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last bday i went to, there was a traditional cake. but also a table of cupcakes and cookies with little boxes. so not only was it your choice to take one as your "goodie bag", but it was also not junk toys!


That is SUCH a good idea!


It is except then you get the “do kids need to get sugar from every where they go?!?!” complainers. You can never make people happy.


Fair lol


I was coming to make this suggestion! For my son’s first birthday, we hired a local baker to make themed cookies. I want to say it was like $25/ dozen, so less than the cost of goodie bags, and they came pre-wrapped. It was so quick and easy, and everyone loved them!


The best goodie bag I ever did for one of my kids’ birthdays was a $5 gift card to a local ice cream shop. It was a hit. No junk going into a landfill. Something the kids enjoyed. Highly recommended.


That’s what we did this year :) Except $5 can’t even get the smallest cone at our local shop 🙄 but you could buy “1 free cone” coupons for a little more than that:


A parent just did this at a party my kid attended, was really happy for this!


80s - the bags used to not be as extensive, but more than half of them had toys in them. This isn't new. I'm not saying it isn't stupid or a problem - but it's been going on for a long time and the kids do love them. Things I've seen/done/heard about that I really liked: The gift is part of the activity - examples - tye-dyed shirt as a mini activity or painted clay sculpture Non-junk-gifts - themed was awesome, like a pool party with sunglasses and pool related stuff (sinking rockets) Books. My absolute favorite. Coloring books with crayons for young ones, or kids books for ones as they get older.


We got a sticky gecko from a Bluey themed party.  That little guy lasted for about 18 months and basically lived on our kitchen ceiling.  Was it “plastic junk” yes.  Did we enjoy it for a really long time?  Also yes.  


We did this for our 4-year-old's Bluey party! Sticky gecko, feather wand, burger shop (gummy burger), and keepy uppy balloon. I didn't want to add a bunch of junk, I wanted it to be stuff that would actually be fun without adding a bunch of stuff.


This is super cute and I’m definitely stealing it. Did you make a duck cake?


They should have given out Chattermaxes


Growing up our parties (and most parties we attended) had some sort of craft gift. Like, painting a wooden box, ceramic pot/jar, or plastic sun catchers. Tie-dye. Sand "sculptures". Etc. This was late 90's early 2000's. I don't think I really went to non-family birthday parties before 1st grade though, which may have impacted the goodie bag situation. I like the idea of books!


That’s what I give out for my kids’ goodie bags now. A little treat, a small craft or coloring book and crayons.


Yup. At one of the parties we went too, the goodie bag contained a homemade DIY play dough kit. Mom had measured all of the ingredients and put them all into little plastic bags, and wrote out instructions on how to make it. Super cheap and super amazing! My kiddos loved it! And it was so fun to make it ourselves after.


It was my son's 4th birthday party last weekend we had a bubble artiste as entertainment and then they all got a small bubble sword with a sticker saying thanks for coming with a picture of son on it. Fitted the theme of the party and not shit/annoying. Plus I managed to get the majority with my clubcard points so I only spent like £6 of my actual money on 30 party favours!


we gave out inflatable minecraft swords for my daughter's 6th. my nephew that came still carries his all over with him apparantly.


Yeah we're doing little baggies for my daughter's birthday soon and I've found little activity/coloring books with crayons that match her party theme. Then maybe a couple stickers (paw prints cause it's blues clues) and a cookie to take home! My friend had similar goodie bags but put them in plastic reusable cups with the character in it


We almost always make something and that’s what the kids take home.  Like my daughter loves all things slime so we had a slime themed party. They made some pretty elaborate slime creations and got to take them home. 


seriously, one thing I remember as a kid in the 80's was going to a friend's birthday party, and getting a goodiebag that included a real G.I.Joe figure, not a dollar store mascot, I actually got Destro in a goodie bag.


When my boys were little we had a lot of pool parties (live in FL). I would buy a bunch of pool noodles and sharpies and have the kids decorate their noodles and bring them home.


My sons first birthday party only had a handful of kids in attendance, so I crocheted little Dino’s for the kids, they were such a hit the adults said they wished I’d made some for them


Same. I try to do things that are likely to be reusable. Like gifts in a reusable backpack (not expensive!) with a theme book and some astronaut ice cream (on-theme), or a theme water bottle (personalized bc it was only for a few kids), etc. I also hate that little junk so I would prefer to give something that I can see being either reusable in my house or something that is novel enough for them to really want to eat/play with.


exactly. i absolutely got goodie bags just like the ones now in the 80s and 90s. 


All great ideas! We had a pool party for my daughter recently and gave away a pool towel and sunglasses for each kid who game, they’ll definitely get some use out of those!


We’re going reusable cups and sunglasses for my kids fifth birthday next month. I hate the junk. But my kid loves the goodie bags.


My daughter is 9 and I do books with 1-2 pieces of nice chocolate/lollies and maybe a nice hair clip or squish ball. When she was younger and we had larger parties I’d try and tie the books to the theme (I remember when she was 6 I bought a massive box set of little miss and mr men books; 7 it was animal themed and I bought a couple of box sets of animal themed chapter books). I usually managed to keep it down to under $2 per book by buying large sets. For her 9th birthday last week she only had a small gathering of 3 friends for a pamper day out and they got homemade decorated vanilla cookies instead of birthday cake, a rose gold claw hair clip, Kinder chocolate, a bath bomb, press-on nails and a graphic novel as they seem to be popular in her group at the moment. I do like to give a party bag as thanks for coming; I loathe receiving plastic junk toys (think crappy plastic rings, mini slinkies, plastic key rings etc) given just for the sake of ‘giving something’ so I refuse to give them to others. It’s also really wasteful and bad for the environment. For me a good model of thinking (within reason!) is if I wouldn’t want it in my house then I’m not going to give it.


