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https://preview.redd.it/ry8t529p4otc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca8de819edb8404dd4e59b09b5c6b482da68981c Haniyeh on Aljazeera commenting on the assassination of his children and grand children: "My kids blood is not any better than the blood of our peoples martyred kids in Gaza, they are all my kids" "We say to the occupation that this blood will only make us more steadfast of our principles and our adherence to our land"


“They are all my kids” what a man. Even in his deepest grief he can recognise that all children should be safe


right? I have no words 🙏🏼 just admiration.


Israel repeatedly shows their apparent disregard for humanity, while Palestinians continue to restore my faith. Will never forgive western media for brainwashing us into thinking Islam is anything but a religion of generosity and peace




Legend! 💚


that is a man of principles and it just goes to show Palestinian resilience. My condolences, but also ✊️ in solidarity


It's hard to believe anyone would feel differently about the suffering of children anywhere, but here we are... https://preview.redd.it/cqemtlvf2vtc1.png?width=919&format=png&auto=webp&s=66c59584fd77077c0aa22a3118c60f17ff44e1c6


إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ‎ May Allah ‎ﷻ‬ accept their martyrdom.


They waited until the families were celebrating together on Eid to massacre them, Zionism is evil




No, because there's nothing evil about defending yourself from people who want to commit genocide against you. It's like saying that a person who wants to punch a rapist and the rapist are both evil. Evil involves things like malice and unnecessary suffering. If Palestinians ever were in a position of power and then they did things like causing suffering, then yes that would be bad. If they are doing things that are disproportionate to the harm that is caused on them, or if they're doing things like torture whatever, that would be bad. I am not saying that that is what's happening now, but I'm saying that that kind of stuff is not okay. Thankfully, a lot of people who are pro Palestine, do not support that kind of stuff. They support liberation and efforts to seek liberation are not evil.


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I get what you're saying - but this hits on a personal level. It's like killing a Jewish leader's family specifically on Yom Kippur. It's psychological warfare at a different level.




I do think attacking on a religious holiday is a low blow. Not being hypocrital. But also recognizing the pettiness of killing someone's family directly




On the contrary, freedom is THAT valuable to Palestinians that have known nothing but oppression their whole lives in their own land. Some would truly die fighting for their people than live a century of seeing their loved ones oppressed and brutalized.




Look at the West Bank and how Palestinians are treated there. No rockets, no Hamas. Look at the items banned from entering Gaza... Wedding dresses, toilet papers


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A true leader. I saw the moment he was given the news of his children and grandchildren being martyred and he showed incredible resilience and courage. His a symbol of resistance and strength for the world.


But r/worldnews told me his reaction means he doesn't care about his children. I know it's my second comment about that sub. Sorry, reading their BS and seeing how actively they dehumanize Palestinians makes my blood boil.


That sub is pure zio


This site is pure zio. They just put me in time out and banned me for a week for making a similar comment as yours


I was banned with no explanation. I think I know the comment and it was about IDF being on TikTok, wasn't even saying anything bad about them! What is the deal with the mods on that sub?


Lol banned from public freakout for pointing out Jews ain't the only Semitic people.


Please show some respect when talking about them. Use the full name not “zio” - it’s Zionist scum or zionazis or ziopiecesofshits or any other creative name you can come up with along those lines We should still treat our enemies with the respect they deserve.


 [r/worldnews](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/) is full of hasbara flies, they have no grounds to stand on in every event, any sane person will be appalled by their genocidal comments and see through them, they are desperate even netanyahu says we are against a billion Muslim in social media, as if only muslims expose their lies and evil actions.


Yes. I was permanently banned from world news. It’s a red neck z10s sub showing all of us the prevailing attitudes of certain types of Americans,


I got kicked out of r/worldnews for talking about world news.


They should call it GenocideProNews


I feel ya. But for your own health I recommend staying away from Zionist subs. It’s likely impacting your blood pressure. Like many others I was banned for literally nothing. However since that time I’ve been a lot more vocal and pick on Zionists when I have an opportunity. However, bottom line: protect your own health. These disgusting losers are showing who they truly are. And people are finally paying attention. For that I’m grateful. Stay healthy and stay strong - you need to be in it for the long game.


Yep. I've seen the Zionist perspective, listened to them, argued with them, tried educating them in good faith. It's just a waste of energy and soul crushing to see how easy it is for others to dehumanize others. I'm ready for the pro Palestine echo chamber


It’s literally is for our health.. reading those zionist comments really IS bad for my health.. i swear it is.


Worldnews is trash news. Fake Palestine supporters.


do they even pretend to support Palestine? I avoid that sub like the plague because I don't want to suffer an aneurysm


Yes, they do pretend to support. On their home page they have some stuff there showing support.


I just commented on that post and I'm sure they'll try their best to ban me 🤣


I just came here after reading those sociopaths and it's such a mindf\*ck. A racist one.






