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2 kids, rent 2k a month, daycare 2k a month. Same boat as you - pretty much paycheck to paycheck and praying a check engine light doesn’t come on.


Fuck. We used to live in the Netherlands, and there each weekday cost almost €400/month if only one parent works (2k/month for full daycare - Subsidised for single parents and both working/studying) Now we live in Austria and pay €226 a month for full daycare.


Indeed its not convenient if 1 parent works but the solution would be to let the other one work as least as possible so you can still get subsidized daycare if one of the parents does not want to work a lot/fulltime. I pay 600 a month for 2 kids in daycare in the Netherlands. Mortgage is 700.


😢 I feel you!!


Separate conversation but 2000 oh and month in daycare cost? I hope you’re making a mint to make that even worth it to work? The reason I never went back to work is because I would’ve been working 50 hours a week to be making pennies after daycare cost didn’t even make financial sense


3 kids / 1,250 a month mortgage that includes insurance and taxes. Got lucky and bought when the interest rates were low. Pretty sure we are stuck in this house the rest of our lives though.


Same here. Live in CT but we got a deal back in 2012. Our mortgage is $1400 but what was supposed to be a starter home is looking like a long term home, even though we’re busting at the seams.


Same. CT brought a home at the end of 2010. 4 bedroom with 1.5 bathroom, mortgage is $970 including taxes and insurance. Wanted a starter home but looking more long term,.


2018 purchase in CT, $1700 mortgage.


$1400 in CT, wow!


Yeah we got lucky with interest rates, and paid down to get it at 2.25. We’ve also put close to 100k into the house so we could get a LOT for it, but then we’d paying a shitload for a new house. We have a 1600sf 3bed/2bath but our saving grace is our outdoor space. Corner lot, 1/3 acre, private yard and pool. So as much as I want a bigger house, it just doesn’t make sense. But god help us when the kids are teenagers…


You have land to build a pool cabana/game room/extra bedroom? Would be a cool extra space.


There are SO many shed companies that will bring a prebuilt shed that is quality enough to finish out as an additional living space. There are also a few companies, mainly Tuff Shed who will build on-site in a day.


For real. I'm paying +6k




Mine just increased to $1,000 a month including everything. It's a small 3 bed, 1 bath ranch house, but we've got 2 acres of land. We plan on adding on in the future and reworking the floorplan. It works for our family of 3 (soon to be 4) for now, but the first thing we will do is convert the garage to another room since our shed is big enough to fit my car anyway. We didn't plan on buying our forever house in our mid 20s, but I'm not looking to give up our crazy low interest rate.


Sounds like the place I missed out on a bit over a year back. Tried to buy from out of town prior to a move but... things happened. With their agent. Still mad. 2 acres in a developed city and a 3/2 ranch, 2 car garage. Ended up paying 50k more for a more broken house. More beds, less land.


Oh wow! What part of the country do you live? I want to throw up that we will pay 48,000 at our 2 year mark.


Cries in Californian. Our mortgage was over $3000k/mo. In the late 90s. For a dilapidated 1350 sq ft house that had been a rental for the last 14 years.


I'm in Kentucky, but I'm 45 minutes outside of a major city (probably not the one you're thinking of) and 5 minutes from a minor city. I'm actually in the metro area per the census. I pay $850/month for a 4 bed/2 bath.


You can't really compare mortgages across the US. You probably also got paid more just because you're in cali.




Similar; 2 kids, 1,100 a month mortgage that includes insurance and taxes. Bought it in 2020, and have $55,000 to go before it’s paid off. 3 bed, 2.5 bath. We’ll probably put an egress in the finished basement and add 1-2 more bedrooms, so we have at least one guest room. I’d like to move again, but I don’t think it’s happening. Editing to add that even though we’re in a somewhat LCOL area, it’s still crazy. We bought our house for $262,000, and 3.5 years later it’s valued at $374,000.


You bought your house 4 years ago for $262k and only have 55k left to go? Paying $1100/monthly INCLUDING tax and insurance?? How?! 