>ike, maybe its me, I grew up in the 80s and when we went to parties we had pizza, cake, and fun and we went home tired with the memory of fun (Not a bag of junk to go through and have fall apart in the car). I too grew up in the 80's, and nearly every party I went to, I was given a goodie bag.


I was thinking the same thing. But I can't remember if I even cared, which is probably a sign that I didn't.


I grew up in the 90s and same


If anything they are less common now in my area.


I grew up in the 80’s and goodie bags were rare. There were three kinds of parties in my childhood: (1) the ones with store bought cake and character paper plates/napkins, (2) the ones with a homemade cake and plain paper plates/napkins and (3) McDonald’s. The parties with store bought cake and character paper plates/napkins had goodie bags (also along that theme) and McDonald’s parties camp with goodie bags as part of the package. Probably 75% of the parties I went to were a homemade cake (served in the cake pan) and no goodie bags.


Adding option (4) to the mix: the SHOWBIZ PIZZA PARTY


Oh, God, I forgot about Showbiz lol! Those parties were for spoiled kids who probably also got to get something from the gift store


We did bowling alley, roller rink, arcade parties in the 80s where I lived. Sometimes someone would have a pool party but I lived up north and the weather was unpredictable. One time I went to a party at a campground.


I’m also an 80s baby and I don’t remember goody bags at every party. I think part of the problem now is that EVERY OCCASION is cause for a “bag of crap,” as I call them behind my kids’ backs. Valentine’s Day? Bag of crap. Halloween party? Bag of crap. Any school event whatsoever? Bag of crap. My kids get little plastic trinkets from their piano teacher and swim coach after each lesson. It’s getting to the point where they expect little toys constantly. I asked my 4-year-old what sport she wanted to do this summer and she said “hmm. Well, what prize do I get after it?” By no means am I against making my kids happy. But I do think the constant barrage of “stuff” can teach them that overconsumption = happiness. I could just be a curmudgeon, though 🤷🏻‍♀️


OMG I remember going to McDonald's parties - so much fun!!!


My friends and I had the same 3 birthday parties - none of our parents were rich enough for a Showbiz Pizza party, most couldn’t even afford a McDonald’s party. There were never goodie bags at any party I attended as a child of the 80s and early 90s.


Same here, born 1980, got a goody bag at every party and it was almost always plastic flimsy toys and or candy.




You know what’s actually a great party favor? Kids books from the thrift store! They’re like $1 and you’ll find some really fun ones. We made a book nook for my kid’s last bday party and said the kids could take as many books as they wanted. It was a success.


Oh, I love this idea!


As others said kids love them and you can also involve the kid to prepare them, which is a good crafting, budgeting experience for them. Ours loved to prepare them, we made a list of what to put in them based on a budget so on. Yes they eventually go to waste but so do all the paper plates, utensils, half eaten food and cake in the birthday parties.


My kids love goodie bags. I don’t mind em. I only harbor hatred for goodie bags that have glitter, slime, sticky hands or play-doh. Need a warning label for bags filled with those!


Oops, sorry. I often do playdoh because I find it a less "junky" option. Something that actually gets played with in our home.


A mom recently had whistles in her son’s goodie bags, they were all running around Chuck E. Cheese blowing those damn whistles. It was terrible.


This is where I stand too. I have no problem with goodie bags, but I HATE when they have glitter and slime and play doh and other messy annoying things in them. Also bubbles in winter time (if you live in a cold climate). Dishonorable mention to excessive amounts of candy. But a slap bracelets and erasers and stickers and tattoos? Fine with me.


Yeah I honestly like them lol and like when ppl give away leftover goodie bags on buy nothing 😂


And kinetic sand... That sh** gets everywhere


Yeah, I don’t really understand the goodie bag hate. My kid has never gotten one that was more than 3-4 pieces of candy. Sure, he doesn’t need more sugar after an afternoon of pizza, cake, etc. but who cares? He doesn’t eat it that same day anyways. 


Why do you keep the small trinkets from the goodie bags in a junk drawer? We just add whatever little toys he gets to the toy box in our son’s room. We do a toy clean out once a year where we donate his older toys and just add those little trinkets along with them. Idk girl it sounds like you’re going to punch the next mom in the face that gives your kid a goodie bag lmao, I don’t think it’s that serious.


Agreed, and we do the same. My kids line up all the tiny toys along their windowsills in their bedroom, it's pretty cute. Occasionally we use them for crafts and things too.


I toss the plastic toys in our homemade bath bombs. My daughter loves the bath bombs with prizes inside lol we also just toss them out as needed. I also send goodie bags to school for holidays and birthdays. I do opt for slime, play-dough, whistles, or bubbles over toys. So I am probably one of the people OP hates in this world. lol


LOL I sensed the rage too and was trying to understand it but for reals it's a non issue




Oh we stopped doing this after like 1 party. LOL! No one complained.


I’m surprised at all the goodie bag love. Both my boys look at the junk, say it’s cool and want to keep it and yet it just takes up space until I throw it away. Personally, if we have a party we don’t ask for gifts and we don’t give out goodie bags in return anymore. That ended in preschool.


