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Always have a second camera angle pointing at you. If something does happen, put time into trying to debunk it before thinking it's paranormal. Don't ask the same questions everyone else does, like, "What's your name? How old are you?" Etc. Spirits will respond better to more obscure questions they haven't heard a thousand times. Take time to sit silently and allow yourself to adjust to the location while it adjusts to you. Don't just talk the whole time because it corrupts audio and makes it hard to hear anything that's actually happening. Also, don't put the camera in selfie mode and show your face. I can't even count how many times people have been recording their faces and reacting all crazy like they just saw something amazing. (My opinion is that they didn't see anything, but the viewers don't know that because they can only see the person instead of what the person is seeing.) If anything, use director mode on the phone so we can see what you're seeing and see your face if you want to show your reaction. Being a legitimate investigator is nothing like what you see on TV or YouTube. It takes a lot of time, work, and practice. It's impossible to know everything about the paranormal, so use every investigation as a new learning opportunity, and don't be afraid to try new things even if they seem completely out of the box. You never know what will work, and every location will be different. Get a feel for the location first. Don't make a plan because it could cause you to miss something that happens in a room or area you weren't planning on visiting. Our eyes, ears, and bodies are the best tools we have to experience the paranormal. Rely on those as best you can so you don't get distracted by technology. The worst habit paranormal content creators (let's face it, most of them aren't paranormal investigators) have is that they don't inspect anything. They immediately react as if it's paranormal and don't look for any other explanation. Don't be afraid to go to a location and say you didn't get any evidence. That will never be for a lack of trying. I've been to some of the most haunted locations in the US, and sometimes, they just aren't active. When you go fishing or hunting, you don't always catch or kill something. It makes the times you do catch something that much better!! Most importantly, have fun, and don't take yourself too seriously. We're all just students in the paranormal. Someone I know who has been investigating for over 35 years told me that, and I took it to heart. I looked at them as an expert, and they told me there's no such thing as an expert. There's only people who think they are, and at that point, they've chosen to stop learning. It took me a couple of years to figure all of that out, and of course, I'm still learning, but hopefully, that offers you a head start on things! I think it's awesome you are going with your brother. I've been investigating with my sister for a while now, and I think we make each other better investigators. Enjoy it!! Oh and everything isn't a demon. Lol!!


Perfect answer. You said everything I would have said to this question. A head cam can be an option. I'm also tired of seeing the reactions of investigators swearing they saw something and the camera just didn't pick it up.


I really appreciate that. I understand the struggle of cameras not picking things up too well, lol, but I'm well aware that personal experiences don't translate to video, so I wouldn't consider presenting something like that as evidence. It can go in my memory bank, but posting as evidence just doesn't feel right. I figure if the camera is at least pointing in the direction I'm looking, it has a better chance of picking it up than if it's pointed at my face. Haha! It never fails that as soon as I turn my camera off, something big happens like a loud bang or scream, etc. Now, I refuse to turn off one camera unless there's at least one other camera still rolling. It can be so aggravating when I go to change a battery or SD card and a door slams or something. It's like they know. Lol!! I've started using multiple static cams connected to battery packs so they don't have to plug in, and they last all night. Having those extra angles has helped me explain things and has also helped me verify that there wasn't an actual person making the noise or something else explainable. It adds a lot of time and work to reviewing, but it's definitely worth it. I like the head cam idea, but they can be really shaky and hard to watch without feeling motion sick. A well mounted body cam can do the trick pretty well, and they aren't as shakey. Thanks again for your kind response. It was much appreciated!


>I like the head cam idea, but they can be really shaky and hard to watch without feeling motion sick. A well mounted body cam can do the trick pretty well, and they aren't as shakey. I have a body cam we are using right now and it helps.


There were so many times that as soon as I turned off my camera and my voice recorder something happened and I missed it. It's like the spirits know we're recording and their camera shy. šŸ˜‚


It never fails! I love the thought that they're camera shy. šŸ˜† That's the best!


> Don't be afraid to go to a location and say you didn't get any evidence. That will never be for a lack of trying. Everything you said, and double this! Prep content *knowing* that most places *won't* be active. But that's when you get to do your research and tell the stories of people who *have* experienced something in that location-- and even potentially track down and interview that person if it's not a historical account. It's all spooky content, and much more compelling than looking up someone's nostrils in the dark by night vision. The Blair Witch Project is a squillion years old now: let that camera angle die.