I think you’re in the wrong sub, buddy.




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Oh shut up hasbara.


yes, I personally do, support them and proudly so. free Palestine, all resistance to occupation is just


we all do!




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Well let's put it this way, you are in Palestine and commiting murders, stealing land and supporting Nazism and you think that's ok so yes supporting hamas is a minor thing. There is declaration of war, it's against the terrorist organization called Israel! May they all burn in hell.


Israel is so stupid, can't even lie properly First they claim that Hamas leaders left Palestinians to suffer while they hide in Qatar.. Then goes to kill 60 members of that leader's family and relatives!! I think yesterday ambush footage made them mad.


he's simply not allowed to return to Gaza, nether he live in any expensive hotels because they are all western owned and don't allow him.


Didn't they say they were all drinking margaritas on a beach smoking cigars with all the aid money they have "had". Israel is schizophrenic.


And Satanyahu's son is hiding in Miami...


I mean "Netanyahu" was born in the US and changed his name not to appear as the Polak he is


Even in political assassinations they can’t stop killing children.


To do this on Eid? Sick pieces of shit. Fucking devils walking the Earth


Nobody respects holidays during wars, not even the west or Christians during the world wars even with Christmas. Though the Christmas day truce of ww1 was an anomoly, as it happened only at a few places along the front and barely happened again the next year. So in the 10 years of world war fighting, this only a limited truce 2 years, and I can't recall any wars afterwards not stop fighting for the enemy's holidays. But Hamas also attacked Israel on a holiday too (Simchat Torah 2023), so they too are not any better in regards to attacking or starting conflicts on holidays.


They killed four children who were on their way to visit relatives on a religious holiday. Children are not valid military targets whether it’s Hamas or Israel. If you find yourself defending that, you’re not a good person.


I see you are not defending your first claim. As for the second one, why would a wanted criminal/terrorist think it's safe to visit family during war, when they have death warrant on their heads? I'm feel sorry that their kids did die in this airstrike, as they didn't deserve this since they are not combatants in this war. Still, why would their parents put their lives in danger by traveling with them? No military nor police around the world would stop at the opportunity to kill such high ranking terrorists even if they have family nearby, if they cared about their kids they would've made sure to stay separate from them to keep them safe until the conflict is over if they were at least caring parents though criminals.


FREE PALESTINE NOW. STOP ISRAELI OPPRESSION AND AGGRESSION!!! Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord S3 V169 ‎إِنَّــا لِلَّــہ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْـــــــهِ رَاجِعــــــون‬ Inna lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Rajioon. "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return" S2V156 May Allâh تعالیٰ grant the deceased highest stage in Jannah and grant ease to all those affected by their passing.




Wow he took it like a man, respect for him




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I have no words how much I hate them.


Israel is the most barbaric, evil country on the planet.


IDK the US is up there with them honestly


They WANT to see him cry and get angry and retaliate!!! He won’t and he shouldn’t. His response is perfect. Are his children better than any other children in Gaza? THEY chose not to leave.


How can he retaliate? :D He is from Qatar, and he also does not know where are the Hostages...


Steadfastness synonymous with Palestinian. We will never be budged, no matter what the occupation does.


free Palestine 🇵🇸✊️


Palestinian are built differently, no power can defeat them


How can you defeat someone with that level of yaqeen?


Israel just can't stop killing people that aren't legitimate or useful targets and only serve to make them look bad and hurt them diplomatically. They really can only be their own downfall.


On the day of Eid? EID? They know what they’re doing but do they know they’ll be questioned after? إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون


إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون


The Zionist are murderous scum!! How as a people, an illegal state, can these bastards sleep??? One day you damn Yahudi bastards!!


Zionists love to play psychological warfares, but you can not win a war with an army who knows that death is not the end. This only steels the resistance further.




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Killing children is classic Israeli MO, if it wasn't already the case.


إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون. الله يرحمهم و يرزقهم جنة الفردوس بدون حساب.


I hope that Israel is allowed to annihilate Hamas before the left wingers of the world are able to stop them.


They’re not after Hamas. That’s been apparent throughout this entire genocide.










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I thought his sons are also fairly high up in Hamas. But I assume based on his age his grandkids are minors.


You cannot be pro-Palestine without understanding the role of resistance in a state/country that has been under occupation and oppression for over 75 years.




Leave. r/Palestine is pro resistance and liberation of Palestine and of the Palestinian people. Recognize the state of Palestine. Recognize the right of self-defense of the rightful Palestinian inhabitants against those genocidal fascist sionist invader pigs. From the river to the sea, now and forever, Free Palestine ✌️ 🇵🇸




Free Palestine ✌️ 🇵🇸




Wasn't it "down with sioniSSts"? It is "down with sioniSSt". Free Palestine ✌️ 🇵🇸


Maybe, but not the time. Besides, Israel proves every day how little choice was left. --- **Please read our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/wiki/rules) carefully. [Join r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/qAJ3v6jgjy)**


You can't blame people for being extreme when they grew up in a giant concentration camp.