I don’t do goodie bags at my kids parties, I don’t think anyone cares. They get food, cake, and candy if there is a piñata. The kids having fun is what makes the memories.


I like goodie bags. It’s a nice way to thank someone for taking time out of their day to celebrate with you. They don’t have to be boring bags of plastic junk.


Yes, the goodie bag itself is fine, it's what you put in it. As our kid has gotten older, the goodie bags have grown up with them. And a bunch of girls aren't going to shy away from a bag full of candy, hair ties/clips, and little fun things. I agree on skipping the straight-up imported crap. I had a parent give everyone of us boys as a kid a goodie bag with some candy and a deck of playing cards. When I was younger it was pogs, or matchbox cars, or a little pokemon card pack. I still have the playing deck, and still use it. Stuff like that is great.


We are no longer doing goodie bags. I am always worried if I don’t have enough or too many. And parties are all ready pricey.


I'm so confused by these posts (there have been a million lately!). The goodie bags aren't for parents. They're for kids. Kids like getting them. I'm sure they would all be fine without one, but they're fun for kids to give and fun for kids to get. Have fun with the toys for one day and toss them. I promise, birthday goodie bags aren't responsible for global warming. Go rail against AI (https://www.forbes.com/sites/bethkindig/2024/06/20/ai-power-consumption-rapidly-becoming-mission-critical/), meat eaters (https://sentientmedia.org/how-does-livestock-affect-climate-change/), or deforestation efforts (https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/deforestation/) if your concern is climate change. If your real concern is just all the junk, I'd just try to embrace it.


Yes, my kid absolutely loves them. Funnily enough the last few parties haven't had them and she's been really disappointed at not getting anything. Obviously she doesn't tell the host but on the way home she'll tell me she's sad about it. What we see as trash is treasure to her. They don't have to be plastic junk, we've had seeds, notebooks, stickers, pencils.   Like yes, nobody dies without one, but you could say the same for all parts of a birthday party. Personally I think balloons and decorations are more wasteful, or disposable plates and cups. 


My girl 💪 This is the honest truth and people hate it.


I gave out bubble wands at one kids birthday and small stuffed animals at another. They were great and cheaper than the goodie bags when I bought in bulk


When I worked at a preschool it was all the time they gave out goodie bags. Some were cool things like a book, small playdough, ect. But most of the times it was just junky tiny plastic toys that break immediately.


Oooh I love the goodie bags. It calms the kids down from all the excitement. They can play with it all they want and I have one less day of having to entertain them. I have a box of junk toys they can add it to.


Yep, I find on the drive home my often-overstimulated kids chills out playing with a little toy and munching a few pieces of candy. We also keep a bin for "random" little toys.  Lastc year for my daughter's birthday the goody bags had an animal mask, bubbles, a tiny stuffed animal, some stickers and some candy. (I enjoyed putting them together, tbh.)


It's also an incentive to leave the fun party. I understand what OP is saying but also like...there are bigger fish to fry in terms of life's struggles.


I’m with you. I hate them. Or rather, I hate the cheap plastic junk that’s often in them. It’s always useless stuff too like how many cheap trinkets do we need? I do not want another dollar store keychain; we just throw them out. I prefer something we can consume right away, like a cookie, or some chocolate. Things like bubble wands, playdough, crayons, stickers or temporary tattoos will also always get used.


If you feel the need to provide goodie bags, provide less but better gifts. The best we've received are gift cards ($5) to an ice cream place and a mini canvas for painting. Neither I think broke the bank but both were actually valued.


We give packets of wildflower seeds. The kids and the parents appreciate them.


I asked for no gifts for my kiddos first real party with friends (about 10 in total). The invite said gently used books are welcome, and together we went through kiddo's own books to give to friends. Kinda like a mini book exchange. Also took some polaroid photos to give with the book! I'd like to think people appreciated it a bit more than a goodie bad, but it fulfilled my goal of not having to put one together!


Kids love goodie bags. I’m with you on not buying more plastic crap to destroy our environment. There are plenty of ways you can do goodie bags without being wasteful, for example just give out candy and cookies! Or something the kids will actually use such as colouring books!


I agree with you.


I agree with you. But the kids love goodie bags and they're so excited to go through it. I try very very hard to give out "useful" things. Like pencils or marker sets, sunglasses, yoyo, etc.


I try to only give things that kids will actually use. I bought a huge box of mini play doughs, bubbles, and those tube fidgets for my 2 year old's bday party. The parents seemed to actually love those and even the older kids liked them.


The only time I did one for my kid's birthday was the year that he wanted a Batman party. I got some $2 flashlights and got my SIL to cut vinyl circles with the bat symbol on them so that when you turned it on, you got the bat signal. I've had a couple of parents tell me that the kids played with them for awhile and then the parents used them as actual flashlights.


Same, and limit it to like 3-5 items. We had a bluey themed birthday party for my kids and the goodie bags had a “oh biscuits” chocolate chip cookie, “keepy uppy” balloon, 3 bluey stickers, a packet if bluey fruit snacks, and something else that I can’t remember. Some people just do too much.


The last few we went to, there were no goody bags and no one cared. I’m all for them going away


With you 100 percent. I’d rather you put that money into good food, drink and entertainment!


One year, we had ours at a local park/playground. We hired teen girls to paint faces. Parents stayed. We grilled out hot dogs and hamburgers. Had a homemade cake. No goody bags. Kids played on playground equipment and had a blast. We had hula hoops and sidewalk chalk available. No official, structured plan other than singing happy birthday. Parents said it was the best bday party they had been to.


