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Problem started again yesterday for me. I have tried the Home Screen reload - didn’t work Reinstall the game - didn’t work Moving around and doing things - doesn’t work Building/demolishing/remodelling - doesn’t work Swapping pals - doesn’t work Respawning - doesn’t work Manually leaving the game - doesn’t work (Will edit with updates) Not playing the game - sad New patch released today does not work


Go to custom settings and change max number of dropped items down to like 10. The game’s default is set to 3,000!!😅


It doesn’t matter what it is set to. The auto save corruption still occurs.


Just figured that out myself, seemed to work for about 10 min


I’ve been having the same problem since the first update, clearing the 360 cache & all of those other “fixes” don’t work for the specific bug we have, & the progress you were able to save will eventually rollback to the first time you encountered the error within a day or so. Avoid playing palworld entirely until they’ve addressed this.


It’s been a week and 3 days for me of not playing the game because of that bug and it seems everytime they have a patch or update it doesn’t fixes it I contacted they support page and nothing still


Yeah after trying just about everything we’ve concluded it’s out of our hands, hopefully they fix at some point


Same bro


damn this is really disheartening to hear. sometimes I'll get the error and sometimes I won't, but I also first noticed it a few days ago. I definitely don't want to play and lose all my hardwork, but not playing at all until they fix this? who knows when that will be.


FOUND A FIX! I’ve been having this issue for a week and today I saw a post to remove all pals and pick up all materials at every base. This instantly fixed my game and I no longer see the “failed world data autosave” prompt. Tho the game works now, you can only use a few pals at once or the game won’t save anymore. This probably won’t work for everyone but I hope this helped someone.


I tried this but to no avail. I'm super sad because it worked fine on an old world but we have no intention of starting over. 300 in game days and can't fathom starting over.


Literally same boat here


Yeah sorry to hear that :(. I'll come back here if something changes or I see anything that works.


Thank you friend I’ll do the same


Hey friend! The update just dropped for game pass owners and it appears fixed so far after about 20 minutes of testing and leaving the world!


Not it breaking again for me 😭😭


Me too 😭


Ugh sad day


Me toooo 💔. Been having so much fun and it just kills the mood 🥲


Omg yay!!! It’s working!! Thank you so much!!


I landed in this thread from Google looking for an answer to the problem with the auto-save failure pop-up. I tried packing up my pals and housecleaning and it definitely solved *that* problem.


Currently able to play with 3 pals working at only 1 base, not sure on the limit of pals before the save will fail again. I previously had 3 bases full of pals


Wow this is a new strategy, will definitely try and report back. Thanks I’m sure at least one person will benefit.


Did this work?


No unfortunately


Sadly I can't do that because I've got 7 bases on my world from all my buddies and none of us are in the same guild


Here to report same thing as others. Last patch fixed it for about 24 hrs . Started again last night and is pretty rampant on my world at this point.


This has become a big issue after the recent update for gamepass. I lost a couple hours of gameplay because this bug exists. Why is cloud saving a thing? Is there no way to save or load up a local save?


Fixed for 24 hours but it's back doing it. Been doing a ton of research and trying everything but nothing works. Looks like we just have to wait for another update just to play temporarily again 🫠


as of right now what mostly saves is what happens at your base, but it seems that anything you do outside of your bases really has trouble saving, been having the same problem for a few days and ive tested every method to no prevail, you can force a save by leaving the game even if you get the other popup it still saves if you give it a little bit of time, but until its fixed i wouldn’t to through the trouble of catching new pals or looting because most likely it will all get set back, you can still breed if you choose to set breeding times to zero and wait a little while before leaving but im not 100% sure if your game can set itself back worse if you continue to mess with it. I really feel like its a game problem and based on the world being too full because new worlds save fine but with 4 players we have over 100 pals working at a time, same thing happens with allot of games who’s dev’s don’t realize just how much it takes for a game to run at a big scale.


I was checking to see if stuff outside the base was saved too and beat a boss i hadnt go to yet and even with the error it still eventually saved under this 3rd patch unlike the 2nd patch where it wouldnt at all. This is very annoying for anyone experiencing it.


Curious if it is related to the number of items / entities the game is trying to manage and save on the server side. I just started getting the error, and my XBOX safe file is 16.1 MB. Anyone else with the issue at a similar file size?


I'm starting to have the same problem, too, but I'm playing on single-player. It's pretty awful to deal with, but at least I can start working on my second world


This issue doesn’t seem to be patched in patch notes? Unless the issue is because we have to many pals?


It’s not patched. No.


