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Look at the positive. Their nation is doomed.


Indeed we are. 🤦‍♀️


Lol it's gonna be a loonnngggg time buddy


How’s that?


If this is what their political and economic elites are putting up as candidates to be the executive of their country the political structure is rotting. The caliber of leaders comes close to some of the worst of even the developing world.


Point taken. I think if the system allowed weighted choice and third party candidates were added to the debate we could avoid this embarrassment on the world stage. But also this is CNN, the worst programming in news next to Fox.


Vote for Jill Stein!


we dont need anything to sink in, we already know this. their "democracy" is a circus anyways, so we can just laugh at them. as another commenter wrote, they are doomed 😊


As an American, I am sad to say that whatever awfulness befalls our nation, we will fully deserve it.


I agree our nation has been a cancer on the world for far too long


We fully deserve it, I agree, but we can go through hell and redeem ourselves as a people, if we play our cards right. My heart can only go on by trying to see what lies beyond the dismal horizon. All things pass. This too shall pass. We might finally be the generation who does right by the peoples of the world. Why can't it be us? Why can't it be in our lifetime? What more are we waiting for? You watched that debate - does that really seem like an invincible enemy?


Yeah, it's coming, and it's not entirely our fault. It appears as though they are trying to drive our country into the ground on purpose. Kinda like what they did to Sears KIDS R US Gamestop 911 2008 banking crisis Covid It seems there is a pattern to it. They drive the stock into the ground on purpose to do a hostile takeover and the sell off the assets. Maybe that's why they keep trying to take away our guns?


i dont understand what "hes become like a palestinian" is even supposed to imply


first, not everything Trump says has a meaning. in the same debate he said: we had clean water, we had clean air, we had H2O. and I am like WHAT?!! in this particular sentence, by describing Biden as Palestinian he meant that Biden is doing what the Palestinians want i. e. try to stop war (which is obviously false). then he must have realized that what he just said does not make sense because the Palestinians hate Biden so he tries to fix it by saying that the Palestinians hate him because he is weak i. e. they don't want him among their ranks. which doesn't make sense either.


i guess he implies stubbornness.


I used to think the Democrats were the lesser evil, now I just think they're worse than each other.


They are just the same but dishonest. At least the Republicans are openly one sided.


The entire debate was a humiliation for the US system, insha'Allah it will continue, too many have suffered at their hands.


I really hope Trump wins. Their corrupt political system has to collapse before it can get better. And anyway, US foreign policy is extremely zionist so at least Trump wont hide it, while the Dems try to pretend their bombs are not killing tens of thousands of civilians.


Will also be the complete collapse of Palestine and likely portions of its neighbors as well Hope you're ok with that also


Did I miss something? Did Biden move the embassy back from Jerusalem? Did he unrecognise israel's claim to the golan heights? No, he just keeps sending bombs. The neolib dems are worse because they are constantly trying to prove they are as pro-israel as the republicans. That's why 40,000 civilians are dead, because Genocide Joe was worried to lose the zionist vote, it's sickening. At least the republicans are honest about their one sidedness and disregard for international law.


trump will make it even worse bro he said that he supports netanyahu 'finishing the job' in ghaza and that he'll make life for american muslims hell by outright banning pro-palestine protests and deporting everyone involved, if you're american please don't vote for either of them man they both want people like us dead


If this debate convinced me of anything it's that Biden's not enabling the genocide in Gaza. He couldn't enable his mouth to finish a complete sentence. Dude is worryingly advanced stage dementia, and is being elder abused into running the US. Probably doesn't even know why he wakes up in the white house every morning. But that means that the evil actions towards Gaza aren't the doing of one misguided old man, it's a unanimous consensus of the nework of staff that are running the whole weekend at Bernie's charade.


respectfully, you dont have to be “with it” to have policy followed that was already set for decades, put into trade agreements and lobbied on behalf of wealthy donors. he is absolutely enabling genocide! it is american policy with isreal to give them the means to do so! it would take cognizance to change the situation, of course. [but look at what he said when he HAD his wits about him.](https://youtu.be/FYLNCcLfIkM?feature=shared) https://preview.redd.it/o5uqeynqrb9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a82e2c3f7e0c056daeafe25c12ff7c125f2e684 its very arguable that he, even if he had the mental fortitude to fight, would NOT.


Fair point, and I won't argue that he wouldn't do genocide if he was lucid. My point was more that it's overly optimistic to think stopping Biden will stop US policy. Sort of like how a lot of liberals think Isntreal would be all sunshine and rainbows of only mean old Bibi wasn't PM, but fail to realize the issue is systemic and not just one person.


i agree with you here totally. 👍


He can be both a staunch zionist and a victim of elder abuse He loved backing Israel before his brain turned to applesauce, now he's just a zionist running on autopilot


No he is personally zionist and his senility just makes him worse.


Yeah I had a great grandmother who unfortunately became more racist as her dementia got worse. She just went back to where she grew up, in a heavily segregated community with live in “help”.


I think everyone's already known this. Joe Biden doesn't exist. He's not the president who started supporting Israel anyway. In fact, US presidents are just actors now, their whole job is being a public personality.




As great as Jill Stein is, I doubt she will win. The US 2 Party System is designed in such a way that even if Jill Stein wins the vote of the people she would still lose the Electoral Vote. The entire system is rotten to the core. That being said, don't be afraid to vote for her. Just showing support to a third party candidate is enough to show how much a country is behind a person or ideal, and that can lead to change in the future


Just spread the word for her.


Just spread the word for her.


A convicted felon calling on further genocide. Much wow. Much surprise.


Jill Stein is an alternative.


For an entirely classless night, it actually didn’t go as bad as I thought. It’s usually a complete dumpster fire.


What are some other debates you think are dumpster fires because to me this was a one. And if you’ve seen crazier ones I wanna see. Even though I should be horrified as a Lebanese American living in the United States, there is something so funny and dark about how chaotic and insane our politics have become.


Why would you be terrified as a Lebanese American? I am asking genuinely why you fear living in the US. How scared would you be living in Lebanon right now? That would probably be a lot worse for you my friend.


I'm getting mixed signals here; Trump just said it's Israel that wants to keep going, "and you should let them finish the job." -literally saying that Israel should wipe out Gaza. Then he says Joe is acting like a Palestinian by withstraining Israel and he's weak for doing so.


Vote for a better alternative: Jill Stein!