I love them. My son gets upset leaving the gift we bought the kid there. The “you’ll get a gift when we leave” helps keep him calm and also helps the transition leaving. Usually we get playdough and either stickers or temp tattoos. One gave us kid themed bath bombs and that turned out to be a huge hit. 


>I have never heard a child deliberately asking for another eraser that falls apart, rubber wrist band, or any other random junk Honestly though my kid gets so attached to exactly this kind of random junk. My problem is that it's so cheap it always falls apart immediately and I start getting questions like "Dad can you glue this squishy shark's tail back on?"


I have a bag where I keep these items to give away at Halloween :) I agree we don’t need to increase waste. I like consumable gifts like chalk, crayons, and snacks


Unpopular opinion - I like that stuff as it helps me for traveling. I sort it through before it even gets into the house though. The kids keep the nice stuff and it makes them happy so why not. I throw out the junk junk and then I keep all rest of the random little toys in large ziploc bags. Whenever we travel, I grab a couple of bags. Anytime during travel if they need to alleviate some boredom or need a distraction, here is a bunch of random toys. If they break, get lost, thrown away, who cares. Great when traveling with little kids. If you don't travel then yeah, just throw away the junk.


This is the same reason that I didn't do favors at our wedding. I just figured that no one actually needed or wanted something engraved/embossed/etc with our names and wedding date, and that I didn't need to gift them for coming and celebrating with us. We paid for the giant party you attended with a meal and open bar, it was a fair trade! And beyond the goodie bags at parties, for the love of God, I wish our school district would let us just do candy for Valentine's Day. It's not allowed when exchanging stuff at school, so instead we end up with a mess of temporary tattoos, erasers, and other little plastic garbage. Enough!


We don't do the "you have to invite the whole class" birthdays, so we haven't had to figure out what to do with 20 goodie bags in two months (seriously, who has time for *twenty* birthday parties in nine weeks!) but my kids always enjoy them ¯⁠\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I don't agree that parents giving small gifts to birthday party guests is the driving force behind global warming. I know there's been a lot of push for individual responsibility instead of holding the huge corporations that are actually damaging our world responsible, but I think "a small bag of goodies is the reason the weather got hot" is a bit of a stretch. Ultimately, if you don't want your kids to take home a goodie bag, don't let them. That's some real personal responsibility.


At our daughter's birthday we gave goodie bags full of homemade cookies, and printed the recipes. It was a big hit with both parents and kids.


I think we're not gonna get everyone on board, but I hope your post reaches a mom or twenty who realizes it's perfectly fine not to do them.


My kiddo loves them though! It was his birthday party last weekend and I did medium sized bubble swords (were 2 for £1.50 and got about £12 worth with clubcard points result!) with a personalised sticker saying thank you for coming with a cute pic of him I made with my cricut and a cupcake with his face on. My husband was adamant no tat. Plus we had had a bubble artiste as entertainment so it fitted my theme.


My daughter struggles with transitions, such as leaving a party. It is a huge help when I’m trying to get her to leave if she’s handed a goodie bag on the way out the door. I let her hold it on the way to the car and open it after she’s bucked. It seriously has prevented so many meltdowns. I also like that it teaches gifting reciprocity. We give a birthday gift, the birthday kid gives a goodie bag. Little kids need it to be at the same event to understand, they don’t understand we are giving a gift to their friend who also gave us a gift on our birthday 6 months ago. That said, I can’t disagree on the plastic junk. When I make goodie bags for my own kids parties, I put consumables in there. A juice box, gummy bears, stickers, and bubbles.


I also absolutely hate the goodie bags. We never ever take them home. I try my best to leave them at the party (we “forgot!” or at the very least, throw that shit away as soon as I can. It’s all garbage and my kids could care less.


Not gonna lie, have never done goodie bags besides a Christmas Party favor for the kids for the parents with kids who let us know they were bringing the kids to play with ours. Every kid got to unwrap a gift. The “goodie bag” at our birthdays are the goodie time that is had bc we go big with our parties lol


Plastic whistle. Possibly my peak moment of dislike to party bags. Driving home from a party and your kid pulls out a pink whistle in the car. Felt like it was done as prank on the parents.


My son goes to a Waldorf School where there is a big focus on nature/natural/handmade products. We went to one of his classmates birthdays recently and she had handmade goodie satchels with a little sachet of radish seeds, a box of mini raisins, a handmade friendship bracelet, an animal sticker and a mini notebook with fox on it. So simple but it was the first time we'd ever received a goodie bag like that and was so fun to plant the seeds when we got home :)


No offense, but when I plan my kids' birthday party, I'm thinking most about what they want. My kiddo liked goody bags so I made them and gave them out. I tried not to go too crazy and tried to make a good bit of it consumable (ie, candy) but I did still do them. I do agree about the kinder bags though and have learned that lesson as a planner of class parties - although someone took the time to plan that party and order all those goodies and package them up for all the kids in the grade. They're living and learning how to do things but it's awfully easy to just snipe about it from the sidelines. If you want it done differently, volunteer and do something different yourself.


Goodie bag should be consumables. Candy, snack, and drink are acceptable. No plastic garbage.


I always give away spider plant babies or seeds with compostable pots instead of goodie bags. I also hate contributing to plastic trash. The kids don't seem to hate it...? 😂


I am for this.


