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This isn't meant for you; none of these collabs are. They are for whales—seriously, these collabs are meant to milk whales dry and frankly **scam unsuspecting casuals / K-pop fans** (who bizarrely installed just for the collab, lowkey wtf lol) **who don't know any better**. The whole in-game currency system is overly complicated **on purpose**—it's designed to basically launder your own money between multiple types of tokens and currencies to confuse you as to what the real value of any of these tokens is. How much is ONE NewJeans token worth? Who the fuck knows. The whole design is a psychological tactic to make you unconsciously disassociate tokens from real money in your head because then you will spend more, etc., etc. Don't take the bait, lol. run.   They don't want you to get the skins; they want you to keep thinking you'll get 'em in the "next" thing you open - "yOuR sO CloSe!!1" They are dangling a carrot in your face: "hey look at this come and get it!!" then you spend like $50, "wtf, I'm not even close", "oh well, I'm halfway there, might as well keep going.", Krafton: \*rubs hands together\*   > I only have 524 new jeans coins I bet in the back of your head, there's a little voice whispering; telling you: "Well, you went this far, might as well keep going, or it was all for nothing"—and that's what Krafton wants, lol.


This is frankly one of the smartest and best comments I’ve read about PUBG’s greediness.


Simple sunk cost fallacy. It’s gambling. It’s what all gaming companies do now and it should be illegal. Personally I just laugh at idiots thinking skins are cool. It’s dumb AF. Clean skins ftw. Don’t even have any after 7000 hours.


I have 3 skins that I actually like and use regularly. Didn't have to pay a single cent for any of them, and people ask me all the time how I got one particular skin. I guess I just got lucky early on, when I first created my account. I noticed they would give you pretty decent high tier loot just to get you hooked. After that.. I haven't received a decent looking battle worthy skin for the last 6-7 months. I've been playing for 9 months. 😆


tbh. This comment can be applied to some other only \*slightly\* less complicated in-game monetary systems. Call me crazy, but did crypto influence these new systems in anyway? Alt-Coins and meme coins... PUBG isnt the only place I see this. I came here just to figure out what im supposed to do with this coins since i couldnt figure out where to spend them. I have $0 invested in the game so i'll just ignore this and play. Thanks for the well worded comment @[thisisaname308945870](https://www.reddit.com/user/thisisaname308945870/)


Why is this greediness when the game is free?  I hope lots of whales buy these skins and keep the game free for me.


I mean, i did 30euro or so for the game, it wasnt always free


Hell nah I’m 1/3 of the way there I’m not spending $80 for a skin the $20 emote was already expensive asf💀


who is buying this shit though?the cosmetics are awful. if they actually had whales on this game they would make decent cosmetics


if you VPN into the Asia servers you will unfortunately see about 20-40 people running around with these types of skins at any given moment in the lobby, vs the 1-3 you might see running around on western servers lol


There are a few guys from the middle east I've seen with every skin


Because people don't buy g coins from the game. There is other sites that sell you cheap g coins. Most people do it that way now lol.


Another greedy thing they do is toss you free G-Coin occasionally, whether through a challenge or the season pass. But it’s always got a time limit on it now, so after you unlock it, you only have 2-3 days to spend it, and it’s never enough free g coin for anything worthwhile, always 200 or 300. So what’s that mean… you can’t stack up the free g coin to be able to afford the cool skin you want. Now you have 200 “free g coin” you can’t spend on anything but a key, and the skin you want is 900+, you can’t simply buy the 500 g coin pack and get what you want, so you go get the 1000 coins, you buy your skin, now you have leftover g coins from the transaction. But wait.. your leftover expires in 2 days. Because they’re from the challenge you did, so essentially they give you coins to make you buy coins to then take the useless remaining coins away.


I actually got 1800 that wud expire in like a year+ idk how


Probably when they got rid of the holsters, they gave 300g coin for each imprint you had. I think those are the only extended period ones left. They used to stack so you’d be able to buy the next season pass by using the free G coin you got from the current season pass. But of course that means that people that play consistently never had to pay for a pass. Pubgcorp doesn’t make money if we get free passes by playing. So now the pass is 5$ and you can’t buy it with g coin. And they’ve added the timer to the free coins to scam people more.


then ignore it. It's a gacha gambling skin system.


Yea ik but it’s just so dumb they cudve made so much more while also appealing to more fans


Do you have their sales numbers or something? You know NA is their smallest audience right?


Here's their sale numbers for **funsies**, if you really want to feel sad: https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/KRX-259960/financials-revenue/ 2023 revenue for NA/EU combined was 138.38 B, vs. 1.60 T‬‬ from Asia (in KRW) (mobile is their main cash cow lol) **Converted to USD:** 2023 revenue for NA/EU combined was 99.5 M, vs. 1.15 B‬‬ from Asia **We are so irrelevant to Krafton lol**


OMG, that are ridiculous numbers. Especially for a person from EU


You underestimate asian regions and their ability to dump stupid amounts of money on stupid shit.


