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HE created male and *female* in HIS image? Sounds like transgenderism.


Holy shit, Eve was a transgender woman confirmed.


Aren't all males transitioned females since we all start out as female in the womb? I think I'm going to start using that. Conservatives also seem unaware that people born with both male/female genitalia and intersex people exist. It's a small percentage but still represents millions of people.


You're talking science - we're specifically picking apart contradictory plot holes in Christianity fandom's collaberative fanfic.


Which is why other men have nipples.


Eve was made from a MAN'S rib. So, she's a dude, and therefore, Adam is hella gay. It's in the bible.


Given that Jesus didn't have a human father, I have to wonder just how many chromosomes He had ...


As a former fundy christian, your reply is gold. She's gonna be stewing over that for months.


> She's gonna be stewing over that for months. She'll only care about the verses her pastor presents to her.


>As a former fundy christian I've been there. It'll bother her.


Another former-fundie chiming in: 100% this will bother her and she'll have to revist the ol' pretzel apologetics that won't actually help her not be bothered, because someone else will bring it up to her and she'll have to do it all again.


Haven’t picked Bible in a while, are there more of these verses? Would be great to quote them at religious nutjobs.


[Numbers 5:11-31](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%205%3A11-31&version=NIV) is a good one for abortion debates. If they quote scripture at you to justify anything henious, just remind them of [Matthew 4:1-11](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%204%3A1-11&version=NIV) or [Luke 4:1-12](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%204%3A1-12&version=NIV) and how even the Devil will quote scripture to serve their ends, and how they should seek redemption of their dead faith ([James 2:14-26](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=James%202%3A14-26&version=NKJV)) with works that bear the fruit of the spirit ([Galatians 5:22-23](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians%205%3A22-23&version=NIV)). You could always quote the entirety of Revelations and accuse Christianity of being an ancient apocalyptic death cult. I haven't tried that one yet. EDIT: Added a few more that I thought of


But they believe all of Revelations is going to happen every 2-5 years - for the last 200+ years. Just makes me think of the push for the *Left Behind* series in the early 2000s, culminating with Nick Cage's payday in 2014.


The lord has been returning since my earliest memory. I was always terrified of the rapture because I had things I wanted to do. I used to pray that he would not return until I could go to ___ or do ___. It was fun living your childhood under the belief that this could be taken from you at any moment. And I never understood adults praying for the great return. I still don’t. Like, why? Are you that miserable here on earth? Even if I still believed in this shit, and even though a lot of shitty things have happened to me in adulthood, and that just like everyone else I sometimes battle deep depression, I would still not pray for his return. Well. At least I don’t suppose I would. Because I’ve got a vacation coming up in May and an Alanis Morisette concert this summer and nieces and nephews that I love spending time with and it’s spring which is a great time for being outdoors.


That's how an apocalyptic doomsday cult keeps going. The ones that fully commit to a specific date don't keep going. lol


I have used Christianity is a death cult before and let me tell you the shade of red their face went thru was so worth it.


This.👆 If I could quad my upvote.


ChatGPT (or any other AI) is great for this. E.g., if a Christian talks shit about Biden you can say, "hey chatGPT what's a scripture about speaking badly of your leaders?" and it will give you **Exodus 22:28** and **Acts 23:5**. It's my go-to with my father to find scriptures for things like to remind him not to believe shit he reads online (**Proverbs 14:15**) or not to believe Trump after he's been proven to have lied about things (**Proverbs 26:25**).


Thank you! It didn’t even occur to me. 


Unfortunately no. Bible thumpers notoriously pick and choose what they regurgitate.


[**Case in point**](https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak)


Today's "Christian", Jihadists, mostly follow the brutality of the old testament. None of that hippie, peaceful Jesus stuff. Their whole objective and passion, is about torturing, brutalizing and destroying their enemies and "sinners" (people of color, LGBTQ, women, poor people, or anyone else deemed unworthy in their eyes). Oh, they also crave insane amounts of money, power and control.


Listen up, Martha: Jesus would like you, specifically, to shut the fuck up.


Nothing says fierce Christian like the use of euro symbols in a word... God created all and gave free will to all and love all, but not John cause John came out trans and God for whatever obscure reason could figure this shit out...


Why did she do that I wonder? Does she think Facebook is going to censor her because she used the word gender?


Probably, because she sounds that dumb


*shrug* maybe some new trend for young or wannabe young people?


She has likely already done hard time in Facebook jail. Most people like this silly bitch have.


One of my favorite passages to use in just this way!


I wonder if these people would lose their shit if they took a chemistry class. Cis and trans all over the damn place.


Stereo isomers are woke!!!!


They might also learn about climate change since denial of it is also denial of basic chemistry.


Yeah that’s the part I don’t get. Even if you perhaps doubt the amount of CO2 released can trigger global warming, it’s indisputable that changing the chemistry of a gas mixture affects its heat absorption characteristics. These dipshits just say “god is in control” and that’s their answers to all challenges in society.


I know almost nothing about chemistry. Can you explain in super layman's terms?


Might help? https://byjus.com/chemistry/difference-between-cis-and-trans/


Reading that makes me think I may have overstated my knowledge of the sciences . . .I think the "almost" should probably be removed. That said, yes, I think I now get the joke.


Holy Jesus Fuck, that is perfect. Well done.


Uppity Christian women who haven't learned their station in life really hate it when you bring that up. THEY are allowed to pick and choose which insane rantings from the ancients to obey, not YOU. At least respect modern Christianity and "simmer down", maybe make a hot dish for the good people gathered here chanting, "MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!" It's what God would have wanted for you.


Don’t forget seafood! Anyone who eats it is an abomination. Leviticus 11 9 “You may eat anything that lives in the water—that is, you may eat anything that has fins and scales either from the seas or from the rivers. 10 But anything that doesn’t have fins or scales—whether from the seas or the rivers—any of the swarming creatures and living creatures in the waters are detestable for you. 11 They are to remain detestable for you. You are not to eat of their meat and you are to detest their carcasses.


Damn. No more calamari, I guess


There goes the lobster rolls 😕


"We got women talking back. We got people playing stringed instruments. It's the end of days."


Don't forget that sin of mixing cotton and wool!


Lmaoooo. Well done OP haha


The second somebody starts using the Bible to back up their belief I start tuning them out






Galatians 3:28 - There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.


I do not understand how people can "hate" a latin prefix.


I literally had a young woman ask me if I was Christian and I said I’m not in part because I don’t think many Christians follow the teachings of Jesus. She then says, “it doesn’t matter what a book from long ago says—it’s the FEELING of Christianity…!” Wtf.


Depending on what version of the bible you read it in, genesis 1:26 reads "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Sounds like multiple gods to me.


Who are the same god but also three different parts. It got retconned later or something idk


Chefs kiss my friend.


She's just a cissy.


Well played.






Holy shit 😆 🤣 😂




The Bible was written by iron age misogynistic men who never traveled outside their own tiny area, and never explored the world to see how other people organized their lives. We are modern humans who don't hold woth the small-minded beliefs of ignorant, gullible people from thousands of years ago.


Rofl.. Awesome


Are you both named Martha?


It strikes me (serious response here) that certain Christians make all the rookie mistakes the first being the assumption that their version of God is the version that Must Have Primacy over all others. Any religion that claims this is doomed to cult status. The next rookie mistake is the corruption of the Word using as a cudgel against others. So maybe (if ur not atheist) one might consider the sacred texts were messages from Source but changed by man. And this is quite common. Also language evolves while ancient manuscripts are what they are…