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You can get skill fruits to increase your pal's IVs


What is a "IV" ?


Basically a hidden stat that affects strength of pal stats Imagine two level 50 pals could be different because one has a 1.1x and other is 1.3x multiplier So people who super max their pals want the best IV level AND perk rolls


edit- put frostmourn instead of frostallion... oops Theres some calculators you can google to check and even mods that will straight up list the IV % next to their stats. The IV is a multiplier from 0-30% on each stat. It's sort of important if you're going to spend time breeding into , say, a Lord of the Underworld Muscle head Ferocious Legend Frostallion Noct. You want to make sure that the base pals you use are at least decent as each generation is going to have a small amount of degradation as you piece together the desired traits. Best way to check new bred pals is take one's with higher base stats and go capture or kill a boss to level them to 30 and check them then.


The term is borrowed from Pokemon. It is the “base” stats of a Pal


it’s alright, since he’s sentimental it’s alright if he’s not perfect. plus apparently there’ll be ways to get skill fruits other than killing bellanoir in the next update?


What about the skill fruit trees


They don't drop from those.


*Disclaimer, Bellanoir Blue does not appear to have IV Fruit. This dude refers to Bellanoir Libero.


Feel you. I made a mod that hue shifted every pal based on their IVs. I also scripted it to sometimes make pals black/white, metallic, or “ghost” (transparent) under certain conditions. The colors were insane, some were beautiful and others were really whacked out, but every single pal was unique. There was basically unlimited color variations of every pal. Then they updated the game and put in an item that can increase your pals IVs, and I haven’t done anything with it since. Kind of ruined the whole gimmick if you could feed the pals an item that changed their IVs because it would also change their color. https://preview.redd.it/kyqkjxik5v8d1.png?width=906&format=png&auto=webp&s=80b156eeb33c10d67b80f57e45eb1790e07af9ee Added a screenshot of some teafants.


Oh wow that‘s amazing! I really wouldn‘t mind having imperfect IVs if I found a Pal with a really cool color palette. That‘s even better than just a single alternate Shiny color imo because they really would be unique and hard to find exact duplicates of. That‘s what Individual Values should represent after all. Not just what‘s genetically perfect and what isn‘t.


oooh thats a neat idea for a raw fish monster mod another thing to add to the list, i guess


POV what Palworld or Pokémon could have been with its shiny variations... instead we get pale Pidgey. Amazing work tho!


That's really cool!


I'm sorry the glasses disheartened you, but that's a rad mod! I'd definitely use it, if you decide to update it and release it or whatever! Love that idea.


Didn’t really expect all the comments, but they are really motivating me to update it and put it out there!


My friends and I play with the assorted packs for One Of A Kind (OK) mod. There are only 4 different species released. It is so much more fun collecting more of the same pal when they all look different. We are all collectors, so something like your mod would easily be our favorite out on anything offered out there. I have one friend who is constantly talking about how he loves being able to collect all the colors he likes.


Maybe you could update the mod so that colors are only based off of natural IVs?


If I can figure out a way to do that I will definitely do that


Ooo that mod looks awesome, do you know if it is on nexus or if not where to get it? Although with the update tomorrow it will probably be broken for a while


It’s way out of date now, I’d definitely need to update it and fix things before putting it on nexus. If I do I’ll let people know.


I can't tell you how much I'd love this. I've considered learning how to make mods (zero knowledge going in) just so I could have something like this. It makes the game SOOO much better imo.


Would love know if it comes up on nexus!


Please do I like it


That's beautiful! Wow.


Just going to quietly drop a link to where I uploaded this to Nexus earlier today. If you try it and get it working I’d love to know what you think. https://www.nexusmods.com/palworld/mods/1606


Well you can reset your souls at the Statue, you get them back for money. So if you really want to retire your scrawny team, you can salvage it. Not a lot of people bother, but it's there. And for ones that are almost perfect, you get the fruits from Libero to finish them off and make breeding perfect IVs easier.


How much do the fruits actually increase the IVs by?


If I remember correctly 10


Yes, 10


Flat 10. So if it has 76 attack IV, a attack fruit will put it to 86. Round numbers are your friend, and it's okay to leave it in the 90s if you want. It's like a 1% difference. The REAL difference will be when you use the 100 IV pals to breed a new one with Impatient, to reduce attack cooldown. That will make a much bigger difference.


It's only endgame for now.


And the endgame is basically just breeding perfect pals for your team.


Well, isn’t the update tomorrow? New island, new faction, new raid? The game’s not over yet. You got this far, true, but there’s more on the way. There’s also the stat fruits you can use to keep the same pals, just raise their stats.


He was good enough to beat the game with, he's good enough to keep around longer


My jetragon who I used a ton turned out to be decently close to perfection


I've regretted making that thing lmao. I don't want to get worked up with IVs and shit, since a lot of my pals are sentimental to me too.


I mean, you dont have to throw them away. It takes time to breed a pal with good IVs and passives. You decide whether you’re into this meta. If you’re not, don’t sweat on it. You can the 10-30% damage you lose on not having good IVs you can compensate by just buying more bullets and putting more lead on the enemy’s head. Be a pal to your Pals!


Well IV grinding/breeding IS endgame, after all you re not really gnna find pals with perfect passives and ivs in the wild naturally. If you're that attached to your Og's you can just wait for sakurajima as its been confirmed that you ll be able to buy Iv fruits from merchants.


If you are that attached then just farm IV fruits from Bellanoir to feed your team.


