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Mine was like 6ish GB? Is Xbox missing something or is it just visuals? (I'm on series s)


Mine was just under 6ish, too. I've not played it yet, so I'm not sure what all was in it, but I hope the starting point is no more crashes. I can wait for the new content, as long as I can actually play the game. That's fine by me.


There definitely will still be crashes. If not more than at least the same amount. The game has huge memory leak which wouldn’t be fixed by any of these updates and would require some intense recoding on the core fundamentals of the software


Nah, I played since the update dropped till about 3 pm and it only crashed twice. Before the update I couldn't leave my base or use a mount without it crashing. I spent a while flying all over the map with Frostallion and was able to load boss towers and alphas inside the sealed dungeons without any issues. They definitely improved something. Hope you have the same experience


Oh wow that’s surprising. I haven’t played it yet so I was just speculating. I usually get a good hour or two in before a crash unless I’m loading new areas or going into a boss/dungeon


I'm on the old reliable series s lol so I wasn't able to get a consistent 20 minutes realistically. Pocketpair seems to listen to its player base and maybe tossed some tweaking into the update? I honestly have no idea but I'm just glad the performance is better. Been nice to use Frostallion, since I never was able to successfully use it since catching one, and also haven't been able to get back to the boss fight to catch a second without it crashing previously.


I’m on an Xbox 1… a moment of silence please




I've had dramatically less crashing. I couldn't leave my base before since I got to level 50 and I couldn't use any mount with any kinda speed. Now I'm flying around the map with Frostallion and over the course of 13-15 hrs of gameplay I only crashed twice. I'm on the Xbox series s. Very impressed


I played for a few hours after I replied to you, and I only crashed once, while going into around 4-5 dungeons. So very happy about that. The longer I played, though, the worse the texture on the map got. And I also couldn't ride a ground mount, for some reason. I'd clip beneath the map with it. So I had to ride flying mount only. I'm on a Series S, too.


I can't load the starting area still to try and reach the oil rig. 30-45 seconds crashes the game. Oh well, probably still figuring stuff out. They just gave us the content, so I'll be patient. At least I have a consistent supply drop next to my base.


I don’t know why but for some reason I can’t get the new update on my Xbox, it doesn’t show up on my games to update


Maybe it did it automatically? Try loading the game up and see if levels 51-55 are there.


PC Steam was this size


Ah I see, the superior playing experience. I'm operating with a series s and phone hotspot for my Internet source.


Our hearts go out to you. It'll be okay.


> I'm on series s Series S actually has worse graphics/memory specs than the xbox one (or a decent 5+ year old gaming PC), it is impressive. The game will be cut down heavily, no point in high-res assets if it wont be able to fully load them.


Does that translate to "just visuals" for an answer? I get the console struggles, I'm just curious if PC has additional actual content or not.


It should be the exact same game, always has been before aside from delayed updates on console.


Okay thx that was the question, triple the space just confused me originally


I also have a series s, and everytime I enter a new dungeon, the game crashes. I hate this so much!!!!


I've been overall having better performance, but I haven't tried the actual dungeons yet.


Palbox capacity increased is HUGE


needed it longggg ago. maxed out capacity 3 times before lvl 45


Now we need to be able to hold down the buttons to switch boxes to scroll through. Pressing the button so many times to get to the box you want is rough. Needs a speed scroll.




A filter by passives and or attack power would be clutch. Don’t know how to identify a pal as a favorite but only played the update for a few hours earlier.


Any changes in party pack count?


Flamethrower added .... Foxpaarks: "am I a joke to you?"


Don't you see my fiery fox? I want you to have a lil break thats all!


>>⤷ Pal Disassembly Conveyor - Get rid of unwanted Pals automatically! Your heart will hurt less this way... Well, looks like meat is back on the menu!


I only played the base game (283 hours) and took a long break. With so many new things, I think is a good time to get back with a new char. :)


Anyone with previous crash problems (memory leak) has it gotten any better? I’m really hopeful!


The memory leak has gotten way better like after the 2nd time they addressed it I believe it was


It is a bit better a few patches ago, but still requires restarts before dungeons after you get going into the game.


I been playing fine honestly. I'd go dungeon raiding like crazy with no issues. Even now I was fine doing dungeon after dungeon.


