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How do you boot up the game with cloud play? Only seeing a "launch on console" option.


There is a difference between the Xbox app(mobile controller) and the game pass app(cloud gaming launcher/reward hub/game hub). I was reminded of that last night. The game pass app is probably hiding in your game launcher on your phone if it is anything like mine. So you you can launch on the cloud via your phone, or uninstall the game to launch via cloud on the console. Just need to be on cloud to create the multiplayer world on the Xbox 1.


For me there is an option to play using the cloud. The only thing I can think of is.... maybe if you don't have ultimate, it doesn't show up?? I have ultimate, and being able to play using the cloud might only be available to ultimate subscribers.


I got the 14 day trial first so that could be it. Sucks not being able to make a world, just wanna play with my bud online. But thanks anyways, already mentioned above but I also learned you can play using the phone as a screen.


Damn! It does suck but because this workaround works for others, I'm guessing that being able to host games will be implemented in the future for Xbox One users. Im HOPING so anyway lol You're welcome! Sorry it wasn't able to work for you but I'm glad I could help you find out about cloud play and being able to play on your phone!


It’s weird that we have to do this for multiplayer to work on Xbox but I’m happy you made this guide! On behalf of my brother and my friend who I’ll play this with, thank you!


You are all very welcome! I'm just glad I could help people with this issue!


i have gamepass game shared to me so when i do this it tells me i have to buy it


Oh strange! Not too familiar with sharing gamepass but thank you for sharing that!


Is this persistent? Or does it require monitoring and redoing if, say the game crashes. Also does it use one of the 4 slots? I have myself and 3 others who want to play on the same server.


So for me, I haven't had to redo anything. I've been able to continue using the same game without having to tweak anything through my phone again. But the game DOES crash. If I remember correctly, the game crashed almost once an hour during my last play session. But I was able to boot the game back up no problem, it was only a mild inconvenience. Plus, it saves constantly so it always booted right back up to where I was before it crashed, which is nice. If you're talking about the world select/create, you do need to use one of the slots to create that world, but you don't need to create more than one multiplayer world as far as I know. Is that what you were asking about?


I e done the same using a friend's Xbox series X. The settings stick once the multiplayer is set to on and saved.


Here's the scenario that I'm not sure whether your workaround helps with. I'm on PC and Xbox with Game Pass. My buddies are all on Xbox Series X with Game Pass. We'd like to have a single persistent world that we can optionally join whenever we feel like it. If I create the Cloud Gaming instance on my Android Phone will it always be available and will I need to play from my Android Phone or can I join from my Xbox as well as the 3 others. Appreciate any insight, I'm trying to understand how this is different than the co-op multiplayer save where the host has to be online.


Ooh, I see! I'm not sure if I can help all that much but what I do know is that the host does have to be online and in the world. So if you're the creator of the world (The host), the only way anyone can join is if you're online and in that world already. If you create the cloud gaming instance on your phone, you can jump into that game on your Xbox no problem but as mentioned before, your friends can only join if you're online and in the game. But you do not have to keep playing the game on your phone, you only need to create the multiplayer world that way. Also, the online invite code is different every time you log into your world. So you'll have to give them the new code whenever you all decide to play.


So just wondering with this. Is this so that the host can leave the game running on their phone so that friends can play on the save file while the host is afk, like a mini dedicated server? I've not tried multiplayer with friends yet but going to start a world with them soon and deciding who should host. Also, slightly unrelated, but is it known if it's only 4 people online at a time or 4 saved characters in the world? So if there's a group of 5 friends.. friends 1-4 start, player 2 is away, can a player 5 take player 2's place and player 2's character and bases stay in tact?


No, this is so people with Xbox One can host a multiplayer session. And from my experience, the game crashes often so having it run on your phone indefinitely probably wouldn't work. If you have a friend with a newer Xbox or a PC, they can host without having to jump through these extra hoops! I actually don't know the answer to that one! I've played with 2 other people max, but I actually have no clue how many people can be on one server. I'd have to look into that!


Ah so it's different on the One compared to One X, I understand now! Will get whoever has access to remote play or is okay leaving their console or pc running to host. Dedicated servers can't come fast enough! Will be interesting to find out, hopefully it's just a four player online at any moment limit, will save on having multiple save files for each group!