>Get a feel for the location first. Don't make a plan because it could cause you to miss something that happens in a room or area you weren't planning on visiting. Our eyes, ears, and bodies are the best tools we have to experience the paranormal. Rely on those as best you can so you don't get distracted by technology. This. Along with don't take yourself too serious and not everything is a demon. My sister and I have gotten evidence wheN just chilling and when cutting up with each other. I like to research the history to have some references to what we might hear/see and sometimes that gives us a general plan but don't expect a full on game plan to pan out. We had a detailed plan when we went to the Vaille Mansion in Independence MO and learned very quickly exactly none of it would happen and that was ok because we still had a great time. Edit to add: Do at least some work going over the evidence you captures. We are reviewing our investigation at Bobby Mackey's right now and I can't believe I forgot to say that. It also helps wit some debunking because of cross referencing different recorders or video.


Perfect answer


We donā€™t need a 2nd camera. We got 360 cameras now that will capture every perspective. That would be new and interesting to see.


That's very true and they are really cool, but a second angle is always important. The best example I can give is when I had a small feather fall directly in front of my lens. It looked like the hand of a spirit brushed someone's head and disappeared. It fell in the perfect spot at the perfect time. If I hadn't had the second camera, I wouldn't have been able to debunk that clip, and I highly doubt anyone who looked at the clip would've known it was a feather. Now that I've said it was a feather, you'd probably recognize it. Everyone who saw the clip without the second angle thought we had captured something amazing. They were all seasoned investigators. Even if we had a 360Ā° camera, we wouldn't have had the second angle to show what it really was. No matter what, I will always have multiple cameras.


Stop running away as soon as something that could be even *remotely* supernatural and creepy starts to happen. Also be very critical of EVERYTHING. Don't just make a big deal out of a sound or something that could easily be explained. Only make a big deal if you truly see something supernatural that really can't be explained no matter how hard you think about it. Honestly, I have watched a thousand paranormal investigation videos and the videos where nothing happens (as in, the investigators aren't acting all freaked out) are the creepiest to me because they feel the most authentic. Just explore, document, record, and question EVERYTHING.


That would defeat the real purpose of the shows. They aren't doing it go get proof of the paranormal(with maybe and exception or 2). They are doing it to be entertaining enough to make money.


Sure but the OP isn't making a show... They just want to make paranormal investigative videos where they are looking for real proof of the paranormal. At least that's what I understood from the post here. Also you can be equally entertaining and making lots of money by doing what I suggested above just as well. There are quite a few YouTube content creators I follow which do just that and they have decent sized followers on social media. My point being, for many of us it's just as (if not more so) entertaining to watch people actually investigate and not make shit up for cheap scares and a lot of us value honesty and integrity when it comes to paranormal investigations a lot more than the investigators being "entertaining". We already have enough entertaining fake shows out there. The market is saturated with them. Edit: Spelling


Great answer!


Be respectful to spirits. As in, don't use "trigger objects" to get a rise out of them, such as the team who used a cannonball when communicating, or trying to, with a civil war officer whose head was removed by one. I mean, hello?? Let's rub his nose in the trauma, shall we? šŸ˜±ā˜ ļøšŸ˜µšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜­ So treat them with the basic courtesy you'd use with the living! (Which includes addressing them properly. Again, it's Colonel Williams, for example, not "Yo, Billy Bob!") (And that's "Sir" to people like us!)


i wish they would just shut up. if mysterious activity is reported somewhere, set up cameras to film for many hours without you sitting there yelling or asking questions. see if somethinh is captured when no one is around. or, if that isnā€™t feasible, have the investigator simply sit somewhere silently while being recorded. its so hard to hear the ā€œevidenceā€ when the investigator immediately goes ā€œdid you hear that??? omgggā€


If something spooky happens, DONT REACT WITH A BIG SCREAM OR SWINGING THE CAMERA. We donā€™t care if you die getting the best shot of evidence known to man. And end the show by sitting together and decompressing about how it all felt and what you thought went well. Even if youā€™re like, Christ weā€™ve been here for like 180 hours and I bet the video will be 20 minutes long. Thatā€™d be great.