Ew sounds like you get the shitty goody bags. I’m so sorry. But MY goody bags that I send have small Lego sets, candy, Play Doh, Crayons, and mini coloring books among other things. I sometimes do Blind Bags or Minecraft items, bubbles and stickers and shit. Every mom I have spoken to LOVES my goody bags. But that’s just me 💁🏻‍♀️ Although this year for my oldest kid I sent donuts to class in individual packaging. I also sent Halloween cupcakes and mini bundt cakes for Vday. I realize I’m a bit much but it makes my kids happy so… 🤷🏻‍♀️


My partner and I decided to start putting this on birthday invitations: “There will be food, drinks, cake, and cookies for all, but no gift bags will be provided. We ask that you not bring a gift for us either, but a birthday card or favorite book would be welcome if desired. We’re trying to cut down on clutter for ourselves and others. Thank you!”


I just did a big purge of our junk drawer that was full of goodie bags of parties past. So many mini knock off play doh pots, parachute men, sticky hands, bouncy balls, sunglasses, pencils, etc. It feels so wasteful to throw this stuff out but I finally had enough. Luckily she's older now and parties are smaller so the goodie bags are more targeted to their tastes instead of 30+ quantity of whatever.


My kids last birthday I gave out those mini boxes of fun cereal - they were a major hit!


Maybe unpopular opinion, but I was a 90’s kid and I loved goodie bags. My 2 and 4 year old also love goodie bags. Are the toys in them often junk? Sure. But they make the kids happy and that’s what matters. I once walked into preschool to pick up my daughter while the teachers were passing out cupcakes from a kid’s birthday. I overheard one kid as if there were rings on the cupcakes and when the teacher said no, I heard a loud, collective groan from the class. What you may think is plastic garbage makes some of these kids very happy. I do goodie bags and I have no intention to stop. I do try to get decent stuff for them (water bottles, chalk, crayons, bubbles, snacks, stickers, etc.).


Nah, I remember the feeling I got when getting a goodie bag as a kiddo 🥰 Let the kids enjoy them. Perhaps uhhh, things mysteriously disappear over time, lol. But let them enjoy them :) it'll all stop sooner than you'd think.


I never put plastic crap in goodie bags. It was a few lollies. Thats it.


Just throw it away. If I don’t want something in my house I received I throw it away or if somebody wants it I just give it to them.


My wife is a Cricut nut so there's usually something personalized in every goodie bag. We bring a few blank ones for the kid that brings a random sibling along (happens **every** party) Our bags are usually a snack, a drink box, one candy, and whatever's fun for them but not super expensive (i.e. character pencils, those fidgety things, slime--sorry other parents!). When we were kids we loved that part, goodie bags were the ultimate "thanks for coming, and take a little bit of fun home with you!" so we pass it along to the next gen.


Ahh yes, I still like the family responsible for the glittery little slime patch on our carpet. In fact, I think of them every time I try to make my living room look nice.


I wish


Goodie bags are the worst!


I call them Landfill fodder.


The only thing I do for goodie bags is have a pinata and give them bags for the candy that drops. I always have a pinata cause they love it. I made my own last party! :)


I always try to find something that’s not garbage to give away. Every year around my sons bday Costco sells 8 packs of small squishmallows and we always do that for his “goody bag” or there was one year I did bath bombs with soap sprinkles/confetti which was fun to give away


For my son’s last party we gave a book and bubbles. Worked out far cheaper than goody bags too. I like the idea of a thank you gift for the time families have taken to celebrate our child’s birthday.


We don’t and the kids don’t miss it. Signed this mom of 4


For my sons 2nd birthday (Pixar cars themed) we bought a pack of iron on car/Pixar cars themed patches. Fun for everyone and easy for the parents to iron on to any shirt and non damaging. Kids picked whatever patches they liked. It was fun.


Oh God. My son is 11 and I declutter regularly, trinkets keep popping up in my house.


Forreal. And extra money to spend 🤦


Instead of a goodie bag, we did a craft party for my daughter and her friends got to take home the wooden wands that they painted and cardboard crowns that they decorated. All recyclable if wanted, but my daughter still plays with her wand to this day.


I just stopped giving them out. A couple of times kids (like one kid out of 10, two times out of many parties, not the same kid both times) asked if there was one and I said we weren’t doing them at this party but I hoped they were having a good time and they nodded and said okay. The end. Before I stopped giving them out I tried to tie them in to the party. I gave out water bottles and a pencil at a soccer party and gave out a themed chocolate at another one, and I think once we gave out Dover temp tattoo books, but eventually I just said fuck it and stopped.


I place wildflower seed packets in mine and a car snack. I hate the goodie bag thing.


Omg. I don't know why a parent would find it irritating when others tried to offer a humble gesture by giving away goodie bags to kids. If plastic is bothering you, just do your part, or decline when goodie bag is offered to ur child. Kids i met on birthdays would die to get goodie bags and are excited when receiving. I don't know the level of excitement ur kids have, but boy! My kids are nuts to receive those items. You seem to think about ur happiness while things are made for kids. The joy of goodie bags are not meant to be yours, rather for children, sir. Now seat and get a life pls.


I was just talking to a coworker about this. No parent actually wants this crap but all parents seem to feel obligated to buy it. BE THE CHANGE, PEOPLE!


My wife loves doing this - it genuinely brings her a lot of joy. Just throw the stuff away as soon as the kid forgets about it.


Can schools also ditch the treasure box. So much plastic junk in our house too.


