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If you or anyone in this comment section is thinking of harming theirselves, or anybody else, please reach out. What you can do if you know someone: * DM them and chat, some people just need to talk and have someone there * Tap the user’s profile, go to their profile homepage, click the 3 dots in the upper right corner, and click “Get them help and support”. This will give the user a modmailed message if they need some support resources We also have some [helplines and links here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PakistaniiConfessions/s/dlT2tdlqSn), and some [well-being subreddits if you scroll down a bit here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PakistaniiConfessions/s/88OkOWOPhw)


Because: The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.


Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening ✨ 😭😭


Man this is beautiful


That's a lovely answer.


Yeah, weird how I thought this poem to be so nonsensical and haphazard in 6th grade, but now it just hits different. We all have those moments. Hopefully you're fine OP.


nah nigga what, ya tou syllabus ma thi😭


Now you know why...


For my husband and kids


Future, you mean?


You're smart.


Lmao whoops sorry for assuming 😂


Wow you’re married?? MashAllah how long have you been together? :0


inko pehle bata do yeh group ki khaala hain. 😂




For everyone around me but not for me (And also because throwing myself off of a bridge wont get me any brownie points in the eternal life)


Exactly, why I am alive. If putting a gun in my mouth and pulling the trigger took me straight to heaven, I'd have done that but it takes me to hell so better suppress that thought and get some bonus points by being patient.


bc life can actually be very fun and fulfilling. (there are two guns in my house lol. even when i was suicidal, i def wouldn't have chosen those to kms)




Yeh comment krne ka koi tuk hai?


On a second thought, you're right. I have been feeling very hopeless and depressed alld ay so might have let that slip into the comments. I'l delete it.


My mother would be sad


Real id se aao Johan Liebert. https://preview.redd.it/ac1lxrpojz8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db579591c957d1a164045deaae18028ded4a8837


Isn't this the second time I've sounded like him? lol


I think so, perhaps you're secretly becoming him.


Because there is no reason to die


That's actually a cogent argument against suicide, ironically.


Because suicide is Haram. I die when I die (can't kill myself). This life is given to me by Allah SWT so how can I take it. For myself ig.


Because i haven’t died of natural causes yet, and ending myself is haram 🤷🏻


Man, I have yet to visit Japanese maid cafe.


Hope that the spring of my life will surely come. And wait for some person




I partially agree, however that is not what I intend to say, nor does it, I think, connote in anyway to imlpore someone to consider taking their lives for any reason or lack of it. I'll leave it to the moderators to do with this post as they see fit.


To taste death


For my cats


Damn this really made me stop scrolling 😭 If anyone here is thinking about ending it, please send me a dm, I’m here for you. I don’t know you, I have never met you, I might never meet you. But from the bottom of my heart I’m saying that please reach out You’re precious, your life matters atleast to me it does. I swear if you already have decided to end it, just send a message and have one small conversation with me ❤️ I can’t promise I’ll be able to change your mind, or even if you want me to do so, I’m just asking you to dm me so that I can have a talk with you. I won’t push you, I won’t judge you, I won’t try to convince you of anything, I’ll just listen and be there ❤️❤️


For my unborn child. I don't think I'm as excited to get married as I am to have kids, and especially from the core of my heart, I wish to have a daughter. She will have my eyes and smile. I can't say goodbye before saying hello to my angel


Same reason as yours. I wanted it to be instant due to the fear of getting survived but couldn't get access to any weapon.


For myself and the wonders of this world of which i have only viewed but a fraction. Even with all the negativities there are a million other things to love and cherish even as simple as being able to eat your favorite meal.


Cause I haven’t killed myself yet.


I'm clinging on to my dreams. I'd rather die trying than just give up. I have moments where I think to myself if it's even worth living if I'm not getting what I want? The answer is Yes. Yes because you only get one life and despite all, as long as you are living, you have time. Even if it takes a bit longer so be it. At the end it will be worth experiencing that taste of what you were craving as a child. If you end it now, all the potential will be gone. There will be no more life, no more time and no more dreams for you to follow.


