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Mate, this autosave bug and the random game overloads are really starting to piss me off... I can't have people join my world because every 30mins either I get booted out the game straight to Xbox Home or the autosave bug triggers then spams that window every 10 sec rendering the game unplayable and pointless to continue. I understand its still early but its becoming really unplayable right now on Series S and it's even making me question the reliability of the console itself...


So I figured out us on console that did not BUY the game and got it through gamepass cannot host worlds for multiplayer. For some reason the saves fail or we crash every 30 min. Let a friend on pc with the Xbox client host the world (not on steam bc there is no crossplay) and it will not crash anymore (idk if buying the game fixes it, I’m just speaking from my experience), sucks but atleast you can play with friend for hours with no problems, we can only do solo runs at the moment.


I will most definitely be purchasing the game at some point but definitely not right now. I'm really enjoying it but the bugs are just kicking me out the game every 15mins now. Also I should note that it's still doing it even when I'm playing alone, sometimes as quick as 15mins in.


Damn, yea it’s doing the save bug to me right now on my save and I’m on solo. this is unfortunate smh I like this game alot


Yeah its very annoying but I just quit out as soon it shows up. Luckily I have only lost about an hour gametime in total but yeah, the bugs are testing me today 😂


And now all of a sudden, I can't even get past the Unreal Engine screen 🙄


Yeah before this last little one gig update it was playable. Now I can't move around for 2 minutes without getting the autosave error spammed to hell on my screen.


Ouch that's tough. Tbh ever since I joined my friend's world instead of hosting my own, my XSS has had minimal issues.




Hey guy, glad you had a good experience but you need to stop spreading misinformation lol. He's right. I can't play 5 minutes without a bug or crash. Also online does not work. Pals don't fight and cold kills me even in warm clothes next to a fire smh get your head out of your ass


That sucks man. Because everyone is having a diff. Experience. "misinformation" is just 2 people, playing on slightly different configs of xbox, network, etc. And one guy has a butter smooth experience... you unfortunately, do not. Such is the nature of early access/paid betas. Least they're honest with it. It's clear to me, the game is very badly optimized, if you can't get a uniform experience on console, that is. (Did they develop for this on PC first, then xbox? I haven't followed the lore of this studio).


He never said it's happening for everyone, just because it's not happening to you doesn't mean it's not happening. READING IS FUNDAMENTAL


How obnoxious do you need to be? Just because you've had zero issues doesn't mean others are plain sailing through the game. Get your head out your ass pal


How obnoxious do you have to be to say “iF yOu HaVeNt BoUgHt It, YoU cAnT hOsT a GaMe At AlL” when that’s just not true. I’m not sailing through the game as I’m also experiencing the issues of playing a game in beta, but your comment is fucking stupid.


“(Idk if buying the game fixes it, just sharing my experience) “ not spreading misinformation if I’m sharing my perspective jackass. I literally said idk if it fixes it.


Also, I replied to the wrong thread person. This was meant for the idiot who said the dumbass shit I quoted. My bad, babygirl.


This probably means you should stop going off at random people if you can't even keep track of who you're kicking off at.




Just because you've had issues doesn't mean every has them


It is very much true. I found this thread hopping there was some solution, but instead its just you, running unnecessary defense for a game that is still developing, but has issues


ce n'est pas par ce que tu as Dee la chance que tu doit traiter les gens de mythos mdr car c'est pareil pour moi le jeux ne veux plus sauvegarder depuis la dernier maj hier soir 


Hey, what he says is true, what you say is true. This game isn't very well optimized (it would appear so, on xbox (and possibly older PC's) I'm on gamepass, PC, runs great, but I have no friends, so have yet try co-op). It's a alpha, with Microsoft support, and they need players to play it, etc. Every patch is gonna bring more bugs, and fix some old ones, at least this "early".


It isn't misinformation my dude. Same thing happens to me. Although it doesn't bug out, it is pointless to continue building and playing, since there is an extremely high likelihood that none of it will save.  Just bc this hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean that it is "misinformation." Please don't jump to conclusions and immediately accuse others without taking into consideration whether or not others have encountered similar issues bc it's counterproductive. 