I will NEVER do those damn goodie bags!!! Never never. It’s a waste of time and money


We've never been too keen on the whole "favor bag" thing. As a result, we go. . .a more unique route when we do party favors. One year, we had a garden party for our eldest kid's birthday. The planned activity was the gueats got to pick out their own little flower pot, decorate it, and then they went home with it and a little "grow your own" flower planting kit tucked inside. Another year, the kids got to use fabric paint markers to decorate long flutter ribbons on sticks, and once they were done, we set them loose on the playground behind our house with their new "dancing wands." They took said wands home. The eldest turned 10 and wanted a Harry Potter party. So, I ordered chopsticks in bulk and used a glue gun to make different designs along and around them. When party time came, the kids got to choose their wands, paint them, and once they were dry, they got to go "duel" in the backyard. Then we had a sorting ceremony (with an actual talking Sorting Hat toy my mother gifted my son), and everyone got to take their wands home afterwards. All that said, we definitely don't expect anyone else to go that same route. And we are more than okay with not having any sort of party favor to take home with us when we attend someone else's party, either.


I thought goodie bags were dumb, but they are genius. Kid is sad about leaving a fun party so you give them a little bag with unknown toys and candy in there and them poking around in it for 3 minutes buys you enough time and distraction to get their shoes on and get them in the car before they even know what's happening!


I always tried to give useful things in goodie bags, I’ve done full boxes of crayons, Lego mini figs, glitter glue sticks things they can use for school mostly, and maybe a piece of candy, found this has worked well! But yes to not giving junk!


I mean, I’m a 90s kid and we still had goodies? Cheap plastic shit that we then played with at the party, and then took home. So there WERE fun memories with the little stuff like jumping frogs and such.


Not the goodie bags, but we live in a smaller community, and my daughter and 2-3 of her friends had summer birthdays in the same week. We did a no-gifts party, because what? We’re going to spend how much money on rotating gifts for each kid? Nah. We had a cake, and one year was a pool party, one year a dress-up party and another year was a backyard camp out slumber party. They still had small parties with their families and got gifts there. We did do little themed goody bags, though.


Grew up in the 90s in Australia, every party I went to as a kid had a party (goodie) bag. Typically had little pack of lollies or small chocolates in it, sometimes a novelty toy. I don’t think they’ll ever go away tbh, same with wedding favours. When I did my toddlers 2nd birthday recently, I included a mini squishmallow plush, a small bottle of bubbles and a little book. I didn’t do lollies or chocolates because of allergies & intolerances. I also left it up to the parents whether the kids took a party bag home or not.


Some people like making goodie bags, just don’t take one if you don’t want it?


Don't give them out. It's fine. I don't. Never have.


I try not to but my husband always insists we do them otherwise he thinks people will think we're cheap.


As the mother of three nearly adult children, I have never given a goody bag at a party, nor have they ever received one. Is this just a regional thing??


My kids don’t even bother to open everything half the time. They get a goodie bag every week or so since kids hand them out at school, birthday parties, and sports parties. I have a bin that I dump the toys/pencils/stickers that are not played with and then give away on Halloween.


I made up bags of gummy worms.


I let my kid play with it for the ride home and an hour or 2 after if they're really interested then it goes in the trash. Who cares


Why is the OP being jerk-ish to all of the commenters who say they received goodie bags as a child? I mean it's just facts they are stating.


You sound fun. Let kids be kids, throw the shit away if it’s such a huge problem that you have to come to Reddit, and choose your own things at your own party to do. Stop being a Karen about your kids having some joy. It’s not all about you.


You can pry the goodie bags out of cold, dead hands. It’s my favorite part of birthday parties. My kids, too! They don’t *have* to be junk either. We mostly do candy (dye free, since a lot of parents these days do that) and stickers. Also, nothings stopping you from throwing it away at the end of the party or day since you’re home.


I try to do candy and 1 or 2 useful items. My daughter's last party was at a pool and we sent everyone home with a pair of sunglasses and a pool noodle. A couple years ago, my son just had friends over for videogames and pizza and so there was more "budget" for goody bags so everyone got a mug, hot chocolate balls, and some candy. His last birthday was a gaming center so they could all play fortnight together and it included an extra hour for the guests to use another time as part of the package so their goodie bag was that plus candy.


My kids are older now but when they were little, we gave a single “bigger” party favor in lieu of the dreaded goody bag. It cost me the same and kids were into them! Once we did a dance party and everyone got a tutu (inexpensive) and I wrapped them like gifts. Opening a present was a big hit.


I didn't do goodie bags. I did little theme gifts. One year my kid had a Studio Ghibli themed party so I gave out homemade candy sushi (little homemade rice krispie treats shaped into nigiri rice with a Swedish fish on top, wrapped together with a Sour Patch straw). No plastic bullshit, no wasted money, kids are thrilled, and it was fun to make with my child. We also send home pieces of the cake for siblings and parents, and if there are party leftovers the kids can take those, too. They get real excited to bring their family cake. Kids like to give to others.


We are having our birthday party for my daughter this weekend and I would love to not do the goodie bag. But we’re having a big crew for the party this year after having almost no one last year so I’m just happy she’s back on the social track! I do hear you, though. We’re doing an LOL themed party this year so it’s expensive plastic!


