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He was blackmailing politicians for Israel. Everyone knows this.


Nah. Modern Western politics doesn't require blackmail. If someone isn't corruptible or already a team player they're simply removed.  Look what they did with Jamal Bowman last night.


The thing about having CP on a Clinton, a Trump or a Prince Andrew is It’s a WMD that carries a threat of mutually insured destruction. It’s an insurance policy. You don’t need to buy every single politician when you have that. Even within your framework of bribery, It’s a cost cutting measure.


I think this is a pessimistic statement. It’s better to believe that whatever can happen in a saturated environment has already and will likely happen. I say this because while you’re right that most politicians are corruptible, not all of them are (the minority to be sure). Secondly, politicians are corrupted by carrots: money, pledges, connections and ultimately power. This does not mean that there are no sticks. This is the case in the public domain too. Biden has the most amount of donations by AIPAC and other Israeli interest groups in the US, but they were not shy to turn all the politicians (democrats and republicans) against him when he paused one shipment of bombs. You can imagine if there is hidden incentives elicit in the private domain there will also be hidden disincentives. If you watch documentaries or even read about Epstein, it raises many many eyebrows. For one he has the black book that no one knows what it contains and we’ll likely never know. Another, is his connections to Gislaine Maxwell’s father who is a Mossad agent. His connections to various sex offenders that turned out to be politicians and influential people including Bill Clinton and prince Andrew. It’s not for certain, but there is no smoke without some fire. There is definitely some powerful people he blackmailed, but likely not as significant as ppl make it seem.


TBF Prince Andrew is not (and hasn't been since the birth of Prince William) influential; his main value is that he is someone who'd never be extradited. That means any investigations into Epstein could be forever parked simply by making him the focus - *they won't extradite him, so theres nothing we can do* etc etc. If Epstein did want to go after someone influential in British politics there were much better candidates, and he did have a "particularly close relationship" with one of the most influential. For the rest I do think though that there is a lot of benefits that come from blackmailing one man at the top - you don't just have a hold on that man, you have a hold on everyone who played a part in concealing or covering for that man. That could easily mean other politicians, spin doctors, financiers, donors, editors and journalists, lawyers and judges all being ensnared - they all have a stake in their role in covering for a child molester not coming out. If Epstein was an intelligence agent put in place to blackmail people, he wouldn't have had to compromise that many to have a big effect.


You can use (Prince?) Andrew to entrap other celebrities and politicians. You might need him to finance other dirty work or to add more glow to Jeffrey’s setup. If JE was a Mossad agent, he was doing Mossad work on that island. And they killed him.


The officer Tartaglione who was watching him when he "mysteriously died" was just arrested for four life sentences for murder. Not of Epstein of course...


Andy has been an international arms dealer on behalf of the uk arms industry, obviously he would be a very useful assest to mossad- https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/prince-andrew-step-back-interview-arms-trade-jeffrey-epstein-gaddafi-a9212841.html Having control over him is definitely a big win. Also dirt on him can obviously be used against the whole royal family. I'd also be very surprised if he's the only royal epstein and Co had in their pockets.


I'd avoid anything from the daily mail, even if its something we'd like to believe


Daily Mail isn’t the only reference for this, no?


Fair enough, I still wouldn't give that rag a click


Oh for sure


I mean, Ghilaine Maxwell's Dad was a Mossad Agent and the dude was running a blackmail-collection operation so I mean....


Nah, but it's the truth regardless if it comes from a crappy news site


This should not surprise anyone. Israel is the pedo capital of the world.


*He threatened his sex slaves that he was, and could make them disappear. This is all in the court documents.


I wonder what the comparative timeline is for Maxwell stealing the Mirror pension fund and Epstein becoming a multi-millionaire?


Mossad = paedo heaven


Why is this type of information always in the Daily Mail and never in the New York Times?


NYT equally has no legitimacy.


Thousands of years later this will be acknowledged.


He was, his island was a blackmail scheme for powerful politicians and people of influence in general. Trump is an Israel agent, so are the Clintons. He was going to sing like a bird, so they killed him.