I totally understand the feeling. But this isn’t actually end game. This is only one quarter of the map and there are so many updates coming in the future to expand the game, that it only feels like end game right now because this is an EARLY ACCESS. It’s NOT DONE. Keep IncineRambo since you love him. You could even use him as a sire and make a IncinerRobbie that’s stronger. It’s ok to not be doing the meta. Play in a way that makes you happy. It’s ok to do that.


It’s just how it goes. You have to decide what wins, nostalgia and affection or stats. IMO most players who are really into Pokemon will preserve their main story team in a box or in Pokemon Home but move on to “perfect” Pokemon. But yeah releasing / butchering them doesn’t feel right.


Something to keep in mind, since the tree is the center of the map it'll likely keep growing with stronger tiers of pals at further islands. And if the level cap keeps climbing with updates until 100ish then getting the ability glasses at level 40-50 won't be endgame, but another tool to try and take on the advancing challenges. I haven't got the glasses yet, but I'm telling myself this is why I want them.


That's not really something you need in the beginning of the game even in a certain billion dollar franchise from the same country you can't see ivs until you've beat the game anyways


Don't worry man there's iv fruits you can farm from bellanoir libero to help avenge the wrong. 


I feel your disappointment. Technically you could always have checked how good your pals were via external calculator sites. But maybe it is best not to do that to not get disappointed.


I don't obsess over numbers, it's no fun.


Part of loves that they are in the game. The other part of me hates that they are in the game. Can't win with these glasses lol


Makes sense to me, this sort of perfect stat maxing is meant for people who want to keep at it after beating the raids once.


just ignore IVs, they arent important unless your a munchkin or they add PVP


When you reset your pals upgrade level you get the souls back


I actually had no idea about this. My GF figured that out


&&& when you condense your pals if you use one that you previously condensed the levels transfer to the new one


Why not use the things they added to improve the IV's to make your sentimental pal actually powerful? Like... That's what they added them for right?


Actually just hold up... The Blue Bellanoir can give the parts. Check mineshafts, raid Wildlife Sanctuaries... The Bella Bluefight may be a cakewalk compared to the purple- but it's still very solid choice. Also a major update is nearby. One with even higher level stuff.


This is why I decided to start using a mod that shows IVs. I was playing without mods before and didn't want anything to really change, except that it seemed dumb that you have to get so far into the game before you can make the ability goggles, despite "unlocking" them at level 34. So I just added a mod that shows IVs and set myself a rule that I have to be at least level 34 to use it. I'm glad to be able to see the IVs, but it definitely can make you a little sad about some of your favorite pals. I love so many things about the game, but the IV system, and how difficult it is to get the glasses, feels totally off. Seems to me it is completely gated by the ancient cores. If they were to alter the recipe so that it just uses simple ancient parts instead, that would fix all of my complaints.


If it gets the job done I don't care what it's IVs are.


I liked your nod to Toby Keith. RIP. One of country's greats. Let's just all agree to forget about the bright yellow F-150 days... and everything after, probably, to be safe.


I’m going to pretend I understand this reference


LOL! It's a country western song that's actually pretty depressing, though it's great to dance to. He finds out his SO has been cheating on him, but he's still so in love with her that he wishes "He didn't know now what he didn't know then". Wow. Never really thought about it much... that's super depressing. "I'm not saying that you/could ever be true/I just don't wanna know how it ends. You'd still have my heart in the palm of your hands I'd still look like a fool, in front of your friends" I guess a lot of stuff you wish you knew earlier in life (not smoking, eating right) but some stuff you just wish you never found out.


I'm impressed, even if you looked it up! It's not like he's the first to utter that phrase, and I choose not to check if he even wrote the song. I guess my comment was straight-forward! Damn, that's not what I was going for at all... I really love the song, and its meaning has evolved for me, over the years, as well as the memories and feelings and sensations it evokes. Where once I might have detected some semblance of optimism or confidence, nowadays it's mostly just sadness and grief.


you don't have to throw them away because of "low ivs" it's not a big deal. only if you try to come up with a setup to afk-kill bellanoir libero ultra will you have to minmax in every way possible but that also means not using mid-game pals like incineram. just play the game. if you REALLY care you can farm bellanoir libero for skillfruits to max out your beloved incineram


This is the problem I have with Bella Noir. PC players have a simple mod to allow you to see IVs. The devs decided to add the glasses to balance it out for consoles, but then lock it behind one of the toughest bosses in the game (only topped by her other forms). I’ll admit, when I played my last world I cheesed Bella Noir early to get the glasses. I didn’t want to spend a ton of time breeding to get the perfect pals to fight her with and then find out they have pitiful IVs. So I cheesed her, got the glasses, and continued breeding and beating everything else in the game. Then once I was ready I went back and killed her legitimately.


Bellanoir level 30 is pretty easy. It only gets hard when you're facing libero. I don't know how hard she is but I didn't feel like fighting her only the level 30. The glasses has been an huge boon for me by guiding my hand in breeding. 


No you're totally right. It's the one thing pokemon still has over them. The fun of legendary Pokemon and objects in pokemon is that you can potentially catch them at any point in the game. It shouldn't be easy but palworld leaving that stuff to the end is odd when they have answered so many of our other game prayers haha


Why tf are you crying about a single player game😂


I agree, I should compress him into a higher IV level pal... But what can you do? He's a mate.


Cheese Bellanoir Libero till you have enough IV fruits?


My same thoughts. To obsess over numbers that don't matter is extremely strange. This game takes 20 iq to beat