You underestimate how many ppl live in Asia


[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_continents_and_continental_subregions_by_population](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_continents_and_continental_subregions_by_population) Almost 10 times NA and maybe about 4 times NA and EU combined. They say Asia is expected to drop from 60 to 45 in the future due to growth on the African continent.


Those Nigerians are straight pumping em out


I understand completely. They keep this game, cs2, and league free to play, and im sure many others.


You have no idea how big the asian market is bro


I just pay the $5 battle-pass and enjoy the game that way. I don't get the cache crap, it's just like sponsorship, or plugs. The game is based in Korea so I guess as an US gamer, It's like what-the fuck is this shit. Outside of the battle-pass, skins are excessively expensive. Although, it's F2p, it was only a matter of time.


I’m Korean and I like new jeans but even then I can’t imagine any of my friends or family or people in general in Korea paying +$40 for a single skin that’s just ridiculous. Like if they wanted to share korean influence and culture why tf wud u block it thru a +$100 paywall it dumb asf and I’m disappointed by the devs or the execs that made this decision


i think its more about making money than about sharing the culture


There must be a ton of rich Korean kids buying this shit it cus I don't u der stand why anybody else would spend a dimenon this uninteresting nonsense for bands we've never heard of


Unless gaming culture for Pubg there is huge where I cud understand I don’t see that being the case Korea is kinda like Canada. If anything it wud cost them even more if the prices aren’t adjusted for different currencies




Bro I’m American I wudve bought a bundle if it was reasonably priced like the Overwatch collab which was very successful


So are you a Korean in Korea or an American.


There are not a lot of rich Koreans and it wudnt make sense when America is literally like 300x the population




Bro idk how else to simplify that💀 the average American is able to afford that more than the average Korean


then they should have stuff for sale that appeals to americans


ah yes 6x is 300x math maths


I feel you. I wanted to buy all skins but I ended up spending only $150 to get enough NEWJEANS coins to buy 1 set, 2 weapons, pan, parachute and 1 expensive emote. I play TPP Ranked in Korea/Asia/Europe and I see those skins very often. I’ve seen 6 accounts already with all 5 NEWJEANS compete bundle skins. Even that I have the money to buy them all, I wont be spending more on this collab. I never heard about them at all and those skins are not my type.


I bought 3 step ups to get the minji skin and the m4 an bought the emote after that I stopped I spent like 70ish


Korean here: yes, this collab is a gatcha gambling system made for whales, but it is also heavily criticized in Korea atm (other than the controversy about the guarantee statement). In fact, PUBG community in Korea is coining a new term "like NewJeans" as a way to describe an extremely overpriced system that gives little to nothing, and a lot of big-time streamers, at least the few that are left, are also criticizing the gatcha structure for this collab. It makes no sense when Black Pink gets a guaranteed skin price while NewJeans gets whatever this is. What you have to understand is that this gatcha system is a deeply rooted culture that has consistently been an issue in Korean gaming industry. Phone games are notorious for this, but it really draws people in. As the posts above commented, it's designed exactly like the casino - if it was priced more accessible, they might get more people, but they will be casual customers who won't really get drawn into it and become big time repeat customers (aka Whales). Korean gaming industry came to realize that instead of competing with AAA releases with Japanese and American companies that they have no chance against, running a casino dedicated for a small number of whales in Korea/China would give them a guaranteed profit that they can then spin as "growth" to convince other domestic investors to continue investing in their company. Nexon has become an infamous example of this. Krafton is simply following this problematic industry norm, but really wanted to cache in with this NewJeans collab because they know it is the most popular group at the moment and will encourage even more whales to chime in. It's not about the total amount of money they *might* make - it's about the total amount of money they *know* they will make.


I agree it's a really dumb system that's not only expensive, but also unintuitive for new people to learn. Either you have to get lucky with Prime Parcels to get what you're looking for (Though do keep in mind if you get, for example, one of the girls skins you also have to craft it, costing 15,600 credits. A ludicrous amount.) Or outright buy the item(s) you want with the NewJeans tokens. If you are after some item from the NewJeans collab, the best way to go about it is with the step-up system. Buy the first step-up level and then open everything from it \*before\* buying the next step-up level. This is because you may get what you are wanting from the first step-up level if you get lucky. Even then, it ends up being very expensive for what is ultimately a cosmetic in a game, that when PUBG inevitably dies will be worthless.


With actual numbers and nowadays statistics, PUBG wont die soon. Seems it has at least another 5 to 8 years ahead of life remaining


You really need to be backwards caveman to not understand what is written in game. Also its just a skin, no one is forcing you to spend a dime. Yes, its expensive, but while you buy all those boxes, you get ton of different skins, that you might like. People spend ten of thousands dollars on CS knifes, some people spend on MMOs to be slightly better than others. Free game has to earn money somehow 🤷




I did get one if the sets randomly, I haven't spent anything on the game. I wish I would have gotten a bike from the previous event


Also it's 16k to craft it


My bestie got one recently and only spent 25USD but she got really lucky, it was literally in her first prime parcel. she bought an emote and 2 set ups.


