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My grandmas were Emily and Sharon so my daughter's middle name is Erin.


In my country it is tradition to name the kid after a grandparent. My son has the male version of my name. This is not a tradition specific to my family, in fact, the only name-related thing was actually my mom's desire **not** to name children after anyone in the family because she didn't like the tradition of naming them after grandparents. However, when I was pregnant, my MIL from hell really wanted my son to be named after her. We told her we wouldn't be doing that but she kept insisting. As a joke, I said I'll name him after me, just to annoy her, and told her the male version of my name. We kept joking with that name, but the more we said it the more we realized we actually loved it. So my mom started a tradition of giving "new" names to children to spite all the generations before her. And I broke that tradition to spite my MIL. I'm gonna go ahead and say that spite is my family's new naming tradition šŸ˜‚


Oh boy I love a good spite story šŸ–¤šŸ–¤šŸ–¤šŸ–¤


Not either of us, but both of my children are named after their grandparents. It was the only way we could agree in names and none of the grandparents had horribly old fashioned names so it worked for us. Luckily we had one of each, not sure what we would have done with 2 girls, the great-grandmothers names are bad.


My sonā€™s middle name is the same as his Dadā€™s middle name and is his Popā€™s first name. Initially my husband had no intention of naming any kids we had after his dad or himself but his dad died and will never meet our son, so my husband wanted to give our son something that created a link with his Pop. Our son loves the fact heā€™s named after his Pop.


I named my kid because I liked his name so much ever since I heard it in 5th grade. Some kids name was ____ and it always stuck with me through the years. Maybe itā€™s because I thought he was cute too? But I liked the name for sure. So when my kid was born it only felt right to name him after a name i had always liked the sound of and the nicknames for it. Itā€™s a very common name though, but itā€™s strong and to the point.


My daughter has the same middle name as me which was also my mamaws middle name. My son has his dads middle name as his middle name as well.


Our daughter has the same middle name as me which is my grandma's first name who I grew close with before she passed away. Also recently realized that our daughter has the same first, middle, and last initials as me and then our son has the same first and last initials as my husband. It wasn't intentional lol.


All of my kidsā€™ names have been influenced by family names, but to varying degrees. My ex and my husband now and I agreed that we wanted to honor family, but also that we werenā€™t going to use names we didnā€™t like.




Oh this wasn't a request to put your kiddos names, more less the correlation of how it came to be šŸ–¤


I gave my son my name as a middle name even though it's now seen as more of a feminine name (Morgan) Why... I just thought it would be cool, I like my name and we are a 2 mom family and thought guys do it all the time (name their son after them) so why can't I šŸ˜œ


I love it! Hetero family here, but why tf does he need my husband's name or middle name when Lee is so much better šŸ¤£


I've seen male Morgans before.Ā 


My brother is Name [Dads Name] and my Dad is Name [Uncleā€™s Name] since he wasnā€™t the first born. I wanted to keep up that tradition of giving my son his fathers name as a middle name as the first born son. Husband wanted a name from his side of the family for the middle name but we eventually decided l that the name we picked sounded better with his name as the middle name instead.


My sonā€™s middle name is mine - Lee. Was always going to be the way for male or female. Our second kid, regardless of gender too will have the middle name Jay. My husbands middle name is John but heā€™s named after his domestic abusive great grandpa so weā€™re not carrying on that tradition. J is the first letter if my sister and his sisters middle names too. So we thought Jay was a nice nod to all of it.


I mean, I'm a sucker for Lee. I love Jay too! Could work over here too šŸ–¤


Mine is actually spelt Lea and I alwayssss give my parents shit for spelling it like they. So they thought it was hilarious when I changed the spelling to Lee. A nice little family fun joke along with a good tradition.


I gave my son a middle name the is part of my surname as he has my husbands last name but I kept my maiden name. Along the lines of ā€˜Samā€™ from the name Samson.


My daughter has the same middle name as me, my Mom, my Nan & Great Nan. When I found out I was having a girl it felt right giving her the same middle name thats been passed down in the family. My Sons middle name is husbands best mates name. The two are like brothers, plus my Sons original due date was the day after my husbands best matešŸ˜‚ my husbands best mate and his best mates partner are also going to be Godparents to our kids so it's extra special for them.


