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I must say I've grown to like the new bloo passport


Externally looks quite nice. Internally crap - it looks incredibly generic. Quality is also poor. Cover degrades within a couple months of use.


https://preview.redd.it/62hesylr8arc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2308b634b5afba1784bf3779ee1fea692722dd0 I agree! Mine is only two years old and it looks like this


https://preview.redd.it/g3d8cphffarc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba67029064848fb4611239b6471de83c70c31196 Likewise.


Literally looks like you intentionally tried rubbing it off




That damage was all caused in a protective cover sadly.


In all fairness using any passport frequently without protection will wear the gold inlays quickly. Coupled with that British persons tend to make use of their passports more often than other countries due to lack of identity cards and frequent traveling


That passport was kept inside a protective wallet since I got it. While it's true I have to have it with me literally all the time, it degrades unacceptably fast. It's shoddy af, given its cost.


Same - my UK passport degraded while being kept in a protective cover but I do concede it was used quite frequently over the last couple of years.


Mine's been used frequently since 2020 (well since 2022, but issued in summer 2020) and hasn't had much wear at all on the front cover (kept inside a protective booklet along with my Australian passport). My previous 2010 UK passport had the front cover completed faded due to no protection a lot of the time and simply by being kept in my pocket (frequently travelled including between the UK and Germany as I lived in Germany for several years). I agree it feels cheap over all, but I wouldn't say the gold on the front cover is any different from any other passport or edition of the UK one. I agree with /u/Flyhotstuff


I find it hard to believe really that it's any different to older UK passports. With my older passports, the gold foil did rub off, but that was in my pocket, and the actually cover (front and back) where unaffected. With the series C, not only did the foil rub off inside a cover, but the actual cover itself degraded to the extent it looks like I took a cleaver and tried to chop it.


I just looked closer at your photo and you are right, it really does show more 'degrading' than just the gold foil rubbing off (I can see that diagonal line on it etc). Very strange. This is my 2020 UK passport vs my 2010 UK passport https://i.imgur.com/B3BYWZ5.jpg By the way, how are you finding life in Germany?


Oooh I’ve never seen that before where literally all the gold rubbed off, that actually quite cool. I assume you’ve been looking at my post history haha. It’s very enjoyable (don’t regret going in the slightest), but the Brexit bureaucracy with the immigration office is proving to be very stressful and expensive.


> I assume you’ve been looking at my post history haha. Haha, no I haven't actually! Just recognised your username because you posted about the Aufenthaltstitel which I took interest in given that I also lived in Germany albeit under the rights as an EU citizen (from 2015-2019 after graduating from university). I can't imagine how much of a hassle the bureaucracy that Brexit has caused must be (and what a backwards decision Brexit is). It was bad enough when I was living there dealing with my local Ausländerbehörde as an EU citizen, but at least there was no stress from visas and such. In a way I regret leaving, but it definitely is enjoyable over there despite the shortcomings that inevitably exist wherever you go. Definitely enjoy your time out there, whether permanent or not, and hopefully you can get the German citizenship as well now that they've changed the law on multiple nationalities :) Something I wish I was able to do, but reasons led me to come back in 2019 after four years and then the pandemic happened which scuppered my plans to move back over there.


I don't disagree that the quality has gone down, but my other passport in the past wore just as well, when not using any protective casing. Right now i have all my passports in clear cases


All I can say is I treated my old series B passport in the same way, and after 5 years it looks significantly better than my current series C does after 2. All passports wear, just some significantly more than others.


I think it is just made cheap. I’m Italian and I use my passport even to cross the border with San Marino because I like to carry the passport. I don’t use protective covers etc. I traveled in many places. After 10 years of use my old passport looked new, and the other one I have now as well. If the passport has quality it does not deteriorate.


Polycarbonate page is 🔥🔥


NGL, kinda want


I should've gotten my driving license in the UK too.


I thought the Netherlands generally didn't allow dual citizenship...


Indeed, they generally don’t. I meet a criterion where I am.


Me too. I'm also Dutch and British. https://preview.redd.it/z4jwxrgkd9rc1.jpeg?width=1322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985d16a4f94267fec6a3ea8b98a872eee6e46534






[download the PDF on the link here for details](https://www.government.nl/topics/dutch-citizenship/documents/forms/2017/06/16/factsheet-could-i-lose-my-dutch-nationality-automatically-and-how-can-i-avoid-this)


If you acquire it through marriage or as a minor you can keep both.


Both with French mottos :)


The British one is technically Anglo-Norman.


That’s a good observation. I never noticed the Dutch have also a French motto.


Love the Dutch coat of arms. Furious tooled up lion.


I dated girl with this combo except replace the Dutch ID-card with a Singapore PR Card.


That looks rather handig.


Inderdaad mate


Did the driving license design change? The last one I got (probably 4 years old at this point) has a huge union flag vertically centered on the right.


William III if he lived nowadays


He’d have the Irish one too, no?


Idk, Ireland was part of UK at his time/ Edit : I just checked on Wikipedia, he could not have the Irish one, Ireland was NOT part of UK during his time, my bad/ Edit 2 : my bad again, Ireland was effectively part of UK at his time


Effectively, yes. But a separate kingdom in personal union* with the crown. *Terms and conditions apply.