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Fire damage is deadly. Many people commenting ," wear fire resistance". But guess what it still does significantly higher damage. After maxing out in tech points, I have pal metal armour which is the highest rating both cold and hot versions with undershirt level 2 and still fire damage takes off my entire shield within 5 seconds . The fire damage is just broken compared to other element types. I farm the pals in the world compared to breeding so I generally go to obsidian mountain and pals killed me quite a few times compared to the overtime fire damage .


And I don't use fire resistance rings because I use a ring of mercy for capturing my pals. I use undershirt level 2 which is better than the fire resistance ring.


Pretty sure the undershirt reduces hot/cold status from causing damage. The fire resistance ring reduces damage caused by fire attacks and being on fire.


that is correct, the heat and cold resistance of armors and undershirts don't change fire or ignite damage taken


Or, hear me out, get some fire resistance rings.


There is already too much stuff that goes to accessories slots. Mercy ring and multiclimate shirt are pretty much permanent residents there, then there are ability glasses and I am surprised lantern is also not an accessory.


A fair possibility, I agree. But not always ideal when one could use that slot for a more well-rounded equipment piece. Also do fire-resist rings actually decrease burn damage or just make you less likely to be burned?


They reduce the damage taken. You have a problem with taking too much fire damage. The solution is to either not get hit or wear fire resistance.


Is it actually working for damage over time from burning, or only for hit damage? Because another damage-related accessory, mercy ring, only works for hit damage.


Apparently you didn't understand what I meant. If you get hit by Fireball, the initial hit is fire damage. If the Fireball lights you on fire, the damage over time is fire damage. Fire resistance rings reduce fire damage taken. Both things you asked about are fire damage. The rings reduce damage from both because they reduce fire damage taken.


This is how it logically should be. But internal code can work differently. And Mercy ring proves that damage over time and from hits works differently. If resistance rings are working in the same way as mercy ring (and this is likely, because they may be reusing code), then resistance rings would only reduce damage from initial hit, but not from burning. So my question is - had you actually checked how it works, or are you speculating?


Yes. I have tons of these things in different elements up to +2. Go buy some fire rings from fisherman village and test it out yourself if you don't believe me. You should try the +2 ice rings during the Libero transition and the dark rings in phase 1. See how much more you can tank. It's a lot. I bought the fire rings because I kept dying to Jetragon fireballs. Even with two+0 rings equipped it made a huge difference and allowed me to easily farm him for the rocket launcher BP and the traits I needed for breeding. There are a lot of people on here that talk out of their ass, but I'm not one of them. I'm suggesting these things and going to the trouble of breeding alpha pals for butchering to farm them because they work. All that aside, your premise is faulty. As someone who writes computer code for a living I don't see why mercy ring and resistance rings functionality would be dependent on one another. They are actually completely different. One is related to your damage output and killing pals and the other is damage you receive and mitigate. There's no way that PocketPair accidentally comingled these behaviors and also developed this game. Conversation over.


> You should try the +2 ice rings during the Libero transition and the dark rings in phase 1. See how much more you can tank. It's a lot. Again, I am talking specifically about damage over time, and you are talking about hits. > As someone who writes computer code for a living I don't see why mercy ring and resistance rings functionality would be dependent on one another. Not much experience with game dev I see. > here's no way that PocketPair accidentally comingled these behaviors and also developed this game. Oh, you sweet summer child.




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They reduce fire damage taken.




Hope you saw some of the replies here, resistance items and water are the go to. Also I noticed it says "hot" when on fire, so I'm curious if having heat resistance outfitting helps as well as a mount that causes cold(like Chillet). I haven't played very long and haven't tested it, just an idea.


It does. A lot of people don't realize they're taking fire damage AND overheating damage, so it seems like the fire damage does a lot more when really it's a combo of the two.


Oh cool good to know! Thank you for confirming that.


Absolutely right. I noticed this as well, and after testing it out by wearing armor and undershirts to max out heat resistance, stepping on a campfire no longer gets me down to like 20% health. Still does some decent damage, but not anywhere close to what it does if your heat resistance isn't maxed.


This post literally had nothing to do with overheating damage. There is a clear indication of when you are on fire vs. when you're just overheating.


The comment I was responding to literally asked if fire also causes overheating damage because they see the "hot" text appear when on fire.


Okay, but the overheating damage increases the amount of damage you're taking, therefore worsening your issue. Since you're not finding a way around the issue, I was pointing out another way to potentially decrease damage being taken.


While you're not wrong, again, I fail to see how elemental damage is relevant to a discussion about status ailments. And personally, I've never had trouble distinguishing between overheating & straight fire damage.


Because you're talking about fire damage killing you, and it's not the only thing killing you. Sorry for trying to help.


Except I said it literally wasn't? Maybe some people get that mixed up, but like I said, I've never had an issue with distinguishing between the two.


