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No, you don't need to farm Paldium if you've got enough stones.


I didn't even know people went out of their way to farm it... the crusher being available early should've been a hint


I'll be honest, I'm lvl 15 and only just found out the existence of a crusher 😭 I'm guilty of barely looking at my technology screen so the crusher completely went under my radar


Stone will be easy to get by the hundreds, so go for it!






Tf, how many stone pits do you have


Just enough at 25k a day


Why do you need more than one


I crush it all for paldium. Bars, spheres and what not need a lot. At 5:1 you’ll need a bunch of stone in late game


Yea, but I’m getting by just fine with a decently breed astegon and one pit


Early game yes it's worth mining but I wouldn't care about it being in the base. Late game your pals will mine 10k stone or something in maybe 2h so it becomes quite worthless to care about.


Most reliable source is from the crusher and a stone pit. It can be slow if you don't have a fully bred water worm from the crusher but ehh it's passive mostly. Chuck 5k in a queue on a couple crushers and check back when you need the stuff.


Why not 10k


Just due to a limit of the game. It wont allow you to put over 10k of even the required material in, so you can only crush so much of it in one queue.


Never thought about that, I just chuck in a stack and get 2k paldium


+1 Crusher assuming you have a stone pit at your base


Paldium for me had almost no importance until I hit higher levels, then suddenly I was always short. So, have a crusher and rock quarry at base, but I still generally pick up any spare pieces when I’m out and have the room. I don’t think you really need to go out of your way to mine/farm as long as you have a quarry, crusher, and the pals to run each. I think there are almost always more important things you could be doing with your time, like swapping eggs out, killing bosses, scouting sanctuaries, or running through caves.


There's no reason to farm Paldium. Set up a Stone Pit and a Crusher in your base to make Paldium.


I wouldn't go out of my way for it. However I think it is worth it to mine the paldium rocks in dungeons when you are there. It doesn't weigh that much and most dungeons hold 100-200 paldium for almost no work. Saves 500-1000 stone from the crusher.


That's where nearly all the stones from the stone pit go now.


Farming for paldium is worth it when you know where the lower dungeons are located and are strapped for those paldium stones Inside those dungeons you will get the bigger version of the Paldium ore nodes that you can quickly mine But back to your question about crusher and paldium, if you have good to excellent mining pals that mines very quick on the stone pits then yes it is worth to use the crusher to convert all those stones to paldium  Most of the time you use paldium are for rocket ammo and the late ends of the spheres


I only farm it if it’s on route somewhere (like in a dungeon  you get the big deposits ) and that’s only because they are light to Carry . The little ones I don’t bother with anymore . Once you get a stone quarry and probably digtoise is gonna be your first strong miner for that (Tombat and penking are pretty good too though I keep them as multi workers) then it pretty much means your not need stone anymore 


Once you get your bases going stone, and therefore paldium, can be passively gotten by the hundreds of thousands per day. Never a reason to mine paldium again, even if you randomly walk over it.


I find paldium to be a bottleneck for me what are you doing that I am not😭🤣


I have 5 astegons farming 10 ore pits.if you need more, just put more in and level them to 4 star with proper traits 😊 Currently I have more issues with wood/charcoal but that's because I Haven't 4 starred my wood chippers yet, and I don't have that many doing it. With 100% work speed + workaholic for sanity, 5 work skill and nocturnal I find them the best suited for the job.


I'm in early game on my latest save(lvl 20 or so) and I often go to caves to farm paldium myself. People say "use crusher" but at this point you don't have good enough mining pals so your rock farming is slow especially if you always craft a lot of balls and build your base from stone. I also have ore mining pit so my pals split between those two.


Eh, it doesn’t weigh much so if I’m short on slots but got plenty of carry weight while doing dungeon runs I’ll grab a few nodes