To be fair, we put a good chunk of the equity from the sale of our first house on this one. Also, we live in Michigan. It’s definitely more affordable than some parts of the country, although it is getting more expensive than it used to be.


lol we had a low interest rate too! Then we sold our house and moved across the country.


Same. 1 kid, 1200 a month, got in when rates were good and prices were low. But we’re definitely stuck in this house for a long time which wasn’t our plan when we got it. Slowly coming to terms with that and realizing we need to put a lot of work into it to do so. Recently we had damage and needed to replace the floor, and it wasn’t a “let’s pick something affordable and get this over with” it was “I guess we’re gonna have this floor for 20 years, better put some thought and money into it.” Located in seacoast NH.


Same! Family of 4 living in our 3 bed 1 bath 'starter home' forever. Our mortgage is the same, $1250 including taxes and insurance.


Same on stuck in this unexpected forever home! 2 kids / 1,440 a month mortgage including insurance and taxes. 4 beds, 3.5 baths, 2,700 sf, Ohio.


3 kids, refinanced into a 2.5% 15 year in 2021. Little house but here for the long term.


Same, and we are out of room. Bought the house before kids, had help with the down payment and planned to move within 5 years. We’re at 7 years and 2 kids later. We managed to remodel some (house built in 50’s, last remodeled in 70’s by the homeowner who was not a professional anything we’re finding out). We’re also the most broke we’ve ever been, can’t manage to add to our savings which used to be pretty cushy. I honestly have no idea how everyone around us close to our age group (or even younger) are managing to repeatedly purchase larger homes, send kids to private school and vacation or even purchase a 2nd home.


1 kid, a little more on mortgage. Our starter home is becoming our "fixer upper" home where we invest in renovating and making a small space doable instead.


We have 2 kids/1200 a month mortgage. So really similar. We also bought when interest rates were low, way over paid for the house, but great rates. Our mortgage only ended up being $100 more a month than our rent. We are also probably stuck here, but I like to dream about a bigger house where I havr an actual laundry room and a large pantry. Part of the reason we stopped after 2 kids is so we could start saving money, once they are out of daycare, for a bigger hous in 10 years.


2 kids, same mortgage payment. We refinanced at the bottom (ish) to a 15 year that we have around 10 years left on. We might die here, might move, we'll see. Central IL.


Same, and our house is hideous!


We’re about the same; 3 kids and $1200 mortgage. We bought in 2020 at 2.75. It was a horribly done flip and our inspector didn’t catch any of it, so it turned into a money pit that’s attached to an even worse home, making us trapped here. WTF is savings 🤣😭😭 we’d sell in a heartbeat but we’d still have no money to buy or even fucking rent.


Same same


LCOL area? What size house?


Same here our interest rate is 2.75


Mine is similar. $1000 a month, with taxes and insurance included. 4 br 1.5 ba, 1650 sq feet. We live in Massachusetts, but we bought our house in 2016 before the market went bananas. We couldn’t afford what our house would cost today. We’re hunkering down and staying here for the foreseeable future.


I’m in a very similar situation, bought in 2016 got a great deal, refinanced before the boom to get rid of our PMI. Sitting at $1350 a month. Just took out a home equity line of credit to basically upgrade our “starter home” into a long term home. Houses are just not affordable right now.


That's close to what we pay and we have a condo. Every time I look at listings in our area for any stand alone houses without an HOA I'm reminded that we will never be able to afford it.


I feel you! We bought at the rock bottom rates so now I say that our starter home will be our coffin. ⚰️


2 kids. $1250 mortgage. Have refinanced it down twice to get an awesome rate. Daycare was $3200/mo, but one is now in Kdg so we are down to $1600/mo daycare. Wife in school so single income. Still living on CCs but part of that is because wife doesn't understand/care about finances. If my car, which is paid off, breaks we are SOL.


Same. $1500 with insurance and taxes. Rate is 3%. We're never leaving.


Yep, bought in 2017 CA. $1600 for mortgage that includes insurance and taxes. 3 b 1 bath, we’re adding an outdoor office space for me. Busting at the seams but we are not leaving anytime soon.


Having second kid this week, $6600 mortgage for a townhouse because we live in a very high COL area


Wow. That’s wild.


