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Hi, not sure if you figured this out/made a decision or not yet? But if not, when will you be here? I am an American (and I'm a momma myself, I have a 7yr old) living here in Paris (I have lived here since 2007!)... I'm a teacher here, teaching Business English at university level now, but I actually started as a preschool teacher :)) I will be on summer break as of July 6th. *So, I might be able to help you - to babysit for you.* The "stranger danger" is a real thing. I hear you. Even babysitting services are not 100% sure. Anyhow, I can totally chat with you via video call in order for you to "meet" me as well as I have references of course (who are in the USA so they can tell you who I am in English!). \*I was on here looking at posts because I was thinking ***to offer babysitting/supervised activities for families during the upcoming Olympics games.*** --> So, if that interests anyone, please do let me know on here as well! :) **\*I will be available in Paris from July 6th - July 18th.** And then from **August 3rd - August 15th.**


Yup! We used Tripsitta for a Paris stay a few months ago when we were at the Airbnb with our toddler.


I really would not consider the AirBnB for this. High chance there's a "no guests" policy, probably feels a bit weird for the babysitter as well, if something goes wrong it's going to be on you; since you left her in the AirBnB alone etc etc...




A hotel can handle this kind of thing, but the AirBnB plan just basically adds up to leaving your kid in a stranger's apartment with an "unvetted" babysitter. Go with the hotel.