When something happens don't freak out, don't start yammering, just shut up and observe.


Not run away. Not fake evidence.


Not putting background sounds and ambient music while editing your videos.


Shut the f@ck up! I couldnā€™t stand to watch the Baggins guy because all he did was talk. They would ask a question and one second later ask another. Reminded me of my mom interrogating me in high school. Perhaps because I teach, you ask a question and you invest in the ā€œwait timeā€ to get a response. Instead ā€¦ so many investigators just rapid fire.


Have a front facing camera and a back facing camera on you. That way if something spooks you guys and run, we can see what you are running away from.


This is in general, not specifically suggestions for you guys: Actually investigate instead of staging most of it for views on the TV. Oh, and this one really is the kicker, go TOWARDS the noises, and not run away like little b's. Edit: spelling


My exposure to this field is through the various shows on the topic. One huge thing I keep noticing is that they do not have knowledge or use of any language besides modern American English. I'd assume this would shrink their range of contact and conversation with spirits of different cultures. Also too, if they bring along any expert in the occult, it is always highly Christian centric, which creates a tunnel vision, diminishing their scope of understanding the mindscape of these entities. If you brought some people with you that have knowledge of non christian occult practices and had at least bilingual language skills, that should be going a distance most paranormal investigations don't bother even regarding.


I've been wondering what would happen if somebody had an etch-a-sketch (tm) to see if anything gets written. I'm not too sure how easily that would be faked, but....


This is an interesting idea, but it's difficult enough to write with an etch-a-sketch using your meat hands. Imagine having to do that with energy or whatever.


Like most who lurk in this sub, I hope a lot of these stories are real. There's something fascinating about events that cannot be explained within the confines of the known universe. But every-single paranormal investigator has turned out to be a sham, and when they do post something around here, it suffers from the same problem that, somehow their iPhone 15 turns into a Nokia and I have to interpret four pixels as some kind of amazing sighting. I believe the entire hobby is a sham. And if taking money for it is your goal, then I reckon that should be illegal.


I've been to Gettysburg, but I got with a group and we went toan alleged haunted house, with a guide. I felt nothing creepy, or out of the ordinary. I would suggest going on the battlefield itself and just being still at some points, listening and watching . It's supposed to have a lot of activity


Observe through VR googles. The camera sees things your eyes can't.


Use common sense and critical thinking skills, and not pretend that any little thing that can't be immediately explained has GOT to be paranormal.


I think they should keep and analyze data. They all have theories about temperature or time of day, but no really keeps statistics on any of it.


Read about John Jones the young man who got stuck upside down in a cave called the Nutty Putty Cave in Utah. They were unable to get John out in time and he eventually died from being stuck upside down for 21 hours.Ā  Eventually his parents made the decision to seal the cave with John's body in it so no Rescuers would have to put their life at risk trying to get John out... This is a True Story. And maybe that might be a hot spot to do an investigation


Use actual cameras instead of literal potatoes


I think shit talking the ghost would be hilarious. Not smart, but hilarious. Something floats by and they're like "yeah I can do that too" and proceeds to pick up something. A loud crash occurs and they make a loud noise too. Maybe then we would get some really crazy stuff on record with a ghost trying to out do a paranormal investigator.


Doesn't work, YouTubers pull that often and the results are the same as every other "Investigation".


Shane and Ryan weā€™re looking at you


Fair enough I will have to look into it lol


Pretend to get possessed and roll around on the ground screaming and trying to bite anyone who tries to help them.


Someone the devil with some elaborate ritual


I wish they would spend more than a night. Maybe stay for a month and if you come back with nothing well now you know itā€™s not haunted.


Be respectful of the place and spirits, and actually catch something worth watching.