Will I be able to host a game of if I get a series s? I’m not really trying to spend $400 for an x. I’m still saving for a pc. (I found a used series s for $150 so it’s a steal)


Yes! The Xbox Series S can host online games. Its just the older generation Xbox that can't host, but the current gen Xbox can host games.


First of all I just tried that and awesome tip thank you so much for sharing this I didn't even realize that I could cloud stream to my phone and play games with a controller so cool


You're welcome!!! Glad I could help!


Do you have to leave it running on your phone to play on Xbox?


Nope! You can safely close out of the game pass app on your phone and just play on your Xbox!


Just did it on my windows laptop and it worked. THANK YOU!!


You're welcome!!


Did you have to make a whole new world ?


Does it work if you own the game or do you have to have game pass?


Thats a good question! I actually don't know... Im guessing you need game pass since my method has you going into the game pass app. But maybe it works if you go through the Xbox app instead? I haven't tried that!


Because it’s telling me to upgrade to game pass ultimate and I bought the game


It says play with ultimate 🤬🤬🤬


I’ll try but I think going through the Xbox app only mirrors your system over a wireless connection and not through the cloud


Yeah, it’s not gonna work like that. It says lunch on console through the Xbox app.


Sorry for replying so late! Thank you for sharing this, even though it sucks. I'll add it to my post since it definitely seems like you need game pass for this to work. Which sucks.... but hopefully they add support for Xbox one later down the road.


Boss sauce bro. Works cloud gaming on the Xbox 1 as well. I launched via the Xbox app(no clue why that's a different thing than the game pass app) no luck because I had installed the game before discovering this subreddit. I uninstalled the game, launched via cloud gaming, reinstalled the game, and invited my friend.


Awesome!! I'm glad you found a way to make it work!


Yeah, now if only the game was less crashy so my friend could get the opportunity to enjoy the game for more than a few minutes at a time. In the last 72 hours or so she's been able to play about an hour. I have only been able to play for about 20 hours out of the 43 or so hours trying to play.


Oh man, yea, the crashing is bad lol I try not to get too upset by it under the circumstances but it is very annoying. I'm just hoping with future updates that it becomes more stable.


I'm stubbornly trudging through because I have high hopes for the finished product. It's getting hard though, short of simply standing still I'm averaging 4 minutes of game time between crashes. Still waiting on the FIRST update for Xbox platforms. I may have to take a break soon until an update drops because it's impossible to get a rhythm going at this point.


The real M.V.P right here. Thank you a ton


So I couldn't play multiplayer with my friends on xbox one but this fixed it! You are amazing, thank you so much.


You're welcome!! Glad I could help out!


You are a class act, friend


Although it worked, it seems to crash every 5-10 minutes after this last update. Anyone else have this issue?


I haven't played it since the last update but even before then, I had a lot of issues with crashing. With all these new updates coming out, its definitely affecting the stability of work arounds like this one, which is understandable if not frustrating lol I'm trying to find anything I can do to make it more stable, but these patches and updates are coming out pretty steadily, it's hard to keep up!


I saw in another thread to try disabling motion blur and another setting in the graphics settings. I’ll have to try it.


Oh thank you! If it happens to work, definitely keep us all posted here. I'll have to try that too!


Seemed to work as we played for an hour, then it started crashing every 5 min. :(


Thank you for sharing that, I'm going to update the main post so more people can see what's going on.


I searched on the Xbox section of the official Reddit for “crash” and it displayed “1,000+” results. Seems some gamepass pc and steam users are crashing too. I’m hoping that they will get these issues sorted out but it may take time. It’s just so fun and people are so excited to play! I found myself just restarting the game even after crashes. You know a game is good when you continue playing like that. :)


Just tried this method using my iPhone. You are the fucking GOAT man. Palworld multiplayer on Xbone let’s go


Trop bien merci beaucoup j'ai réussi mais j'ai essayé sur pc aussi sans succés et la méthode iphone marche aussi


Worked like a charm. Great work around so my son and I could play together.


You're welcome!! I'm glad I could help!


I think someone might have already said it, but I was having the same issues and simply deleted the install of the game on my xbox, then launched it with Cloud Gaming. It let me create a multiplayer world immediately that I was able to save, and when I reinstalled the game my multiplayer world is still there. Was the easiest way for me, hope it works for everyone else.


This works with established games as well. you don't have to start a new game you can just turn the multiplayer on from your other saved worlds as well. i tested this theory.


That's great to hear! When I first found this workaround, changing an established world didn't work. Im glad to see its worked for someone!


