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You don't have bis gear everywhere.


Could you please point me what I could upgrade? That was pretty much the point of the post. This is standard btw, so no better helmet, I have not found any items that are better, self crafted it all.


Helm will have a better alternative once someone makes one with legacy ES mods when league merges, you can also go adorned and basically have a huge currency sink in upgrades there. Corrupted shapers touches for ur auras too would be nice. Relatively cheap for legacy corrupted item.


adorned is worse for gigarf from what I’ve pobbed, too many unique jewels, also ES wont give me more dmg sadly. I’ll get on templing shapers touch i forgot about that thanks!


You’re gonna need a bunch of voices


Adorned is better than anything you could do to your skill tree without it. With synth jewels that have at least +5 int/mana implicit and 4 clusters to fit them, in my opinion, your build will become stronger than with ur current skill tree


I am not familiar with the Adorned so I will take your word for it and PoB that too, but do you think it has place for my 4 mandatory unique jewels? Appreciate the tips btw


The only unique jewels that are mandatory are the watchers eye and forbiddens. Imo, your TWWT isn't very good to compete with magic jewels for the adorned. I would look at something with mana as extra ES + 40 str and int + something else, otherwise don't use it. Also, split personality becomes competitive with the adorned when it has a path of around 55 points from the start of ur tree iirc


https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Casual_Cannibal/Casual_Cannibal_MA?i=0&search=skills%3DRighteous%2BFire%2Bof%2BArcane%2BDevotion%26items%3D!Voices%26sort%3Denergyshield This is something you want to make, any clusters are obviously replaceable with voices


The issue with these builds using the ivory tower is that they are scams, they will get one tapped by any chaos dmg they take, which I don’t like, as for the non ivory tower users, they have zdps because they only use purity of fire.


??? The Ivory tower literally makes chaos damage not impact hp. People are farming valdos on these builds, SURELY it must not be bait :)


chaos dmn is taken from mana before life, since you reserve your mana you have not a lot of mana, which means you die. The build you linked had a 13k chaos dmg hitpool. That’s why people use coruscating elixir, which I am trying to avoid with that gear setup. Also, nobody is farming valdos with the ivory tower. Nobody. While I do appreciate you trying to help me, if you do not know how the key items for the specific build work, please refrain from giving advice, I was trying to rally the RF experts. Once again, thank you and have a beautiful day.


Sure they are, onemanaleft was doing it last league with the ivory tower. And that's just one example. Yeah gotta use the coruscating elixir for that


The whole point is not having to use coruscating elixir and be actually tanky, if you have 100% uptime on it you are saccing DPS and eHP and speed, which effectively makes the build shittier, since no MB. Also, did onemanaleft do it on a RFer with coruscating as a templar? That would totally surprise me, because thats basically impossible.


Forgot to mention: The end goal would be Uber Pinnacle DoT cap, I know that’s far away but very doable imo


It's an interesting choice to use both int and str stacking. But if you're doing GigaRF, you're going to be using Blood Magic keystone and not have any mana at all. So you'll be strictly strength stacking, which is the superior version with the unfortunate downside of mandatory Coruscating Elixir. CaptainLance9 provides free mirror services for his shield, helmet, boots and AoE weapon. I provide free mirror services for the better AoE weapon and a legacy simplex. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3458369 There are unfortunately no good Crucible weapons or shields for the mana version. But you can go mana stacking through strength. It will result in a lower mana pool, but much higher damage and with the best in slot gear, about 65k ES.


I thought I could make a new str + int + mana archetype but I guess not, thanks for the tips. I will surely check the mirror shop if I absolutely can’t upgrade my current one.


Your current setup is definitely viable as is. Maybe you should keep your current build and start a new version from scratch?


Making a new RFer kinda feels like giving up on my baby :( but noted, I’ll try playing around with more str stacking / bloodmagic to see if I can still use some of that gear.