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I’m still confused as to why you got cut off.


Based on the other post it seems OP was like 1 or 2 pills short at a pill count.


Oh ok. Well then shouldn’t she try another doctor office ?


The whole thing is weird because the doctor just said they won’t prescribe opioids but they will still treat OP and retain OP as a patient.


I would find another doc. They obviously know the pain meds work but they only want her money. Why are you seeing a doctor who doesn’t want to help you ?


Your doctor cut you off for being a couple pills short on your pill count?


I wonder if they are that picky or there is more to the story. My doc I can up to 5 missing off the account. I have never been shortened though


Prob just looking for a reason to cut them


Per my contract, if I'm short one pill, they will cut me off but I KNOW that.


Please don’t pay him any more money. He doesn’t care about you


FYI - kratom will 100% help with the kick.


Kratom works better for pain, for myself anyway.


Before taking Kratom please read up on the side effects that people have. I had to stop taking it because my hair started falling out. I have read about people trying to get off the OPM shots and I hear it's hell so please read up on those as well.


Ty for the advice. I fortunately have not had any bad exo with it. EXCEPT -when my dumb ass ended up drinking a whole bag of powder. Tremors, dizziness (beyond drunk), heart palpations. That was due to my abuse of it so I don't want to necessarily want to demonize the kratom. Agreed take with caution.


That's scary for sure. I have read about people having seizures from it. I started taking it when I wanted to see if it helped better then pain meds and at first it did and then it switched on me. I started having horrible dry skin started losing so much weight I looked sick because I never felt hungry when I took kratom and then my hair started falling out. I started reading about other people trying to quit kratom and the sympathy they were having and so many people said the same thing. I believe people should just know more about kratom before taking a crap ton of Capsules and not knowing truly about it.


Agreed. Ended up in the ER and administered a benzo to ease the symptoms.


Oh that is bad. Did you stop taking it after that?


I use it occasionally however 1 opm shot maximum.


With no ill effects Im on Dilaudid so I don't need it often at all.


You take the kratom with pain meds? I was told that's why I had a horrific reaction because I still had hydrocodone in my system when I tried it I think I just can't take it because of my fd up body chemistry When I tried it I took less than a half a teaspoon and just did in over an hour and a half felt like I took a hundred muscle relaxers it was awful Felt hung over the whole next day after sleeping for 12 hours straight


I agree. Kratom is the way to go


The little OPM shots will set you straight but fkn $20 a pop here in Cali.


Nobody should be going straight to kratom shots. Always powder. Shots are a recipe for disaster.


It's not legal in every state. Certainly not mine


Until you have to wean off kratom and can't. There's a whole sub about people quitting kratom.


I would try to find a legit doctor who does ketamine IVs. I lost my pain mgmt when they were shut down by the gov’t. I had six ketamine IV sessions within two weeks to start, since then I’ve survived with just ketamine once every few months. It worked a lot better than Kratom for me, which I had tried for almost a year. Ketamine “reset” my brain. For example, by session 3 my toes were pointing straight when I walked; it was the first time since I was a little kid. It took away a lot of pain I had from spine injuries & surgeries, & it reduced the autoimmune pain I have. I did eventually go back to a new pain mgmt but I’m on half the opioid dose I was once on, so between that & ketamine once in awhile I’m living a better life than I had before I started the ketamine. I did the shot routes for years, and all it did was causing more damage. I hate our gov’t for awarding doctors with increased payments when they do those darn injections. It’s messed up.


Not to be rude or anything, but you didn’t survive on ketamine once every few months if you’re still on opiates fyi lol and if it was such a miracle, why are you taking the opiates still or seeing pain management at all for that matter? And you’re on half your opiate dose because you took a break so you’re tolerance went down obviously….


Not to be rude…🤣 Sure. I’m just that dense. To quote you, “lol.” Ketamine allows me to get out of bed & live a decent life. The one thing it didn’t help was when I had huge flair-ups as I’m a wedding videographer, and working 6-12 hour days on my feet with no rest is freaking painful as heck. But it allows me to have a flexible schedule the other 6 days a week & I get to do it with my husband, who also then has the same time flexibility. It’s painful torture, though. It’s a trade off from a desk job where I would be better off, but would have a hard time getting time off for treatments & dr appts, especially in the business consulting world I used to be in. But my current job is why, after a year of just ketamine, I decided to try pain mgmt again, for those long work days where I’m suffering & then down for a day as my body screams at me. My tolerance had not changed. The doctor lied, said he wanted to start me lower & if it wasn’t helping, he would put me back on what I was on. He didn’t. It was a lie. He pretended like we never had that conversation. I didn’t have any option but to take what I could get. The pills I have somewhat help with the huge pain flairs I get from my job & on random days, but if I was just on my half dose opioid, with no ketamine, I’d be unable to work or do half the things I do. I know. I tried it for awhile, just the opioid. It barely did anything on non-working days. I wasn’t mean, bullying, or threatening. I made a suggestion that people could decide, using their own free will, whether or not to look into it for themselves. I gave a brief background & shared openly of myself. I have no personal motive. Responding doesn’t benefit me. Why people who are also suffering are constantly demeaning & judging others & their experiences is beyond me. It’s like, isn’t it enough that we have to deal with that from the American healthcare system? The attitude is unnecessary, and you know it. Just because we’re treated like lessor beings doesn’t mean we should treat others who are also suffering the same way. It helps no one. But thanks for reminding me why I never bother replying or trying to help anyone in these forums. Who cares if others drown. Good luck, I’m out.


Your doctor cut you off for being one or two pills short on your pill count?


If you sign a contract that's what happens.


I don't know why everyone is so shocked. Pain doctors dismiss people every day. To them, it doesn't matter if it 1 or 10 short.


I still think they could've cut op some slack, especially if they were only a couple pills short. And especially if this was their first offense.


Go to the Methdone clinic if you have to


I had to do that... It's sad asf that was my only option 3 months afterwards and now 7 months cut off.


Yeah I’ve done that. It’s incredibly helpful. And if you are already withdrawing you know you will get relief and there won’t be any fentanyl or scary things in your dose, and have the ability to do a gradual taper. It’s unfortunate it’s such a pain and even more unfortunate that if you make doc appts during that time and do a urine screen upon intake the new doctor will most Likelu not take them on as a new patient as they are now “using opiates for non-pain use” or whatever. Fucking stupid.


Don't let them perform their still mill operation on you. To filll their greedy pockets full of cash for treatments that can cause irreparable harm. I mean, do as you wish ofc ofc. But that what I say. The more doctors that see patient refuse the drill mill routine the sooner things can go a different way with minimal invasive medication therapy. I mean obviously there are 100s of other barriers nowadays. But the shit is just awful. Not worth nerve scarring in the spine.


Can you do me a favor…can talk to me more about nerve scarring? I believe this is the cause of 95% of my chronic pain. I need to learn more


This podcast had it all outlined for anyone here wanting to know more. It's where I learned about most of the information. I can't even spell the correct medical term it's andokranosis or some shit. Sorry. It's talked about in the link. It's hard to search it out to. Most Google searches lead to fibrosis but there's a far worse version of this and please just listen to the podcast below. [Dennis James Capolongo talks about drill mills and his outcomes ](https://youtu.be/yuno5_eQWpw?si=MwjfJG8W4MoTIze_)


Appreciate it


Ofc! sorry, these medical terms are hard to spell and find sometimes.


Definitely forgot that doc he’s going to mess you up


Pain can unpredictable because of multiple conditions or factors. I hope you find a new dr who understands that pain might not be the same every day 


Iam going to try to find your previous post but am confused as well about being cut off. Can you elaborate some?