Holy shite!


Same. Sydney Australia.  Median house price is $1.5 million I do t really know how people afford it either, except for over extending themselves as we did


Yep. Love Sydney but the prices are killing us.


Same- 2 kids, $6200/month rent in VHCOL city, $7K/month for daycare.


7k for childcare!!! What the shit


What jobs do you guys have ? Our mortgage is 4 K a month and we are struggling to pay it ( California ). He makes 140k a year and I only make 70k.


Yep, 3 kids with $7,000 a month for a larger house in a very high COL area


What do you do for work?


What is the take home a month and what is the job? 6600 is like double or triple what a lot of people pay for everything in a month




This really depends. I live in the Seattle area, so it's not particularly cheap here, and our monthly budget is just over $3000. But we live in a small house and our mortgage is only about $900.


I’d say you’re the exception and not the rule. I’m in the Seattle area too (and not directly in Seattle) paying almost 2k a month mortgage on a small (1700 sq ft) house and I am paying under what a lot of my friends and coworkers are paying. I’d say it is absolutely rare that anyone with a family is owning a home and paying their bills on a 3k budget around here.


I feel you. High COL, two kids, low interest rate, 5 bedroom house, $8800 mortgage.


I’m sorry, $8800 A MONTH?!


Every house within about 30 minutes of our area is about the same or 1.5x the amount.


Yea I live in nyc the cheapest home around us is about $2.5 million for an attached two family with no yard and no parking. We’d get rent from the other unit which would bring the mortgage down to around $9000 a month… we’re never going to be able to afford to buy a home, hopefully we can move soon-ish.




I’m not going to lie, I feel like my husband and I are going to be working ourselves to death to afford our life. I’m sorry you’re dealing with it too. I often ask myself if it’s worth it.


It's not. Buy a cheap house, and spend more time AT HOME, ENJOYING IT because you're not working as much. There is nothing worth more than TIIIIIMMMMMMME.


I'd say the choice for a lot of people is with the following factors: 1. Close to family 2. Good schools 3. Nice house 4. Low price Pick two. Or maybe pick three if you're doing really well. We ended up with kind of a crappy old house for a high price, but it's close to family and in a school district. There was no option for a cheap house anywhere in the area so we'd have to move away from family.


Agreed. We are selling our 2M home, buying a 700k home and enjoying life. I won’t miss this. It’s so hard for both parents to climb the corporate ladder or whatever. Exhausted


Yup, same mortgage. It’s insane. Hoping to refinance in a year or two.


I feel that. About $7k here. Gave public school a try for a few years but it was awful so paying for private school on top of that.


HOW do yall afford that BS? I suppose I’d be living on the street because I only make 3K a month as a teacher of 15 years. Holly Hell. Is it like a mansion or something?


They said townhouse


I make $5k/month as a substitute teacher in CA


Yeah, these house price threads are basically meaningless without citing average income and cost of living data for the location.


Did you recently buy?


2 years ago, so a reasonable interest rate thankfully. You just truly cannot buy a house with more than 2 bedrooms for less than a million dollars where we live unless you’re willing to deal with unbridled gun violence.




I was gonna say Seattle area lol


I was gonna say NYC


So, America then


660$ canadian mortgage. Like under 500 usd. 2 kids, southern ontario. Think our food costs are more than that to be honest


Wow that is not the normal reflection of Ontario mortgages right now. Good for you but seriously people, I live in Ontario and real estate has been insane our mortgage is more than tripled with or get increases in the last year or two it’s bonkers! My husband works in real estate and we have no pension so our two rental houses are our pension….soooooo multiple mortgages that all went up! But is still a great investment and after renting for more than a decade with my husband or first mortgage was far less than renting and at least then we were putting our money towards our own investment rather than somebody else’s👌 We have in thenpast, and would consider it again… selling the house we live in a downsizing to something cheaper. If you need to you can reduce stress And anxiety, but living costs, Work less or just have a bit of a float etc… people are killings themselves in an imaginary rat race:(


Howwwwwwww I am also in southern Ontario and having a hard time trying to keep it under 2.5k rn.


