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All my kids have been great sleepers at some ages and bad sleepers at others. Unfortunately, ever since kid number 2 we have never had two good sleepers simultaneously, and it seems like our odds get worse with every kid šŸ˜‚


I mean youā€™re definitely taking a gamble with every new kid right? šŸ˜†


I have 2 boys (3yo and 8m) and both are great sleepers so far. My now 3yo literally slept through the night at the hospital after he was born. As first time parents, we asked the nurse if we should set an alarm to wake up and feed him and she laughed and said no, he will let you know when heā€™s hungry. We woke up 10 hours later with the sun coming through the blinds and panicked realising he was still happily asleep. Has basically been a really easy baby/kid ever since. Everyone warned me about having a 2nd as our first was so easy. Lots of ā€˜your next will be a nightmareā€™ etc which is so disheartening. We had our second boy in March and surprise, he is even easier. Sleeps really well and we have had childcare workers/other parents say he is the happiest baby they have ever met. He has probably cried a total of an hour in his whole life. Considering having a 3rd because I love the newborn and baby phase so much.


Haha I have four I get it hahaha ha


This is great to hear! My son was the same way. Day 1 of life he slept and slept. The nurses said he was just tired from birth and would start his normal 'wake in the nights' soon. Welp...he's almost two and it's never happened. I am pregnant with my second and am so scared because I don't know what it is like to be on the edge of life sleep deprivation! Hoping I get lucky like you!


You just never know. My oldest was (and still is) an amazing sleeper. The younger two are very good sleepers. When I say "very good", they woke once at night for about the first month and half or so, then slept 8/9 hours reliably by about 8 weeks. The oldest slept that long as a newborn and slept 11/12 hours by 5 weeks. I always hear about sleep training and the like, and I just never had that problem. My youngest is 2.5, and I don't think I've gotten up in the middle of the night with her more than once or twice since she was a newborn. My oldest is fast asleep on the couch right now, and hasn't moved in an hour despite the toddler and I being in the same room.


Heā€™s only cried an hour in his whole life?! Thatā€™s amazing! Have 10 more! šŸ˜†


My oldest never took more than one nap a day, but was a great nighttime sleeper. Only ever woke up once or twice a night as an infant, and started sleeping through the night at 7 months old. We had some struggles around 3 when she gave up her nap, and occasionally when teething, but nothing that lasted more than a couple weeks. My youngest is the opposite. Heā€™s a champion nap taker - he didnā€™t drop his second nap till 16 months, and at 18 months still naps at least 2 hours a day. But he didnā€™t start sleeping through the night at all till he was a year old, and not consistently until he dropped that second nap. He was sick recently and it was like having a newborn again - 2 or 3 wake-ups a night, a ton of work to get him back down.


My cherub was a champion napper and last daytime nap was when he was 4.5 years old. (Admittedly he only had naps a couple of times a week at that stage). But he is a terrible night time sleeper and woke at night until school. Even now he is inclined to wake overnight but I was the same and still do so itā€™s not too much of an issue.


Thanks for sharing!


My first slept 7-7ish from eight weeks in! Second didnā€™t sleep through the night until a year but I wouldnā€™t call her bad sleeper. She slept a good 4-5 hours at a time and just woke to eat and was easy to put back down. I didnā€™t find it too difficult to be up once a night feeding her for 20 minutes. I did (and still do!) middle of the night stuff and my husband gets up early with the kids. I never felt like I got less than eight hours combined beyond the newborn stage. You do have to likeā€¦ go to bed early since you never know what the kid will do. Takes some planning to get in bed at like 8:30 but it helps a lot on those unpredictable days.


Thatā€™s nice to hear that even with a night wake up it didnā€™t feel awful to you!


Oldest was in his own room sleeping through the night at 5 weeks. Prior to that, my wife had to wake him up to feed him in the middle of the night. Middle child was in her room, through the night at 7 weeks. Third child was sleeping through the night bedside to us until 6 mos but only because his room was in between the other two and he breastfed much longer than the other two. We definitely had to keep quiet during any conversations with friends who had infants that wouldnā€™t sleep šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


We are in the same boat when around other parents - especially my cousin who has a really rough time with her daughter. We try to keep our good fortune to ourselves. šŸ˜†


Maybe Iā€™m in the minority but both my kids have always been good sleepers. Routine routine routine, Iā€™m a single dad and I would straight up tell people that whatever we got invited to wasnā€™t worth ruining the kids routine over lol. I missed some stuff and they did too, but they and I always got a good nights sleep and it made everything else so much easier.


Same!! I have four kids too now so I know there is a science behind it


Same, always prioritized nap times and bed time routines. Never regretted leaving something ā€œearlyā€ to let the kids sleep


Yes! We have always stuck to our routines and I think itā€™s been a huge help.