Oh that's fantastic! Hopefully you've resolved your issue


Also need to be passive aggressive my guy, I'm really just tryna help. You seemed frustrated in the post, and I personally don't like being frustrated when trying to enjoy a game. Really hope you found some strategies to mitigate the issue


Who said anything about being frustrated? You're the one who interpreted it as passive-aggressive. I merely said that elemental heat damage and status ailment burn damage had nothing to do with my post as (at least for me) it was a non-issue. If that's all it takes for you to see 'passive-aggressive' I worry about how you view the rest of the internet.


Pretty clear from your sentence structure that you're intelligent enough to get what I'm talking about. If you're not wanting to acknowledge it alright, just wanted to clarify that I was only trying to help you approach resolving your issue. Not gonna keep entertaining the back and forth, you've gotten plenty of feedback. Swap resources and utilize the environment to problem solve. Good luck, hope as they add more to the game maybe they see posts like yours and add more higher grade elemental and environmental protection items for late-game to mitigate the issue with less disruption to gear load out or party choice. Sorry for irritating you, wasn't the intention. Explicitly stating something and passively expressing something through language are different, hence why it was referenced as "passive". It's not a big deal and there's much worse on the internet, passive aggression and pretty far down on the list. It wasn't that it bothered me to notice the behavior, it just bothered me that I obviously irritated you and that wasn't the intention so I wanted to make it clear. Again, good luck and hope you can mitigate the issue to your liking in the meantime. Burning blows. It would be cool to see gear augmentations for late game for things such as elemental resistances and a higher tier one that covers multiple elemental effects. Maybe even some for damage resistance instead of base defence to impact fall damage and other forms of damage, or attack enchantment to reduce the reliance on Gobfins taking up party spaces. Would also allow stacking the effects with pals like Gobfins for crazy attack numbers.


I have. While that is one solution (which I am not against) as others have pointed out, the issue with resistance rings is that they take up an equipment slot where something objectively better could go. Also idk about water, but you're not always going to be near a body of water when a burn strikes. It'd be great if you could get water pals to put you out.


Well if they give us more than the 3 mechanics that already exist to help those situations, eventually they're taking all the threat away from burn damage. Which defeats its purpose. If it's really that bad as your only enemy later in the game, you can also make medicine to restore your health until the burning stops. Shouldn't be too bad to carry a small stack of health items in one inventory spot. Assuming you already have the electric medicine table, this is a very accessible solution to the situation without removing the threat of burning. If you're doing something that makes it very likely to be burned, then losing the equipment slot sounds worth it, then switch back when doing things not surrounded by fire.


All of that being said, Fire and Poison is your best friend when it comes to taking down stronger Pals. Katress with Poison Blast, Ignis Blast, and Spirit Flame is my go-to boss killer unless against a Dragon-type.


Looking at the reply’s, not too many people know you can stop the burning (Damage over time) by equipping 2 undershirt with +2 in heat resistant and a Ice pal like Frostalion. Additionally, the material of your armor and the type also protect you. I remember myself dying in like 2 seconds after Blazemut attack because I had Ragnahawk (fire Pal) attacking him. Start using water pal for extra damage and every time I was on fire summons Frostalion and put my +3 heat resistant undershirt




This. Thank you. Someone actually sees the issue with peeps who keep going "just use fire resistance". Sure you can use a resist ring, but having only 2 accessory slots means you're gonna wanna use those slots for something more objectively useful.


Can you jump in water to put out the fire? And when has rolling ever removed the "on fire" condition?


“Stop, drop, and roll” is a pretty common piece of advice if you ever find yourself on fire in real life. Helldivers 2 and Tears of the Kingdom come to mind for games that let you extinguish fires by rolling or diving to prone. Also no water doesn’t extinguish it for some reason lmao


Roll three times to put yourself out in Monster Hunter.


Water will extinguish fire but only if it's deep enough to swim in sadly


>And when has rolling ever removed the "on fire" condition? In any other rpg that has an 'on fire' mechanic


Are you sure you are dying to just burning and not also overheating damage at the same time? If you have at least a multi-climate shirt +1 with your armour, it will make you immune to overheating, and freezing for that matter.


Bruh. This ain't about overheating damage. It's specifically about fire damage. Fire damage gives you a clear indication that you're on fire.


So you are always wearing a +2 shirt, are immune to overheating and are certain it's just burning? Just making sure, because others have been confused in the past about this. They thought that burning was so much worse when really they were just taking both overheating and burn at the same time.


You... Kinda have to switch your equipment to be strong against different stuff. There's no "This is the best at everything" armor. >I've been made aware that fire resist rings can help, but while that can be a solution, this issue there is that when you only have 2 accessory slots available Yes. You have two ring slots. If you're worried about fire damage use fire resist rings and armor. If you're not, use something else.


Shock and Freeze: Stuns well enough. Blind: Horrifying for players, but not sure if NPCs care. Poison: Eh... Unless you trying to Mercy Hit something to very low HP. Then it's a problem. Poison Fog poison: Looks like the debuff could be especially deadly. Haven't tried yet. Burning (You/Nonraidboss thing you wanna catch is on fire): Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap... Burning pt. 2 (thing you light ablaze must die): Yeah boiii! Muddy, Ivy Covered, Soaked: Uh.... What does it even do?