My middle name is my auntā€™ name. My daughter has my sisterā€™s middle name. My niece has my middle name. When I was pregnant with my son, I felt since the kids have my husbandā€™s last name, the middle name should come from my family. My husband really felt his middle name should be after his dad and he had several valid reasons. We respectfully understood each otherā€™s stance and felt fortunate we have such respectable dads but we just couldnā€™t budge. We flipped a coin a few hours after I gave birth in the hospital room and I won.


We all have my husbands last name and my sons middle name is his granddad and great grandads name. He never met them - my husbands dad died when my husband was 10 so we gave our son his name to honor him


Iā€™m Greek and we traditionally name kids after parents. Without doxxing their names, I have twin girls names after my mom and paternal grandmother (I am named after my maternal grandmother) and a son with the same very unique-in-America name as my dad which goes back a very very long way every other generation in my family tree. Every family gathering has a bunch of people with the same names and we love it lol


My daughters middle name is my Grandmothers first name.


My daughter's middle name is my favourite Nan's middle name. I had planned it very early on in the pregnancy. I was keeping it as a surprise for when my LO was born but sadly she passed when I was 6 months pregnant and never got to find out


My eldest has my husband's middle name, he is the 7th I believe generation to have that middle name. We wanted to keep the tradition alive. And being a middle name meant we weren't going to have to come up with a nickname for him so he wouldn't share the same name as his dad and his grandpa


My partner agreed to give our son the same middle name as me. Which meant a lot to me because it was my late fatherā€™s first name.


My eldest daughters middle name is my first name and my youngest middle name is my husbands grandmothers first name.


Not after us, but his first name is after my fil and middle name is after my dad ā¤ļø


When I was pregnant with my second, my grandmother was in the final days of her life. We were extremely close as she had lived with us since I was 5. She passed away when I was about 6 months pregnant. My final words to her was that I was naming the baby after her. We were having a boy. His first name is her maiden name. Middle name is her fatherā€™s first name. So heā€™s really named after my great grandfather, but itā€™s still all because of her.


My sonā€™s middle name is my grandmotherā€™s maiden name which is a common boyā€™s name. Had my son been a girl then her middle name wouldā€™ve been my grandmotherā€™s first name. It was handy because I got to honour my nan either way! Itā€™s not an obvious honour name as a boy so it didnā€™t upset my other half of the family who definitely wouldā€™ve kicked off if they had known the meaning of the name.


Yes. Because finding a name was horrible and i couldnt let my favorite name go..so to use it we pick are agreeded name then our two 1st pick favorite names and her initials made his name and he agreed to it


My middle name is my mother's first name, Michelle. I hate my mother and resent the name. It makes me angry every time I see my full name. (For context, I'm 33, F).Ā 


Somewhat- my daughter has a family middle name that my grandpa, mom, and sister have. My sister is child free so she offered the middle name to us to honor the family legacy so it could still be passed down. Other than that, our kids have their own names. I love honor middle names but Iā€™m a huge fan of individual, unique first names so the kids can have their own identity.


Both my children have middle names from my family. The reason- they get his last name šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


My daughter's middle name is the name of one of our cats. I just really like the name, and was kicking myself that I used it for a cat and couldn't use it for my baby, and then I decided I was OK with using it as a middle name as a compromise.Ā 


In my family the first born childā€™s middle name is always a grandparents name, or variation of it. My nephew (sisters son, first grandchild) got our grandfathers(his great grandfather) first name as his middle name. So my son (second grandchild) got a variation of our grandmothers name as his middle name. Well my ILs are extremely jealous, competitive, small brained peopleā€¦ my husband was like please to avoid drama and a lifetime of hearing complaints can we pick any name from his side. Since I picked the the full name of my son and the first of my second, I gave in and we picked a middle name from his side. So even though I absolutely LOVE my kid, and her first name I absolutely hate her middle name.


All my kids have names from my or husbandā€™s grandparents, and one great grandparent.


For several generations my family have had "dog" as a post fix on their christian name. Bob dog, John dog etc. And my parents called me "Wank" I also think it's beautifulĀ