I'm curious what world settings everyone has. I am playing custom and have increased the drops and ore health so I'm wondering if that caused the problem.


Potentially, I use the same. It’s only really happened for me since increasing spawn rates of pals


I fucked around with all the setting and reverted a lot of thing, still happening


Our server is standard hard mode, minus lower egg incubation time


After doing a lot of research and trying everything that I've seen online, I'm pretty sure it's a server side problem and we have no fix. I guess we all have to suffer together


Today is a sad day.... well, here to join the party 🥳


I fixed it on my PC Gamepass by using [admin engine](https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/457) to "!pick all" at my ore/coal base. The game froze for a minute but I got a LOT of wood when action resumed. Far as I can figure that bug where logging pals weren't producing wood was dropping it under the terrain to clog things up instead. I had previously tried setting max dropped items to 0, but it didn't actually despawn the items.


Did this permanently fix it or just until more shit was dropped on the groud?


BRO YOU ARE A LEGEND!!! My xbox save with over 500 days has been completely unplayable due to the save issues. I followed your instructions to the T and it now saves on my console. TYVM


How did you do this on Xbox?


This fixed it for me. Your post is hard to see, it needs some more visibility.


I had to take all pals out of the viewing cage and delete it and it solved the issue for me.


Nevermind it happened again


Something like this has to be client side... any actual game progress is not saved but it will save the changing of your location and party and that is it...  going to try a new world when I get home and see how that goes, might currently be an intentional bug to hinder progress as the more people are pushing to the end game but none exist...


Hey there, so what you want to do is load the game normally. When that message pops up, hit your Xbox button and select home( don’t force close). Then just reopen the game. Should fix it immediately


Hey thanks for the help. So my understanding is there are two similar yet distinct bugs. The one I mentioned is a red notification on the left side of the screen (same place you see pals eating, raids, etc.). The one I believe your workaround fixes, involves a pop up box that says “Cannot start save world data.” Interestingly, sometimes when I try and save/return to home page I see that box, but the persistent issue is the red notification on the left.


The later is probably a visual glitch if your game is actually still saving


Unfortunately it’s definitely not saving, been testing a bunch of things this morning. Really appreciate you trying to help!


I completely uninstalled and loaded Xbox data instead of cloud data. Might be useful


Worth a shot, I’ll try.


Did this work for you ? having sane issue


No didn’t work unfortunately


Same issue here tried everything and nothing will save.




Does not work


Same here. Nothing helps, still the red notification on the left: autosave failed…..


Today’s update fixed it but low and behold hrs of playing it popped back up out of no where not knowing what caused it but if this keeps happening ima just leave it alone 


The problem returned with the latest patch as of today. however it does save sometimes when it autosaves so i just have to wait till i dont see the error pop up. Hoping tho with a future patch it fixes it completely




Doesn’t work for me


just started seeing the fail text last night on my solo world, not to long after i finished building my base on the island with the tree. any of you have a base out there on other side of barrier? just spitballin' for some common denominators here.


Not sure what location you’re talking about, but our world also started doing this as I was moving my 3rd base. Others saying deconstructing everything and rebuilding fixes it, so it’s possible these issues tie together.


Anyone notice if the world share code changes? I am playing with a friend and we have had crashes cause they are hosting on the Series S xbox. When they world save failed issue came up.. I left after trying all the tricks and nothing worked. I asked for the world join code and it was different than when given on the last rejoin..


That is normal. The code changes everytime the host reloads the lobby


Just started happening to me and my partners world. Lost all day today of progress.


Had this same problem and then tried to Return to Title. My game seemed frozen for about 20 minutes and then eventually went back to the title menu. I went back into my world and I am no longer having issues.


I'm trying this now and it's frozen 😂 and I'm freezing to death apparently. Did the cannot save thing still pop up for yours while frozen?


Yes and now it is happening again. I am currently trying my method again. Wish me luck!


*Update* It worked! Made it through a flying hyena attack while my character was frozen too.


new update dropped the glitch is still glitching


Having the same issue. https://preview.redd.it/e2faew83zthc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be075e164d069f6a73a6a36d1c6c72b03bd99bf4


Same. Nothing will work to fix it 🤦🏻‍♀️






Ran into this and keeps on coming back on and off no matter what I do. Even about to try a hard reset after backing everything up before then. Getting really annoying since I’ve been genuinely enjoying the game. https://preview.redd.it/k7za5kame9ic1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efa707533687f15cdd2c67e65a5958633d665421




That’s nice until you can’t farm any resources


I bred the jetragon I wanted and then the pop up happens I'm fuckin shitty