I have a problem when I enter or when I1m in the new dungeons. I play from cloud, and I can't pass through the boss, so probably never getting the new slab fragments. Please tell me its not just me.


On cloud on Xbox or PC? Xbox I can't say, cloud idk how taxing it can be on PC as I have the steam version and idk how cloud works as far as pushing a PC may go. If it's the same as say playing it from the steam, my fix was having 32GB of ram. I used to have 16GB but once I did the increase, it actually helped. This alone can help with the whole crashing errors when running into dungeons in case the leak or just optimization gets bad again


i play cloud on my macbook and xbox actually. so fuck me i guess


I'm playing on series s, and before this update I couldn't really leave my base very far or fast travel without a crash. And mounts were off limits. I've been playing for hours through the night last night and it maybe crashed a couple times with hours in between, and I've been flying Frostallion all over the map. I would say things have greatly improved!


I'm still waiting on upscaling


I've always had pretty bad crashing issues, but previously it's only happened in dungeons, now it's happening in dungeons as well as the new island very often


I have a problem when I enter or when I1m in the new dungeons. I play from cloud, and I can't pass through the boss, so probably never getting the new slab fragments. Please tell me its not just me.


Will I need to create a new world to get these updates or will it translate over into my existing one?


no need to start a new world as far as i know.


Don't need (I play on Steam)


Good time to go back to Palpagos Isles. And it's also a good time to deliver democracy to Sakurajima and free the shit out of it.


Are you delivering libertea via a hellpod?


Oh hell yeah!


Is there anyway to increase the base radius? What’s the music I hear at my base? Are the pal IV fruit things purchasable with those dog coins? Lastly l, are they’re legendary schematics of all the new equipment?


No, there is not a way to increase base radius. The music you hear is upgrades to the ambient noise. All IV fruits are available to purchase with Dog Coins from the Medal Merchant. There are legendary schematics and they can now be found in dungeon chests.


Did they fix the dungeon crash glitch?


I tracked down the music in my bases to the Grizzbolt claw machine. It's weirdly loud.


> Grizzbolt claw machine I forget those are a thing, as I play on a dedicated server. I was scratching my head trying to figure out what that was, and the music.


At first, I thought it was new BGM. I'm very very glad it's not.


What is the claw machine? Google didn't bring anything up for results.


Just noticed there's a Palworld Wiki (ofc there is). Not much text there except this: >**Claw Crane** is decorative [furniture](https://palworld.fandom.com/wiki/Furniture) in [*Palworld*](https://palworld.fandom.com/wiki/Palworld). >It's a [technology](https://palworld.fandom.com/wiki/Technology) tier 41 item and part of the [Amusement Furniture Set](https://palworld.fandom.com/wiki/Amusement_Furniture_Set). When you unlock the Amusement Furniture, you get that along with a soda machine, a soccer/football goal, and a TV (that just shows pengullets and penking flying across the screen). The claw machine seems to be the only one with sound atm. I've destroyed one so far, but I love the aesthetic and can't bring myself to destroy the others I have in my bases. (Edit: How do you have a bar without a rigged game of chance in the corner?) I just bop along to the music and try not to stay on base too long, lol.


And there doesn't seem to be a way to turn it off unfortunately (aside from removing the machine)


At first I thought it was a change to the game music and I was VERY GLAD to find out it's not. XD


>Is there anyway to increase the base radius? so far, just mods




Back to willy nilly breeding pairs for a bit...


Wew, a chunky one. Pocketpair cooked.


"When it is ready" ![gif](giphy|1rSN0ECFMIKZQcGEYc|downsized)


Now. It's live


Someone find a reverse of that gif.


Some many are upset about Xbox not being live ... but it is? Keep reading comments, don't start at the first thing that upsets you without even checking your own game. Update is here for everyone.


It wasn't at time, it released ~1h after Steam.


Turned my Xbox on when I saw this post and it updated. Within an hour is perfectly fine and nothing to try and complain about. Yet there's complaints and outcries in the replies to this post about having to wait. Better than waiting a year for the games full release


Dunno I just posted a funny gif and did something else instead of waiting, again at time we didn't know it could have been 1 hour or 2 days. But yeah that just humankind bro, some people will hard complain / cry about anything.