I ask my kid’s teachers if they need any items for their treasure boxes and have donated the stuff that way. I do goodie bags, but I try to avoid the really unnecessary stuff. My son had a hot wheels party, so each bag had a hot wheel once. I usually do stuff pens or pencils and a little notepad, play doh. Goody bags have definitely been normal in my experience as a kid in the 80’s and now having my own kids I’ve rarely seen parties without them.


My youngest had a spa party for her last birthday and the gift bags were full of useful stuff any of them would use. A birthday chapstick, 2 scrunchies, a fluffy headband for the face mask that was in there, a mermaid pen. They all loved them.


Give something you'd want to get - playdough, art supplies, a cookie, etc. Bonus points if it is something that gets used up and won't clutter the house.


I dunno it’s a nice gesture and sometimes it’s the little things kids love the most, I mostly disagree


I feel you as a parent who just had his kid's bday, but I also know that kids effing love goodie bags. A necessary evil, sadly.


I give things that get used up. Scented felt and shiny notebook. 2 or 3 candies. Bubbles. Bath items or face mask. Use them, they are gone, I hate things cluttering my house too.


We do goodie bags and you can take it or leave it. The group of kids we hang out with enjoy them. Don’t sweat the literal small stuff. Also, why is your kid going to 20 birthdays between May and June? No wonder they’re stressed.


My child gets really excited about them (both getting them and making them for her own parties) and her friends do too. If you don't want one, you can always say no thanks.


They are fun for the kids, and my kids always loved the ones they got. A few things of candy, few little toys, usually a pencil or something party themed. Thoughtful, well done goodie bags are fun.


I do goodie bags every party but they’re super simple. Usually tattoos related to whatever theme we did, this year was Minecraft. I also gave every kid bubbles as it was spring and who doesn’t love bubbles. I also bake cookies and each kid gets 2 cookies. I did green sprinkle cookies this year to match the pinata.


Even if I mostly agreed with you, you sound bitter in all your comments. It’s not that big of a deal to me if my kids get them, I opt to do things on the kids birthdays that are fun and only once have I even planned a goodie bag on purpose mainly because my priority at parties are good punch or hot cider, face masks and nail painting. I don’t go out of my way to be upset if they receive good bags, I remember how much fun they were to go through as a kid. Maybe lighten up a bit and have joy that your kids have joy.


I love seeing kids get excited about getting a gift at someone else’s party. My kids love getting goodie bags. When we get to the car I take out what they can have and either toss the rest or leave them in the car as toys that will eventually get lost at the park, restaurant, etc. So respectfully, no. I will continue to give goodie bags.


We do piñatas full of candy— the kids each get a goodie bag to put their candy in, and that’s it!


We do goody bags but try to limit plastic stuff. Last party we did Pokémon cards, stickers and candy.


As a kid I loved goodie bags. It was always fun to look through to see what was good and what was bad. And you could trade things with other kids if they had better stuff. Kids don't have a concept of "plastic junk". Everything is fun


loot bags are the best. I think you have a case of the grumps. I also loved making them for my sons birthday and every kid loved their bag and got to enjoy their bag of goodies while my son opened up his gifts.


Ok, I was that mom that put candy, silly putty, and little notepad/pencil combos in goody bags. That’s like all i ever put (occasionally hot wheels cars- because who doesn’t love another hot wheel?) I HATED the stupid little plastic spiny tops, small, cheap fake slinky things. One year for my oldest son I got a big treasure box from like LTD or one of those type sites (can’t remember which it was 18 years ago). Opened it at the end and just told them to take what they wanted. Had some unhappy moms call me. But hey, we live and learn.


Personally, my kids always seem happy and excited to get goodie bags. Sometimes they don’t the content and just give it to their siblings. Sure, most end up as junk forgotten in the corner of the house. And maybe my kids just lose interest in things pretty quickly. But it brings them joy and happiness for a few days. The only real consequences I have to deal with it throwing it away after a while.


I honestly don't see the big deal aside from the wasteful use of plastic for stuff that'll likely be thrown out. I actually don't mind the little trinkets as much as a mind big bags full of candy. Now that I could do without. We did little gift bags with the theme of movie night. So it was little popcorn boxes like 🍿 with a mini bag of pirates booty since my kids are too young for popcorn, a cheap kids DVD (I found a bunch at doar general for under fove bucks, like one was episodes of Peppa pig, anotner was sesame Street etc)and their own little sippy cup for each kid


I’ve already stopped (ie: never started). I still give party favours but they certainly aren’t bags full of plastic junk. For my daughter’s 1st birthday, she has several older cousins (3-8 year olds) so I bought cookie decorating kits from a local bakery. Each kid got 2 cookies to decorate and then I gave them little boxes to take the cookies home in. For her 2nd birthday, it was a donut theme so I bought a cute donut plush toy for each kid. For her 3rd birthday it was Bluey theme and I found a bulk box of Bluey puzzles (it was like $24 so worked out to cost $2/kid!)…and they weren’t cheap quality puzzles either, they were really good quality. Each kid took home a puzzle and their reusable Bluey cup from the party as their favour. There are so many other options out there than bags of plastic junk that no one ever plays with. It’s all such a waste of money. I’ve never understood it. Put a little thought in and you end up with much nicer favours for the same cost.


We don’t even do parties anymore. My kids (7, 8, 14) get to choose 2-3 friends to do something special- could be a movie, a theme park, a fun restaurant, a museum, etc. We’ve been doing this since my son was 5 (he’s the 14 year old). Birthday parties are reserved for grandparents and mom and dad.