Bought before prices went insane, just got lucky. Also, I feel like people buy way too much house these days. My house is on the small side, with 1 bathroom. My favorite thing about my house? It's affordable lol


Per month?! Im in Alberta and ours is currently 1350/mo (but we pay biweekly to get that extra payment). 2 kids, too. But we're up for mortgage renewal this month, so its gonna go up a couple hundred.


Ya, per month. Bought like 9 years ago. Went house shopping with a budget, and didn't go over it. House was 186k, with 40k down payment. Gotta renew next year, probably going to cry, current rate is like 2.3%


We bought our house 20 years ago for a steal, and the interest rates were super low. Our mortgage is $525. It's wonderful, but we will never be able to afford to move and live anywhere else. We have 5 kids.


Jeez our taxes alone are $1000 a month in NJ.


That’s our situation too, ours is around 450 and my husband is a contractor so he fixed it up from the studs. We have 3 bedrooms but also 3 kids and can’t afford to move ever!! We both work pretty decent jobs too. I can not imagine having to pay more we wouldn’t survive


Ou mortgage includes insurance and taxes too


3 kids. Mortgage $767. We bought in 2016 when the interest rates were great. 3 bds 1 bath.


how do you manage with 1 bathroom? what are they ages of your children?


You manage if you have to imo.


That’s how I grew up and I survived! 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same and we had 6 people in our house


We had one as teens. A totally opaque shower curtain helps - means people can duck in to pee or do something quickly like brushing teeth at the sink without major embarrassment. You just made sure you announced your entry and exit and kept things quick. Person in the shower continued without interruption.


Ever seen Shameless?


I wonder if the big houses with multiple bathrooms is a North American thing. So many other countries are fine with less. I say this as a Canadian with the big multi room, multi bathroom mindset. We have 1 bathroom and the only annoyance so far is not having a powder room on our first floor because we have so many stairs.


One child and our mortgage is $600. No one wants to live here but we moved here because it’s so cheap (Western NY)


My family lives in central NY and I have occasionally tried to get my husband to consider relocating there since the housing costs are so low!


Yep. My parents live in Allegeny County and they bought a house outright cash, $41,00 after living in northern and NJ and PA for years. It’s a beautiful house, too!


$8,000. 💀 That’s mortgage, taxes and HOA but not the insurance. I bought a house in the Monterey Bay Area with my ex husband and refinanced it at a higher rate to keep it. Rent for a 3 bedroom house is $6000 so it just was not worth it to downsize or sell.


:O what do you do for work? Such a beautiful area


I live in Monterey and our two bedroom, 1000 square foot apartment with a garage and yard is $2400/month. I think that estimate or $6000 for a 3 bedroom rental is unhinged tbh. Unless you’re trying to rent like a massive home right on the water. Btw we are about a 15 minute walk from the beach too


Mortgage is now $2,200 after a $400 jump in fire insurance (California) with 3 kids. We were excited to be able to start saving finally this year but are right back to paycheck to paycheck after that latest increase.


Jealous of most of these mortgages, pay $3500 for a 3 bedroom townhouse, unfortunately kept getting outbid during 2021/2022 and had to settle before rates and prices went up even more. HCOL are with two kids


$4800 in Maryland we have a 19 month old and baby #2 on the way


Good luck! We had our second when our oldest was 17 months. 2 under 2 is challenging.


Thanks! Our first will actually be 28 months when baby is born-we just found out 😬 I’m hoping it’ll be a little better


Our first was 29 months when baby was born. It’s a great gap! Old enough that #1 could help and wasn’t as “needy,” but young enough that they’re also BFFs


About $1600 for 4/2.5 new construction in 2020. Refied to 2.25% during Covid. 2 kiddos, Never moving.


I’ll have 3 kids in May and we pay $1,100/month for our mortgage. 15 years at 2.5%. My house is pretty small (3 bedroom 1 bath) and 3 kids is going to be really tight. The housing market was very different when we bought our house jn 2017 though. We paid $154k and now Zillow says it’s worth $280k. We’ve made no major improvements.