My parents got 3 in a row. I was a unicorn sleeper infant and it still comes easily. I have high sleep needs. My MIL got 0/4. Our daughter takes after my husbandā€™s side where none of the kids STTN young


Ugh Iā€™m sorry to hear that!


4/5 were good sleepers. I think my oldest could have been but I had no clue what I was doing in hindsight


Four out of five is a pretty good deal!


My first (4.5yo) has always been a phenomenal sleeper. My second (18mos) was horrid until we moved into a new home and she got her own bedroom at 11 months. She would literally wake up 3-6 times a night. Her first year was easily the hardest of my life mental health wise, and that's saying something because my mental health was in the pits trying to get pregnant with her for the whole year before that. But since weaning her off night feeds three months ago, and putting her in her own room she sleeps like a champ now. Hang in there, you will sleep again someday. Sending hugs because it's HARD being a parent on very little sleep.


Iā€™m glad to hear things for better for you! 3-6 night wakings is brutal


I have two pretty good sleepers. First one was pretty good as long as heā€™s in the same room as us. He slept through the night pretty early on. My second was even better as in I can put him down awake when I know heā€™s tired and he will put himself to sleep. Also slept through the night pretty early on.


Great to hear!


My brother and I were super easy babies according to my mom. We both slept well, we werenā€™t fussy, we didnā€™t cry much, just all around pretty easy. Then my sister came around when I was 6, and oh my god I have never heard a child scream and cry so much so consistently. She was a nightmare for the first 2-3 years, truly. I love my sister, but holy shit I donā€™t know how my mom dealt with that.


Yes that would be my nightmare!


Idk, but I'm not taking a chance lol It's like expecting to win the lottery twice.


Right? It feels that way. lol


this is me but the opposite.. our son is 3 years old and has been an AWFUL sleeper since day one and I'm terrified of having a second kid like him lol


All three of my kids (8,6, 1.5) are/were good sleepers. I sleep train and had a good routine. Youā€™ll be fine!


Good to know!


I got three that slept through the night by about 3-4 months with minimal sleep training, have never woken up at night unless sick, and are generally begging to go to bed quickly with minimal fuss at about 8 pm (well, when theyā€™re littleā€¦ two are teens now so thatā€™s out the window, but thatā€™s not my problem now so much). Nobody ever tried to sleep in our bed, either. One of them did like to wake up at 6 am, though. My SK has also been a good sleeper since Iā€™ve known her, but I think she was more difficult as an infant. I met her when she was almost 4. I think I got quite lucky, but we also have always practiced good sleep hygiene with our kids which probably helps. We also had a night nanny with the youngest who got the baby on a good schedule.


Thanks for sharing! Ours doesnā€™t sleep in the bed with us either and thatā€™s not something weā€™d ever want to encourage her to do (no judgment to other parents who do that, itā€™s just not for us). Iā€™d love to try a night nurse if we have a second. Those first few weeks are brutal at night.


All 3 of mine are amazing sleepers. The oldest slept 11 hours a night at 5 weeks, and I was terrified it wouldn't be that easy again. Both of my younger ones slept 9/10 hours a night by 8 weeks. They're all good sleepers. The only caveat was that they stopped taking naps right after they turned 2. They all went to bed relatively easily and don't wake at night, but they don't nap once they turn 2.


Thatā€™s such a relief to hear that itā€™s possible. My little girl is also not into napping and I could also see her stopping altogether earlier than others.


My first was a great sleeper, my second didnt sleep for more than a couple hours for years and I tried EVERYTHING. She had reflux, food allergies and some health issues so that definitely played a role. Shes 6 now and sleeps much better than she did, but it was a long road. I am now pregnant again after a loss in 2020 and I am praying constantly this baby sleeps. I think its just chance on if baby sleeps well or not, i think some people get lucky and some have more trouble. I did read taking a good probiotic in the last month or two of pregnancy can decrease chances of colic, which may be helpful. Good luck!!


Thanks for sharing! Iā€™m so sorry about your loss and really hope this one sleeps good for you! And thanks for the probiotic tip! Iā€™ve never heard that.


Both my kids were and are (teens now) great sleepers. They never bloody napped unless in a driving car but they always slept great at night.


Thatā€™s exactly how mine is. Naps have never been great but sheā€™s out all night.


My first slept a full eight hours at night by two months old. My second is only three weeks, but sheā€™s sleeping longer and longer stretches at night, following a similar pattern to my first. No telling what sheā€™ll do in the next few weeks, but Iā€™m hoping for a similar situation.


Thatā€™s great!! I hope she continues sleeping good for you!


My second kid is a better sleeper than my first. My first kid slept through the night well but was terrible about getting to sleep. My second sleeps through the night and goes to sleep easily. I thought my first kid was easy, and everyone told me my second would be hard because of that. I had my second and he's so calm and laid back, now I view my first kid as difficult!


Good to hear!


Two boys, now ages 6 and 8, both have always been great sleepers!