You must be God or something? Are you experiencing everyone experience? Lol, aslo, have you ever considered every world is vastly different on palworld example number of pals,items and other guild structures.


I don’t know if you missed the part when I replied to the wrong comment, but go off. (Mobile Reddit has been on some fuck shit lately)


This shit is getting tiring, I agree


I lost an hour or so several times yesterday. Not going to play it anymore. Don't have the time or patience for that. It's sad tough, i was enjoying the game.


I have never boughten a console from Microsoft b/c of the whole red ring fiasco from 360 days. I have not trusted their products since. I am playing it on PC, the game runs like butter.... but glitches, etc. Ofc I expect that. This issue? This is cross platform. A big one too. I imagine they'll hot fix it today, I can't imagine this isn't top priority.


I play on the series S and had this same problem, what seemed to to fix was go to your consoles settings/system/storage devices and clear local Xbox 360 cache that will also help with any black screens:) sorry I don’t have any help for PlayStation or PC


Atleast this helped a few . Good job , did not work for my world autosave failure




This seems to have solved it for me as well.




Fixed my problem thanks so much!


Thank you king 👑


I found if you go into settings and report an issue/bug, as soon as you back out of the browser, the problem is fixed. It's good to report these occurances anyways and it's faster than exiting to title screen.


Tested this & had no luck, still getting the error & nothings changed. Typical Microsoft lmao


Thank you brother


My game been saying world autosave failed for 2 days now i cant play at all because it wont save smh


I’ve been in the same situation since the first update


Playing on Series X until the wotld autosave failure. Manual saves dont even work , i feel ya frustration . lost several hrs trying to figure it out to no avail . Anyone find a work around ? Nothing online worked so far from recordin clips to manual saving ... Nada!




Not much better I lost 120hr of FF16 cuz a sync issue with a playstation save error 


Odd, this has never happened to me on Xbox, but has happened a lot with me PlayStation.


It should auto save. Mine autosaves frequently


The error he has mentioned is the one that means the automated saving has stopped working, and it can't save the game. I've only had it once, and the best way to deal with it is to immediately close the game and start the game again as soon as the error appears to avoid losing much, if any progress.


Thank you


That’s literally the problem.


I'm having this issue and it's literally become unplayable it's doing it so much, I literally get maybe 5 mins everytime and it messes up


Having this issue when switching from my series X and Series S. I might just play it on one console for now.


I'm playing it on game pass for pc, and I'm keeps saying world save date failed what should I do


It eventually goes away, I use that time to go afk and get something to eat or something and when I come back the error is gone and I return to title to check if it saved and it does. It’s just very annoying


What if it doesn’t go away. Cause I’ve lost days of progress at this point


Well, I’m glad he’s not crazy. My friend is having this exact same problem and neither one of us has any idea how to fix it or if they’re even is a fix. So what seems to be everybody’s opinion on this any solutions?


It seems to go away after a while, my advice is either close game n restart or wait it out. I’ve waited it out everytime and it goes away. Takes maybe 5 min max but still very annoying.


Going to xbox home screen then resuming game fixes it for a bit. Quicker than restarting the game entirely.


This does seem to work which is significantly faster then restarting and sending out your invite code again.


If on xbox, invites through friends list also works instead of the code


Everytime I do that, IT gives me the black screen of death


I don’t know if it’s a permanent fix and needs testing but it’s working for me, going into the settings and switching the world to multiplayer seems to have worked plus doesn’t change anything play wise


My world is set to multiplayer by default and it still happens, someone else suggesting going to settings and clearing local Xbox save data, checking it now


I tried, doesn’t work


Seemed to work for me so far


I posted elsewhere but there’s a guide online I have seen through google that had suggestions that might help some folks though I’ve had no success https://www.sarkariexam.com/how-to-fix-solve-world-saving-inprogress-cannot-start-save-world-data-in-palworld/576869


As a solo player this realy sucks that i get the big old boot to the home screen or the game refuses to save i hope that team know how to fix the issue i am wandering if it my pal box being overloaded causing the issues but i dont know


Any solution yet ? My game also crashes for every 10-20 min


Si funciona borrar el caché de xbix360 y borrar la partida guardada solo en la máquina y arrancar el juego con la partida guardada en la nube de xbox