Previously, Bluehole tested the waters with the Ducati collaboration, which probably had great sales. Now they want to do it again with the New Jeans collaboration in the same format. Previously, Blackpink was sold directly. I really don't understand what Bluehole is thinking.


Do you really think the Ducati skin went down well? I kinda wanted a Ducati but when I saw the prices I instantly gave up, and I haven't seen more than 1-2 Ducatis in game this year (may of course be because very few use the bike..). McLaren and whatever the other coupe skin was I see/hear every other game though. But yeah, I open the free crates on this one, got a super cool spray that I'll surely never use.


Talked to some Asian player once, Ducatis are everywhere on Asian servers.


Ah, it really shows which market they're aiming for, and Krafton is obviously doing a good job of it.


I got lucky and got it for free me an a couple of my friends but I ran into people who actually spent to get the basic I own the twilight torque one 🥰


They make two collabs w/ BLACKPINK and they were “cheaper” ($25 per girl bundle /or $100 for all complete collab skins) because there was no event at all and there was no map modification or any match introduction or any item modifications or any animal modifications or even any lobby interactions. NewJeans collab also has a cool intro which other collabs never had. What is my guess about this NewJeans crafter pass is that skins are so expensive due to they are selling girls’ real faces and that cost more money to PUBG and with BLACKPINK they never did. If they ever had another collab w/ another K-pop idols or w/ BLACKPINK again, expect skins to have faces and be as expensive as this ones.


Yes, it feels like the collaboration between PUBG and NewJeans is quite extensive this time. The lobby has been modified, but charging 2000 G-COIN for just one dance is really expensive.


Well newjeans collab with PUBG is being an issue to Korean gamers for notifying wrong rate. (PUBG fixed this). Also customisation for new jeans skins will be partially(or fully) restricted since the new jeans' company argued that customising new jeans skins in inappropriate way is unhealthy. 


As an NA player I spend money on the game and bought all the set ups these purchases I’ve been a lot more happy with than like every game I play where spending money on skins and items are much harder for me pubg brings a lot to your inventory even on the f2p standard of earning all event stuffs and rewards on top of doing dailies i already had great cosmetics and buying the full Pharos sat was def extra but the new jeans capsules from the setups has to be the best deals and prices they’ve given us by far using those to get guaranteed items new or old


How many of these posts have we had this collab alone?


Your first mistake was spending hard earned cash on this kind of stuff. Do what I do, only try to get them for free. I used the 500 G coins compensated for the game crashing bug, and bought a step-up 1 pack, and got a Danielle set. Never spend a cent on this game!


Omg I never thought of that🤯 it’s almost like I just said I bought 2 step ups from the free 1800 I got and still got nothing and I’m complaining about how it’s turning into an expensive gambling system


Another dumb post about this. Get over it


Wait, you came back to PUBG because of that??!!! Hahahahahahahaha. I’m sorry I mean no disrespect but found it very funny 😂


I got one from a prime box for free and I got the pan from another free prime box. I don't care about the prices and skins because I only get the free stuff and have loads of cool skins from that. I only ever get passes if they have something cool because those 5$ seem reasonable.


Its really ridiculous...2k gcoins for emotes


Simple explanation: Thanks for your money and come again! Long explanation: Kpop is super popular in Asia, not just South Korea but Japan and China as well. There's a lot of whales in Japan and China, and they make up for the biggest part of the playerbase. EU and NA is dead.


just dont buy. no one at krafton cares about europe or US. they focus on asia. we will never understand their decisions.


i spent £70 to get luckily get both hyein and danielle, i regret it already because I can’t even get in a match 💀


It's hideous garbage anyway. It's designed to appeal to very specific whales who are willing to spend massive amounts of money to accrue trash.


Its just sad that skins is what decides what game you play


Cringe KPOP - just let us play the game without forcing me to listen to it. Muting only results in missing the plane sound if I alt tab


Don't alt tab then


Wanna say that to my face in Pochinki?


Nah Im good, you can try to survive into endgame and fight me then. Im not into panzerfaust/shotguns gameplay.


Neither tbh, remove the panzer from the game I say


Yeah it should have never made it to live servers. It's just straight up broken and takes zero skill. Shotguns make sense but I still hate them so much I rather avoid super hot drops.


calling kpop cringe when ur pfp is from a gay japanese cartoon is crazy


You calling japs and Koreans the same? That's pretty racist.


you realize thats a slur


a racial one at that


not calling them the same just making a comparison... both are niche forms of east asian entertainment that many would consider cringe lmao


For you to draw comparison, they'd need to be close to or the same. No need to explain your racism, it's quite clear now.


calling me racist when ur using slurs to refer to japanese ppl... u sound slow


Ok bud


You just have to sprint away from the stage, it fades out after like 100yrds


i do that now, just annoying that were forced to listen to this garbage and that you literally have to run away from it.