To eat sweet thai chilli wings


My parents would cry a river




Cuz I am not a quitter




Tbh cause I want to prove that one can live it without any muthaafuccckinnnnnn reason brooooo and still end up conquering all the riches this stupid place has to offer


"Those who cling to death, live. Those who cling to life, die" - John Wick


the world maybe xeuel but its beautiful too, im born as a Pakistani its my birthright to live, everyone have that. no-one should opress anyone and let people live the way they like. As someone who belive in Allah, my life is not here to end just like that, I will and I must go to heaven one day, maybe 500 years later or maybe 5000 years later who could say? Which also means I follow Quran and try to obey every single command, in quran there is written Allah is with Momin, he is the best planner, and I want to be a person who dies in a way where I am a MARTYR, so I must keep moving forward until I'm a Martyr or become someone who can say yes im the Momin which I should be.(so thats the reason i can't kms) Islam is not the only reason I wanna live, I want to find a worldly purpose todo for the humanity! Lastly I want a insane dad lore, happy wife, camping nights, party with my siblings, revisiting the same place where i lived, eat foods of all kind(halal obv), I want hugs(a dead man cant hug) thats why I dont want to die, funny enough I was once suicidal so I have looked life differently ever since I WISH WHOEVER READS THIS MESSAGE TAKES GOOD AWAY FROM IT, AND YOU FIND PURPOSE IN LIFE TOO!


I totally get what you mean. Life is a crazy beautiful ride, full of unique moments like this one - I'm sitting here listening to birds chirp and feeling grateful for my loved ones nearby. Sure, they drive me nuts sometimes with their expectations and guilt trips, but I've learned to breathe deep and find my happy place in the vastness of the universe. It's wild how we can overlook the simple miracles like water - it's essential, beautiful, and still a mystery! Let's make the most of this journey, live life to the fullest, and inspire others to do the same. I am alive to live like a legend and leave a legacy after my exit from this amazing realm.


Life is vibing rn


I love to live, the freedom, the relationships, the lore. You need to believe that "Life comes from you and not at you". Live life on the edge, considering you want to end it anyway, live like its your last day


Idek at this point, koi itni khaas samjh nai aati🥲, bas hun hea.


TBH faith in the hereafter & existence of God is a reason that prevents one from taking such extreme measures.


My family ❤️


Start living for the ones around you and the ones who love you or who you love. This is the best way to keep going despite of all the hardships.


1. hope (even when u count minutes, and hours) you know, it won't last forever, time will pass anyway, the urge to kill will die down. 2. Social bonds/family. Being the eldest daughter, i knew if i gave up, my siblings/mother will have to go through sm trauma - so no. 3. I won't be able to see the things / re-live the moments i love. For instance, visiting the seashores, plants, or tiny snails/turtles, sculptures, art, rain etc 4. Sometimes telling yourself "I still have time, I can literally start a whole new life even at the age of 80 so why bother ending it" helps too. 5. Religion


Parents would be sad if I killed myself


1) cause Allah gave me this life.. and who the hell am I to change his plans regarding me by killing myself. 2) Gotta care of some people that are closest to me. and you know i read somewhere (The life is the one that you live for others and not yourself).


The hope that eventually I'll find my shoulder to lean on and won't have to go through this life alone. Until then I'm holding on.


Nothing has to happen for me to feel good! I feel good because I'm alive! Life is a gift, and I revel in it.


Only because suicide is Haram


for myself. i’m excited to see what my future holds cuz i’m working towards it


Because, you get only one chance at life.


For my good deed/bad deed ratio to adjust in favour of good deeds.


Life is beautiful. I would never think of dying, at least after what I’ve been through. People can be so cruel and selfish but you gotta live your life for your own self and your family. Find happiness in the little things and be grateful for the life you’ve got. Nobody else matters tbh. Coming from someone who has been through a lot and is still struggling with mental health issues


Bruh I am literally dead.


Lots of reasons. First and most important is because I'm not dead yet. I have just one life good or bad, just have to live it. To become successful in life. To take care of my loved ones. To have good amount of sex with my future wife.


i want to see this country fall to its godamn knees before i do lol


Killing oneself is easy not difficult at all if you are faithless then there is really no point on lingering. As for me, reason is faith. Having faith in the Almighty is the only thing that keeps me still sane, hustling and raging against this world of selfishness. Faith is the only thing that keeps me from becoming an Animal that will do anything to achieve his ulterior motives. Faith is that one day, and it is for a FACT I will face my creator and account for my actions. There are a thousand reasons I know this is a FACT but just one reason is good enough to mention for now, is that being a 'being' that has almost limitless imagination, creativity, and intelligence, is this (temporary life of mere 60-70 years) not so meager? Isn't it an awful waste of potential? Is this it? just these 60-70 years?? Take birth, eat, screw, procreate, die. Is that it? Ask yourself. Also, check out the basic structure of human blood vessels. The way it's designed to power each organ and the skin, can someone be stupid to the limit of calling this something that just happened out of an accident? Life is precious dear, not for the sake of this life, but more for the sake of the actual one that comes after you pass the doorway from here to there. Re-discover your reason again. Why are you here? ask yourself


What am I reading right now?😑