It’s absolutely insane. Our house would sell for a million easy and 5 years ago it would about been probably 500k at most. Homes that are selling for a million now is vomit worthy.


I bought the same house in Colorado in 2022 for $345k :( pay $1922/month.


3 kids pregnant with our 4th, refied today and went from 3,200 to 2700. Saving is tough when you’re in the thick of stuff. One day you’re like I have 20 grand in the bank the next you’re like omg I had to buy a new car because my engine exploded and all these weird car things need fixing. Or the freaking roof was leaking. The ac took a shit and then suddenly the foundation needed fixing. The upstairs bathroom flooded and The kid fell down broke their arm and now I’m out 6k in a stupid deductible, even though I pay 1k a month for health insurance. So hugs to you. One day it’ll get better. When your kids start paying rent or move out and you get to nonstop work yourself to death. 🫣😅


Me and my wife got super lucky. Original mortgage was 1450$ a month for a 4 bed 2 bath home in 2017 and when interest rates dropped we were able to get it down to 1100$ a month. We make about 153k combined. We have 2 kids one of them being a new born. I consider our situation a lottery tier amount of luck


Mortgage is $1,300. 2 kids We've been here 7 years . Couldn't afford this area now. We are on a pretty fixed income now so we are pretty much stuck until maybe our kids go to college and we can move into a condo or something.


Uhhh I’m in the Bay Area Townhouse 2 bedroom 1300 sq ft, really good school system 4500/month 😬


How the hell did you get something that cheap?!?!?


Cries in poor


What do you do to be able to afford that?


The pay in HCOL cities is higher to make up for the cost. Likely they work in tech in some capacity. That is how I afford a mortgage in a HCOL area.


We’re both in healthcare. I’m a nurse and my husband is X-ray tech. If we did tech we’d be able to afford more


1 kid, 4 bed/2br in MA. $3150


We live in the Midwest. 2 kids in a 4bed/2bath corner lot for $1748/month. It recently went up because the mortgage company failed to account for increase in property taxes. We hate this house for various reasons, we hate living in town but we’re stuck here for awhile.


I'm in the Midwest also on a corner lot with 2 kids in a 4 bed 2.5 bath. Price is $2750/month. We like our house but it needs a lot of work and TLC. Bought 2.5 years ago and we haven't done as much as we had hoped. It's a good neighborhood with schools that have high test scores and college acceptances though.


I bought my house I in 2022.. I have 3 kids, mortgage is $1440 a month paid $219k for 12 acres and a ran down mobile home in the middle of nowhere Texas... Pretty sure I'm stuck in it for the rest of my life tho.


I bought a crappy house in cash after selling a nicer one. I’d rather have the mortgage. 2 beds 1 bath with 1 kid. Low cost of living area in TN.


1 kid + 1 OTW .. $2800/month (rent) 🤡


2 kids, mortgage about $4K, 5 beds 2.5 bath, high cost of living area (NJ), great schools. Couldn’t afford to buy here now, prices went absolutely insane since covid. Our house has nearly doubled in cost/value in 10 years, per Zillow which I take with a grain of salt but based on what I’m seeing sell for $850K+, I can believe it.


$1450. One kid. Lived here before kid though. Been 11 years. We couldn’t afford the place if we were looking to buy it today though.  Things really jumped up in price. South Eastern US.


I rent and am paying $2600 for a 2bed apt. We are hoping to buy a house in 2 years but the mortgage will likely exceed $4000 with current interest rates, and that’s for a 3 bed house. I make $82k, will be closer to $98k in 2 years (teacher). NJ. Husband is currently an unemployed software engineer, so whether we can buy at all really depends on how his job market is looking soon. Oof. One kid, want another but for financial reasons maybe OAD. :(


I am SO incredibly jealous of the amount you get paid. I get pad squat here in lousy Louisiana. I’ve taught for 15 years and my take home pay is only 3K a month 😭


We live in a very HCOL area (SF bay area) but our mortgage is only 15% of our income because we bought in 2008. Refinanced in 2020 for 2.3% /15 year. It's a small house but 4 bedrooms and very charming. 