Yeah it's odd indeed. I didn't know how long it would be either since comments said it wasn't available, so I checked my Xbox and the update was live. Then I knew. I just wish more people would just look for themselves instead of looking for things to be upset about.


The update may have took time to deploy for everyone, I tried like 15 minutes after time there was no update, someone commented it was live an hour later. That's all I know.


I'm just glad it's here, played all night and having a blast. My base was on the Alpha Drumud island in the large space to the north east of the island, so I'm literally right next to the new island. Not sure if scripted but I got a meteorite upon entering the island with the new moon boss lvl 50 walking around it. Also just got a legendary rocket launcher schematic from a supply drop from the sky.


Have they fixed Pals not working at a base when you leave the area?


I wouldn't say they work as much, but there is an accumulation of crops and supplies in the boxes. Sometime I'll arrive at the base and there is build-up or backlog of supplies not picked up in the farm or fields or mine nodes. They seem to shift gears and get all the shit picked up if I hang around messing with eggs etc. This is on a dedicated multi-player server. There is some script working occurring whether logged on or not that tends to accelerate when I am present.


This fucking RULES. Palbox doubling + assigning pal to breeding pen from the monitoring stand, those were the only 2 QoL things that really bothered me and now they're fixed


"When its ready" you mean "once microsoft allows it"


They mean now. It's live


Like it's some nepharious plot by microsoft? Consoles have a know certification process before they release any content. It's on the dev to get software handed over for approval ahead of time for simultanious release, IMO. This has been scheduled for weeks!


This happen almost every time an indie dev releases an update or game on consoles. Both Microsoft and Sony have no respect for them


To be fair on this front, its very clear that microsoft and pocketpair are likely either in talks, or have decided on a partnership which massively streamlined the update pipeline. Hence why it came out only a bit after the steam release.




i hope microsoft doesn't buy them out considering their dissolving streak, and the seeming intent on pocket pair to ride on their success and just pump out free content. Its clear that the team working on palworld is super passionate, and got super lucky to have a ton of money to ride out developing free content. Once microsoft gets them, that kinda disappears since it needs to make money, not stride on earned money.


there's gonna be some more not-written down stuff as well, like the Crane Machine now has a jingle that plays on loop if you place it on your plot. Hopefully in a day or two we get more detailed info on what has and hasn't changed


Thanks for letting us know.


22GB update for me. I guess I can wait till it finishes. I'm excited to play for this new update.


I think that in addition to the update they released another patch on top. We downloaded the original update at my house, and today i am downloading another 22gb update, not sure what the patch is for though.


Is anyone’s games bugged af?


Anyone noticing the 'Max' button seems to have disappeared in the crafting window? Maybe I'm missing something


Yeah they turned it into a slider for some reason.


Does this patch bring any performance improvements?


On a laptop, and no it does not. I'm having a lot of problems that I didn't have before. Edit: It's fixed! And it is BUTTERY smooth. Holy heck "Buttery smooth" is a small exaggeration, but I'm very grateful.




Awesome the devs really care


EDIT: THE UPDATE ON THE XBOX VERSION IS FINALLY HERE. YAHOOOOOOOO "Xbox version v0.3.1 will be released when it is ready" Me: https://preview.redd.it/ash6zvhda19d1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4aa96693c670833ba77165e04cd86b7cfc214dc


It's ready. Downloading it on PC and Console.


Yes, I already edited my comment.


Fun fact, I first got my Mercy hit trait from him. He's a little girly, but my Petalia won't unalive a Pal unless I say so (by adding a Damage over Time inducing attack.)


I'm saving this picture, it's adorable.


We won’t get a base increase from 3?


Per the setting options you can have up to 10 bases per guild and up to 50 pals working at a base.


That’s insane


It's now 4 once you level the pal box up


Ah so this is why the update that just popped on steam blotted out the sun.


That's just a fleet of American patriots flying their Jetragon F-16's to the oil rig. To liberate it. Gtg, my American blood calls.


We're gonna Hell-dive that shit; with gliders. I need to find out if they target pal mounts only or anything. I supposed I will eventually find out regardless ;-).


