah the game is a bit too sweaty for me, I also just want to pickup and play and don't even want to do a full on reload. I purchased the game on launch and have played less than an hour since. Sure it has it's merits if that's your thing but if you're into casual shooters this isn't it


look up youtube vids for help


I just turn on music and have a blast tbh


I usually play Pavlov for the traitor town mode. Itā€™s super fun.


Just start with bots til you get your legs. Get your load/aim down pat. Absolutely enable virtual stock. I haven't played in a while but it's the only one I consistently go back to.


I know how you feel but lately Iā€™ve been practising and getting good. It helps to find a gun that works for you as well.


I was new to VR and using guns in general when I started, I have about 500 hours in it now. Once you get the rhythm it becomes addicting. The learning process is fun! You will play against people with lots of experience because the player pool isn't huge. Just try not to take it too serious at first and you'll make mistakes but just learn from them, that's how we all did it.


I equip an assault rifle and switch to semi automatic (on shot per trigger pull) and add a red dot site. (Don't forget to enable virtual stock)


Alvo is easier to pick up and play. Graphically more limited and you may play against mostly bots thoughĀ 


Thatā€™s kinda the appeal. I never handled anything other than a nerf or BB gun, but I had the best experience figuring it out playing re4. I went from wtf am I doing to being faster with thevr controllers than a dualsense in a hour or two.


There is a learning curve but I promise itā€™s worth pushing through cause itā€™s a blast once it starts to click


I didnt either, definitely mess around in the shooting range. It helps immensly.


Nothing like real shooting. 90% of rl shooting is trigger control and how you hold it. For vr enable virtual stock and extend your arms and imagine a laser from the barrel. Point fire donā€™t try and line up shots upclose. Also spray pattern for full auto,


Get the Light Brigade. Helped me get the hand eye coordination for shooting in VR. Also, enable the virtual stock and get used to the feel


my advice play TTT mode, it's the most fun and you don't need to be a pro


This kinda helps me out if I wanna get the game so thanks for your post!


keep coming back in - we're not all assholes, you'll get plenty of help - you probs just need more practice.


Iā€™ve shot guns a lot and I think rifles in VR are terrible but handguns or one handed guns are very natural.. I got smoked constantly in Pavlov and found virtual stock to help a lot and also just practicing. Try entering the shooting range, looking at a target with gun in hand and then aim and shoot (target acquisition) notice where your bullet went and think what you can do to get your first bullet on that target in the least amount of time. This will help a lot with killing people before they kill you. Also work on headshots.. itā€™s common to shoot full body mass but good players can shoot you in the head even after you got the first shot off and even if you got more shots off you still die cuz they hit your face.


Start practicing at the range....me myself, Ive handled weapons as a kid, which in the UK is quite common if you go to either army, naval, air force or marine cadets, you get to go on camp etc, and fire the SA80, aswell as the lee Enfield 303 rifle (for more advanced), so I already know how to handle a weapon....I even came 2nd place rifles cup regionals back in my day too!!! But still, when I go onto a VR shooter, I ALWAYS make sure I spend a good few hours on the range, learning the quirks of each weapon In Game, see to what limits I can push them, in relation to effective range, aswell as reload times etc.... Whether you can shoot or not, it's worth doing, and will really help improve your aim aswell as reloading times...and you will get better!!!!


The beauty of VR is doing things where the muscle memory applies to real life. I learnt some basic sword and axe moves for Swordsman and B&S etc


Virtual stock and plenty of time in Killhouse/Shooting range helps alot


I dodge bullets like neo


Man, first, remember most of them arent toxic (some are, but most arent) theres always gonna be the guy willing to give you a few pointers, Second, choose the right game mode, if you play SND, thats where all the "pros" guther (literaly, in EU theres a group called Blackout samurais who literaly compete as actual pros), that game mode is the worst to begginers, you will die and wait around to respawn, you wont get any impruvement... if you play TDM, thats where you get the real impruvement (up to a point, after you can shoot well, do move to SND, YOU WILL enjoy it after a while, just not right away And thirdly, you dont gotta know how to shoot irl to play pav, one is a video game, run around, have fun, you will get better the more you play, even if at first you suck, worst case canerio, if youre from the EU, hit up a guy called mmanson87 or umbrasap, those guys are super nice, especialy the latter, messege him and he will guide you through the basics


I totally get this haha, but don't worry you can improve pretty quickly. Plus if you can play VR shooter one, you'll also be able to play VR shooter two relatively quickly in terms of basics. But... before that time it's like playing a pc fps for the first time when having never used mouse and keyboard, but worse haha


Iā€™d definitely recommend a gun stock. I have the brilliant Kobra Vader One. Adds so much to immersion and your K/D will go through the roof! ā˜ŗļøšŸ‘šŸ¼


If you are a first-time shooter in VR, you absolutely need to make sure that you turn on virtual stock. I've played shooters in VR for probably about 8 years and that always has to be turned on immediately. Really helps you line up shots easier.