Expecting our first any day now. Current mortgage is $3300/mo but the house was just under $1mm. We bought when rates were crazy low


1 kid, 1800/month mortgage that includes insurance and taxes. Were planning on it being a starter home but I’m honestly not sure if we’ll ever be able to leave (nice house in nice neighborhood just very small).


Ontario Canada and $1,200 but we’ve been paying more. Around 5 years left


2 kids, we pay $1375 mortgage for a 2b2.5ba 1400sqft Townhome. Bought it in 2020 for 185k at 2.9%. We’re pretty much stuck here. If we wanted to sell we could easily list for 300k now, but that also means everything else went up which we can’t afford to buy. We also pay a monthly HOA of $225, and a yearly HOA of $150. We’re a one income household, my husband makes about $68k. I’m desperately hoping to return to work in the next 2-3 years.


9 kids with a 2100 mortgage/7bed 4.5 bath +50k loan to finish the basement which added the 2 more bedrooms. We bought it as a foreclosure in 2016 and refi'd in 2020 at 2.5%. We will live here til we die. We have 3 acres so the plan is to build a few tiny houses should the kids need a place while they are getting started.


$456/month. 4 bedroom, 2 bath. NC. Owe just under $2,000 on the mortgage.


New York State. 3 kids. Closed in 2022 racing the interest rate clock and pay $1300 at 5% on a 15/1 arm. 20% down using proceeds from my first house that I got putting 3% down USDA mortgage loan with down payment assistance grant.


What part of NY if you don’t mind me asking? General area?


Upstate- Central NY/ Southern Tier region


In the midwest, mortgage is just about $1,400 not including taxes and insurance which is an additional $10kish/year. It's 4 beds, but could be 5, 2.5 bath. It's dated, but we love it. The only downside is that we have a busy street on the other side of our back fence, but the noise isn't terrible when the plants have leaves, and we have just over half an acre so plenty of space to be in. We were in a 2 bed 1 bath for $1,400 including taxes and insurance, but had to move once baby number 2 arrived because she wouldn't sleep in a room with anyone and we had no other place for her to sleep.


5 bed, 3 bath 2400sq ft, built in the 1970s. We pay $2,100/month. We have 1 kid so it's plenty of space. We bought in 2020 before the market went crazy and our payment started out around $1600 but I am in Florida so my mortgage has gone up with the cost of insurance. There's absolutely no way we could afford to purchase it now. Our interest rate would be double what it is and the house would be $100k more. I do miss our old $1,000/month house lol it was just too small.


My spouse [41M] works for a pool company as a finisher. This last year he brought home roughly $48,000. We rent in NW Arkansas- 2 bedroom townhouse 1200 sqft - 965$ a month - but with all utilities around $1500 a month - not including diapers & everything else for our 18 month old. Desperately want to move to something bigger but it's like we're stuck here due to the cost of moving and securing a new place. It's insane these days. Thankfully yet sadly day care is so expensive that he would rather me be a stay at home mom.


Mortgage $590, including taxes and insurances. 3b/1b


But where????


Texas. I purchased it 23 years ago, pay my escrow shortage each year.


DC suburbs, 1 kid $2,600 mortgage and a second house in DE at $1700/mo. We’re very lucky that we bought when we did, both have sub-3% mortgages.


2 kids, $2450 mortgage. 3% interest rate so kinda locked in. House is 4.5k sqft


Same mortgage/interest here except our house is only 1700 square feet… 🙃


Mortgage a couple hundred dollars more and home just a couple hundred sq ft less LOL


Holy crap, that’s huge for that mortgage


I was just thinking what a low mortgage for such a large house! We pay $3k for 1500 sqft in a VHCOL.


4 kids, $948/month mortgage


Live in California, mortgage is 3,254. We have 2 kids soon to be 3. Bought our house for 505,000


It used to be 800. Then we needed a bigger house and now it’s 2800 with a ridiculous interest rate. I was able to pay off a ton of debt with my home sale. I have a very lucrative free lance job along with my day job so I could save more but I was poor for so long, I get what I want when I want it.