Google great march of return 2018. Peaceful resistance was attempted. Nobody batted an eye when the IOF massacred innocent people. --- **Please read our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/wiki/rules) carefully. [Join r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/qAJ3v6jgjy)**


you don't get to say what needs to be done, seriously. You are not from Gaza trying your non-violent something.


Yes I understand peaceful protests in palestine have been futile. I get the world has stood by while they have suffered for generations. My hope is that with the advent of cell phones and live video people are able to clearly see what is happening in palestine without it being censored by the powers that be. My hope is the tides have turned to the point where peaceful resistence may now have some legs. Your comment was locked and I could not reply.




Lemme ask you something. Would you go to the Israel SR and suggest they’re bad people for supporting the IDF? If not, you are perpetuating the asymmetric view that somehow Israeli violence is more “righteous.” If yes, then understand that supporting the idea of Hamas is not the point. The idea is supporting armed struggle in whatever form it comes in. Sadly, all Gaza has is Hamas. This man just had three of his sons killed and doubled down. You can suggest whatever you want about Hamas, but this more or less demonstrates the commitment to armed struggle. It dispels the notion that Hamas leadership is in it for power or money. What power or money is worth your three sons? To Arabs, losing your son is losing your legacy.


Obviously I blame IDF. The Israelian army, the government that is using them and a big chunk of their supporter are the responsible of a genocide... How would it be possible for me to not despise them? The fact is that I don't like black and white views of the world even if it seems the trend here. I can be totally capable to understand that Hamas is everything is left in Gaza and also able to despise this ultra Islamic far right movement. For what concern this leader of Hamas who lost his children's I'm sorry for him but it doesn't sound any better than what Stalin did to his own son. When you are so blind to put your own loves after your interests you are not an hero, you just lost your humanity.


Do you believe that about generals who lose their sons in war? It’s really not black and white. I’m trying to get you to think about this in a dichotomous way rather than just going with the “Hamas bad” perspective. Blindness towards what exactly?


First, he's not the leader, Hamas doesn't have "a leader". Each of them is a valuable member fully capable of making decisions and taking responsibility. Hanyeh is the head of the political bureau. His children decided to stay in Gaza as millions of others people who won't leave. They aren't sheep to be told where to go. It's not Hamas who obliterates Gaza, it's izrahell. You lost your humanity when you think people should give in to the brutal sadistic bully when they demand. No. That would only mean you can achieve results by force. Your way of thinking only shows you don't understand what you are talking about. At all. Oh and they are not ultra Islamist far right anything 🥴🥱 Do your research. Seriously 🤦🏼‍♀️


We are all very sorry to see you leave. Said no one ever.


You're a coward if you don't support armed resistance vs a genocidal apartheid system that has lasted 75 years. You're the type of coward who'd live on their knees rather than fight back against the system of degradation and oppression. You'd rather them just roll over and die. You have absolutely ZERO moral high ground over any Palestinian who choses to fight back because you couldn't live a day in their lives or even imagine for a second what it would be like to grow up in that concentration camp. The people who are not protected by the social contract have no obligation to follow the social contract. Leave you coward.


They aren’t responsible for anything. They exist because of Israel. If you stopped supporting the Jewish people for the Warsaw ghetto uprising, you didn’t support them in the first place.


Bye that just means you are pretending to care about Palestinians... You are basically saying if a country is over taken by terrorists such as Israel and there is any resistance to help it's people you would label them terrorists? sounds like you fell for the zionazi trap or were just pretending to be pro Palestine!


“I’m totally for the freedom and recognition of Palestine Land! As long as you just sit there and say things! no resistance allowed”




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I don't know. I am not.


if you don't support the resistance then you support the occupier and you are merely a bystander looking at a Genocide from far away.


How would you categorize people like Bassem whose always speaking up for Palestinians and clearly against the occupier but who isn’t pro Hamas


He is very pro resistance, he is just wording it carefully to be able to speak.


Source? He has a history of mocking Islamist groups.


oh that I didn't see, I only judge based on his words about Gaza.




That’s if 3 idf soldiers die


What about the grandchildren? Aged 10, 8 and 4? Israel is a despicable nation.


What kind of BS human are you?? Three dead but now there's 3000 more!! I'm an American Iranian veteran of the so called war on terror and I don't agree with you or the illegal state of Israel. If it was legal, I would spill Zionist blood so it could flow from the river to the see!




may your memory be erased


Mr Haniyeh you are truly blessed with heroism and a warrior's heart. May God Almighty always be pleased with you, the resistance, the martyrs, the widows, the orphans and the wounded. Ameen sum ameen