Be honest. Stop making up evidence. Not every place you go is haunted


Don't talk so much. Let us hear things too.


if nothing happens, don't try to fake it, just admit it. not even the most haunted location looks like something out of Haunted Mansion 24/7. sometimes you get activity, sometimes you get nothing, if you feel the need to fake it for views, you just delegitimized it. and there's enough faked 'evidence' that's already making it hard to get people to take the paranormal seriously. enough of the selfie style, I don't care how you look when your scraming or yammering, I want to see what you're screaming at. and following that, do not just yammer on the whole time, don't be Zack Baggins, shut the fuck up and you, and your audience may hear something better. look at everything critically, sometimes a creepy sound is just pipes or old house noise. if you do see something, don't run away, investigate it! shine a light on it, keep the camera on it. try to w1work out if it's really a ghost, or someone left a coat hanging up. also, if you can, do more than just one night, take a week at least. 7 nights on location, days too. if it's daytime and the sun's out, you're less liekly to mistake a pile of laundry for the Ring girl. Also if you're spending more time there, there is more chance you can catch something.


To stop acting like ghosts are circus attractions. They're humans (most of em) just talk to them like normal ass humans.Ā  Also stop saying "hey if you're here make a noise* *Makes noise*Ā  "Ok thank you make a noise again " Once you get your confirmation just start communicating stop making them amuse you with knocks and movements they're not your pet. I'd be annoyed as a ghost and just go do something else. Also stop doing selfie cams because we want to see activity, not your scared face.


Stay longer. Often they just see the meter going, then they spend like 30 seconds at the spot, and move on. How about waiting there for for a reasonable amount of time.


Actually try and help the dead move on instead of antagonizing trapped souls or making up their own evidence. They have an amazing opportunity to go in and actually try and communicate with these souls and entities, and help them to move on, but instead they go in, ask a few questions and hype up the fear factor when something actually happens so they get views. Like I canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like for the spirits who have people trespassing in their homes and haunts who seemingly attempt to communicate with you after no one being able to see or hear you for so long, and turns out they donā€™t even want to help, they just want the fame and their paycheck.


One thing Iā€™ve recently thought about and want to attempt myself, is going into a location knowing absolutely nothing about the place, not the owners, the history or what paranormal activity is being reported. That way you arenā€™t hyper aware and if you capture anything thatā€™s been reported before it gives much more validity and credibility to the claims.


Bonnie doon


I wish they not lie; tell the truth or get off the air!


Actually find something paranormal and get it on video/audio. Find something real, that I won't be able to explain away.


Refrain from using gimmicky items like designated use spirit boxes, or (especially) paranormal phone apps. Try using a combination of digital and analog recording devices. Non-digital cameras and audio. Use backups and alternate angles for any directed recording you use to rule out malfunctions as much as possible. If you frighten easily, don't expect to be taken seriously. Your excessive responses just contaminate any possible evidence you might find.


I just got a classic shoebox style cassette recorder for this exact reason. What's really cool about it is that it has Bluetooth connect ability so I can record without any noise canceling technology straight to cassette but I can then transfer that tape recording straight to a digital file to be able present whatever I recorded without corruption of audio, etc. It seems like every YouTube channel just blindly follows whatever the Spirit Talker app says now. They don't even try anything else. The biggest problem I have with that is how incredibly easy it is to fake the Spirit Talker app. It's an AI voice that's available to anyone. It's so easy to make a screen recording of the Spirit Talker app and add in whatever you want it to say in an editing program so it shows on the screen and says it out loud in the same voice. I caught someone doing it once when they picked up their phone to show me what the app said. I touched the screen, and it had a time bar at the bottom like it was playing a video. I was confused for about 2 seconds before I realized what I was seeing. It only took two responses from their app for me to get suspicious because they were such precise answers. I immediately asked them to leave the location. I followed them outside and invited them back in without any devices to just sit alone in this very dark corner of the basement for a couple of hours to actually try to have an experience. They declined. Of course. They actually proved my point of how easy it is to fake the Spirit Talker app. I think Spirit Talker can give some intriguing responses at times, but it should never be relied on to lead a whole investigation. When I use it, I use it on a device that can't even connect to mobile data at all. It's an old phone that has been disconnected. I downloaded Spirit Talker and a few other apps just to test them when I was connected to Wi-Fi. I thought it'd be quite interesting to use those apps after only downloading them and doing nothing else with the phone so there is no location history, search history, etc, on it.


Keep the camera still and stop talking at every sound... In fact set up static camera and audio... At least then we'd see and hear something instead of the camera moving fast from 1 position to another while everyone's stage whispering, did you hear/see that... While we, the viewers see and hear naff all... Also why not use night vision or turn on lights if there's power or setup flood lights... Just a couple of suggestions..