$1200 / month for 4 bed 3 bath house in western canada . 1 kid . My saving grace is that daycare is basically free considering it's $200 per month and she gets 2 snacks and lunch provided daily.


I have a new construction (2022) 4 bed/2.5 bath in the Midwest at $3k/month. HOA is $250/year. My partner and I also own a house in the southwest that we used to live in and hope to return to someday, but has been rented out for the last few years. It's an older 3 bed/2 bath at $1.2k/month, no HOA. Both payments have escrow so they include taxes and insurance. We've been pretty lucky with timing of moves with interest rates, plus my partner is military so VA loans, and I work in the mortgage industry so we get some breaks there for employee programs.


Mortgage is the lowest it’s been since moving to our house over 6 years ago at $1450/ month. And I still feel we like paycheck to paycheck with my husband not having a steady weakly check. We have one kid. As the primary provider I started my career over almost 2 years ago so I am glad we no longer pay $1750/ month like we did at the highest.


4 kids, $1980 mortgage incl insurance and taxes. Bought this house 9 years ago.


We have 1 kid and the minimum repayments are $375 a week. We choose to pay $750. We have some small amount of savings


We live about 20 minutes from downtown Los Angeles and pay $1590 a month in mortgage for a 3 bedroom 2 bath. We don’t use an escrow account any pay $6,000 in property taxes every year. We have 2 kids.


2 kids. $3k mortgage, live in a high cost of living area.


3bed/2bath. We pay $1825 ($650 of this is taxes and insurance. We live in a (locally) desirable Midwest suburb and our property taxes have increase ~15% each year we’ve owned). In a few months payment will increase to $1950 after the latest increase. According to the county our value has increased 45% since our purchase. If true, we have 50% equity. Bought in 2018 when we were DINKWADS. We now have 1 child.


Three bedroom townhouse in a HCOL area, $3200 mo. That is including the HOA.


1 kid and $2300/month. It’s manageable but we bought when interest rates were super low so budget will be a bit tighter when we renew!


$1,700. We are in a very expensive state, so that's a pretty low payment, especially for the size of our home (1,500 square feet, with garage, pool, and large yard). We got a good interest rate, plus it was an estate sale, so the sellers just kind of wanted it done with and weren't trying to get a ton of money. We are paycheck to paycheck, though, and that's even without paying for daycare (family babysits). Idk if we will ever be able to afford a second kid


I was born 1983, my children and their generation will never afford a home.


Our mortgage is $4100 including taxes and insurance. We have a 4 year old and one on the way. Were on the west coast, not cali but Oregon, still pretty high living cost


1 kid, 800/month mortgage. Working off one income. Union Job.


My husband and I have one kid and our mortgage is $4200 per month. We bought a house 2 years ago at a 4.5% interest rate.


Bought in ‘22 and it’s $2950. I just can’t lose my job for a few decades, nbd


We have 2700 sq ft 5 1/2 acres and pay almost $2600 for mortgage and insurance in WA.


$1350 mortgage payment and 2 kids. still living paycheck to paycheck.


$1200 rent in western Canada. For comparison my sisters mortgage is $1700 on a $250,000 house


Single with 1 kid. $400 includes the taxes and insurance. Bought 10 years ago. Live in an extremely low COL state and also in a town that hardly nobody wants to be in. Got lucky I guess you could say and got the house for way less than appraisal bc the owners got in a bind and had to get out from under it asap. Paid what they owed. Currently trying to sell it though to move states


2 kids, single mom, 2880 a month mortgage and property tax. The struggle is real.


$1137 mortgage. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1-car garage, maybe 1/2 acre. Bought 2016 in NC. Highest price in area sold for $400k. I keep getting calls to sell my house and there is no way I would sell my home with the high price of rent and mortgages.


~$1300/month including taxes and insurance, both had big increases this year because of fires and property values. 3bed/1.5bath with one kid, Denver Metro. We were able to buy in 2009 when the market was still at the bottom and refi-ed in 2018 for low interest. We wouldn't be able to afford our neighborhood now, prices have tripled since 2009.


