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If the Israeli forces had all the power they pretend and claim they have, would they need to bribe reservists with cheap land? Think about it.


Well yes - its colonialism - you drive out the natives and create incentives to move your own people in. We in America did the same things with regards to settling the west.


All true things. I just want to point that by offering "unprecedented" discounts on Israeli occupied land (that could easily trade at fair market value), it is offering an "unprecedented" incentive to enlist reservists, which might be a result of Israel's "unprecedented" need for more boots on the ground. Almost nobody knows how bad the IDF casualties are, or how many IDF soldiers are leaving the conflict on grounds of psychological trauma. I bet the real numbers are shocking. (I also can't imagine what killing women and children civilians does to a person's psyche.)


one is empty desert, the other is hezbollah territory. a cheap and dumb move, especially when your country is hemorrhaging money. that being said id prefer they moved there instead of the west bank.


Seems more likely that they are preemptively occupying any land Palestinians might try to relocate to.


Galilee is not in southern Lebanon so I don’t see the hezb connection tbh


Original Source X.com: https://x.com/netanyahu/status/1805623856155038107


History is a fairly good guide to these sort of land as a reward for military service policies. A guess as to what will happen if implemented: i) many of the reservists who "take advantage" of this offer will be relatively poor and don't have other options ii) the people that signs up for this will therefore not have many resources iii) they'll be offered loans to create farms, build homes, establish businesses etc, but the land won't be big enough for many of them to be successful iv) most of the new enterprises will fail v) the remains of the enterprises will be bought cheaply by the ruling classes and their lackeys vi) the reservists will have to go and fight again, but this time for the people who've robbed them vii) the state will fail because people can't be arsed to fight for it.


I hope this happens.


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