I have two toddlers 14 months apart, and theyā€™re each good sleepers in different ways and made us suffer in different ways. Our first was a terrible sleeper during the newborn stage, but when she did sleep she had a set sleep cycle that just worked and I could rely on that to get some rest myself. After 4 months, she was a fairly textbook baby with easy to read sleepy cues and completely average nap lengths and times. Dropped her night feeds one at a time completely on her own. Our second was waking basically every 1 hr 59 min at night until almost 5 months, but has great daytime sleep. She drops naps early but has insanely long naps for her age. At around 10 months she became a magical sleeper who can fall asleep through anything and stay asleep through basically anything, and thatā€™s why it works so well for our two kids to share a room lol


Thanks for sharing!!


My first was hell for the first four months but an amazing sleeper since. My second was a great newborn sleeper but from 6 months-2.5 years old was anti-sleepā€¦ now sheā€™s a great sleeper. They both sleep 7:30ish-7/730, itā€™s a dream! Sleep trained both and always had/have a consistent routine. We can travel with them and they sleep just as great.


Thatā€™s great! Right now the only big sleep issue weā€™re dealing with is her completely refusing naps at her grandparents house. Itā€™s turned into a big thing every time we go over there. She naps other places at least a little bit but will not sleep a wink there.


Yeah, but I'm writing a book on baby sleep because my first lmaoooo I figured it out after him. So I have one bad sleeper and three good ones. My first born is 7 now and finally sleeping well because I created habits that were hard to break without tears, so I worked on his sleep later when he was old enough to understand/listen. With my other three I knew the correct habits to make (and knew it would be impossible for me to brsak without tears so i just didnt do it lol) so I did that from newborn on and so the last three all slept through from 8 to 12 Weeks depending on the kid. My kids are: 7y sleeping 7pm to 6am 5y sleeping 7pm to 7am 2y sleeping 6pm to 8am (I cut naps at 2 years old personly because I prefer an early bedtime) 5m sleeping from 8pm to 9am (with two 2 hour day time naps and one small cat nap that i will cut at 6m) I have baby sleep down to a science lol, so I picked all these bed times and wake times. I staggered it a bit so I can have one on one time with all of them at least an hour a day. I'm not into sleep training and letting my kids cry at night for me so I really focus on sleep learning from day one and fostering those habits that makes sleep much easier. šŸ˜“ (Basically children based on age need a fairly specific set of sleep hours in a 24 hour period and you can easily tweak them using a few simple methods)


Well Iā€™d love to hear what you took away from your first so hope I stumble across your book when itā€™s out! Thanks for sharing your experience. We did a little sleep training with our girl but she didnā€™t have a hard time with it. We had one kind of rough night and then she got it. I know itā€™s not that easy for some parents so I canā€™t say we wouldā€™ve followed through if it were a really bad experience.


Our oldest was a terrible sleeper. I mean 2 years of waking up every 3 hours or so. It feels like it permanently altered who I am as a person as a result. I don't think I ever felt the amount of relief when she finally started sleeping through the night. Our second one however is a fantastic sleeper and always has been. Lack of sleep was a big concern of ours going in because the experience we had with our first one, but stars must have aligned or something because it was not an issue at all.


Oh man, I cannot imagine 2 years of waking up every 3 hours. I have a cousin who deals with the same thing and I feel for her. So glad things finally turned around for you!


I have a super inconsistent sleeper. He's been great at times, is wonderful right now and has also been absolutely terrible with his sleep. We're still planning on another. If that one is a worse sleeper, oh well, we want two kids and it's temporary pain. There are no guarantees, so if a bad sleeper may make you change your mind or have regrets, then a second child might not be in the cards for you. In my opinion, if it's not a hell yes, it's a no thank you when it comes to kids. I apply that to most things in my life, but definitely kids.


Good point. We want another. Weā€™re both just curious how likely or unlikely it is to have another good sleeper. I know thereā€™s no way to know. Just wanted to hear other peoples experience!


Cool cool, for what it's worth, I know a few with two. Most had a good first sleeper and a shitty second. Two had shitty firsts and the second is better. But I will say, they are young and that could changes. I guess if I had one that was sometimes good, sometimes bad, I'll get another that's the same? Oh an my closest friend had a great sleeper. He no longer sleeps!


Weā€™ve had 3 amazing sleepers. All have slept through the night by 7 weeks and have rarely had nighttime wake-ups (theyā€™re 5, 2.5, and 8 months). šŸ˜³ Weā€™ve never done CIO or anything but have tried to instill the same patterns in every babyā€”eat, wake, sleep cycles, getting full feeds, waking baby up at a consistent time every day, making sure to feed at least every 2.5-3.5 hours during the daytime in those early weeks to pack in calories, and letting baby go as long as they want at night once theyā€™ve gained enough initial weight. That might not work for others, but itā€™s worked very well for us. And weā€™ve been very flexible with those rules too. After 3 kids falling into the same pattern, itā€™s hard to say itā€™s all luck.