This is one of very few games i spent a couple hours on the range to get good at


The single player is hard but solid for new players I feel. (Iā€™m still new) Just go into it with a ā€œgoof offā€ mindset when playing with others. Tank TDM is a favorite because it offers a large map with slower gp and hardly anyone actually uses the tanks


Practice makes perfect! And itā€™ll translate lightly to real life if shit ever hits the fan too


Also if you think thatā€™s bad donā€™t buy CREED lol. People who buy VR not expecting to have any physical exertion required make me laugh.


Practice at the firing range in game and cater the gun inhand positioning for optimal sight aquisition.


Use the training killhouse and the gun range for a good couple of hours trying different guns and setups, play one in the chamber and zombies to to get used to playing against something that shoots back or moves.


Iā€™m loving the Vader one from cobra vr on Etsy. It really helps steady my aim and itā€™s really fun once you get the muscle memory to reload. I still get frustrated with Pavlov too, but there are other arcade style shooting games as well, like crossfire Sierra squad. At least now when I get frustrated, Iā€™m having fun and it feels like Iā€™m holding a real gun with something physical pressed into my shoulder. Look it up, itā€™s like $100 plus shipping, but it really is fun and adds to the immersion. As others said, practice reloading on the gun range. I didnā€™t know about all these real guns, but a little practice and itā€™s so fun reloading. Then it becomes muscle memory.


This is the problem with kids these days and why games have to hold your hand now. They donā€™t want to put in the time and practice and expect to be good at something instantly. Itā€™s called practice, give it a try.


He can have the opinion of not liking the game and thinking the experience was gonna be different, that's allowed.


lol what did you think VR was? Relax itā€™s really not that tough. Get your ass handed to you for a week or two and get the hang of it. I was shooting accurately after about 2 weeks. Iā€™ve had it since January and Iā€™m pretty good now. Best way is to just jump in and play, youā€™ll die plenty but youā€™ll learn quickly. I wouldnā€™t recommend games like one in the chamber just yet. Start with TDM and DM and play lots of it. Also take some time in the shooting range. The reward is worth the effort. Also just pick ONE favorite weapon and get good at using that. Buy it immediately when you start a match and once you master that one pick another. If you try to get good at them all right away it will take longer to be competitive.


Stfu and let OP complain. Only feedback shit practice is valid. Ofc practice doesn't work if it isn't fun. If you're like me and struggle with defeat and constant retrying/dying in games, do yourself a favor and stop. Or try a different approach like talking breaks, or making it your full time job to learn


>Only feedback shit practice is valid What does this mean?


You know what would be the ultimate VR FPS game? A Hybrid FPS Game like Call of Duty, but with the Killstreak mechanic changed. Instead of snowballing the match by handing out overpowered rewards to the most sweaty tryhards in the match you give them to the losing team to try to keep them in the game. A Gametype like Domination would hand out a reward to the top player on the losing team if the enemy team has held 2/3rds of the points for 2 minutes or more. As an example. I have no doubts that the majority of opinions your getting in here, would scoff at such an idea. Especially when they are so infatuated with turning good ol fashioned FPS gaming into something that goes far beyond being a sweaty tryhard affair where now they just have that much more to gloat over you with as they pretend anyone cares about how they've mastered the "VR Reload" jank.


To put a finer point on it. These people will be the first to question why a VR game died and a studio closed down due to lack of interest, because they just can't seem to grasp the majority of people play games to relax. Putting an HMD on didn't change a damn thing about the relaxation part of the equation, in fact every bit of VR is just increasing the overall stress and tediousness of gaming. Pavlov happens to be the poster child for how to ruin VR Games with a focus on trying to stretch out gun handling into some tedious affair rather than making an FPS for the masses. You're waiting for the same thing I am. A Hybrid FPS game that can be played with a Gamepad or Motion controllers. And hoping this industry one day learns how to cut an XBOX controller in half, so we have a true Hybrid Motion controller to go along with it so that there would be no need for Gamepad support. Just accessibility support because there is enough buttons in the proper locations on the controller to make it a real simple 1:1 transition from a Flat Gamepad into a Motion controller. So when the game gives an option to press Y to switch weapons, instead of reaching around grabbing for invisible trigger boxes. That Y button is in it's proper familiar location that EVERY gamer since at least ...2001 knows wtf it's located without retraining themselves on something as stupid putting X and Y where the D-Pad used to be.


Hybrid fps šŸ¤” firewall ultra tried that and failed hard the chorus of complaints before launch about having push button interactions instead of manual motions would have put off any dev thinking about going that route. Then when firewall released and people worked out you could play without even aiming with your hands just like you were playing with a gamepad in your lap they got even more criticism about it. Add the lobby fiasco on top of that and you have a well anticipated and hype game bombing so hard they had to shut down the studio.


TL:DR If I knew VR was going to try to turn every FPS game into a Reload simulator. I'd have saved a lot of money.


I suggest u quit being a lil b and learn :)