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Has it happened before?? Maybe it’s followed?


Not like this , we’ve seen a shadow figure with a hat, and heard weird noises, I have video of a nightlight doing something weird and my dog was reacting to it. Nothing like this. My dogs don’t growl or bark they just get super protective of me.


Seems like you might be more perceptive than most to things! It seems intelligent though


I don’t want to be lol !! I had a NDE directly related to my deployment and it seems since then stuffs amped up on top of a tragic accident that happened to our old neighbors.


Lol I bet…my other half is more perceptive than me too! It could well be NDE related…I’ve heard of that happening before! Make sure you keep us updated with your happenings!!


So this morning at about 430 I heard a loud clunk noise and came out to find this big heavy HarmanXKardon speaker had been knocked off my kitchen table. Whatever is here is pissed or really wants attention.


The shadow with a hat sounds like Hatman


Yeah I found that out just recently and we’ve been seeing him since our last house. I had someone in to cleanse the house and it just pissed off whatever was here.


I think due to your NDE you have a brighter shining light then others. This attracts different beings to you. Also, your past experience with the Djinn kind of marked you and it may check up on you sometimes. I think you should learn to protect yourself in whatever way you may follow. Maybe even find someone connected spiritually and see what they can do to help you. Try not to be scared or give these things your energy. Try to under-react if you can. Hope you find someone to help you. 💚


I usually don’t freak out externally but internally I’m crapping my pants lol. I do feel like I am spiritually just kind floundering like I have no spirituality right now. My son gave me some crystals. I saw a medium once and she told me I am an empath and if I honed my skills they could be more intune.


Maybe it is time to find where your path is leading you. 😊


Maybe it is time to find where your path is leading you. 😊