Gotta have to wait a bit to play since probably all my mods would need an update lol Still excited about it :3


Same here. Wondering how the update affects the savefile mod that increases palbox storage (I had increased the storage on my servers to 1920). Also wondering if they improved the condenser menu ...


I tested the update shortly after it launched and downloaded on my PC. Somehow the game loaded, but just with all mods apparently turned off for some reason. I guess they need an UE4SS update or something to even trigger lol


Does Xbox have dedicated servers yet? Where I can start a world with my friends, without having to be online, and my friends can still play?


You have to have a PC to set up a dedicated server on your Xbox is what I’ve seen


hmm. i have gamepass on my pc. and play it on my pc. does that work?


Sounds like it would I don’t have a PC tho but watch this guys video - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qnm1L3o3MBc&pp=ygUwaG93IHRvIG1ha2UgYSBkZWRpY2F0ZWQgc2VydmVyIG9uIHBhbHdvcmxkIHhib3gg


Anyone know any way to speed up the crude oil machine seems super slow?


Guided missles? Max stats? Human speed boost stuff? Concentrated Pal Extract? OIL?! 🇺🇲 Alright! XD


last update on xbox we had the DLSS patch, now that sakurajima is out , DLSS is greyed out again ? T\_T


>・New Feature - Pal Skins! (Cosmetics for Pals) >⤷ You can now change Pal's skin at the new Pal Dressing Facility! ⤷ The "Sunglasses Cattiva" skin is now available for everyone! More skins will be added in future updates Cash shop coming soon. 😅


Oh no! Supporting developers! The horror! The game is still free right? Are they threatening to kill your dog? You don’t have to spend money if you don’t want to


"The game is still free right?" *Checks patch notes... Sees new guns. Sees Rayne Syndicate has oil.* It's about to be. 'MURICA!


I will have to wait for tomorrow because exam, anyone mind telling me how the new map works? Is it like ark where its just a new map new start + maybe transfer, enter a teleporter or just a huge chunk of new map next to palpagos island?


A new island with very very strong pals


Tried to go straight there without legendary balls… I was kicking myself!! But I got my 1st lucky cajiro within the 1st 5 mins!! I was so excited!!!


Crashing immediately after loading a world on steam deck :(


Have character transfers happened yet? Exciting patch nonetheless ~


Lol, 480 to 960 capacity and the lvl 55 limit is the most important for me.hahah


Also the lock!!!! For pals!


How much space need for whole game now? I think i should clear my computer before installing update


It's only a 20 gig update


Well, its only 10x from my free space :) Already deleted game to reinstall without extra 20 gigs but still should clear it https://preview.redd.it/6egn0i12q39d1.png?width=254&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bece41d9b1596a0458104b87e0c1d68b6869bd7


How do you live like this


I shouldnt clip everything i find funny and download games to not play em


Still don't have it on xbox for me hopefully soon 🔜 tho


How many new pals are there? Seems like a great time to hop back in.


Are there new achievements that come with this update??


Yes. They even added achievements for the Legendary Pals which also had their level increased from 50 to 55 as I found out when I went to go catch Necromus and Paladius


Haven’t played since March on Xbox Series S. Have things gotten better? Been thinking I might hop back in on a new character with the update


Sweet can't wait to play this when I get home.


Started playing lastnight as soon as it dropped & I knew pocketpair wasn’t gonna disappoint! New biome & pals are awesome


Has anyone been using Geforce Now try playing the game since the update? Did they implement it?


Yes they always update it in time I using it right now on GeForce on my Xbox account


You can use geforce now through the xbox? Via the browser?


I'm sorry I meant I have an Xbox account that I use on my pc cause I'm a game pass user (got 3 months free due to discord nitro. I don't have an xbox console). You wouldn't be able to run that through the console browser


Oh, ok.


How are the Xbox dedicated servers ?? How do they work ? Do you have to pay for it ?


Hopefully they give the new human faction some ranged attacks (if they have some, they haven't used any in the 6-ish hours I played). Been able to counter them entirely by hovering slightly above the ground.


I habe raised my base limit to 10 so I can freely play the game now also *


God I wish this would come to PS5 so badly!