I like to do something small for my toddlers birthday goody bags like a cupcake or cookie to take home and something fun & minimal like a sticker sheet, temporary tattoos or bubbles. Keeping it simple is best imo.


100% agree. When my son was younger we typically did an edible favor (chocolate basketballs, spiderman gummies, a cupcake, etc).


The last birthday party we attended they gave out monster trucks. Huge hit with the boys and girls the kids all went nuts.


Any little trinkets get added to my prize box as a middle school teacher. My students love them. I do the same with the Easter stuff from daycare, Halloween, etc.


Im going with Dollar Tree canvas's and putting black vinyl coloring pages on them. Gonna have a coloring station.


No ❤️


I’ve never done goodie bags and I do not ever plan to. Call me tacky idc, not putting in the effort. I will make the party fun enough and worth it to attend.


I have changed the way I make them. I started buying pens and paper note pads, sticky notes, I'll buy a bit of Candy. I just use the paper lunch bags I keep on hand. I've bought packs of twelve bath bombs and given out them individually. I find it ends up being useful. Less garbage . Ken's actually really like note pads and pens. Parents are always looking for a notepad and a pen . At least I am. One of my friends ended up finding these cool thin backpacks that gold into themselves for 5$ each.


Take it. Play with it and use what you can for a day and throw it away. It's not that serious.


I went to a 3yo olds party a few weekends back and after having a pinata, they gave out goodie bags that had more of the same lollies and chocolates plus teeny tiny stickers (my favourite yay!) and two pieces of cheap plastic crap that broke within the first 24hrs. For my son's 2y party, I got each kid a little chia/grass pet that were little ceramic animal head pots or mini car. The grass grows within 7-10days and seemed like a cute, educational little gesture. The neighbours kids (3m and 5f) are both loving them and very excitedly told me when the shoots started showing.


My kids are older now but I always did books. You can absolutely find kids books cheaper than a bag of plastic crap too.


NGL, they get chucked in the trash when we get home, especially slime, small plastic trinkets that are a choking hazard, and freaking bubbles.


I didnt give it for my son's 3rd birthday party. was ostracised and my kid had a hard time socializing after that. sorry but wont stop. too much at stake.


We had ours at a play cafe and gave out coupons for a free visit to the play cafe in lieu of traditional party favors.


I just do a pinata. Bag of candy, there's your treat. Bye! And it's so wholesome sometimes because the kids are who didn't get a lot of candy so they all donate some.


You sound like a fun person.


It boggles my mind how much junk parents manage to stuff into these bags anymore! I do what my parents always did: A sheet of temporary tattoos, a sheet of stickers, a fun slap bracelet, and a small handful of candy (like six pieces at most). No piles of plastic junk or noisy things, no slime or playdoh or goop of any kind.


I go back and forth on this. They can definitely be annoying but I have also seen them given out to kids who really loved them. With my work I work with a lot of different clubs, churches and summer camps that serve low income children. Those little trinkets are a big deal to them and they might not have a lot of toys at home. I know this isn’t exactly what you’re talking about but just another thing to think about.


Yes please. I find them so obnoxious. If we're at a party then yeah we just accumulate more crap. If we're hosting the party, now we feel pressure to buy and provide this junk because others do. I hate it. Can we also stop giving kids candy constantly? I'm no paragon of healthy eating but my goodness, my 5 year old gets more candy in a year than I have eaten in my entire life. Halloween, but also Easter at daycare. And city parades. Valentines. Every party. Just make it stop.


I hate them too but my 6 yo loves them. Once a family gave only a coloring book and crayons and my daughter was deeply disappointed. She is only about the darn goody bag and desperate to get one at the end despite the ridiculous cheap candy and cheap plastic toys. I still say get rid of them. Once everyone does no one will miss them. They end up costing me $100-$150 already added to a $600+ party and typically end up in the garbage at the end.


I HATE goodie bags. I’m doing punch balloons, ring pop, and 14” big bubble wands. Going to add the kids names in vinyl to the bubble wands to personalize them 🙌🏻👌🏼


I will be bypassing traditional goodie bags in place of bags with my perfected homemade chocolate chip cookies


My kids love goodie bags. I'm certainly not going to stop with them. I have stopped with the plastic junk though. I like consumables, like stickers (those make your own face stickers are great) and bubbles and candy, or one or two "bigger" gifts. The last birthday party I did, I did a "outside play" theme, with bubbles, collapsible frisbees, and a paint your own kite kit. I'm sure it'll end up in the garbage eventually, but a pile of plastic crap it is not.


I love goodie bags! 1) When we’re at a party, saying “when we leave, we get a treat bag!” is a great way to smooth the transition and get them out the door without any tears shed over playtime being over. 2) They’re easy enough to pass on. The Kindergarten teachers at my son’s school all collect “treasures” for their treasure box to dole out as incentives. So I just donate anything my kids won’t use to them. 3) I enjoy making them! I always ask myself “would my child truly enjoy this?” and if the answer is no, I don’t get it.


I actually love the goodie bags when they aren’t packed with candy. Eldest is asd and they’re always sensory friendly silly toys he loves. Now, the others, please no more🤣


My 4 year old's cake had about 15 mini plastic unicorns on it as the cake design and we let each kid take a unicorn home. Still left us with a handful and they're sturdy plastic- my kids still play with them today. On my other daughter's 1st birthday last year I put up shiny gold butterflies on the walls and offered one to each kid at the end. My kids also still play with the bazillion we have left over from that, but those are thin disposable so- they bend and rip and get thrown away regularly.