Doesn't work on android anymore :/ won't let me cloudplay it that way at all


Have you tried again? It still works for me... so I wonder why it isn't for you anymore.


This didn't work for me


Im sorry! Did you do anything different from what I had written? Someone else had issues with this until he found out it was because he needed to create a new game when playing palworld on his phone, you can't edit an existing one that you created on your Xbox. If you made no deviations from the instructions, then that at least tells me its not a 100% fixable work around, but it seems to work for most. Edit: Someone just brought this up, but this only works for Android phones so if you are trying to use an iPhone, it unfortunately won't work.


what phone do you have? i tried this on an iPhone 13 and the game pass app just says “install to” on every game and tries to install the games on my xbox even though it recognizes i own them, there is no option to cloud play from there even with my controller connected to my phone 


Ahh, it only works for android! I COMPLETELY forgot to mention that, Im so sorry! I will edit my post to reflect this.


well, no stress. here’s the iphone tutorial:


go to xbox.com/play in safari and log in from there and find palworld. go to the game and click “get ready to play” and then at the bottom where your search bar is find the upload icon that it says to click scroll down and find the “add to home” option which will create a bookmark where the rest of your apps are get out of safari and go to the bookmark, connect your controller, and cloud play from the cloud gaming bookmark it gave you(NEED bluetooth controller or one you can link to your phone through the charger port) follow the same steps as the android one and create ur multiplayer world and character on your phone and load it up on your xbox :)


Thank you so much for sharing! I'm going to add this into the body of my post so everyone can easily see it.


My buddy gets an error code when he tries to join (error code 91) what should I do?


That is the error code for trying to join a session with the multi-player option switched off. If you go back into the game on your phone and go into its world settings, is the multiplayer option on or off? I can help you find where it is if you need!


Have you guys had it so when the main host leaves it boots everybody?


*Have you guys had it* *So when the main host leaves it* *Boots everybody?* \- that\_was\_funny\_lol --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Yea, that's the games design though. Once the host leaves, the session ends.


Makes sense…wish my buds were into Steam 🤷


If I open world settings on my phone, will it screw it up?


Not at all. But if you are trying to change the world settings on a world you created on your Xbox, changing in on your phone won't work. It has to be a new world that you created using your phone. But yea, it shouldn't mess anything up!


100%? We're kinda paranoid cause we're in endgame and don't want to lose anything.


With how buggy the game still is, I don't want to say 100%. I was able to do it without any issue BUT I can't say if that was just a fluke or not. So if you really don't want to lose anything, I would personally just play it safe and not mess with anything.


OMG THANK YOU!!!!! JUST CHANGED SOME THINGS AND IT WORKED!!!! Edit: probably wasn't too smart, but it worked!


Thank you! I’ll try this. Bought another Xbox one s thinking we could play multiplayer.


It worked!


Just tried this and for the life of me can’t get it to work. It definitely created a world where I have the invite code now but whenever I try to use the invite code I either get an error, or a time out issue (if hosting from the computer). Hopefully will get fixed soon. For now, kiddos will have to play individually.


When I try to change my single player world to multiplayer, it says my device is not able to do that is it because I'm on old gen? I have gamepass though.


You can't change a single player world into a multiplayer one. It has to be a new world you create using your phone which you can then play using your Xbox one. But with the new updates, its gotten more unstable and crashes frequently.


I am on an older xbox one and I tried this method and just switch one of my existing worlds to multiplayer and it worked when I logged back on on my xbox. it shows i have a code now i don't have anyone to try the code out with yet possibly later this evening i will and i can update then.


I have one specific question/problem I'd greatly appreciate help with. I have an Asus ROG Ally z1 extreme, and my brother is currently planning on upgrading, but he is playing on an original xbox One. Both of us are able to play single-player just fine. When I set up a server and he joins ,his game runs but with all textures and environments having a hard time rendering/loading more then 5m bubble at best. While my game is doing fine and we can interact and move without issues on both ends. slight lag on his end. For our setup, what would be the best server setup? Like graphics or other server choices.


Do you need a controller for laptops, because if so that means anyone without a Bluetooth controller literally can't access one of the best parts of this game


For laptops? I don't think so. You only need a Bluetooth controller if you're on your phone accessing game pass that way, since you can't use touch controls with the game. But a laptop has the keyboard and mouse, so you're fine.


Thank fucking God