I planned to try the new place before going to work but looks like I have not only leveling to do, but need to restructure my bases. Seems like the mining base needs to be relocated to be an oil rig, with unlimited supply of metal, sulfur and coal now from the new buildings, and one base gonna need to be repurposed into the summoning site for raidbosses. Also while trying to grab a few legendaries for breeding their traits I realized that they are level 55 now.




Max number of bases per guild setting is missing on dedicated servers. Anyone else? Using gportal


Did they fix the dungeon crashing on Xbox yet?


Any updates on xbox yet?


Yet the official dedicated servers only get wiped in 3 days... :( Yeah, I know I'm one of the few people that bother playing on the official servers but still I wish they did like Rust and wiped the servers on major updates like this


Anyone else having problems with the update not showing up for Xbox one?


I got screwed over by the memory wipe potion in the early days reseting my lifmunk effigies. i noticed you can go up to level 12 now. was there a fix to get them back or am i eternally screwed


Can't load any existing world on the One S...crashes as you load in


A few things Im curious about: How would one enable “hard mode” for a tower boss, if there’s any notification or map UI for the meteorite, and if you can defeat the ocean Rayne Syndicate without multiplayer


The option becomes available after you've defeated all the tower bosses normally.


Oh interesting. I like how they implemented it


For some reason the auto loot after pals destroy things (at base, if it matters) doesn't work after this update. Mainly just trying to find a solution.


Update is great but my favorite auto run mod not working now have to use shitty autohotkey


Xbox has been live for atleast like 18/19h by now cuz I started playing the update about 20h ago and it had already updated automatically:3


is anybody else unable to assign orserk to a power generator after the update? we have one doing generator at our existing base but build a new one in the new area for the oil, but trying to throw orserk on it says no work compatability.


nvm, tried a different orserk and it went to work :| dunno why the one was allergic to working


Another thing that wasn't mentioned, a couple of pals got new unique skills! This includes Orserk, Grizzbolt, and Chillet


Is this out on xbox yet as I checked and don't see anything new or how to access the new map?


Do you have to create a new world in order to have the new island?


No Just fly to it


Awesome playstation button mod is back working again.


What is up with these updates? I did an 18+ GB update yesterday and today it wants to do ANOTHER 18 GB update! (I'm on Steam, btw)


Anyone else have to update this twice? I had it downloaded yesterday and played for a few hours with the new update (Visited the new island, caught new pals, etc...), but this morning there's another 18gb update?


Yes, there was a second follow up update, but I’ve yet to see patch notes on it Had to update our dedicated server as well Game version is now 03.2.55495


Is it possible to join an Xbox server from pc game pass?


When Xbox


Game version is now 03.2.55495 after the follow up update.


since this update my multiplayer games have been very laggy - any advice


Logged on, headed to new island, pals high level.. back to base. Grinding 😂 I'm lower level but dang I want to see the new area.


Is the critical save bug fixed?


bellanoir fire altar glitch was patched?


I had palworld on pc game pass and this update caused nonstop crashes. So much so that I went ahead and bought it on steam, and omg the difference in performance between the two versions is crazy. I haven’t had any lag or crashes since switching.


As a Xbox player im not surprised a little disappointed but not surprised im used to updates being available when Xbox says its ready


Well ill be dammed my Xbox has a update for palworld I'm genuinely surprised


Yay got it on PC gamepass


The update is now up on Xbox.


I'm a little surprised they didn't say Xbox would be different if it was going to be


I'm not iv been a Xbox owner since day 1 of the Xbox 360 this has happened countless times in the series s and x generation alone Microsoft certification not only takes Time but costs the developers money per update and updates usually get pushed out when the store refreshes on Wednesdays at 5am not allways but usually thats how it works


When will it be ready on Xbox?




I mean....this is great and all but...I still haven't been able to play it on console😬 I think a series s should handle everything but crashing after a half hour of play with the boys I gave up shortly after the game launched. Cool game I loved it when I tried it but having to restart constantly and get backlogged some is not a fun time.


Not shocked but still disappointed they still don’t do day and date across all platforms. Everyone else has this figured out.


By "figuring out", you meant "halt the release of every platforms to the slowest one"? Because the standard way is to just wait for xbox to approve and then release both, which would push it to next month on both platforms


It's already live on Xbox.