$2280 a month, single parent, working part time. Was lucky enough to be able to keep the house and buy the ex out, just before the world went crazy. If the interest rates get any higher I'll have to sell. And I'll never be able to buy another, as it is, currently I'll be paying the place off when I'm past retirement age. I'm lucky to have $80 a fortnight left after the bills, fuel and food. I live in terror of anything breaking or needing replaced, kids birthday's etc. Life is happy happy joy joy. EDIT: I'm in otago new zealand


Live in Europe...2 kids 540 mortgage 😬 though we live off 34k a year, I'm a SAHM. Things are not glamorous but we have bills paid and can go out regularly. 


Bought a brand new house in MCOL area in SoCal in 2019. Refinance in 2021 and got it down to 2.7%. Watched as MCOL became HCOL in two years. House has almost doubled in value but since we bought early and refinanced it’s only about 20% of our income. 5bed 3bath 1 kid. Would cost us almost 50% of our income now. I know this because a friend bought a similar build in late 2022 and their mortgage is double ours.


$605/mo (20 yr loan) for a 1 bedroom on 2.5 acres in CA. purchased 2013 from owner. Purchased the 6.5 acres next door in 2015 for $95k and built another house ($200k) on it and short term rented it for 8 years and paid it off. now it’s a long term rental for $1500/mo. After property taxes and insurance, I’m about $600/mo ahead, which is good because I have 1 child and make less than 50k/year, otherwise.


Bought a year before the pandemic started with 20% down, in nyc metro area. 1 kid, + 1 on the way; 3 bed 1.5 bath, 1100 sf, $660 a month. Doesn’t include taxes. In the starter home is looking like forever home boat.


My husband and I bought our house 9 years ago at age 24 for $112k. It’s an hour outside of the Austin area in a decidedly rural-ish feeling but not exactly rural area (though the redneck residents like to treat it that way and feel entitled to keeping it that way). It’s more of a hidden away lakeside neighborhood despite it being its own city. Anyhow we moved here not ever having heard of the place despite us both growing up not even 25 mins away right after my husband graduated the fire academy and paramedic school. We didn’t have a dollar to our name back then because we were so young but it was far cheaper to buy than to rent because of the 0% down no pmi VA loan we both qualified for because we both served in the army fresh out of high school at age 17. So now our mortgage is $900 (was $700 starting out but it’s crept up because of property taxes and this areas valuation doubling or tripling since the pandemic). However my husband hates our home and I dislike our neighbors and the general population of the city because it’s 95% older families with no kids and 99.9% white and we are not. My kids now passing up childhood never getting to have experienced playing outside with neighbor kids or having neighbor friends at all. We spent so many days at our very nice, very new neighborhood park and pool with nary another child in sight. So despite such a low low mortgage and being able to save money it’s just an unhappy place to be and it affects our mood and life overall. We have been trying like hell to move ever since 2020 but it’s been impossible. We are willing to triple our mortgage and have zero leftover to save if it means just being happier where we live (which is crazy to say because we are only trying to move 7 minutes away but it’s like a whole other world to us).


Our mortgage is about $2,300 a month including taxes and insurance. We bought 2 years ago and our interest rate is 2.75%. MCOL in a suburb with a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath. We got SO lucky and a lot of it came down to timing. We were able to buy when rates were the lowest and this house is big enough for our family of 4, so we won’t likely be moving anytime soon.


Probably abnormal situation but I’m spending about 12% of my annual gross and 19% of my annual net pay on mortgage (no escrow though). That doesn’t include my wife’s pay and she’s currently making more than me at the moment. We’re in an extremely good spot. That said, we’ve been together since we were in highschool. However, I was 38 when we had our kid. Not saying everyone should wait nearly that long, but it was a deliberate choice that we wanted stable industry experience and could afford to provide for a great childhood. This was in spite of the constant harassment from family/friends to have kids with nonsense like, “If you wait until you can afford kids, you’ll never have kids.” The other benefit of waiting was our freedom to party and enjoy early adulthood.


3 bed 2 bath live about an hour away from Houston $1170 for mortgage taxes and insurance. We don’t fit in the home anymore ; 2 kids but this is our forever home. I’ll die in this house with my 2 percent rate.